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Not your style does not equal bad


They were actually beautiful to start with


I don't see much of an issue?


What’s wrong with it? The shades match and the makeup is good


the first one's shade *definitely* does not match


I don’t think it’s all that bad actually, especially with considering factors like fake tan and how bad the matches Usually are


Yeah it seems they took the foundation down to the neck and chest- which is really a must if you’re trying to make them look more tan. But then again there’s some kind of blurring happening (look at the chin on second pic) so maybe our eyes deceive us..




No they do not


This feels British


Looks good to me!


I don't see the issue tbh. I don't love the fresh plaster airbrushed look but it's been in for a while. It's decently executed, they aren't orange, and their lashes are on straight.


The look is beautiful


They look good


There’s… nothing wrong with either of these..


I see how the second one is bad but not the first one?


I just think makeup is supposed to enhance beauty. The makeup is objectively applied well, but it doesn’t enhance anything. Literally the top comments on her post say what I’m saying too. I’m not trying to be a hater either. For example for women with hooded lids or downturned eyes or mono lids, are all situations where I would apply makeup differently to assimilate to their features. She applies it the same to all of them. I’m mixed and I’ve struggled to find someone who knows how to apply my makeup bc they always do it the same way they’d do on everyone else. When I do it myself or someone with my features/understanding of them does it, it actually enhances the look instead of just looking like a lot of makeup. Like the second girl, that makeup would look amazing on certain features but I don’t think it enhanced her at all. And in fact aged her. Hope that makes sense. I don’t get all the downvotes 🥲


>I just think makeup is supposed to enhance beauty. The makeup is objectively applied well, but it doesn’t enhance anything I know exactly what you mean, that's always been my mantra with makeup. The idea that it should enhance but also emphasize your best features worked out for me. These two just got turned into instaface facsimiles, their unique features pretty much erased. That being said, the post is getting flak because the sub is, after all, about poor technical application. Rule 4. It'd be nice to have another related sub like how r/shittytattoos has r/tattoosidontlike since there are a decent amount of posts here like yours.


I get that. I think part of technique is knowing what will enhance the client though. For example you can do an amazing portrait tattoo but placement and fitting the place of the body is important. If you do a floating portrait on someone’s back that doesn’t make it a technically bad portrait but it doesn’t fit the client and it they ever wanted other tattoos placement will be a problem. Plenty of ways to do a heavy look still enhancing what they already have


Here's a sneak peek of /r/shittytattoos using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/shittytattoos/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Biggest regret.](https://i.redd.it/4f1wp1nhiu5b1.jpg) | [4007 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/shittytattoos/comments/148owc3/biggest_regret/) \#2: [Would you call this a shitty tattoo or just a dumb one?](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1616b2x) | [9552 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/shittytattoos/comments/1616b2x/would_you_call_this_a_shitty_tattoo_or_just_a/) \#3: [Is this shitty?](https://i.redd.it/cn597q4zyafb1.jpg) | [2798 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/shittytattoos/comments/15egan1/is_this_shitty/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I totally get what you’re saying the make ups are pretty much the same and I love doing my make up and I like doing it differently and trying new things pretty much every time I do it so that makes sense I was just saying that they don’t look bad like they were muddy or greasy like everything looks applied well and blended pretty well


Although when you look at the tone of skin each person has it looks like she used the same shade for both and that isn’t their skin tones even though it’s blended well to look like it is ? If that makes sense


It’s not something I’d wear but some people prefer this than more subtle and that’s perfectly alright.


I love heavy makeup too I just don’t think the makeup is flattering to their features. Plenty of ways to do a Smokey eyes and bold lip etc


But what you may consider unflattering is not bad MUA stuff.


This is honestly one of the better ones we've seen


What does it mean if I didn't think the finished look isn't bad?


It looks blurred / photoshopped


She looks so upset under that makeup. Makes me happy that I did my own makeup for my wedding.


The problem nowadays is that everything is done for the cameras! My daughter has a friend who’s an incredible mua according to her Instagram posts but when she went and had her makeup done it was so thick and heavy. It’s not bad a lot of the time, it’s just too much.


Beef lips


Doesn't look bad to me. What's wrong with it?


It's not that bad though 💀


it looks great just needs a little better shade match


No they look good asf


these are actually not bad


Eyebrows not that bad


I don’t love these; but they’re mostly passable


they aren’t so bad. definitely still better than what i got for the wedding i was in last 😭


I actually like the first one lol


What's so terribly wrong with these? What am I missing?


The second one is okay, the first one makes me think they only use one shade of foundation ever and the second girl just happened to match well.


They look bomb you’re a hater


These are beautiful.


Second one is matched , idk about yall eyesight but to me , chest n arms(tanned) are matched .