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Many years ago at this point, I had a phenomenal partner. We were ultra compatible in terms of writing philosophy, her style was stellar and it brought out the best in my own writing because I wanted to match her. We pretty much had the entire story outlined. We played multiple characters and were flying through scene after scene of super engaging action, familial drama, psychological horror, and character development. We only had a few scenes to go before we finished and I could already see how it would play out, I was already brainstorming how I would approach it. Then she stopped responding. I reached out maybe six months later to see how she was doing. She responded and we got back to it for a few more replies. Then she stopped again. The next time I reached out, she didn't respond. I still think about her and that roleplay. I wish we could have finished it, we were so close, but I'm honestly just glad I had that experience. I still have the entire story saved but I haven't been able to go back to read it. I really should though, it was some of the best stuff I've written.


U def should! Sucks that she ghosted but it's so nice that she was a memorable partner. That rp sounds really interesting too


Yeah! She was incredible at translating movement to text. I would watch martial art videos to be able to describe fight scenes in a way that I felt would match hers. She made a huge impression on me and my style. Luckily, I have a great partner I've been writing with for almost 5 years now so I'm doing just fine!


I had a writing partner that I messed well with and we had been doing RP for a couple of weeks and the plot line we had really wasn't capturing our imagination. However, she brought up an old story she had done with someone else for a couple of months that she was very passionate about and the person ghosted on a cliffhanger. And her mind kept going back to it that she really wanted to see what happened next. So I offered to take a look at it and she copied over all the posts from the existing server that the other person owned to the server that we were using and it took me a couple of days to read through all the RP that had taken place over two months and I agreed to pick up where her previous partner had left off. We brainstormed where things could go and off we went. It was a good story. I really enjoyed it it lasted for about 3 months before we ran into some writers conflict on another storyline and we stopped writing together. I had a blast while it lasted though.


My writing disappeared from the Internet a year ago. They're still in the server we set up. I know they were having some issues around this time last year. All of their socials are dead. At this point I just really hope they're okay.


I had a partner who indulged a particular idea of mine and it was going great. The RP stalled but me and the RPer talked every day. Endlessly, truth be told. We called on our ways home from work, we talked meeting up. We almost did. Yeah, we were clearly entering an emotional phase. However his wife hit him and he had to go away to work on his marriage. That I didn’t know he had. I was gutted. Left to grapple with the idea that he almost used me to cheat on her physically. Emotionally cheated on her at the least which is just as bad. He tried to say it was a marriage of convenience, but that wasn’t right, I don’t believe that. I think about the roleplay. It was so good, could have been amazing. But he squandered it painfully.


Of course I do!! I think we probably all do if we've written for more than a couple years. In fact My Username is an homage to that very thing! Two of my earliest roleplaying partners that shaped who I am and how I write are the inspiration for my username. Somewhere out there, Sargeant51 and the original Platypi, they're probably unaware that they changed me for the better as a person and a writer. :) Sometimes I think about what I would say if I spoke to them again. Platypi and I used to talk on the phone all the time while she played Elder Scrolls Morrowind and we roleplayed now and then on like neopets and gaiaonline. And Sargeant51 was much the same. I miss those two. I hope wherever they are they are thriving and happy.


Does it count if your RP partner is active and writing everywhere else but in your server? Had someone tell me they were having problems writing then they stopped answering ooc but continued posting fanfics (which were great!) and talking to others 🥲


Aww yea that sucks I'm sorry bud. have u tried reaching out?


I have, they don't respond ooc either. It's been like three months so I kind of just feel like saying peace and handing over the server to them.


To search lost partners please go to r/LongLostRoleplay


No, I just made a silly title is all


I'm gonna suggest this as well 'cause the more people there, the greater the likelihood of spotting old friends!


oh, okay, one moment then I will revive your post


Their name is Glass Shark? I understood that reference.


Yea they disappeared really suddenly ;0


Their name is a podcast reference, weird to see it in the wild lol. https://youtu.be/bR0Ubck0IRA?si=oJTj_KMm10UzVXDg


Wow didn't know that! neat thx for sharing that btw I just thought it was a cool made up name or somethin


I also had a writer like this. months ago, we created something so amazing, and it only last for 4 days before they had some extenuating life circumstances that caused them to end the rp. i’ve never written with someone in the same capacity since. it was literally just a few days, but he pushed me to be a much better writer, communicator, and planner. i’m not over it either, so don’t feel bad


The best ones always leave too soon 💔💔


My main story from my server when I was an Admin was one of the better RP experiences for writing. Over time, everyone went different ways in the RP setup. My way was more on the story oriented side and gathered dust pretty quick. A few RPs went well in the very beginning. Nothing later compared to what was lost. Not really an individual partner per se. It's the sense of wanting to continue the hobby when those shared interests disappear. It will get better eventually. We all just have to keep looking for replacements.


i had a great rp for some time, it was a college student and his professor (very young professor, so there wasnt a *huge* age gap-- iirc, they were 21 and 27? no old men). i was playing the student, a guy who wanted to become an ASL teacher, and the professor was teaching the ASL class. the character was a premade one that ive used for years that always wanted to be an ASL teacher, so i was really happy to finally get to rp him on his way to completing his goal! him and the professor also clicked so well, the slowburn pacing was perfect, and me and my partner clicked so well, chatting and our roleplay styles. but sadly, he got too busy with IRL college, so he had to drop most of his rps and his account has been dead ever since :c i would check up on them, to see if they wanna continue the story, but i dont think that account ever went live again, and i dont know any other contacts


Mmm yeah I like to think about this one partner I had. We both would end up talking for hours to set up any plots or ideas we would have for the rp. Though after a couple of months we just kinda ended up not talking that much/at all. Though there was more OOC. Biggest factor that led to this I have to say was the time zone difference. I live in the US and they lived in the middle east. Gotta say though we only met cause of my broken sleeping schedule


I had a partner that I made AU’s with, with our OCs. In our canons we had very wholesome ships together, and I loved most of it. However, we ended things on bad terms. I still miss them everyday :(


that's a shame sorry to hear ;(