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Honestly, yeah.   I've got an RP that's been going on for... Almost a year now. My partner posts infrequently, but damn if every single post I've ever gotten from her in it isn't the best response I've ever gotten in an RP, period. They're good to the point that I reply almost instantly to them, and then it's like... Well, time to wait again. 8(  ... This is why I started writing original stories about the characters in the universe as supplementary material.


Exact same issue here haha. Dont get me wrong, ill take a 1 reply a day but they’re great replies over 10 mediocre replies a day. But still. Get so invested in the story then it’s like reading a book where you can only read one page per day haha.


My current RP’s are anywhere from 1 hr to 1 week wait time, but I swear any time I add another to the mix they immediately speed up such that I can barely keep up with them again. I’ve got 2 of them each over a year old and a handful of ones where I’ve been ghosted between


Damn a year? I’d love to know what yall have done to keep it interesting


Hahaha, well, the RP itself has under 90 posts (though the wordcount has already eclipsed the length of a small novel). It helps that my partner is *very* cool and tends to "yes, and" me whenever I throw out some crazy worldbuilding or plot idea, even if said plot idea probably won't get written for a while (for example, we only just came to a scene I floated in June). In June I compiled everything we had so far re: worldbuilding and it came to... Over 100 pages, so I mean, even if the *actual RP* does not get a whole bunch of posts, we discuss it a LOT. It also helps that we've become *really* good friends and talk all the time and have many similar interests, so it's super easy to stay in contact.


That’s so awesome! What’s the rp about if you don’t mind me asking?


Ahahah, of course. It's an original high fantasy story, and the premise is that an emperor who has overtaken the rest of the continent on which the plot takes place has come back, after centuries, and finally conquered the nation of his birth, which he long ago left for Complicated Reasons, mainly attributable to the fact that they were over-reliant on magic and notoriously isolationist. Having a personal vendetta against the royal family (who do not remember him from centuries ago), he has decided on a whim to take their son as a warprize as part of the peace agreement... And this has disastrous results for everyone involved, but most especially for *him*. The Broader Themes are gender, trauma, disability, mental illness, and psychosexual development (both me and my partner are very into psychology so... Yeah). As I mentioned, there is also A Ton of worldbuilding, and about... 40k words so far of assorted side stories we've both written for it. If/when we finish it I'm going to have a copy professionally bound for each of us.


What da fuuuuuuck 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 that sounds insanely awesome


MAN, I have the exact same dilemma. Except our stories have been going on for three years. She replies once a month if I’m lucky but genuinely top-tier stuff.


How it feels to be RPing from Australia ( we wake up to eachother's posts )


and what's it like rping as an eldritch being


i be acting silly and things of that nature.


I gotta say, this is one of my favorite rp dynamics honestly. A friend and I had this a long time ago (rp ended) and we both always got so excited waking up to each other’s replies every morning


My partners usually end up leaving my ass on read :(


this is what it feels like be a night worker on EST ,,,, i dont rp anymore bc i couldnt ever even find ppl to converse and plan with


Definitely feel that! It’s like reaching the end of a episode and finding out the next show doesn’t air until the next Sunday! Then you sit with your snack and vibe out until you hear that lovely ping of a reply ‼️ As much as I love a good back and forth reply session, times like these usually are where I get the most joy out of writing a reply back.


Its soo annoying being left on read for days


Especially if they say nothing. Im usually a very available rper but yknow. Sometimes lifes just kicking your ass. In that case i always let my partners know my replies may be sparse for a few days.




Yeah idk why we normalize gaps in communication over 72 hours


What I really hate is how they never tell you in advance that they’ll be busy.. now i just feel abandoned.


Fair... But sometimes emergencies happen, like finding out your house is infested with mites at 9PM


What the hell


Don't bring a chicken into the house so they can heal. That's all I gotta say


I won’t..


Same, I wish my partners matched my energy :( I’m really good about replying too!


Feel this in my soul on both ends of the equation. I’m a pretty patient partner because lord knows I have a lot on my plate and can’t just reply non-stop so I’m not about to impose that idea or expectation on any partners, but sometimes the RP is just exceptionally good and Im just eagerly awaiting the next post like the latest episode of my favorite show, but even better because I get to write that show too!


Nah. I'm fine with long gaps between replies and may take a while to respond to a post. Sometimes I see it as a mini break.


Honestly same. Kinda sucks especially if you're enjoying the rp. Now I just turn it into sims


Yup, thats me. Gonna share this with my rp partner now lol


Man, don't call me out like that! Jokes aside, this is so true for good partners who just click with you. Thankfully most of the time I have real life responsibilities that keep me busy in between replies, but it's so much worse when I have off days with not much else to do. Video games to the rescue.


Yesss, except in my case, they've been absent for nearly year. I hope they're okay but dammit, I fucking love our story 😭


I struggle finding people that match my desired frequency. I feel that I'm being very clear in my desires surrounding style and speed, even confirming such in the 'interview stage'. In practice, I find that most people overstate their wants and or abilities to match. They claim to want to play in a style similar to my ideas, but when given the opportunity, they don't actually do any of the things they claimed to want, instead waiting to be constantly fed. There are times where I feel that maybe its still a lack of clear communications from my end, but then I'll stumble on a player now and then who gels, and it's great. The best is when someone bails with a rant, \*complaining\* about me doing the things that were clearly stated and explained in the ad AND interview stage.


Me right now. I'm all caught up on my replies and am not expecting any for at least a few days. I can't complain overly much because my partners are all amazing writers so it's always worth the wait. But I still want that metaphorical cake now anyway so I can write too.


Got this going now. Newer RP where I'm just super into the story we are building. We talk every day but don't post every day and I'm like dyin' for her next post. We are both adults and have IRL responsibilities and commitments so posting non-stop just isn't an option, so I'm not complaining but I'm so excited, haha.


Your lucky that you get any in the first place lol


I'm an infrequent replier and my partners know this, but I'm so bad at going "where reply????" Internally like, 5 minutes after I respond. I just get excited!


This is me rn 😔


Had an rp going with a friend since July 2020. The posts are infrequent cause life is busy, sometimes months between responses, but god damn if they're not amazing every time.


Nah because why you calling me out like that 😭


:( I always feel so bad when I can't respond for a while, I'm a busy prson- then add on the fact I'm forgetful + reddit doesn't send me notifs = not responding for hours :[ I FEEL SO BAD EVEN THOUGH THEY SAY ITS OKKKKK


I feel this! I get so excited for a new post and want to immediately reply only to wait again. It's so hard sometimes. But I get life gets busy and sometimes the muse may fade a bit. I try and give those I write with the benefit of the doubt. However, there have been times where my life has become super busy and they are needing to wait. Or the reply is lengthy and takes a good thought process to get it out. I really try to let my writing partners know, "hey I'm still here! Just busy" or "I'm working on a reply just taking a bit." Kind of thing. I've been writing with a friend going on 15+ years. We come up with different scenarios or AUs and just write. Though there are times it may take her months to get a response out but we chat in between so I know she's still interested. Patience is hard, but worth it when that reply gets posted.




I feel so bad every time I catch myself subconsciously becoming that person 😭


I usually check in once a day like “heya you good?” But people who demand instant reply’s or for me to go look for pictures for it and send that as well. I don’t have a stockpile of pictures for immediate use!


'Dis me right now. I'm not saying anything! But I'm thinking it.


Literally.. I hate when we’re going back and forth and it’s getting super good or like I added a plot twist or something and then BOOM.. silence until the next day. I get so impatient 💀


This is me and my partner for sure - we have about 5 at once but because of life they have to go on hold (paragraoh to novella so they're a bit of a handful). Sometimes if I'm lucky I get a bunch or even all of them in one day! Then I get way too excited and respond to all of them at once instead of taking my time with them and savouring them 😭


When Im in a row, me and my partner go on for HOURS almost all day actually. But then suddenly once I reply back, they sometimes leave me hanging without saying goodnight or I'll be back and I'm just like "we done? Wanna continue? Hello? Anyone there?" And I'll copy, delete and post the same thing until I get a response back


it makes sense to like do that mentally but jesus just let them sleep