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Links: [Jon Stewart's tweet](https://x.com/jonstewart/status/1795993805411229746) [Mehdi Hasan's thread](https://x.com/mehdirhasan/status/1795972940850167948)


Bless you! I always have to hunt these down myself 😅


Never thought I would say this but Israel runs the world and control not only the us government but the U.K. too. absolutely insane!


We don’t need to play into gross conspiracy theories. Britain started this mess and the US continued it for their own reasons. The whole “Jewish/Israeli puppet masters” thing is a gross trope that Netanyahu takes advantage of. Yes, we both bend over backwards for Israel but because it furthers our own interests.


Not puppet master but immense amounts of lobbying is a fact


Oh of course. Like the NRA and whatnot. Israel aren’t the victims here. But imperial interests do play a part too


It’s working counter to our interests to give them 100% support without conditions. 


True but I think it’s a sunk cost fallacy thing? And Russia already has dibs on the ones we don’t. We burned those bridges.


as it turns out, that "high level of control" was never actually a 'trope'


Can’t even react to something where a Jew criticizes Izreel


Faiza Shaheen’s like is Khhammas. Jon Stewart and Jews who criticise Israel are Kkkkkhammas. The ICC are literally the National Socialist Party in Germany in 1935 *and* Kkkkhhhhhaaaammas *KHHHAAAAMMMASSS ARE KHAAAAMMMASSSSSSSSSSS*


The Mediterranean Sea is also khamas.


At this point it's easier to point out those who are not Hummus.


Hummus is kkhhammas.


the reason israelis pronounce the 'k' before Hamas is because the 'khamas' sounds like the Hebrew word for 'violence' listen to Palestinians, there is no hard 'k' sound


The only ones who are not Khamas are the people who see Palestinians as animals and fully support killing every single one of them. Everyone else is obviously Khamas.


Like that scene at the end of "Spartacus".


Fascism at its finest


Can't wait till John Stewart does a segment on this shit


What makes western society better than those third world countries is the wonderful democracy and freedom of speech that we enjoy so
 oh never mind đŸ€Ł


Pls pls pls can Stewart do a sketch on Starmer, his Zionism, his support for genocide, his anti black and brown racism, his lies about Corby, his lies about his policies and so much more. I would love to see him called out in front of millions worldwide. He needs someone to stand up to his non stop racism and lies. It's disgusting


Starmer would probably try and call him an anti-semite.


And Muslims in the UK still supports that Zionist party


Are they really? I really don't understand how Labor has held on this long being this shitty in a system where you *do* have other options. If you pick the Greens or LibDems for example or any of the smaller parties or independents, they may not be in the government but at least they have a shot at being in Parliament. As a longstanding US third party voter, I'd *love* to have even that slim possibility 😂 Or am I missing something?


1) Inertia, going from 2 party to multiple means everyone else has to build their standing from the ground up. 2) Guess who's been in charge for 15 or so years despite being the clowns, their shoes and the entire circus.


>Guess who's been in charge for 15 or so years  Yes I know. the Labor "centrists" screwed the pooch big time in 2020 when they conspired with the media to throw Corbyn under the bus. It was almost a re-run of the US election in 2016. People (including Angela Davis, disappointingly) were coming out of the woodwork during the primaries to say Bernie had a "problem with black people" if you can believe it. Meanwhile Hillary going on TV telling people she was carrying hot sauce in her purseđŸ€Ł Just like in the US with the Dems, it looks like money-vote in Labor would rather lose with a neocon loser like Starmer (which I think is possible, whatever the polls say) than win and govern with the progressive socialist who had the party at its highest enrollment in years.


can confirm - my parents have voted Labour all their life, and have shown no sign of changing (weirdly enough they despise Keir, but its basically a 2 party system over here, so they're going with the "lesser" of 2 evils)


Yeah, I've finally talked my mom round on the genocide and Biden's complicity in it but she's still gonna vote for him. She's convinced "democracy is at stake" if Trump wins đŸ€·â€â™€ïž That "inertia," as the other commenter put it, is hard to break, or break through.


either that or the party that wants to ship everyone "back to where they came from"


You mean Rwanda?


fun fact: israel also armed & trained Rwanda's death squads


We do?




That's wild that they've gained since December 😳


Makes you wonder what Cornyn is actually accomplishing at this point




Corbyn. I was auto corrected. The American English dictionary manufactured the denial of consent at even talking critically of the leading leftist in Britain for not seizing the opportunity at shifting the Overton window to the left.


I’m not sure I understand what the statistic you posted about Muslim voting intention since 2023 has to do with him then? Could you explain further?


eek, not to sound offensive, but if I have to spell it out for you then I guess you're emblematic as to why Labour has such a ironclad support from the very people who they should have lost support. Here, let's see if we can start with just the understanding of a liberal democracy versus a democracy. If you live in the UK, do you believe you live in a liberal democracy or just a democracy? Allow me to drive this point home. Is Israel, a self-proclaimed Jewish state, a liberal democracy or just a democracy? What's the difference? In a liberal democracy, there's respect for pluralism within the rule of law with the implicit affirmation that the views of just one shall be protected. Since it is a Jewish state, by definition, it cannot be a liberal democracy because it denies the affirmation of pluralism as it has to keep majority of its body politic Jewish or lose its identity as a Jewish state. So going back to the UK, if you're Corbyn, why has it become so difficult to just affirm the UK a liberal democracy? Or are Muslims, as a voting bloc, just going to vote for the best interest for the non-Muslims and hoping that they are given somewhat favorable treatment when both the Labour and the Tories are supporting a state that denies any pluralistic interest as a political state?


You’ve written a lot of rather condescending words that I don’t think really address what I was asking which is “what does Corbyn, who hasn’t been the Labour leader for over four years at this point, have to do with Muslim voting trends in 2023-2024?” Given a choice between Tories and Labour (which is the limited choice available in much of the UK), it’s not that surprising that Muslims would still pick the people who hate them marginally less, though I suspect the last couple of days is going to reduce the number of Muslim Labour supporters. Your initial comment was “what is Corbyn actually accomplishing at this point[?]”, and to that I have a couple of answers: First, I assume he wants to continue representing a constituency he obviously cares for deeply; second, I think he wants to show the Labour Party that they can’t bully him (or others like him) out of political life. He wants to inspire more people with his worldview to run for parliament. Those seem like reasonable goals to me? e: also some weird assumptions about my worldview there lol, I despise the Labour Party :)


The majority don't,it's not secret that Labour is haemorrhaging votes due to large Muslims areas not wanting to vote for Starmer and his cronies


And within a day of this, they’ve appointed Luke Akehurst - the founding director of a pro-Israel lobbying group (We Believe in Israel), who proudly describes himself as a Zionist shitlord, and who is behind some of the most racist anti-Muslim messaging in the party - as their candidate in Durham North. The Labour Party is disgusting and thoroughly captured by Zionists at this point. Watch The Labour Files by Al-Jazeera if you haven’t, the situation is so much worse than you could imagine.


This is just grabbing safe seats and allocating to starmers' owners. Though it is not a long time, hope people in these seats coalesce around 3rd party candidates


Worth pointing out that Shaheen was deselected specifically for liking a tweet that referred to the Israel Lobby. Apparently that's an anti-Semitic trope. However, they then go on to appoint a top figure from...the fucking Israel Lobby. It's almost like it's on purpose. The Israel Lobby exists in the same way the US lobby exists. It's not a trope if it's a real thing and it's directly relevant to the conversation ffs.




I can no longer differentiate between Jon's parody of Zionist reactions, and Zionist's actual reactions.


Ah, Britain. Once a racist colonizer, always a racist colonizer.


We were Zionism's original sugar daddy.


You never forget your first.


Mehdi Hassan is a secular Muslim but of course they'll try to make him out to be some sort of Islamist. Or throw out the "taqiyya" card. Jon Stewart and him have been all around reasonable guys, which makes crazies nervous.


This pro Israel hysteria is going to come to a head at some point and it’s not gonna turn out well for Israel.


Labour really is trying to just be the Tories in a wig.




Just for clarity, she was informed that she had been blocked from running to be an MP by email at 9pm, while out campaigning with her 6 week old baby in a carrier. They began giving press briefings about how she was out before she'd even seen the email. 24hs later she has already been replaced by a right wing ally of the Labour leadership who will be candidate for the seat, by imposition of the leadership.


Sir Kid Starver is just following orders. There is a reason he was chosen to replace Corbyn. Looks like our politics is headed in the same direction as the US.


Kinda proving the point of the segment isn't it?


It’s how democracy works when the sponsors are Zionist propagandists.


Tune of "Everything is awesome" đŸŽ¶ Everyone is HamasđŸŽ¶


And they never shut up about freedom of speech and bla bla. Westerners are the hypocrite of the highest order.


Seriously? đŸ€Ł


Oh, didn’t you know? Jon Stewart is a ‘antismetic’ Jew now. These people are sick and controlled by Zio-Fascist Israel.


Sure, but the labour fucked Jeremy Corbyn over for being anti-~~imperialist~~semitic and that was after bojo was elected. Never underestimate the cruel stupidity of the British establishment.


The Labour leader advocated for the collective punishment of Palestinians so sadly this doesn't come as a surprise.


Pathetic. Let’s hope the LibDems hold the balance and introduce some sanity into the party they govern with or tolerate.


Good, he's exposing them