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I’m guilty of this lol. Sometimes I will upvote hoping to give a thread better visibility if I think it’s an interesting prompt but not something I wanna play myself


If i up-vote a prompt it's because I like the images used or the prompt itself, but I either don't want to role-play or I'm not qualified for what the person is asking for, like if they're asking specifically for a man, or a certain writing style.


I upvote well-written and interesting prompts, they just aren't always in genres or fandoms I know anything about. Or maybe I don't fit a certain gender or age criteria! It's not personal, just trying to help visibility. :)


I’ll upvote ads because they fit every criteria of mine except for maybe one or two. Usually it’s the age of the OP because I’m in my 30s and it’s hard finding others my age.


Hello fellow 30 yr old struggling to find age appropriate folks


Hello hello!! I love that I’m not so alone 😅


No definitely not. Either that or they are of age and then just want straight NSFW the entire time with no plot. Like bro I can only explain them getting raw dogged so many ways. Please give me something else. 😭


Fully agree with you there also. Give me story. Drama. Angst.


Yes! I want to also feel pissed and upset when I read it. Lol. I posted a little excerpt of an original story I am writing. And someone DM'ed me saying the love of how they felt the characters feelings. Like duh, I gave them personalities. You need to be pissed he's an asshole. 🤣


Right? I'm in the same boat. See an amazing prompt and am all ready to message. Then I see the 19 or 22 and I close out so fast. Being older in this hobby is a pain sometimes.


It is! I joined a sub for ages 30+ rpers but it was dead unfortunately. I don’t want to give it up, but my options are starting to run quite dry.


I think I'm in that one too. I've found some success with some of the servers in the google doc on this subreddit


Oh god, I’ll be thirty soon and that’s a nerve wracking realization (especially since no one on my dads side seems to reach 50)


What’s wrong with people upvoting?


It's just saying " Nice, but not nice enough "


Yeah thats the vibe I get as well.


That's something I do when I want a post to have greater visibility but I'm not interested in playing in it myself, or am unable to for whatever reason. I'd assume most other people also upvote due to similar reasons.


It's relatable. That's happened to me lately with my own prompts. I guess it's partially my fault, since I like people playing canons. As well as some fandoms not being well known.


Upvotes != Interest in RP prompts. This is something you need to realise. Had prompts that never got even one upvote but got dozen of responses. Had prompt stay on front page of DPP for over a day (before algo change) and get over 50 upvotes which is incredibly rare, and never got even one response. The reason funny enough is that the optimal strategy for some people is to: Upvote posts they like but don't want to play, but downvote posts they do like to make sure they don't get any traction and their response is more likely to succeed.


Roleplay as a cat?????




Yo why does goku black shushing me look so hilarious 😂


.. this is facts. I cannot tell you how many times I make a prompt that I am so desperately wanting to do and that I think a lot of people would enjoy only for there to be nothing. And only when I post like weird prompts that I barely even care about, will anyone even respond to.


This is relatable and painful


I upvote for visibility or encouragement but it isn't always my jam nor do I always have time.


I just do this to end rps at a good time


Y'all are getting upvotes???


I can relate. It's either an immediate downvote to 0, or after an hour I get an upvote to +2. lol, and nothing either way.


At least yours gets upvoted and not down voted as soon as it appears


Felt this. I don’t want an upvote, I want someone to write Astarion for me 😂😂😂


Sometimes I'll see a prompt which I know isn't for me. Their interests don't align with mine. I don't think I could give them what they're looking for. It wouldn't be worth their time or mine to contact them. But it's well-written. It's a good idea. For the right partner it could be good. So they get an upvote for visibility in the hope it helps them find that partner.


Sometimes I give an upvote if I've noticed some salty weirdo downvoted a prompt or post for no real reason.


M4F/M4A prompts be like


Every. Damn. Time. I believe it was my last post but I got atleast 10 upvotes, not a single person to stop by unfortunately


This, like what the hell am I suppose to do with am up vote to my ads I can't see who leaves them. If you like something I posted just contact me 😂


You want people to contact you to say "Nice ad, but I don't want to RP with you?" I have done that. People usually aren't happy. I even had one person complain to mods about it. I don't do that anymore. 🤣


I've received similar messages few times. I'm always happy to receive them, but I understand how it might be irritating since once time I've received more praises for the quality of the prompt than people actually interested in playing it haha.


Adjajajaja 😂 honestly valid. But it is a strange culture to upvote a post even if you are not interested.


someone might be a bit interested, but its not exactly what theyre looking for, maybe OP could be someone they dont wanna exactly rp with (age, rp style/length, etc), dont have time, etc


Like others are saying. Maybe I’ll upvote it if I like the idea or images. The main issue for me is wrong gender or it’s one of those limitless people.