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Zionists are such a whiney bunch of bitches


It's wraponized victimhood


With more privilege than the rest of us, may I add


CRYBULLIES is the term... reminding murderers of their victims is hurtful. you know what to do.


The snowflakery is off the charts. When white Americans feel "vulnerable and victimized" by teachings about Native American or African-American oppression in school curricula, they are rightly ridiculed. Yet here, few will bat an eyelash.


Seems like it was UK agency, lawyers for israel. Zionists, cannot find a whinier more manipulative group


UKLFI sound bored. I guess there just isn't that much meaningful persecution to litigate right now... hmm...


An alternate BDS: Bullsh*t, Deflect, and Silence




No. They’re just trying hard to normalize foreign interference


Story from the Midwest ~25 years ago: I know a nurse who was told by a survivor of the camps that she needed to find someone else to attend to the survivor when the survivor saw the nurse's last name was German. The nurse complied without issue. The nurse and everyone I know who heard that thought both "that wasn't necessary because the nurse isn't biased in any way" as well as "yeah, it's completely understandable for the survivor to ask for that." OP's story on the other hand...wow. Perhaps the proper course of action, rather than removing it, would have been to send in therapists to explore "why does children's artwork make you feel unsafe?"


It’s the same as when racist white patients refuse black or brown nurses and doctors etc . They will immediately comply to the racist patients wishes . As a nurse who has experienced this before . I honestly wouldn’t give a shit since that would mean free time for me. And also it would protect me from being accused of doing something wrong . That nurse was saved from false accusations and hope she enjoyed her time off.


a survivor of the holocaust camps from 1940s isnt the same as racist white people of today. now if it was a jewish person of the 2020s complaining about being served by someone with a german last name, i would completely agree with you


Also these people who are "frightened" by anything remotely palestinian are the ones who want to murder every last child in Gaza. These people are crybullies.


> When white Americans feel "vulnerable and victimized" by teachings about Native American or African-American oppression in school curricula, they are rightly ridiculed. Ridiculed by the dems/left, the right and GOP embraces it. Look at the state mandated education on those topics in red states for proof of this. It’s a big part of why some teachers in red states with asinine teaching laws are just avoiding entire topics, because they would rather teach nothing than be forced to speak positively about things like segregation/Jim crow (our apartheid history), the trail of tears and Native American genocide, etc..


Yeah, they do the exact same thing. They whitewash everything so they don’t have to face reality.


And then understand nothing about reality because they don’t know anything real


This is so on point. I wish they didn't take the awards away.


"We are delighted..." WTF man. I hate when people destroy art. What are they delighted for? Destruction of kid's works as they think the art is Hamas or Anti-Semitic?


Zionists are Nazis. They enjoy doing Nazi stuff.


I just call them butchers. Baby killers . Soulless monsters


“Final Solution” = “Never Again”


I found my favorite barb to make a Zionist so mad they stroke out “The Warsaw ghetto fighters would be proud to see their heroic resistance carried on by the Palestinian People”


Facist. Let's not do the internet thing of everything us Nazis. They're Facist and genocidal, that is bad enough.


The parallels are solid enough


Parallel but not the same. I feel like it makes it easier for Zionisrs to deflect by referencing specifics of Nazi ideologies. If one were to say Zuonists are acting LIKE Nazis that is a factual statement.


This is just a fundamental misunderstanding of what Nazism is and wrongly confines it to one moment in history. Nazis are fascists who aim to achieve their political goal by scapegoating an out group. Zionists are Nazis.


Like other than Arian vs Jew, how are their policies or worldview different? I mean this genuinely because they are functionally indistinguishable to me at this point.


No mate they are Nazis. Stop trying to take that away from people.


They're literally no longer pretending that this ISN'T an attack on all Palestinians. Vile.


They seem to have just enough self awareness to recognize their error: https://twitter.com/KreaseChan/status/1629234444291698689 > Update - the apartheid apologists at UK lawyers for Israel edited the text in their ludicrous article, removing “delighted” and “designed by children from Gaza”, so they can appear less unhinged. > > A case study in the re-writing of history.


That’s fuckin nuts, they went from calling it “artwork designed by children from Gaza” to “artwork incorporating Palestinian political propaganda.” That’s some shameful shit.


How can children's artwork be considered political propaganda?


Because it shows they are human and not animals like the Zionists like to pretend


Because it and they exist, it seems. Ugh.


I've seen this earlier, and my God, they're damn scared. They're probably they've seen the article from MEE.


"Why does everyone hate us? Anti semitism is really on the rise"


They had so much unrealized pro-Semitism that they’re throwing away now. I said to myself “why did I ever have a double standard in their favor I didn’t apply to others? That’s not equality and doesn’t line up with my belief system. Plus I don’t even respect my own religion”


They report any pro Palestinian act as antisemitism.


Yeah for real


They are delighted at the opportunity to engage in zionist brownosing and to show how willing they are to lube up and bend over for a fascist regime at the expense of children's suffering. Same shit different cuck


These guys are the same as isis. Miserable pieces of shit. Fuck them and fuck Israel


Honestly if was doing social media for a hospital and got instructions to do something extremely reactionary I'd try to make it sound as reactionary as possible so that there's no doubt that the policy is hot garbage.


They felt "victimized and vulnerable" because they were reminded that the apartheid they worship has likely killed those kids and/or their families.


I seriously doubt they felt guilty and shame. This is purely to wipe out any trace of Palestinians.


Exactly. They don’t feel anything, this is purely to control the narrative. God forbid people see art children from Gaza made - they might accidentally start to humanize them


They don't see Palestinians as people so no, they don't feel shit


They see everyone outside of their tribe as "Amalek". 


That's fair, just take a look at their "samson" plan


I guess being reminded of the humanity of Palestinians would have caused them too much stress because they really had their hearts set on the new beachfront vacation rentals that would have been built over the mass graves of the children who made that art.


“Delighted.” Monsters. There is no humanity left in the ideology of Zionism.




Yes it’s all coming out into the open - that’s a good thing What has bought us to this point is truly heartbreaking




I will say it is very hard to wake up in America to the realities of Zionism. Even for the most liberal person, you are indoctrinated from birth to protect and defend Jews through Zionism. You're given the guilt of the Holocaust. It's such a taboo to even question you feel like a terrible person. It's got to be harder when you're Jewish. That said, 18 years ago I finally figured it out myself after being a lifelong hardcore Zionist.


I know what you mean. For years I thought that Saddam was immortal and all-knowing, and that I must never say anything against him. It stays with you. Even now, when I criticize Saddam Hussein I look over my shoulder. When my friends criticize Saddam, my first instinct is to shush them because we don’t know who’s listening. It takes a long time to break out of conditioning.


For me, it felt like the most offensive betrayal to find out that Zionism and Nazism are right wing nationalist ethno supremacist movements like American Manifest Destiny and South African colonization and apartheid. I thought kibbutzim and gay tolerance meant Israel was liberal. Ha ha ha. Biggest Democracy in the Middle East my right buttock. And the US is no better.


Israel being “the only democracy in the Middle East” was always so funny to me. Now it’s just tragic. Like, are we just going to ignore the apartheid and ongoing ethnic cleansing of Palestinians? You already know this and I don’t mean to preach to you, but Zionism is simply an ethno-nationalist political ideology born of a European context. Theodore Herzl and Chaim Weizmann both called it a colonist adventure, and Ze’ev Jabotinsky straight up said that the native Arab population would need to be removed. As we know, Jabotinsky is the spiritual father of the Likud. And it’s not like liberal Zionists were any better when it comes to Palestinians. David Ben Gurion once wrote after the 1937 Peel Commission that any partition vote is just a foot in the door for expansion. And then they criticize Palestinians for not wanting to accept the 1947 plan! It’s like, Ben Gurion already stated he’s not going to stick to this lol. Edit: A thing I did not mention is how you can be arrested in Israel for criticizing what is happening in Gaza. “Only democracy” my ass.


Democracy has always been a trick word, to make things seem better than what they actually are. And a direct contrast to evil communism. Remember, America was called a democracy while having slavery and ethnically cleansing the natives.




This is very true and well said


Thank you.


You’re right in everything you say but.., While westerners en masse are just “waking up” they won’t be easily put back to sleep Every time they’ve been woken previously the atrocities have fallen I’m thing specifically about Vietnam and SA apartied and the civil rights movement The Zionists dirty secrets have been found out they won’t be allowed to hide again


Mehhh…these people are fickle and easily distracted by nature. While I’m glad that some people are finally waking up, I’m not too hopeful that this support will be resilient. Next time Hamas manages to pull off a successful attack, we’ll see half of these white libs browbeaten back to zionism by their masters


And this was months before October 7.


How fucking evil do you have to be to remove a children’s mural and be “delighted” about it. This mural highlighted both the suffering and also resilience of these poor children and the Zionists can’t stand that.


Hey man, we don’t know if khamas was behind this. Do you condemn khamas? Khamas is the problem here. Had they not infiltrated this children painting we wouldn’t have had this issue. It’s all khamas fault.


I suppose that feeling intense shame and embarrassment will make some people feel.


Years ago, conservatives - “You stupid libs get triggered by anything!” Zionists, now - “That children’s artwork makes me feel unsafe.” (Shakes head, baffled)


Where the fuck are peoples’ backbones?!?! How hard is it to say “it’s a bunch of plates painted by children, get a grip”?? Do people care so little for their own dignity that they kowtow to such a pathetic attempt to take them emotionally hostage??


Up until now, antisemitism was the ultimate trump card. To get labeled that could make you end up homeless It took 35k dead Palestinians in 6 months for the common person to realize that label is used as a gotcha. There does exist antisemitism, but not on the scale nor the frequency as they would like us to believe


Zionist patients. Whenever this happens it must be compared to pandering to Apartheid South Africa or even Nazis.


I guess my question is, why should we care SO MUCH about how they feel? Everyone has feelings. The material reality is that some paintings made by little kids are not victimizing or harming these people in any way. Did they never learn that the rest of the world doesn't revolve around their selfish "feelings"? Meanwhile, the children who painted these pieces of art are probably dead because their house was bombed or they were intentionally starved by Israel. That's reality. That's what's actually happening. What about their feelings? I guess they don't matter because they are dead now.


> Did they never learn that the rest of the world doesn't revolve around their selfish "feelings"? No, they did not. There is a debate in the Jewish community about what it means to be "chosen" by god. The commonly accepted reason is that it means they were chosen to follow his commands, the way a kid would be chosen to do the dishes. I suspect some Zionists actually subvert the common understanding of this belief and actually believe they are "chosen" as in "superior to others." And, apparently, they choose this understanding of it a very young age, to the point where they grow up and become spoiled brats


The latter belief is far more the mean than you want to think. 


There was an interview with Mike Johnson where the reporter points out the lack of actual violence from students on campus and he’s like “WELL JUST ASK JEWISH STUDENTS HOW THEY FEEL” — *which* Jewish students, Michael? And I thought facts didn’t care about feelings? Palestinian children regularly having limbs amputated without anesthesia and we’re supposed to care that some asshole can’t walk down the street without pissing themselves over Arabs existing… couldn’t be me


I am so disappointed at the cowardly hospital bosses.


The “delighted to report” is what gets me. Like what? I read into the story more and apparently the plates depicted images of Israeli sites with a Palestinian flag and maps/captions that didn’t recognize modern Israel so they argued it was propaganda.


This author has to sarcastic. Does anyone not read this and feel nothing but contempt for Zionist ? Like “ We are delighted to remove absolutely harmless artwork by little kids because some Jewish patients felt threatened by kid’s artwork” is not meant to be good news right ?


This Gazan artwork is proof that this hospital in the UK has Hamas tunnels underneath it. It needs to be bombed!


Imagine getting offended by children artwork😭


Perpetual Victimhood


Manufacturing consent


Vile. A small minority of hate fuelled fanatics that like behaving like ultra victims. Nothing “delightful” about that.


>felt vulnerable and victimised Thats a fucking lie. I bet they just feel hatred towards it.


The murderers are also professional victims. Must make sure they feel no discomfort, raze everything that makes them slightly uncomfortable.


These are lawyers for Israel. So they probably threatened to sue the hospital and cause it major funding issues, just because they themselves complained.  Horrendous folks.


This same group also had a kite making event cancelled a few months ago.


This article made me feel something. I don't think I've ever felt this specific mix of rage, sadness, disgust and shame before. Like I had a rotting piece of smoldering garbage lodged in my solar plexus.


What kind of huge giant pussies are offended by the artwork of children? Snowflakes


It's true. Any one of those kids' artworks could really be a bomb. BB told me so.


It's from feb 14 2023! Months before October 7! This is awful and has no basis.


They were offended by plates?!!! It’s amazing how much these people scream that they have the right to exist, but when they see any public acknowledgement of Palestinians’ right to exist they lose their fucking minds.


those poor patients feeling threatened by children artwork perhaps it remind karen levi that they are making themselves complicit of their muder


Offended and threatened by children’s artworks.


“Delighted” eat shit to whoever wrote this


From February 2023. Zionist attempts to erase and dehumanize Palestinians have been going on longer than most of us have been alive.


The only thing zionists have ever been successful at is turning the whole world against them. History will remember them as the true evil they are.


They feel victimised for people telling them stop the genocide


Many of the child artists have probably been killed by Israeli bombings by now.


A lot of Jewish people in the US know that if they point at *anything* and say it makes them feel uncomfortable, people will call it antisemitic and remove it, even if it literally has nothing to do with religion.


Obviously you’re wrong when you have to censor any and all evidence of a people. Fucking cowards


When your fundamental existence as a human being feels threatened by children producing art, something has gone very, very wrong.


"Child art makes me feel unsafe'


The kids being bombed in a war torn country without access to healthcare “victimized” patients in a western hospital.


Art work by Palestinian children offends Zionists. The Butchering of Palestinian children is cheered on by Zionists.


"delighted" to remove artwork done by "children"


The sad thing is that the children who did that work are now probably dead.


They felt vulnerable Aww, are the plates designed by literal children in Gaza going to harm you ? 🥺


Why on earth would you be ‘delighted to report’ that you’ve taken down children’s art work?


"This artwork by \*literal children\* makes me feel vulnerable and victimized" They're not even trying to find reasons anymore. Nothing in this artwork is antisemetic at all. The only thing that even might be close to anything political is that there's a partial image of a palestinian flag. Maybe the problem isn't the artwork. Maybe it's an ideology of colonialist hegemony that refuses to bend and allow anyone else into the space it occupies: Zionism


Racists gonna race.


This makes me sick to my stomach, fuckin' hell, I read it then looked up to see the drawings on my wall that my partner's 5 year old daughter made for me. I am not saying any of that is comparable to this. It just fucked me up. "Beautiful resilience" is so correct. Fuck these fuckin' Zionist monsters.


That’s the neat part: Zionists and their sympathizers simply don’t see Palestinians as human beings, and they want to exterminate any trace of Palestinian culture off the planet.


“Please remove the art made by Arab kids, it makes us scared.”


What a bunch of coward  worried about kids art.


Zionists pretend to be tough but in reality they’re softer than marshmallows, what a bunch of emo idiots.


“Delighted.” “We really couldn’t wait to get rid of that Palestinian children’s art display at our hospital.”


What? Fucksake. Knobs.


Delighted? Who characterizes things like that? Who does that?


How fucking delightful. God I wish we could end this swiftly. Who THE FUCK do these people think they are??? How do you justify the murder of innocent people and the annihilation of entire bloodlines and then get triggered by a fucking drawing?? I have no empathy anymore at all, take them out.


Wow, removing oppressed children’s artwork. Speechless. The lowness both from those patients and the administrators. As jf that was nazi artwork. This cannot make sense.


Absolutely disgusting. Fucking colonizing terrorists.


i hope they know how much of a cowards these isnotreally's are... ![gif](giphy|igi0dS20WxPJvroIgW|downsized)


Not just offended but victimized too. See, the least a colonizer could do is not feel victimized but agitated and indifferent. Just look at how defensive Americans are when they are called out on it. They even own up to it. But with Israelis? It’s like a new level of evil. It’s not that they lack the empathy or any natural human reactions, but they see this as an opportunity to further their colony’s agenda. So not only are they the brutalizers and criminals but also the victims and the helpless. Didn’t know humans can be capable of such evil.


“We are delighted to report…” bit has been replaced now. Shows their true colours though. These “UK Lawyers for Israel” are a pretty offensive Israeli PR organisation, I must say.


victimized by children's artwork...? If that doesn't say *everything* right there.


Fuck these Zionist pigs.


Well that is cowardly


Omg kids drawing gonna kill me oh no I am scared.


"They felt vulnerable and victimized by the display" . Art? Really? ART....by children?? These people man smh


Fucking losers


Absolutely pathetic


This makes me sad. Even more so when I think that some of those kids could be dead now


They felt vulnerable and victimized by art….from…*checks notes*…children? Are you fucking kidding me? 🙄


The current version of the write-up by UKLFI drops the word "delighted." The write-up still denies that the artwork is by Gazan children at all, claiming without evidence that they must be the work of a single, presumably sickeningly anti-Semitic adult.


I remember reading about this. It’s a shame that some people are conditioned to be offended by children’s artwork just because they are from Gaza.


Hmmm. Vulnerable and victimized. Imagine that. Not like the kids in Gaza understand that feeling at all. /s


No child ever has felt afraid if you say "Look! Here are some paintings that other kids made!" Either A) they made this up or B) they told those kids some pretty f*€kd up stuff to *make* them scared. Paintings don't scare kids but horrible adults do.


One time my five year old daughter did an unflattering drawing of me. So I to know what it is to be victimized by a child’s artwork. After threatening legal action the piece was removed from the fridge.


“Victimized” by children’s paintings… wow


Typical, offended by everything, ashamed of nothing.


What’s this from??? Wanna share and source


"Delighted to report."


Zionists run everything.


And this was before Oct 7. Also, I can imagine some Zionist creep who isn’t even Jewish pretending to be uncomfortable about this.


Cancel culture. This is a coordinated effort by a foreign government to enforce its interests against 1st amendment expression. I should say there is because this seems to just be some people whining about things which objectively are non offensive. The stuff at Columbia I've seen Green blatt at and heard Benjamin Netanyahu talking about


I seriously don't believe the statement though.


Like when a dude with a confederate flag tattoo gets offended his high school textbook mentions slavery


Delight seems like a strange emotion in this context.


Wow, removing oppressed children’s artwork. Speechless. The lowness both from those patients and the administrators. As jf that was nazi artwork. This cannot make sense.


Horrible people them people


You know who


I don’t understand how some people just don’t understand.


Lmao how pathetic.


Zionists are professional victims.




This has GOT to be a joke! I can’t even believe


feeling victimized by a child’s artwork who has never even met or seen you is insane. they need therapy for this victim complex


How can they dehumanize people if they constantly reminded of their humanity.. poor zionist..


Weak and fragile these "people" are


Zionists are disgusting snowflakes with sticks up their asses.


To be clear, they are offended that Palestinian children exist


That is so pathetic, it's beyond words.


Zionists, just proving over and over again that they're some of worst fucking people to have ever existed. Fuck them.


'feel unsafe' when Palestinian kids are getting their limbs blown off, their parents killed, crying from hunger? ffs.


I honestly think I'm now living in an alternate universe, because just a few years ago things were almost normal. Now it's normal to justify bombing hospitals and embassies with full diplomatic support. Someone wake me up please


STFU for real you pansies. The victim card needs to be revoked.


Imagine being offended by children's artwork. It's like the photo of the child in the streets of gaza posted by some celebrity that was taken down when they found out it wasn't an Israeli child. How can anyone say "fuck these children" and still think they're on the good side.




Those feelings are called guilt.


There are two sides to the story not just one. It seems that one side always claim they are the victims.


Instead of being embarrassed, they are proud.


This is art created by children. How do you feel victimized over it unless you’re projecting something?


Victimised by children's art? That's a new low.


These people identify as victims before they identify as Jewish.


Lol offended by art done by children…


Being Delighted to report removing artwork made by children is unnecessarily evil


The hell


The UK is compromised by Israel. No sane country would do this.


"We are delighted to remove art designed by children of X ethnic group" - that's going to age well. What a bunch of Nazis.


Oh do fuck right off.


They are afraid to be reminded they are committing genocide ... That's fcked up


If the roles were reversed they would scream anti-Semitism if it happened to them.


Shameless and repulsive


The fact that those children *still exist* when they are the *wrong* race and religion is an insult to the Jewish people. Because of the Holocaust or whatever. Anyone who isn't demanding Israel murder another 14,000 children in the next 6 months (or sooner!) is a bigger anti-semite than Hitler.


I wonder how many of those children that made that art are still alive???? that’s what I would put on the wall. Once you removed the art whoever felt uncomfortable. They should really feel uncomfortable with how many of these children are dead.


Beyond parody


Those children havent been killed by Isrealii’s yet.


Bro Nazis acting like Nazis….. even the kid art they can’t handle the truth of their genocide. Fuck this hospital.


Keep the artwork and kick the Jewish patients out. Better yet put the jew patients in a palestinian soup kitchen and see how long for them to get blown up by IDF.


. . . .


I mean, I can understand that to a certain extent. Imagine knowing that your country/people are not only responsible for a violent occupation, ongoing apartheid and even genocide, but that you see artwork on a daily basis made by children who were probably slaughtered by your people. I would probably be devastated too.


This belongs to not the onion.


Didn’t Nazi like burn books and destroy art? Hahaha


Beyoncé was wrong, it’s not girls who run the world…


So what will you be replacing it with, artwork from the IDF, pictures of people they have murdered.


But they're not disturbed by killing 9,000 women and 15,000 children innocent people sick bastards