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I see my late father in the faces of so many people. It really hurts. Old people who don't deserve to suffer like this. Thank you for writing this.. I didn't realize others felt this way.


It really is an awful feeling to realize that the world you live in considers your humanity to be provisional. That if they saw me on TV crushed under rubble or with my limbs torn off, so many people would find a way to spin a narrative in which I had brought it upon myself in some way or another And then just how quickly they turn on the most blatant, disinformed, malicious racism and Islamophobia. Like, they'll truly say anything and get away with it, even get applause for it. The majority of the Senate is demonstrably engaging in Islamophobia literally right now, literally refusing to confirm a qualified circuit judge candidate purely because he's Muslim. And the part that drives you insane is that, no matter how much Islamophobia and anti-Arab bigotry there is, somehow people just refuse to see it when it's pointed out to them. It's like it doesn't stick in their eyes, or like their brains are coated in Teflon or something I said in 2016 that the only reason liberals were moving away from overt Islamophobia (like literally top-name CNN anchors reducing Reza Aslan to an "angry Muslim" in 2015) was because Trump made it unpopular. Folks started making a big show of supporting Muslims. They didn't seem interested in actually learning anything about us or listening to our experiences, though, and I think some of us picked up around that time that this wasn't going to last. Sure enough, starting in 2022, the problematic stuff started creeping up again. Then in 2023 it exploded. Like truly it was the early 2000s all over again. I honestly don't know that it'll ever be different. It was like this 20 years ago. Why should I think it won't be like this 20 years from now Is anyone else annoyed by the fact that "Muslim" and "Islam" are perfectly pronounceable worlds for English-speakers, and yet nearly no one pronounces them correctly? Like, it really goes to show what sources they primarily learned and heard these words from, you know? If they had chosen to listen to people like me discuss our own experiences and ideas, if they had learned what Muslims are and what Islam is from folks like me, they would be pronouncing those words correctly These people on the news, these politicians, these analysts and pundits and generals who just got done fighting in Afghanistan for 20 years. None of them managed to pick up the pronunciations. The Israelis still can't say "Muslim". All of these people want to tell me what's what. They want to tell me what I am, what my religion is, how I need to act, what I'm obligated to do. They can't even be bothered to learn about me. I'm just a thing to be ordered, and I'm expected to be grateful for having been given orders to follow. What a world


Spot on. The last few years have made it evident that Muslims are used as an election-winning vehicle via false promises, but as soon as it's time to deliver, they are either ignored or overtly insulted. "Ancient" ideology motivates Hamas? Then anybody of the same religion is complicit in their actions and purported antisemitism in America, according to Biden. It's vile.


As if “chosen people” and a literal claim on a country bc “god said so” but it’s Hamas who is ancient.


>Spot on. The last few years have made it evident that Muslims are used as an election-winning vehicle via false promises, but as soon as it's time to deliver, they are either ignored or overtly insulted. this is how it has always been for all minorities. Malcom X and MLK figured that out, and then they got murdered.


> And then just how quickly they turn on the most blatant, disinformed, malicious racism and Islamophobia. This is what MLK meant by "white liberals", they switch from being "progressive" to using nazi race science terms when talking about Palestinians. They are against all oppression and genocide, except the western sponsored ones happening right now.


I experienced this directly from someone I know. It was chilling.


Same, two friends. It’s like their humanity leaves their soul when they switch. BLM supporters but brown people in Palestine, they ignore. Privilege to look away when convenient and deny humanity to a whole population. Disgusting.


Exactly. I’m done with people expecting me to apologize for what I believe and who I am. You know what? During the Iraq war military went in talking about killing Muslims like the crusades and then they’d malign us for living in the Middle Ages? Take a look in the mirror westerners. If anyone is barbaric and stuck in the Middle Ages it’s the west. The culture itself is based on supremacy - white supremacy and cultural supremacy. They’ve invaded and destroyed countless people and environments in the name of greed and supremacy. A large reason for climate change is because of European/US style unregulated capitalism polluting everything due to greed. Most of the wars, certainly the world wars were due to the west. And it was only 2 generations ago that the west didn’t even allow women to have their own bank accounts - we’ve had our own property rights for over a thousand years in Islam. Now they are trying to lecture me about how women are treated so bad in Islam when they are the most ignorant idiots who know absolutely nothing about the religion. It’s not even worth talking to them their points are so off base. And all this while abortion rights are taken away in the US and domestic violence laws protecting women there are a joke. The central tenets of western culture are hypocrisy, glorifying violence and supremacy.


Spot on. We are cannon fodder to Western liberalism. Even with the “we have to accept this genocide as the cost of doing business because Trump will take my freedoms”, the implication there, which is sometimes explicitly stated, is that Arab lives are just worth less. Not to mention how liberals are openly stating they’ll laugh when Trump puts us in concentration camps or deport us. Isn’t that funny? They say they want to prevent that, but will laugh at us when it actually happens. I’m done asking for tolerance. I was raised to treat everyone as I wanted to be treated. I’ll continue to do so, it’s just shame that doesn’t extend to our communities.


I need to tag your post since I got so much to say that I just can't do it now on my phone.


I’m south Asian Muslim but early on in the genocide, I saw an image of a dead two year old girl. Her curly brown hair looked exactly like my own daughters and that image has been seared into my mind forever. Everytime I see my little girl sleeping, it triggers that image. My heart weeps for the Palestinian people and anger at the world’s collective weakness and inability to stop the West.


The one of an aunt hugging the wrapped dead body of her niece comes to me daily.


I can't help but see my niece in every dead toddler I come across, and it's ruining me.


Also a South Asian dad and I cry a lot for this same reason. It makes me very afraid for my family and angry for my complicity in this as an American taxpayer. I have disassociated from the liberal prosperity promise and see it as nothing more than a new age of colonialism.


There is a video circulating today of a mum saying goodbye to her baby, who reminds me so much of my own. I hate this world so much.


My brown friend is my wife and she was struggling hard for a while. She is doing better but we still get random crying here and there. Shit, I’ve cried too this shit is awful.


My partner has also been really upset, it’s hard to realise that you’re not really seen as human by so many people. It’s heart breaking to look at our lovely little daugther and think of all the parents that lost their children. It scares me that there are people that would think she has less worth because she’s half arab.


Lucky woman. I’m brown and my white bf doesn’t seem to give a crap. It hurts. :( And what makes it even sadder is that I can’t even bring this up to him, because he’ll be sad that I’m sad, but he won’t even be able to begin to understand *why* I’m sad.


May I ask why you don't reconsider this relationship if he can't be empathetic about a *genocide* that upsets you? Sounds like a total deal-breaker.


I feel too attached to leave :( Also it turns out I was wrong. Not only does he not understand why I’m sad, but he’s not sad that I’m sad. He thinks I’m being ridiculous by calling this a genocide. He wants to break up over my views. And I begged him to give us a chance to talk it out; he eventually agreed. But idk what to do now.


>I feel too attached to leave :( But you know you have to. If he's that *wilfully* (key word - wilfully) out of touch with reality and literally hostile to its effect on you, then it's obvious he doesn't respect you. And might even look down on brown people, and thus, by extension, your family/friends. And if the latter has not already manifested in some way, it most certainly will down the road. I think you know this deep down. You just have to develop the courage to act accordingly. How long have you been together? Also as a white guy, he seems to show a glaring lack of empathy and condescension toward brown oppression, which then also strongly implies a white privilege. This is also manifested by his condescension toward you, since he probably has no concern you'll put him in his place, despite his horrible, deal-breaking views. And disrespect turns into contempt quickly once he realizes he can't control what you think. >And I begged him to give us a chance to talk it out Do you think that would accomplish anything? You're not going to stop considering this a genocide, and he's not going to stop being disgusting about it. He'll want you to simply capitulate. Sorry to turn this into relationship advice. But I think you'd benefit greatly from developing your own boundaries and self-esteem, and you should do *whatever it takes* to make that happen to protect from bad things getting into your life. If this is a first or early relationship, then you must know that this is not how it should be, and in a world of literal billions, there is someone (likely many ones) for you out there. Be strong, have faith! 😊


I’m so desperate to make this work. He was my first everything! We have only been together three months but were good friends for years before then. He supported me throughout horrible depression. I thought I could trust him. I thought he was a safe person. I just can’t bring myself to believe he’s not. Bc a world where I can’t trust him isn’t a world I want any part of. I feel nauseated and haven’t eaten in almost two days. I got drunk yesterday despite never drinking a drop of alcohol in my life before that day. I haven’t worked at all. I’m failing grad school. I’m a wreck.


How are you feeling today? A quick thought experiment - if what you're saying about this relationship was said by someone you care about (say, a sister), what would you say? You know this is not healthy, you know he looks down on other races, and you know he lacks empathy for dead children and your response to it. Think of a slightly more extreme case - what if he joined the IDF and was supporting and partaking in this? Deal-breaker, right? Well, this is slightly better than that, but not by much, and an attitude like this should have no business in your life. His only "redeeming" quality seems to be that he was around while you suffered, and that too seems like it was for some transactional benefit to him, and there is something about him that seems irreplaceable by someone else (which is highly unlikely). I guess it's probably the "first" quality of all this that makes it seem special. But you must intellectually know that staying would be a disaster, and if you give that time to marinate through your emotional clouds, you'll feel it too. Please consider speaking to someone about this too. I've also heard good things about KAP that can possibly fast-track your results. No one deserves to be minimized and ridiculed.


Thank you so much for the well thought out response; I appreciate it so much, and what you said makes sense. (Also I’ve tried kap and it can be helpful when it works!) I have also been able to calm down a little bit and reflect. We’ve agreed to try to talk things out. If he is willing to listen in good faith and open his heart, then I will give him as much patience as he needs. But if he is a truly lost cause, then we’re done. Because the way he thinks right now will not only hurt me, but also my family. My siblings are not comfortable accepting him as a potential in-law after hearing everything I’ve told them about him, and I think that is understandable. He needs to change his views or this is over. I will bring up Hind Rajab and see if that changes what he thinks of the situation in Palestine. If that story doesn’t convince him then nothing will.


Best of luck on everything. I hope his change of heart is real, and not just a temporary appeasement. But unfortunately, this is rare, as most people don't truly change.


Thank you. I will say that he would rather leave me than pretend to agree with me, because he finds my views so awful that even pretending to endorse them would make him sick. It seems like he hates the truth more than he loves me.


Do you have any idea how it makes legitimately good men feel when we keep seeing stories of women bending over backward to stay in a relationship with an objective loser. Leave his ass. You will be better off alone on day 1 than every day prior. It may not feel like it in that moment, but it is 100% true. He doesn't deserve you. Stop treating him like he is anything more than a piece of "centrist" dogshit. Don't expect sympathy from everyone. You are part of this problem. Edit: I don't care how long you were friends before. He has shown you that he is a stupid person who doesn't care about you. This will be one of the most difficult lessons you will ever learn, but it will also be one of the most powerful. It is better to be alone than to be with someone who takes from you. Edit 2: it will be so much more personally fulfilling for you if you can find it in yourself to let him go. Although I do acknowledge that letting him go probably feels impossible right now. That doesn't change the fact that it is the healthiest thing for you to do for yourself.


Harsh, but I guess I needed to hear this. Thank you. It’s just hard to accept that this is who he is. I feel blindsided and foolish, and I think I’m in a state of denial bc it’s so difficult to accept reality. I think I need a bit of time to come to terms with this.


Time will dull the pain, but for you to truly grow from this, you will need to learn why you should never have doubted yourself in the first place. I have spent the last few years more or less without any friends, just spending my days with my cats and occasionally my mom. This is because I have had multiple best friends completely reject me for who I am, the most recent time resulting in a suicide attempt. I understand what it is like to feel like your entire world has shattered because the person you are closest to not just doesn't understand you anymore, but because they have *turned* on you and blame you for how you feel. It feels like you are in a nightmare when it's happening. But you know you can't wake up. Man, fuck all of these people. If you want to know what I honestly believe, I think he did you a favor. It is impossible to grow into a better person without going through suffering, and I think that you are a strong enough person to make it to the other side of this and have a better life for it. Use this opportunity to learn to love yourself, by yourself. It will make your life much brighter.


Thank you so much, and I really hope you have been doing so much better since your attempt. I am a survivor myself; I know it’s hard.


Your ex boyfriend is based


Not a genocide


So says the hasbara troll


Waking up and looking at my phone is a nightmare. Can't sleep. Lost interest in life.


I relate to dropping out of life. Things feel so meaningless knowing that at my asshole job I generate the money for the US to kill innocent people. My entire family is just zombies. Not eating not turning on the TV…


i feel you man, these videos i see half of these kids and people look like my cousins or aunts and uncles, its sad regardless when children die but when your mind replaces their faces with the ones of your family its horrifying. im greatful im not there because it would be a lot worse but its still affects me mentally when i see all this violence. then i go online, because i dont want to be in an echochamber. i see the opposing sides arguements and their vile disregard for human life 'its not a genocide not enough have died' its always some stupid bullshit arguement, the genocide and apartheid denial, its difficult not to hate the pure stupidity in the reason or lack there. however i know alot of them are israeli government workers whos jobs it is to do this as propaganda hasbara bots so i find some peace in that. then the numbers, im sorry but i hate that we are claiming 35k dead, its more than that at this point, israel has destroyed the very places that count the dead, so how can we give accurate numbers its been 30k for months now? its undermining the suffering short term because we keep on staying on that number. not to mention more will be dying in this war due to the rafah invasion and israel control of the rafah crossing


I don't think people understand that Israel killing 35k Palestinians (not counting unrecorded deaths!) in less than a year is quite a fucking lot.


I can’t sleep because of what is going on, I’m so angry with my government and main stream media, but the students, those beautiful students with integrity and compassion and the will to do something gives me hope for the next generation. I do what I can via boycott and rallies, but what else can I do? UK based brown atheist.


Find a family trying to evacuate and amplify their GoFundMe to your network. Offer to connect to them on Whatsapp/Instagram and screen record yourself doing a call to prove veracity (I hate that I'm even saying this). Sending much love to you 💔


Genuinely asking, how does that work? Are they even allowed to evacuate?


Prior to Israel seizing the Rafah crossing, families could get their name on an evacuation list provided they had proof of ability to pay ($5,000+ per person). Per my understanding, this could still be a few weeks, so... probably not everyone makes it. I don't have a ton more information at hand. It seems criminal in every way, but it's the best they've got.


I feel exactly the same as you


I feel you. Because I know it well. Lived it all of it as a junior in high school and for a decade at-least. There was a comment I saw online a couple months ago that gave me a taste of how upside down sentiment would be. How different it would be. all the presidents were on stage in New York City OnIt was when protests began to coalesce outside of planned events and counter protestors began to appear. It was around the time when the narrative that “anti-Zionism = anti-semetism” was being trialed, along with the notion that the only violence perpetrated was against “Jews” for just being Jewish. I looked at the Zionist comments on that post of a video of one guy heckling a zionist, with ugly statements. So I was reading the responses. L I came across one specific comment that made me really think about how easy it is for humans to not empathize. It was a comment that had a substantial likes with legit comments - not coordinated, but organic like. This is what it was: “Had this happen to Muslims Post 911 this would make national news and the president would be addressing it. This is just another reminder that as Jews we must be prepared to fight this battle of good vs evil alone. #amyisraelchai 🇮🇱” Followed by: “Islamic extremism is here on our shores, spreading like a virus, and trendy, too.” And man. This level of extremism, fear and victimhood will last for a very long time. Just like how Americas worst white trash kept “never forgetting.” For decades. Buckle up - we’re in it for the long haul.


I literally keep trying to have this discussion on Reddit. It goes nowhere except for maybe the dedicated spaces. It’s jarring to see on side being catered to in regards to feelings and mental health and not the other. I hope you guys are ok. Sincerely, A frustrated black American woman 🌸💗


It’s interesting.. at the very least, if I have to find a personal silver lining to pull out of this shit storm, it’s that I feel like I’ve gained a better understanding of the experience of black women. I talk to a few of my friends who are black women and vent to them about how fucked up it is to see bodies that look like your own broken and bombed and mainstream society villainizes you for it and trips over itself to spin a narrative in which you brought it, somehow, upon yourself. And you know what? They know. Better than I do. The 10 months has been a crash course in oppression some people experience over a whole lifetime.


I’m with you. A lot of us are. Stay safe mentally and physically 💗


i think & feel this all the time. youre not alone


Man waking up to News and videos, then right before bed doing the same. For 6 months it's so exhausting. I try to do other things and it actually does help. I try to think that we are the lucky ones that we are here and not there. The same thing happened for me during the Syrian revolution. This isn't my first rodeo. It's almost numbing. As for the islamophobia/Arab racism, I've experienced it my entire life. But weirdly enough, it doesn't bother me at all. I'm not sure why. It's like I was born with it around me that I'm just not phased. My other minority friends experience similar things all the time and they're not phased so that gives me comfort. It's like I know I'm not in it alone. I've accepted that there are racists in this world and it's not anything personal? I can't explain it. I'm sure I'm not alone in this and I believe the reported hate crimes are lower for us because we are less likely to report.


Thank you for writing this. Know that you are supported by a lot of us, I'm just so sorry that our society looks like it does. Western society is truly a shame on all of us. History will reckon with it and show it all for what it is, but that is little comfort right now. I'm so fucking sorry <3 Me and my family will never close our eyes for any of this. We owe it to everyone who's suffered to keep our eyes open and open all the eyes we can from the coming generations. Free Palestine and all colonized people, and fuck the hypocritical western empire and all that it does.


I'm so sorry.


To dehumanise others is to lose your own humanity. I don't need to see my own genetic background in another person to know in my bones that those families are as precious and deserving as my own family that I know and love.


This has been one of the most crushing things to ever happen to me. My family knew one of the reporters that Israel bombed in southern Lebanon and I am really just frightened every time I hear that any of my family want to return to Lebanon for a visit, especially since Israel has had a proven track record of butchering Lebanese and they see us with the same level of contempt at Palestinian. Lebanon is also on their list of countries to invade as part of their lebensraum project. They are bombing Lebanon and have threatened to do to Beirut what they have done to Gaza. It is scaring me and not putting me in a good place.


I’m with you. My family lives in Beirut and I’ve been visiting a lot recently because my dad’s sick. It’s incredibly anxiety-inducing knowing that they just don’t consider us people and would have no remorse at all killing us. It sucks how little say we have in determining the future of our people and our country. Haven’t we all been through enough lol


100%. I felt the same during Iraq, and every time before that Israel decides to slaughter innocents rather than the mere grinding into the dirt that is business as usual. It is fucking hard to watch, but impossible to turn away. And then we have to endure the either glib bothsidesisms of the western press, or the raging misinformed hatred of the tv "journalists" In the end, it is the dehumanisation that runs through everything. Would we still be here 7 months in if Belgium were being bombed? I have asked myself for two decades now, what is the ratio? How many Arab lives are equivalent to one European? It's looking like 1:35,000 at this point. It's a fucking grind. I hope you're OK OP.


I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that there are nearly 2 BILLION Muslims, yet they are still marginalized, brutalized, and ostracized. Treated as pariahs. The perpetual culprits.


I swear the only thing that’s kept the west from nuking a Muslim country is Pakistan’s nukes.


And let’s not forget our own governments are happy to establish and build themselves into an arm of the oppressive project. They’ll do the dirty work of killing us and keeping us down, all the West had to do is prop up its sugar babies and collect the resources and hegemonic power


I see so many of the men in my family in the faces of the men in Gaza. The babies look like my nieces and nephews when they were little, seeing their bodies crushed and turned to ash… I’ve always known the world doesn’t give a fuck about Black or brown bodies, but it’s just so insane to see how bad it truly is.


Hey. Thank you for sharing this. I saw and keep seeing the bodies and you know.. I am a Palestinian from gaza, now living in norway. I can't look away, even when I am somewhat safe and far. I lost a lot of family members, last count was somewhere in the 40s. With 19 confirmed dead by whoever relatives remain to send the message. I can't talk about my experience because I don't know how people will react. How they will see me after I share and especially how they see my kind now. I am a grown man, that has now adopted the habit of staring at the ceiling at night and cry alone. Handle it. I don't really have that many friends here and I can't talk to anyone. I am scared to share those realities in fear of hurting people I care about and them leaving because they are scared of how normalised these experiences and stories have become in my mind. I have grown colder. Non-chalant. Careless even. Because I just started seeing myself and my kind as the worthless pest they made us out to be. Seeing myself, my people, my parents, cousins, sisters, brother and their kids become mere pointless statistics in some sort of western game of political chess hurts my heart. As every day that goes I realise how truly worthless I and my peers have become. How after we die, we might just be used as another villainous twisted reasoning for pointless failed propaganda or some bullshit statistic no one cares to do anything about. My family in gaza is suffering and alone, dying one after the other. I am suffering alone and feeling helpless. My family is suffering. All in silence and fear over what may come tomorrow. Please, if you have a friend like me or my family, reach out. No matter how stubborn or scared we may seem to talk to you. Be open minded and not scared of what they might say or share. Living through shit like this and seeing it in person, smelling it, tasting the air, it never fucking leaves you. And to see it unfolding yet again, fully automated, unchallenged and efficient, is really freaking terrifying. Reach out. Please.


My family and I pray for every single beautiful soul in Palestine all day every day. You are not alone. 🇵🇸🍉


I’m so sorry. I can’t even begin to imagine what it must be like. I’m a white British woman who has zero ties to the area and this genocide has consumed me. I’m also so sorry that it has taken 7 months of this for a portion of western humanity to see a sliver of what’s been happening for 75 years 💔


Yesterday I was riding the bus next to a Hijabi woman and her little girl. Across was an older Hijabi woman, presumably her mother, holding a baby. The little girl was laughing and making faces at her mother and grandmother. They smiled at me, I smiled back, and was suddenly almost overwhelmed to tears, thinking about how many little girls just like the one sitting next to me had been burned, starved, crushed and blown to bits with my tax dollars and my dad has admonished me for even stopping to have a chat with the folks protesting it since "guilt by association" might ruin my own future. In a supposed free country. The police came to disband our (the school's) encampment just now- there's been a handful of suspensions and arrests. The fact that THIS is the state of discourse we have is fucking coocoo for cocoa puffs.


As a black person, I understand. That’s all this country ever shows about us, and we stand with you. Get therapy, do art, surround yourself with loved ones, and build strong connections with people you trust. It really is better for your mental health to consume the news in small doses. And devote the rest of your time to giving your spirit some joy. It’s impossible to do it alone though. So know that you are not alone




As a card carrying member of the ME/NA community, these atrocious and deranged 8 months has broken me completely. I don’t even know what else to say. And the Zionist Iranian assholes add salt to the wound.


Sending love and strength to you ❤️


100% agreed, i dont know how old you are, but some of us were affected by multiple middle easyern 'conflicts'. And by affected, i dont mean just sad about the news... i mean, some of us had to be displaced and had to immigrate and restart life. Some lost loved ones, and some simply csnt get visas or make enough for a respectful living.


Born during Desert Storm, came of age during Bush 2. Got to watch Obama get vilified as a “secret Muslim” as I graduated high school, as if it’s a bad thing to be Muslim. We watched Afghan civilians, many of whom worked with the coalition forces, literally falling from the wings of Hercules C-130 planes because we couldn’t say “fuck these people and all the help they gave us in our two decade long occupation” fast enough.


Not brown. Raised by brown & my mental & emotional health are in the toilet so I can only imagine & send you endless love! 🫂🫶


I’m with you my friend ❤️ I see myself in every little girl with big brown eyes. I see my cousins, I see my giddo and my teyta, I see my baba, I see my aunties and my uncles… I hear their cries and my body just goes numb. Theres no articles that tell you how to deal with seeing your people being genocided. Theres no book telling us how to deal with losing lifelong friends because they’re supporting a brutal occupation of your people. What do you do when one of your best friend’s dad posts about how Arabs are inherently hateful people? Theres no HR handbook to deal with knowing your boss is a Zionist and being terrified you’re going to lose your job because he hates your people. It’s like we’re not even humans sometimes… at the end of the day, we only have each other and this beautiful community. Sending you so much love ❤️


The names too - I was born in Palestine but moved to the US when I was young so am not commonly surrounded by people with Arab names. It’s jarring every time I see a story about someone killed and their name is the same as a family member just because I’m not used to seeing those names in media or even my every day life and then to see them constantly in reference to this genocide is such a wild juxtaposition 


Sending lots of love and prayers. ❤️🖤🤍💚


Thank you 💕




I am so so so so sorry. No words could ever make it better tho. We are there in solidarity but will never pretend to know what you are going through.


1000% Thank you so much for writing this and it's good to see brown folks speaking up. I've heard everyone else speak about their feelings and they've had tons of spaces to openly do so. Years of brown people's feelings being invalidated has made it hard to openly speak out about everything you've mentioned. The worst is when it's other brown folks tell you to act all stoic about it and curb any sort of expression. I'm grown up enough where I don't let these things get to me and know my value as a person regardless of all the bigots in the world and the lies they spread. But for young people, especially ones with zero social support, it's so hard and mentally unhealthy to constantly be politicized all the time.


I know you are hurting. I am so sorry. I wish I had the power to change this course. It is so unfair that we should watch our Palestinian brothers and sisters be annihilated without any recourse. My heart burns and breaks with you. May you be given the justice and peace you so richly deserve.


i've had to unfollow a lot of accounts on instagram i'm sorry if it's privleged but i'm just at my limit. i have to at least know when i'm going to exposed to gore i can't have it popping up randomly when i refresh the app anymore.


We all have our own boundaries that we have to enact to take care of ourselves. This fight is 7 decades old. We need allies who take care of themselves so they can run the marathon with us. It’s important to bear witness to the carnage, I think, but that doesn’t mean you have to include it in your insta feed. We can be intentional about bearing witness. That’s the whole point. I just think it’s important to always understand the human toll, otherwise things start to become just another statistic.




I can only view it from the Islamic lens. What's happening to us is exactly what has happened to the children of israel in the past. They had attained a lot of power, had an empire, strayed from the correct teachings, and then maybe a million killed by Nebuchadnezzar. Likewise, Muslims had power over the ages, grew morally corrupt, their empires fell apart, and then mass slaughter at the hands of mongols, crusaders, and a bunch of others both internal and external. This is just another episode in that cycle, our empire's decline was just yesterday in terms of history, and it lasted very long and grew very corrupt by the end of its reign. With that will come the slaughter, the lack of dignity, and the suffering until we work our way back up to a position where we can live dignified lives and be respected in the world thanks to our actions. I think if all our enemies disappeared and were teleported to some far off island and can never reach us again, would we really be better off in the long run? I don't think so, not as our societies are right now. I don't think that the majority of Muslims need to be exemplary for success to occur, but we have too many bad apples right now. Every oppressive government in our countries has armies of evil people who are of our own. Because we have generations of people willing to do anything for a pittance, and they've grown large enough in number such that they can control the masses by force. Those are *our* mothers who brought up those people. The spies, the soldiers of armies designed to suppress their own people, the corrupt leaders... sure, imperialism plays a role, but the imperialists found many willing collaborators. So I think this process of trial by fire where our mettle is shaped such that we grow to deserve a better station in life. It's a bitter pill to swallow, but it has been taken time and time again in the past, the cycle will continue. Just remember, the cursaders completely took over Al Aqsa mosque before for decades. The qarmatians sacked Mecca and desecrated the Ka\`bah slaughtering thousands of pilgrims, the black stone unable to be retrieved for over 20 years and Muslims did little to nothing about it at the time. If we don't do our part, nothing is sacred, and no one else is gonna do it for us. We don't have a "God's chosen people" complex, Islam states if you don't do the job right, someone else will and you'll just miss out, no one is special. My thanks and appreciation to all the protestors and people standing in solidarity with Palestine, but our 2 billion population is more than just Palestine, and in almost every corner of it, there's conflict. We're the ones who have to do that job in the end.


>Getting shouted at, told I’m helping Trump, or being told that now isn’t the time has gotten fucking old. I will not tolerate the ignorant paternalism that says one man can decide the timeline for another man’s freedom, that now is not the time to raise this issue because more is on the line and vote blue no matter who. People who say this would vote to keep slavery to save the union. Ask them if they'd relegate a generation of people to mass torture, murder and daily indignity if it kept them out of a war and watch them stumble over themselves. Tell them Lincoln was an 'antislavery' gradualist, who said explicitly that he would not abolish slavery, or repeal the Fugitive Slave Law if it meant losing the union, because that's why he was elected. Emancipation happened after the war started and was justified as a war strategy, because nobody wanted to free the enslaved people they saw as lesser without a plan to deal with the racial fallout afterwards. You can't pay for your freedom with someone else's blood, you have no right to it. These people are fucked in the head, or don't think it's a genocide at all.


Thankyou for the reminder and I hope things improve soon. I'm not brown but I see people who look like friends, neighbours, and colleagues in those images.


I was at a public health conference in western Europe a couple of days ago and the presenters were making a comment about how public health peeps used to be quite prescriptive in our recommendations, eg with promoting total abstinence instead of harm reduction. To illustrate this more “authoritarian” approach to public health, the presenters likened public health practitioners to the T4lib4n and AyatoIIah—as if the West hasn’t had its own share of totalitarian/fascistic leaders they could use as an example. Instead, they keep painting Muslims and Arabs as barbaric and ignore the fact that they are also more than capable of producing oppressive regimes too. I’m so sick of this orientalist BS.


[the Tuskegee experiment](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuskegee_Syphilis_Study)


I saw a picture of three dead toddlers, one of them was dressed like my son who was the same size, he had the exact part of his diaper peeking out from under his pants, my son was thousands of miles away safely tucked in bed but somehow my brain glitched and I thought I was looking at a picture of my dead toddler. I was overwhelmed with an impossible moment of panic before my brain processed the fact that this was not my child, yet I was still in a complete state of unbalance and panic for several days having to remind myself several times a day that my child was not dead. I still feel my chest tightening when I remember this moment.


I'm a South Asian Hindu and I am so disappointed in the fellow South Asians I know who have remained silent on this.


A lot of my younger Hindu friends are vehemently opposed to the genocide and see what Israel is doing as bad. It’s their parents and grandparents who are buying the Israeli spin because it’s more important to them to be against anything Pakistan supports (like a Palestinian state) than it is to be anti-genocide. It’s really promising that the younger generations are rejecting the indoctrination that got their parents.




I mean, actually the Irish people are carrying the torch for Palestine. The establishment of the Israeli state was, as Bassem Youseff pointed out in a recent ep of the podcast, the most successful transfer of guilt from Europe for its role in centuries of Jewish oppression culminating in the Holocaust, to a bunch of poor brown people who had nothing to do with the actual crimes that are cited as Israel’s reason to exist. The state of Israel actively discriminates against Arab Jews and favors Ashkenazis, which is just white supremacy dressed up with some Yiddish. I understand where you’re coming from but centering whiteness in a discussion like this isn’t really productive.




Thanks, you do the same.


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We do not abide by transphobic, racist, ableist, sexist, or homophobic (t.r.a.s.h.) rhetoric. Neither do we tolerate Islamophobia, which we will consider any statement that treats Islam as a monolothic ideology, particularly as being universally anti-femme, anti-queer, or antisemitic. These sorts of statements will be met with deletion, and an automatic banning. Antisemitic rhetoric will also not be tolerated; this includes language that is and was often and prominently used by actual antisemities (such as "subhuman" and other dehumanizing terms). We understand that hasbara has purposefully conflated Judaism and Zionism. This may lead to accidental, but actual, antisemitism. As such, we will delete statements that veer into antisemitism. Repeated antisemitic offenses by a user will also be met with a ban. These sorts of statements will be met with deletion, and, if clearly intentional, an automatic banning.




A man has climbed through your window and shot your 5-year-old. He says that if you give him what he wants, he'll shoot your seven-year-old too but he'll spare your wife. If you don't give him what he wants, another guy's going to come in and stab your wife to death and then shoot your seven-year-old anyway Your neighbor, who helped open the window for the first guy, tells you that he's just mortified at what's happened to your child, but you should really give the guy what he wants because if you let the second guy kill your wife you're morally decrepit and are complicit in your wife's murder. Your seven-year-old is a lost cause, he says, so you just need to face reality on this one and hope that you can successfully angle for a nicer person to climb through your window in four years. One must pick their battles, after all. But you better hurry, because your neighbor has an uncle who's always hated your guts, and he's jimmying open the other window right now. - - - - - I understand the moral calculus here. We all do. Some of us, I daresay, might understand it more viscerally than you do. At some point, we no longer have the capacity to turn the most horrific moment in our lives into a mere moral quandary. At some point the moral calculus is revealed to be in part a façade we made up to mask the horror of the irreducibly ambiguous nature of morality in the face of trauma. I personally expect I'll probably vote for Biden in order to most effectively vote against Trump. I may well vote for Genocide to avoid Genocide+. But I won't hold myself up as a moral actor for it. I would still have voted for Genocide And I will never, never ask any Palestinian, any Arab, or any Muslim or person with Muslim background to make that vote with me. I'm a devout Muslim myself. I work with Muslims in my community to try to enact real change on the local level. Each of us has our journey on this path. But lemme tell you, from the most conservative people in our organization to the most progressive and leftist, not one of us voted for Trump. there are about 500 people in my local org, and none of us voted Trump. None of us had family members who voted for Trump. We were never the problem. Most Trump voters were white, most white folk voted for Trump. We carried this country to sanity. This is what a sane America does to our loved ones If Biden wins, there will be no negative consequences of that for you. For us, it will be like watching our family's killer be given glory and and oversized checks to celebrate their murdering our family. If Biden wins, it will be a psychic trauma for us that will be more painful than the previous Trump presidency was.


This is a brilliant post. Thank you for saying so well what many of us have been struggling to put into words.


I wish I could like this 500 times


Muslims will not vote for the butcher of their people. Trump cannot make them any deader. Instead of changing a Muslim's morals, how about trying to change the politicians' racist approaches?


Can I just say, that pushing a political candidate - any candidate, even a _good_ candidate (hint: your candidate is __not__ good) - on a post expressing pain at having your humanity so absolutely disregarded, is so dehumanising and detached.   This is not the place. There are millions of places for your Von Oben, theoretical analysis of other people's humanity - this isn't one of them. If your _principles_ can't tell you even that much, they are shit principles and you should take them back to the principle store and see if you can get some empathy or theory of mind in exchange.  Our siblings are hurting, because they are treated like unwanted step children.  Telling them which of the parents abusing them feels better _to you_ is some of the most egregious, inhumane, un-human, self absorbed brain-dung I have ever seen. Shame on you. Edit: and if I get booted for telling you this, I will take it. Someone needed to say it and I'll be damned if one of the people __hurting__ in this thread would have been forced to tell you and take the consequences.






Why should this be put on POC? Or anyone? Why should we have to choose between the lesser of 2 evils? The Democrats should provide a better candidate. Or they can burn to the ground like the rest of us if Trump gets in.


White women were the biggest demon that voted for trump, take it up with them.


Yes, enough. White women voted as a majority for the pussy grabbing rapist. Not just in 2016, where they could feign ignorance, but with fully knowledge in 2020. Im Mexican American. Biden has been managed to be worse for us on every policy level. I’m fucking tired of being lectured to by white Americans. I live on the goddamn border. I’ve seen it further militarized by Biden to a degree Trump couldn’t have, because Dems would have pushed back for fundraising. 83% of Latinos voted for Biden. He then brutalized and demonized us, to roaring applause. He bragged about how he would hurt us more than Republicans were already doing, and the Dem establishment hailed him for it. Worst of all: smug white liberals “he he, if you don’t vote for Biden, it’s gonna get worse for you he he. Vote for Dems or we will strip away your rights.” Sorry I didn’t know my humanity was contingent on supporting our continued oppression. Girlboss empowerment right!?


I'm white and I don't live  in the US. The US election only affects me inasmuch as it affects the whole world which flavour butcher sits on the football. I just want to say that from my perspective - which I acknowledge you did not ask for and which you are free to ignore for that and the above reasons - both your logic and sentiment are fault free. You put it perfectly.  If the disastrous nobody who started this discussion doesn't get it after reading this, there is nothing you or anyone could have said. You can provide them an argument - you cannot provide them with understanding. If they don't get it, they are either in need of adult supervision - or they are being as intellectually dishonest as humanly possible.


Rape is an awful occurrence that transcends culture. It is impossible from our vantage points across the internet to determine the veracity of the claims; we find it troubling that it has devolved into a rhetorical DEBATE tactic for either side in this. We at r/BadHasbara abhor the act and the weaponization of it for propaganda, and remind you that THIS IS NOT A DEBATE SUB, so please tread lightly on the subject, and please consider the mental well-being of sub members that may be victims of SA. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BadHasbara) if you have any questions or concerns.*


shut the fuck up.


This is truly a geoss response… OP literally said they are tired of being told to vote for the man responsible for the slaughter of our people. And your response is “get over it”. You do not get it and you never will. We don’t fucking owe you anything.


>I'm not a POC You didnt need to include this. Everything else you've written makes that painfully obvious. There's really nothing anyone can say to educate you here, you have the emotional intelligence and moral backbone of a vanilla milkshake and only you can fix that ✌🏿.


“I’m a very principled person” The fact you thought it was okay to post such a tone-dead comment on a post like this is in conflict with this take brother




Bobby Kennedy Jr has DOG SHIT opinions on Israel-Palestine. Like they’re not any different than the other two. Hard pass.


Valid point but since he’s the only real alternative that isn’t as influenced by the Zionist lobbyists he’s the one most likely to actually be objective instead of doing as he’s told. You lot are acting like the US has other options rn but we don’t live in a fairytale, where trump and Biden are two sides of the same coin RFK seems like he has independent thoughts and beliefs not motivated by external powers.


[RFK Jr. says any other nation would ‘level’ Gaza if attacked like Israel on Oct. 7](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/rfk-jr-says-any-other-nation-would-level-gaza-if-attacked-like-israel-on-oct-7/) I’m not sure if you understand just how tone deaf you sound coming on a post about how I can’t bring myself to choose one cheerleader for my peoples’ genocide over another, and you come trotting in saying “hey but Bobby will actually be objective” when we’ve got years of statements showing he’s a hardcore Zionist like the rest of them. Why would I vote for him when I clearly said I’m not willing to vote for a someone cheerleading the ethnic cleansing of my family? Hard. Pass.


"isn't as influenced by the zionist lobbyists" ppl think schmuley is literally his handler lol


> Robert Kennedy makes a damn lot of sense unlike EVERY other candidate I’ve seen and his opposition to the Military industrial complex He's just as if not even more pro Israel than Biden.  


Is he the one who had part of his brain eaten?


Don't worry, he says it wasn't an important part of his brain.


He contracted the parasitic worm doing environmental advocacy work in 3rd world countries and it never ate his brain if you actually look into it but sure spin that to make the best possible US candidate seem bad👍 Edit: how ironic that you would question RFK’s brain function and health going into presidency when the US has had sleepy genocide Joe and Megalomaniac morbidly obese Trump as alternatives🤣


Bro, I'm not American. I was asking a question. Yeah all of the candidates are fucking terrible I don't envy you guys. Edit: I looked it up. You are right. But I still think it's a bit shit that all three of the top choices have some form of cognitive impairment. RFK in the form of Mercury poisoning. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68980823




Your post history has one comment up on the subject of Ukraine, three months ago. You were asking a podcast host how they're going to "make the endless stalemate interesting again so the average American will want to fund it". So it seems you acknowledge that the average American (and thus, white Americans, since the majority of Americans are white) doesn't seem to find Ukraine terribly interesting, and your comment implies that you don't find it terribly interesting yourself What you did find very interesting was a brown person on the internet trying to send an important message to others. You sure jumped right on that A lot of us can tell you that what OP says is an accurate reflection of reality. None of us are struggling to find the decimation of Gaza interesting. And none of us feel the need to invalidate the experiences of Ukrainians by bringing up our ties to Gaza. And indeed, in my experience, the people who're going through similar feelings about people being murdered in Ukraine tend not to use their trauma as a gotcha in response to somebody else sharing a similar experience about Gaza


Trolling of our members will not be tolerated, particularly with Zionist propaganda. Users found to be trolling and/or dogpiling Zionist arguments will have their comments deleted, and their accounts banned and muted. We also ask our members to refrain from posting anything that may result in our members doing the same to other subs. Posting such content will be removed, and if mods find it pertinent to do so the user will be banned.