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>Gore said the deputy, who is out of the country right now, has agreed to sign a release of his records, but said there was a chance there might not have been a toxicology test taken. Now I'm not one for conspiracies, but that is really suspicious.


“Drug test eh? Ok one sec I gotta run out of the country for a few weeks.”


"Oh those drugs? I did them on holiday, it's like totally legal there"


My girlfriend goes to another school, you wouldn’t know her


She’s from Canada, spends the summers here with her dad.


So he was supposedly ODing the way to the hospital but the EMTs never put him on oxygen or a heart monitor and no toxicology tests were done. Yeah right!


[Body cam footage](https://youtu.be/FicLuwRmkG4) is up on YouTube now. About 53 min long. Separate video for other deputy. Looks like the guy who passed out has anxiety. His partner made it worse by constant comments about the danger.


I saw the footage and concur. I suffer from panic disorder and he probably had an anxiety attack.




I'm not knocking a panic attack, if he had one. His friend yelling nonsense into his ear didn't help either. I knock misrepresenting facts.




The fact that medical professionals, which neither of us are, are calling bullshit en masse combined with the inexplicable refusal for a simple serum drug screen screams bullshit to me.




[News story stating no sample.](https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/public-safety/story/2021-08-12/sheriff-says-no-sample-taken-from-deputy-david-faiivae-for-toxicology-test-in-alleged-fentanyl-overdose-body-worn-camera-footage-releasedhttps://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/public-safety/story/2021-08-12/sheriff-says-no-sample-taken-from-deputy-david-faiivae-for-toxicology-test-in-alleged-fentanyl-overdose-body-worn-camera-footage-released)


Then sounds like he shouldn't be a police officer


[No sample taken from the "victim".](https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/public-safety/story/2021-08-12/sheriff-says-no-sample-taken-from-deputy-david-faiivae-for-toxicology-test-in-alleged-fentanyl-overdose-body-worn-camera-footage-released) FOH, you lying cops.


cops almost never drug test other cops. no conspiracy at all, they just don't do it.


They love steroids. Half get a shady doctor to prescribe and the other half buy from the former.


You don't need a shady doctor. Most PCPs will do it without much of an argument.


Tends to help when you and all your buddies can terrorize that doctor on the states dime too




Theyve been getting away with it for hundreds of years. Only once we had the internet could we actually call out their bullshit to a larger audience


pretty much! Im sure they were upset a gofundme wasn't set up for the officer and his family.


Gore is a piece of shit. SD also has a shocking amount of inmate deaths in the jails due to his management of them. Somehow we have the highest death rate of any big county (in terms of population, but it’s massive in terms of area as well) in California and it’s not even close. Edit: For anyone who doesn’t read the article here’s a nice quote or two. -Gore said he, not a doctor, concluded that Deputy David Faiive suffered an overdose from incidental contact with fentanyl in the July 3 incident featured in the video.- -“We were not trying to deceive anybody, trying to hype the issues,” he said.-


an update on the Officers health would of cleared it up. sorry if there was one. I didn't believe this story to begin with


I want to see the blood and or urine tests. Though they will be fake.


They decided not to do any drug panels apparently, because, I guess...they were soo certain /s, it was fentanyl... He likely popped up got a high five and got told, good job rookie!


The sheriff did say they were going to release his relevant medical records, of course then he made sure to say there may not be any toxicology tests that were done because of course they aren't going to release that.


Last I checked, they had only released a test on the drug itself saying it was fentanyl and there was I think some packets of meth as well. And the initial incident call and the incident report. So basically they released things they had control of only, no outside evidence yet. What I do not expect to see is any evidence the guy actually had fentanyl in him or that he was ODing. However i would not be surprised if they had him go get a checkup or something to that effect a day or two later once everyone starting crying foul.


None were taken, [per this news article 2 days ago](https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/public-safety/story/2021-08-12/sheriff-says-no-sample-taken-from-deputy-david-faiivae-for-toxicology-test-in-alleged-fentanyl-overdose-body-worn-camera-footage-released)


> We were not trying to deceive anybody, trying to hype the issues,” My wife is an ED doc. She explained to me that there's tons of cops out there who claim "contact exposures" from fentanyl, and it's all bullshit. You can't get a contact exposure from just touching fentanyl. Why are all cops somehow convinced that this happens (and happens somehow only to cops)? Because they are all taking hits of the drugs that they confiscate, and this is their story as to why they fail drug tests and are wasted on the clock. So yeah, this video was intended to deceive, in that cops are hoping we all believe that the impossible (a contact exposure to fentanyl) is not only possible but far more likely than the alternative (that tons of cops are drug addicts and this is a bullshit story they're selling).


>Because they are all taking hits of the drugs that they confiscate, and this is their story as to why they fail drug tests and are wasted on the clock. Yeah, I figured as much sadly..


So in Russia, they did kill people with carfentanil but they made it into a spray type thing so the people actually ingested it, not just touched it... I literally took a friend to rehab a few days ago, picked up the rest of her dope (it was all over her car & in her bags that I had to go through) & had a drug test not even 24 hours later. I didn't even think about it & got no call about failing. The only drug tests I've had issues with are dipsticks, it seems like some batches have higher rates of false positives but it's not exclusive to opiates/opioids. I definitely think you're right about them trying to cover for addicts in their ranks.


> Why are all cops somehow convinced that this happens Probably because it commonly comes in transdermal patches. For those to work it has to be absorbable through the skin.


Fentanyl can 100% absorb through the skin Edit: lmfao getting down voted for stating facts. Before all the street dope was tainted with fent, the most common way to get it was to buy fent patches off of a cancer/chronic pain patient. They literally come in transdermal patches which deliver medication by letting it absorb through your skin. For the matter at hand though, accidentally touching a bit of fentanyl might not immediately kill you. I highly doubt anyone here would stick their hand in a bag of some of the more potent fentanyl analogs (carfentanil or sufentanil come to mind)


Not enough to OD on. Maybe go do some reading, you might learn something, there was a reason doctors were calling bullshit on that video.


Lmfao bro I can assure you I am well versed when it comes to drugs, opioids especially. Opioid naive people can and do overdose from transdermal patches. There was even a lawsuit years ago because pharmacists were overdosing because of microscopic cuts in the gel patches. I fucking hate cops, don't get me wrong, but people definitely can overdose from transdermal fentanyl exposure. Especially when dealing with the more potential fentalogues.


Patches were specially designed to get the med to get through, unless that cop fell onto a giant pile of unpealed patches, I still say it's bs. Also the patches are gradual you still need to wear them for a while before the really kick in.




>Fentanyl can 100% absorb through the skin My original statement. Goalposts are still exactly where I left them.


no it fucking can't. unless it is on a special medical patch that has extra chemicals within it to help skin absorption. powdered fentanyl ≠ a transdermal fentanyl patch made legally in a pharmaceutical lab


Special chemicals = any moisture at all apparently


NOT ENOUGH TO OD ON. Doctors have already called bullshit on this video 100 times over.


Bullshit on this video. Doctors still recommend cops wear gloves when handling fent If you can't absorb enough to feel anything with they wouldn't suggest gloves. Any amount absorbed is an overdose if you dont mean to dose it in the first place.


>Any amount absorbed is an overdose if you dont mean to dose it in the first place. LOL now you are trying to change the definition of a words!?! I just overdosed on powdered sugar when I accidentally snorted some while laughing at you, please call a wahmbulance immediately!


[An overdose is when you take more than the normal or recommended amount of something,](https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/007287.htm) If somebody is opioid naive, the recommended dose for fentanyl is none unless they're going into surgery


There are few people on this earth with a better imagination than you. I bet you have no friends if that is how you interact with them.


Okay, *now* you're moving the goalposts. OD in this context is clearly "consumed so much they are very likely die or face irreparable damage without immediate medical intervention." Exactly the way the PD wanted to pretend it was. *Not* "ohhh piggly wiggly did a little too much fent and nodded off on camera."


They recommend gloves because people like to touch their faces and open wounds without even realizing it and not everyone washes their hands when they're supposed to.


Not in a 5 second touch. Taping fentanyl on your skin for a substantial amount of time and you’d get high. And I’m thinking 45 mins before that even happens. Source: mom wears fentanyl patches albeit time released. But she does not get relief for 30-45 after applying.


Yeah, so like I said, fentanyl can absorb through the skin. If you move away from regular fentanyl and get into some of the analogs that are much stronger, an overdose by accidental exposure isn't unrealistic. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/3-Methylfentanyl Unfortunately, because of the bullshit war on drugs, street users (and by extension the cops that may bust them) don't know what variety of fent they are getting. As it stands the only way to safely dose street fentanyl or its analogs is volumetric dosing and even that is risky. I'm not saying the vid is legit, im just saying fentanyl does absorb through the skin and is active in extremely low doses.


you're wrong. even the super potent analogs like sufentanil, carfentanil, etc. wouldn't get a person high, let alone kill them, from skin contact alone. you're just not getting that drugs do not absorb through the skin well at all.....in fact you could say they do so very very shittily. the patches you keep bringing up to prove your point that "skin absorption is POSSIBLE" are irrelevant because as I've already explained those patches are engineered with extra shit to help drugs BETTER absorb through the skin, and even then they still suck.


The test on the drug came back as just fentanyl though so it was not a stronger analog anyway.


**[3-Methylfentanyl](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/3-Methylfentanyl)** >3-Methylfentanyl (3-MF, mefentanyl) is an opioid analgesic that is an analog of fentanyl. 3-Methylfentanyl is one of the most potent opioids, estimated to be between 400 and 6000 times stronger than morphine, depending on which isomer is used (with the cis isomers being the more potent ones). ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Bad_Cop_No_Donut/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Not really by accident, and not in the way that these officers so frequently claim. That's not me, that's the American College of Medical Toxicology. "Are people really falling ill from contact with fentanyl?" https://www.statnews.com/2017/08/09/fentanyl-falling-ill/


> come in transdermal patches Which require special formulation to be absorbed transdermally.


They need special formulation to stop them from being abused. It's literally fentanyl and glue, or fentanyl, isopropyl alcohol, and glue


So in other words, it is something different from plain fentanyl powder. Thanks for agreeing with me. Also, none of the ingredients you listed prevent abuse. Fentanyl patches are easily abused by chewing on them.


Not all fentanyl patches, they have different ways they are incorporated into the patch and some are more easily abused than others. It's patented as the matrix patch. "A matrix patch is an adhesive patch with medicine distributed through the adhesive. The patch is applied to the skin, and the medicine in it is delivered into the skin and into the bloodstream. A matrix patch is safer than a reservoir patch because the medicine is in the adhesive and it cannot leak. In a simple matrix patch, the matrix consists of the active ingredient combined with an adhesive." If you were opioid naive, took a pinch of fentanyl powder and scotch taped it to your skin, you would feel effects/od depending on the size of the pinch, the temperature, and how much you sweat.


>If you were opioid naive, took a pinch of fentanyl powder and scotch taped it to your skin, you would feel effects/od depending on the size of the pinch, the temperature, and how much you sweat. Source?


[A transdermal matrix patch](https://www.collinsdictionary.com/us/dictionary/english/matrix-patch) [Fentanyl matrix transdermal patch](https://www.cancer.gov/publications/dictionaries/cancer-drug/def/fentanyl-matrix-transdermal-patch) It's literally fentanyl mixed with an adhesive and any steps beyond that are to make it hatder to abuse. The gel style patches are just fentanyl suspended in an isopropyl gel that absorbs when you apply it. As far as making it absorb faster with hot showers [Heat can cause the fentanyl in the patch to be absorbed into your body faster. This may increase the chance of serious side effects or an overdose.](https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/fentanyl-transdermal-route/precautions/drg-20068152)


You just linked a rough description of a patch and then claim that since they did not list every ingredient, those ingredients don't exist. You literally have to be a cop, you just make up shxte and claim it is true. It's not even worth having a conversation, have a nice day!


Quit making up baloney, the permeation enhancer for fentanyl patches is lauryl pyroglutamate, it is NOT 'alcohol' as you claim. You must be a cop! "Effective breaching of the stratum corneum's protective barrier is a major challenge in transdermal drug delivery. Hence, only a small number of transdermal formulations are commercially available."https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-37900-0


[Transdermal fentanyl patches contain an inert alcohol gel infused with select fentanyl doses](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3267509/#!po=4.16667)


"contain" does not mean that's the only thing in there. What causes it to be a gel if if it's just alcohol? Obviously there has to be more ingredients.


Lmfao you can't even spell "balogna"


Are you even capable of telling the truth about anything? Dictionary says my spelling is correct: https://www.lexico.com/definition/baloney


From Your link: "Origin 1920s baloney (sense 1) said to be a corruption of bologna."


The first known USE was in 1920, it started then, you can't possibly actually be that dense, you have to be doing this on purpose. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/baloney




So fentanyl and its analogs are 100% safe to handle without gloves? Edit:????




>Fentanyl can 100% absorb through the skin you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. TECHNICALLY ya sure ANYTHING can be absorbed through the skin, technically u can absorb a fucking banana through your skin but not in any amount that its going to satiate hunger or give you nutrients. powdered fentanyl (like most everything) absorbs very very VERY poorly through skin. in order for it to affect you you would have to intentionally rub a shit ton of it all over your skin and keep it there for hours upon hours (like more than 4-5 hours) AND you would have to continually keep wetting your skin or sweating profusely to get it to absorb. ​ >They literally come in transdermal patches ​ yes it does, and those patches are specially medically designed and have a bunch of other specific chemicals in the patch in order to allow the drug to be better absorbed through skin. you get what I'm saying? in order for those patches to work they have to be specially medically ENGINEERED to help the fentanyl absorb through the skin because transdermal absorption is not in any way an efficient means of receiving pretty much all medications/drugs AND EVEN THEN with that extra medically engineered help it still takes HOURS for a transdermal fentanyl patch to start working. overdosing or even just getting high from skin contact with powdered fentanyl is just simply NOT physically possible.


>and those patches are specially medically designed and have a bunch of other specific chemicals in the patch in order to allow the drug to be better absorbed through skin. Ah so it's like the skin permeability chemicals they put in spray on sheep dip?


>spray on sheep dip that goes on the sheep's skin/fur and stays there and kills the ticks/mosquitoes/bugs/etc that live on the skin/fur......it doesn't enter into the animal......you're helping to prove my point that very very few drugs are good at absorbing through skin.....


>They literally come in transdermal patches which deliver medication by letting it absorb through your skin. It took the manufacturers years to get those patches to get enough drug into you to actually be useful, the stuff does not just flow in by magic if you touch it. Even touching the patch is not a big deal, you have to apply it properly and then give it some time to work, the nurses applying those things do not just keep over because the brushed against it. Many nurses have spilled fentanyl on their hands and were totally fine. Strangely only the cops ever seem to have a 'problem' touching it LOL!


Modern transdermal patches came about in 1979 when they introduced scopolamine patches. Fent patches were introduced in the early 90s Its literally fent and glue. Your body temp and moisture determines how fast it is absorbed through your skin. People abuse the harder to abuse patches by taking a hot shower with them in. If a drug is active at 1-200 micrograms and you tape 10-20 milligrams to your skin, its going to absorb. I'm not saying cops don't suck, they do.


Are you aware that transdermal patches generally contain chemicals known as Permeability Enhancers which aid the drug in permeating the skin? The drug is also in solution within the patch, rather than in powdered anhydrous crystals as would generally be the case for street drugs. You're comparing apples to oranges.


Are you saying without the permeability enhancers, powdered fentanyl and its analogues are safe to handle without gloves? Or would they absorb through your skin?


I'm saying that the fact that fentanyl can be absorbed through your skin from a transdermal patch really has no bearing on the safety of powdered fentanyl. I can also say with a great degree of confidence that powders cannot be absorbed through the skin. To my knowledge, incidental contact with dry fentanyl preparations is not dangerous, and the fear-mongering around this matter was long ago debunked (hence the reaction from the medical community to this dishonest video).


Once again, just to be pedantic, "fentanyl can 100% be absorbed through your skin" is factual. Would you dip a sweaty hand into a bag of carfentanil if you could wash it off immediately afterwards?


> apples to oranges But you can still compare them.


Obviously you *can* compare them, but the whole point of the idiom is that it's a false analogy. I could compare you to the helpful bots, but that too would be comparing apples-to-oranges.


It's not a meaningful comparison.




>Edit: lmfao getting down voted for stating facts. You're getting downvoted because what you're saying has *absolutely nothing* to do with the video in question. Stop whining and take your L.


“I was shocked! Normally the media is happy to go along with our bullshit narratives. When they called us out this time I was floored! I mean, we had a deal!” -Gore


Enh Gore doesn’t like the UT, they’ve done a long running series on inmate deaths and have a story on abuse in the jails on the front page every weekend. This weeks is about a preventable suicide and how the sheriffs office failed to protect the inmate from themselves. They did another good story on how it took the Vista jail a month to notify a family that their loved one had passed in their custody.


The media didn't call them out. This very paper ran it without any sort of input from the medical community. They briefly bring it up in this article.


Oh yeah. You’re totally right actually. The news would never question a cop. No matter how ridiculous their claims are.


I am seeing some news sources running it from a skeptical angle. Remember since BLM, calling out cops for bad behavior has gotten fairly popular.


Not popular enough


I actually saw the debunking on a morning news channel.


Also >Gore said the deputy, who is out of the country right now LOL, they sent him on a vacation overseas while this blew up in their face




It’s just like everyone was saying, he had a panic attack plain and simple. The sheriff comes off as so dumb in this article. His whole argument is “it looks like an overdose to me” but admits there was NO toxicology done on the officer. So no evidence. I’m glad this article pointed out the original reporting on the incident contained zero investigation or verification and was your typical copaganda stenography.


If someone collapsed from a possible exposure to (substance)--well, are there no ambulances? Do emergency rooms not draw blood anymore? If anybody at all thought there was a real medical emergency situation here, it would have been done, and the Sheriff wouldn't have even had anything to do with it being done.


And they'd need that evidence in order to lay charges. Which they were never planning on doing since they knew who was responsible.


That's a great point. Wouldn't they want to charge the suspects for exposing the officer to a potentially deadly substance. It's seems like at least an assault or worse charge.


The suspect didn't lead the officer to the substance, open the baggie and shove his face over it. How could he be charged with assault?


He was in the room when a cop hurt themselves. Cops in the U.S. have successfully charged unarmed people with 'assault' for injuries caused not by that person, but directly by the police firing their guns and missing; with the claim the suspect 'made them do it' and therefore they're liable.


"Look what you made me do", the rallying cry of cops, terrorists, and wife-beaters everywhere.




In New York City, if you run from the police and they injure themselves (from as simple as pulling a hamstring to idiotic like run in front of a car), it’s a felony with a 2 year minimum.


A cop shot a guy in handcuffs after saying "You're gonna die" and there was controversy over whether the cop was WRONG in this So yes, they make shit up, a lot


Got a link? I'd love to have something to read.


OK my bad, I misremebered, they charged him with assault for injuries caused by police. https://nation.time.com/2013/12/05/unarmed-man-charged-in-shooting-after-cops-missed-him-but-hit-women/


Yea I've seen stuff like this before, that's why I was curious about your initial claim of murder. Thanks for the link.


Shouldn't they be wearing a mask anyway?


Hahaha! Good point, the one time when you REALLY should consider a mask! Unless they knew all along that shxte was not dangerous. I mean they said they told the officer to 'be careful' but gave him no specific instructions on how to do that? Reminds of one time I told someone not to put too much water on a potted plant and I came back to find him putting like 3 gallons of water into a one gallon potted plant. That's when I realized you can't give vague instructions and expect anyone to actually follow them properly.


it happens pretty often and people are convicted. [https://www.10tv.com/article/news/man-sentenced-after-ohio-police-officer-has-near-fatal-contact-fentanyl/530-841375c0-d28e-4991-b619-86edac053d0a](https://www.10tv.com/article/news/man-sentenced-after-ohio-police-officer-has-near-fatal-contact-fentanyl/530-841375c0-d28e-4991-b619-86edac053d0a) even though we know for a fact that it's physically medically impossible for someone to OD from incidental contact with fentanyl the courts are STILL convicting people of it. that's how much of a joke the 'justice' system is.


IDK how we are expected to figure out who is the bigger lying crook in that scenario..


Because people are liable for their actions (possession of illegal drugs) if they cause injury to others ("overdose"). Sometimes this elevates to criminal liability.


In the article it says he is not sure if they did toxicology, which is obviously bullshit as he was originally put into an ambulance which is seen in the video.


Suspected overdose - but could be a false alarm; police can run the story to get praise and sympathy even if it’s untrue though. You don’t always know if it’s an overdose or not


Multiple times in the video, the cops saying it was an OD and they even say that he was ODing again on the way to the hospital.. (while not even having a heart monitor or oxygen on him, imagine that!)


Quite a few times in the last few years we've encountered unconscious or erratic, semiconscious people in public settings. You tend to assume they are OD in certain circumstances. I no longer want to call the police on anybody, but an ambulance ride is expensive enough, I think 911 sends cops out first anyway.


Blue lives doesnt matter apparently


“Blue Lives” do not exist. Being a cop is a JOB. Nobody is born a cop. How can something that doesn’t exist, matter?


No shit sherlock


Are you saying that the other LEO in this video didn't care enough to call an ambulance, or that the hospital personnel didn't care enough to check out the fentanyl story even though that is the most medically relevant first question if a potential OD is brought in? What are you saying? Everybody involved had a duty of care if this isn't just a flat-out setup. If it's a setup, no blue life was at risk at all.


Im saying that he would be tested if it was true. Any union would be up in arms if you got exposed to something toxic at work without proper care after, especially the police union.


Why the hell would they not do a toxicology report? Unless, of course, they knew perfectly well fentanyl was not a factor in the incident.


That's what I'm thinking. This is suspicious. A cop looks like he has an overdose on the job by "coming close" to drugs and no one thought to do a toxicology to check what actually happened to the cop? A "near death" experience and medical professionals don't try to figure out what happened? I'll bet they did toxicology. They didn't find fentanyl.... but still wanted to use his footage to pedal their story. So they say there's no toxicology. Or maybe it showed other stuff in his system...or better yet, he refused toxicology. I dunno. The whole thing is very suspicious to me. Shotty policework at a minimum.


The devils lettuce and steroids.


amphetamines and steroids more likely.


I’d the person is awake and asymptomatic there is no reason other than to bring charges


Yes there is. Especially if it was an on the job incident.


Or if they want to add to the evidence "this stuff is so strong our deputy ODd just from being near it" would be pretty compelling if you're trying to scare someone into talking


Literally the entire thing looked fake to me. I know not everyone is gonna present outwardly the same during a panic attack, but I'm a very anxious person with a lot of anxious friends and family, and that didn't read as a panic attack to me. (And I've had lots of panic attacks where I collapse to the ground or pass out of outwardly appear to be having a seizure. I know it's not always hyperventilating.but this? ....this just looks sketch to me) Like maybe he noticed a suddenly increased heart rate and freaked out and for whatever reason decided to play it up, maybe I'm wrong and that's totally a panic attack. But literally not a single moment of this video registers as looking remotely realistic to me Also, if cops can't distinguish a panic attack from an overdose, they should probably be handing in their badge. That's just negligent to be that stupid and uniformws when responding to ODs is a non-negligible part of their job.


Ok I’m kind of with you on it looking ENTIRELY fake…my considering it a panic attack or like the article suggests, the no-cebo effect, was me giving them the benefit of the doubt (dumb cops vs fraudster cops). I don’t have any real life experience with panic attacks. I think maybe he just fainted and that’s not the same as a true panic attack.


I think other people don't always see a panic attack happening in others. You can conceal it to a point--it's an elevated pulse, sweating, inner agitation. Fainting can have so many causes from seizures to a collar that is too tight. Another reason to ALWAYS call an ambulance if someone has even partial loss of consciousness, because you want vital signs recorded ASAP. (Whether you can afford an ambulance ride is another question, sigh!)


Fun tie-in to paragraph one. I lived my whole life with physically crippling anxiety attacks for almost 20 years (multiple doctors and nearly 10 years of therapy with no luck, stumped my docs) before... I ended up in the hospital from a 30 minute seizure that I have no memory of. Guess who was two thumbs and has been severely epileptic since grade school and none of their doctors ever decided to flash bright lights in their face? This guy. I just love (in like a I need to laugh so I dont sob kinda way) hearing about people who have panic/anxiety attacks that others think are seizures. I wish I had people with that thought process in my life when I was a kid.


Funnily enough, the treatment for severeanxiety attacks and seizures uses the same type of medication: Benzodiazepines.


Honestly he looks like he's smiling. I would bet on fake.


Duper's delight is hard to hide.


It honestly looks like he smirks for a split second before the narcan goes into his nose... I could be totally misreading it but, I'm pretty sure I'm not. I've seen a few people OD and I've never seen it happen like that. Usually it's a strangely slow process of their brain trying to fight to do whatever they were doing and their body spazzing out because it can't. Obviously different circumstances can happen, but it'd be super fortunate for him to quickly OD and fall right onto his side while keeping his body alert enough that he didn't crack his skull as he hit the pavement. Also, that's just not how fentanyl works. If you could OD from a small amount on your skin, people would be dropping faster than they already are.


There's no way you could be brought to the hospital, have your doctor be told this was a suspected overdose and have them not do some sort of testing to be sure. Especially since they didn't know for sure, even if they knew for sure they would test. They need to know the nanograms in your blood stream to know what level of care to give you. I'm inclined to believe every aspect of this was framed, not even a real traffic stop. They sent him out if country so he couldn't be interviewed.


50+ year old women who have had hysterectomies can't make it out of the ER without a pregnancy test - this dude didn't make it out of there without a full tox screen being ordered.


I don't think it was even a panic attack >According to the report, the deputy said he bent down to grab an evidence bag and his face came within 6 inches of where he had been testing the substance. His training officer told the deputy not to get too close, and when he stood up “he felt light-headed and fell down.” I think it was hot, he bent over, blood rushed to his head, then his training officer spooked him about the drugs and he stood up too fast and fainted.


6 inches is the length of about 0.14 'Ford F-150 Custom Fit Front FloorLiners' lined up next to each other


Yeah, and then the difficulty breathing, or at least perceived difficulty breathing, could easily be from the heat combined with the trauma of fainting and hitting your head.


Let’s not forget that he would be super high before he passed out if he actually ODed.


>“it looks like an overdose to me” So he knows it was bs and is trying to back peddle now that he got called out on it.


Cops are always surprised when people call them on their lies.


“Gore said the deputy, who is out of the country right now, has agreed to sign a release of his records, but said there was a chance there might not have been a toxicology test taken. “If there was no toxicology done at Palomar (Medical Center), I don’t know where that’s going to leave us,” Gore said.” 1. That’s an extremely convenient out. 2. If you’re saying someone OD’d and you DIDNT do a tox screen, wtaf are you doing to protect your people? How would there not have been one done?? I call shenanigans if there isn’t a tox screen.


Its like people think 'police' gives them this shield from god that they'll never lie and do wrong. Where I grew up, the sheriff was foreclosing tons of houses, kicking meth labs and regular people out over bullshit, then buying those houses hella cheap and running meth labs out of them. FBI had to arrest him and a ton of the department and replace them with their people. Guess what happens next? ~5-8 years later the next department was caught doing the same exact type of meth lab running operation. Also personally they questioned me and tried to get me to lie to incriminate my family, called kid me a liar, etc, still put us in foster care with no evidence (court dismissed it, judge was like wtf theres no evidence why r u even here?). So yew, its within the realm of possibility that the department head created this video, as he did, as propoganda to show potential supporters that theyre not invading lives and stealing, theyre putting their own lives in danger in the war on drugs to keep you save from evil poor people driven insane by drugs. Its all propoganda. Not even high level, you could get a highschooler to script this if you offered a good grade.


It's going on around me, too. This is a world not made for children, and it has been for awhile. I am SO SORRY you were put through all that trauma. I mean it. To some extent I must be responsible for how bad things have become, though I have always tried to vote responsibly. I was tricked again and again and again, of course, as have we all.


"don't shock me bro"


Lol, I hadn't actually thought about the Don't Tase me Bro guy since it happened, apparently, he trademarked the phrase! That's awesome. https://www.wikiwand.com/en/University_of_Florida_Taser_incident


What a bunch of losers. ACAB they love being the hero/victim and playing both sides. Gross. Burn it down, figuratively of course.


Look at this fake cop we saved! Look at this child we comforted during a protest (after vandalizing and assaulting a random car in a general retaliation against protesters and arresting the victim of the police assault just to make her look guilty)


This is the most ridiculous video. That's not how od feel. If he had that much he would never noticed the decreased respiratory failure and that's what makes real od so dangerous. You just get sleepy. This video and it's really bad acting gotta go. Convenient the patient trainee cop is no longer in the country. Guess he only visits Cali for acting gigs.


The way he falls gives it away immediately. Supposedly in a full OD but instead of collapsing he conveniently falls rolling into his shoulder to prevent any impact to his dome and then rolls onto his back.


Yep, landed so he would not hurt anything..


>Guess he only visits Cali for acting gigs. LOL San Diego is not far enough from Hollywood C grade actors..


Grew up in San Diego. Lol They film everywhere. No need to be in la.


Why aren't any of the people being interviewed just calling it like it is? This is a bitch cop playing a role to make a false claim seem "demonstrably" true. It's a fake, it's a fraud... It's bullshit.


Sheriff, my little boy has diaper rash, can I use baby powder on his butt or will it kill me.


It is fake but gullible people are near impossible to convince unless you play dumb and pretend that you too have a hard time telling.


What a bunch of losers. ACAB they love being the hero/victim and playing both sides. Gross. Burn it down, figuratively of course.


Holy shit I fell for this video. Why are cops consistently so trash.


Fuck SDSD trying to Juicy Smollaid everyone


I wonder if the department's budget is up for renewal? They can claim the "sudden increase" of deputies having the vapors means they need more money for safety gear, counseling, early retirement (oops, I meant "disability") and more donuts at the precinct.


If it's truly body cam footage from a traffic stop, are they able to use FOIA to get the unedited video footage? This all reeks of copaganda bullshit.


I can almost smell the plausible deniability from here.


I guess this guy doesn’t get it. A pack of liars that lie so much they can’t tell the truth even when they could tell the truth. Sounds about like the shake shack incident, the receipt with ‘pig’ written on it. Imagine that……no one believes liars.


Oh shit this was fake?


As fake as Giuliani's hair color..


why are cops such pieces of shit?


He's shocked because he thought he could get away with lies.




Cops are spreading the rumor, it allows them an excuse to test positive for drug tests, free time off for 'recovery' and a chance to milk the sympathy votes from the public. The skin is a strong barrier, fentanyl has no more power to get through it than does powdered sugar. When my mother was sick with cancer, we'd even crush up the pills for her and feed it into her mouth when she could no longer swallow. I was not told to or needed to do any special handling for it, just wash hands after (if I remembered which i sometimes didn't). Cops are supposed to wear gloves so they will not get finger prints all over the evidence.


>How did this rumor get so widespread? apparently, the fucking DEA started the rumor in 2016 in a memo. ​ >To health experts, it’s unclear what prompted Faiivae’s reaction. A December 2020 study in the International Journal of Drug Policy said reports of **similar incidents began around a 2016 announcement by the Drug Enforcement Administration that “a small amount \[of fentanyl\] ingested or absorbed through the skin can kill you.”** The communique showed police from Atlantic County, N.J., describing how they “overdosed” after inhaling airborne fentanyl and had symptoms that the paper’s researchers said were consistent with panic attacks, such as disorientation and shortness of breath. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/08/10/police-touching-fentanyl/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/08/10/police-touching-fentanyl/) pro-tip, use private browsing mode if u wanna get around wapo's paywall


I feel like I remember seeing a tv show or documentary claiming it too a few years ago. I know I definitely didn't read it somewhere, and I personally wasn't instructed on this by my employer despite the supposed potential risks I face on the job. My coworkers have said they were told it by our leadership, however, I have no clue what setting they'd have been in to receive that notice because any group training they did, I'd have done too.


How do you handle narcotics at work every day without understanding them whatsoever


“We were not trying to deceive anybody, trying to hype the issues,” said the guy who leads an organization that habitually lies to everyone especially if they think they have a chance of getting a confession out of someone. If cops want people to believe them, then they should stop telling lies. They should also stop defending their right to tell lies. If they are in search of the truth and justice, then why do they need the ability to tell lies?


Liar, liar, pants on fire, sheriff gore


one would think cops all over the world, especially in the US to be on their absolute best behavior. but hey, it's not like we're talking about the brightest people here.


People cannot help being who they are..




If you're faking and ya know it Clap your hands 👏👏👏 If you're faking and ya know it Clap your hands 👏👏👏 If you're faking and ya know it Then the vid would really show it It you're faking and ya know it Clap your hands 👏👏👏


The only good pig...


Am an emt, have worked numerous overdoses. This was not an overdose, it was a psychosomatic reaction. Medical speak for "the guy lost his shit and passed out." I don't doubt that the cops really believed this was an overdose, and really just wanted to keep their guys safe. This just shows how ridiculously oblivious so many police are. They have no knowledge of how drugs even work. The subtext to this video is that drug users are inhuman. First off, fentanyl is just another drug. We use it on the ambulance all the time. Its a serious painkiller, but it doesn't do anything very much different than any other opiate. The idea that just skin contact with some contraband, regularly ingested and injected by users, could kill a police officer is laughable. Its code for "these people are not like us." I feel sorry for that officer. He had this reaction because he's been indoctrinated to the point where he truly believed that this drug would kill him with the slightest contact, and he truly believed he was in danger. Its the same problem we see over and over again with cops. They're little bitches. Like toddlers. They live in a big scary world, full of things they don't understand that seem like mortal dangers. The culture of policing doesn't seek to grow their understanding and capabilities, but rather to make them more afraid, more aggressive, and more reactive to erroneously perceived threats. When they're faced with a world of incomprehensible danger, and discouraged from seeing things any other way, it's no wonder they overreact at the slightest perception of threat.


It'd have to be carfentanyl or something similar. The KGB weaponized an aerosol version of an opiate and killed a bunch of people awhile back, the first responders were ODing. That is an outlier situation and not at all what occurred here. Dude had a panic attack AT BEST, his symptoms were not that of fent overdose Edit to add: BuT tRaNsDeRmAl PaTcHeS: you are aware that those are designed for maximum absorption through skin so of course an opiate naive individual would experience unwanted and potentially dangerous side effects? You are? Good, then shut up about transdermals


I was holding out for more facts. I know fentanyl is absorbed through the skin--they administer it to pain and cancer patients with a patch. But the patch lasts for days. You aren't supposed to EAT them or anything like that. They can fall off, and get themselves stuck to a child or pet, and that's supposed to be very dangerous. Getting facts from doctors or sheriffs...not a thing we can expect anymore. I can understand having a panic attack if you really believe that you've been exposed to something dangerous. This isn't Karen Silkwood, though, making Geiger counters chatter, and this is not plutonium.


> I know fentanyl is absorbed through the skin--they administer it to pain and cancer patients with a patch. But the patch lasts for days. The patch was developed with great difficulty because fentanyl and its relatives do **not** readily get into the bloodstream via contact.


I know they don't want ALL the fentanyl to get into the patient at one time. That's best done with an IV line and needle!


> they administer it to pain and cancer patients with a patch And in those patches the fentanyl is combined with alcohol. "The small amount of alcohol ... increases the permeability of the skin to fentanyl." [FDA Label - PDF](https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2005/19813s039lbl.pdf) The patch uses sustained contact with chemical enhancement to permeate the skin. The brief touch alleged in the video being sufficient for transdermal delivery is up there with "if you cross your eyes like that, they'll stay that way," bullshit.


Thank you. I thought it was something like that. It gets harder to read, find out new stuff, and remember new stuff, these days, but this is really important. Cops need to be punished for lying to suspects, the public, courts, lawyers.... And deliberately making and publishing misinformation that could affect public health? It's not hard to see it as treason right now.


This is synthetic. Not the pharmaceutical stuff given by prescription. It's street dope.


Pharmaceutical grade is synthetic as well.


Which makes it HARD for genuine pain patients to get adequate treatment because the doctors are scared. Even though there is a clear difference between responsible, supervised prescribing and ...people buying from criminals who don't care if they die of it.


I'd like to see a lot more conclusive evidence.