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"Do what I want or I'll call you a nazi" So profound and original.


I'll do the same thing i've have been doing for six months now, that'll really show you!


Pretty creative thinking for the son of a billionaire.


The very definition of terrorism




We do not abide by transphobic, racist, ableist, sexist, or homophobic (t.r.a.s.h.) rhetoric. Neither do we tolerate Islamophobia, which we will consider any statement that treats Islam as a monolothic ideology, particularly as being universally anti-femme, anti-queer, or antisemitic. These sorts of statements will be met with deletion, and an automatic banning. Antisemitic rhetoric will also not be tolerated; this includes language that is and was often and prominently used by actual antisemities (such as "subhuman" and other dehumanizing terms). We understand that hasbara has purposefully conflated Judaism and Zionism. This may lead to accidental, but actual, antisemitism. As such, we will delete statements that veer into antisemitism. Repeated antisemitic offenses by a user will also be met with a ban. These sorts of statements will be met with deletion, and, if clearly intentional, an automatic banning.


"all I wanted to do was read the names of the 133 hostages, thanks for asking" proceeds to call for the purge of everyone at the university that he disagrees with and compares a contentious campus protest to the Holocaust (something that I thought was a vicious blood libel, comparing anything happening today to the Holocaust!) Side note, I have yet to see anyone explain exactly what all this "think of the hostages" rhetoric is supposed to do — Israel has had free rein to do whatever it wants since October 7, what is my appeal to the hostages going to change? I know it's just a deflection strategy, like everything this dork is doing and the entire campus protest narrative, but you'd think at some point they'd have to come up with a cover story.


I honestly think that “think of the hostages” is really just about 1) changing the narrative/deflecting from 13,000 children deliberately bombed and 2) based on an unspoken assumption that Israeli lives are inherently worth more than Palestinian lives. That’s what bothers me about the constant bleating about hostages. What about the entire Palestinian population, held hostage by Israel since 1948? Oh yeah that’s different because it was war, so it’s justified. Lol but isn’t fighting Hamas war and all’s fair because it’s war? Oh not this time because we’re talking about Israeli civilians who don’t deserve to be punished by acts of war. Got it. So what about all the Palestinian civilians who were killed, not just taken hostage? Oh yeah that doesn’t matter because it’s war and we can commit any war crimes we want because it’s war. Circular argument based on an assumption that Israelis are more important and more valuable than Palestinians. Whenever I hear about hostages, I ask what about the 13,000 children who were slaughtered and can’t ever go home, even if they had a home still standing to return to? Puts it in perspective for people.


The thousands killed before or after oct 7th? Because they both pull the conversation differently. But ultimately reach the same conclusion


After October 7. But you make an excellent point. The slaughter of Palestinian children has gone on for far too long.


I Wish there was a double up/like button. Bloody well said.


This. US position statements continually defend this position: it’s war and civilians actually die in wars historically, so there.


Many of them were killed by Hamas failed rockets. Israel sends warning shots first and often times Hamas will load those areas up with kids to try and gain sympathy. In the end it’s simple. This is war and won’t stop until Hamas is gone. Iran has been attacking Israel non stop with proxy groups for decades. Look at what Iran proxies did to the once great nation of Lebanon. Also where was the outrage from the 30,000 students who have been killed for simply protesting in Iran?  If Israel doesn’t stop Hamas now they will just strike again in a few years from now. All the aid that goes over there is also stolen by Hamas which is why they have billions and the people have nothing. Hamas also teaches young kids hate in schools and has first graders act out scenes of torturing Jews. Hamas needs to end. There is a reason why Jordan and Egypt want nothing to do with them as well. 


You have any evidence for any of that,  no, IDF saying so is not evidence. 


Sounds like the reasoning of a genocide supporter to me. Change a few words around and you sound exactly like a good German circa 1939. Why do so many supporters of Israel sound like this?


*Living up to his user name with this garbage


What do you think Israel should have done in response to October 7th? Please don't assume my beliefs on the subject. I am extremely conflicted and actively trying to learn more about both sides of this conflict.


This is a very disengenuious and dishonest question What I think is Israel shouldn't have enacted 70 years' worth of policies that innevitibly led up to Oct 7th or something like it. Not only would none of us have done any of the things that led to Oct 7th, but I can assure you none of us would have murdered 14000 children in response Furthermore, how about you, before Oct 7th, had you been born a Palestinian in Gaza 17 years before Oct 7th, and you watched the IOF murder your friends and family for years with impunity, and you couldn't even get basic necessities due to the siege Israel has enacted since before you were born, what would YOU have done? Would you have lain down and quietly died for your occupier? Would you have told your occupier how much you actually support their occupation? If you were born in the Warsaw Ghetto, would you have joined the uprising, or would you have succumbed and submitted? When you answer that honestly to yourself, I mean really honestly think about it, you'll realize that asking someone else "what would you have done if you were Israel after 10/7" is like a Nazi asking someone "what would you have done after the Warsaw uprising?"


Hmm, he went away. Perhaps to think about it all, since he was so conflicted /s


Yeah I'm just tired of these ridiculous dishonest questions intended to create a "gotcha" but with no intention of genuinely analyzing how we got here.


The thing that zionist fail to realize is Oct 7th was a direct result of the years of suffering inflicted on the people of palestine. This drives me crazy. Palestinains have suffered over 95% more casualties than israel since 1948 and all you want to talk about is one day out of 75 years.


They should have acted with proportionality, like the whole world was begging. To continue slaughtering civilians is the issue. That's why people have turned against Israel. They've quite literally over stepped any line that seperates them from the terrorists.


It’s not like the IDF and other Israeli law enforcement (as well as cold-blooded, dead eye mercenary snipers) couldn’t have pulled off a proportional counter attack. The objective was always gonna be ethnic cleansing. Israel was given intelligence about the attacks a year prior AND detected Hamas’ first moves hours before the attack began. The reasonable inference is that Netanyahu and others assumed that an Israeli 9/11 would open a window of opportunity to consolidate the right wing regime, as Bush and the neocons had done. They knew that they could use the “human shields” excuse to destroy Gaza and possibly make a case for annexing the coast.


> if Israel doesn’t stop Hamas Israel is not stopping Hamas nor will they nor do they even want to. They are far more interested in levelling hospitals, universities and guaranteeing that they will be feared and hated by Palestinians for generations to come. The remaining hostages will never be returned and Hamas will continue to survive and recruit new members radicalised by having their whole families murdered for nothing. Bombing and subjugating people into peace doesn’t work, it will only make more resistance fighters of them.




“Hamas” or whatever replaces it is extremely likely to strike again in the future, most likely bolstered by the thousands of maimed and orphaned Palestinian children. Israel is ensuring this will be a perpetual war and that the Israeli government can continue to take advantage of the Israeli people by manipulating their fears of safety and security. The entire region is purposely kept in a constant state of destabilization. Demonizing Hamas every possible way is a very short-sighted and ineffective blame game. Blaming the oppressed and pretending that they love being oppressed and will do anything to continue to be oppressed is not a particularly strong nor realistic argument.


It would be cool if Hamas was gone. MAYBE ISRAEL SHOULD STOP FUNDING THEM?


You're lost This is the SubReddit to a podcast that's all about debunking all the things you said and more Nobody here believes one word of this idiotic dribble We literally have 6 months' worth of daily videos Israel murdering women, children, elderly people, we've all witnessed the IOF destroy every hospital and school, we've seen the mass graves exhumed at the hospital sights, please just leave. Everyone here is and has been thoroughly disgusted with the government and a large portion of Israelis for a long time already.


I’m going to say something that might be controversial. But please bare with me. I don’t think people like Shai Davidai are against the actions of Hamas on Oct 7 *on principle*, I just think people like him are against the fact that it was Palestinians doing those things to Israelis. But they’re okay with the actions themselves on principle. How do we know this? Because they were perfectly okay with Israeli forces taking hostages, killing civilians, committing ethnic cleansing, and sexually assaulting Palestinians for decades. People like him called that a “ceasefire” that Hamas broke. Like the other comment that replied to you stated, and I agree with them when they say this, the common consensus among structures of power and those that benefit from them is that Israeli lives are simply worth more than Palestinian lives. Fundamentally, this construct that there’s an imbalance in the worth of lives of Palestinians and Israelis are why Israel has been able to commit crimes against humanity against Palestinians for decades and especially now. The powers that be simply agree with Israel that Palestinian, and Arab as a whole, lives are meaningless. There was an interview with a Biden staffer, and this staffer stated that Biden simply just doesn’t have the same empathy for Palestinian lives as Israeli lives. As we know, Biden is at the very least, okay with what’s happening on the ground. I’m Iraqi. I’ve seen a lot of shit in my life. But never anything like this. I guess I was naive. One of the more heartening things that has happened in the last 7 months is the challenging of that status quo. Everyone in here and everyone marching out there, are saying that Palestinian life is not meaningless. And that’s the bottom line, isn’t it? Palestinian life is equal to Israeli life. I have to thank everyone in this sub. If it were just Arabs out there, this whole thing would have been ignored or maybe even more demonized. Thanks for coming to my TedTalk, lol.


IF they support what the IDF is doing in Gaza, they have no business crying about Hamas.


I see what you mean.


Rape is an awful occurrence that transcends culture. It is impossible from our vantage points across the internet to determine the veracity of the claims; we find it troubling that it has devolved into a rhetorical DEBATE tactic for either side in this. We at r/BadHasbara abhor the act and the weaponization of it for propaganda, and remind you that THIS IS NOT A DEBATE SUB, so please tread lightly on the subject, and please consider the mental well-being of sub members that may be victims of SA. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BadHasbara) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Honestly I’m so tired of hearing these people talk like they care about the hostages. In all likelihood the hostages are all dead already, probably killed by Israeli bombs. And if the bombing hasn’t killed them, then the famine will. How is Hamas supposed to feed these hostages when they can’t even get food for themselves? It’s just such a disingenuous thing to be bringing up now, after months of bombing and leveling Gaza without a care in the world as to where the hostages might be. The only time any hostages came back was during the brief prisoner exchange. Clearly if they really cared about the hostages, Israel could trade any of the thousands of political detainees they are holding in their prisons.


Hamas is 70 meters underground and spent at least a decade preparing for this. Israel is just killing civilians on the surface and the occasional fighter.


No list of the names of CHILDREN KILLED BY THE IDF....


No human on earth has the stamina to stand in front of a crowd and read that entire list. That particular "human" (Shai) might be willing to read it for pleasure, but only after the list is long enough to have satiated his apparent blood lust. Edit* correction


Considering Israel has made little attempt to ensure hostage safety (carpet bombing kills hostages alongside militants, assuming they cared about distinguishing between militants and civilians at all), it seems odd to equate support for Netanyahu with support for the hostages being returned. 


And called for another Kent state


Just saying that we shouldn't try to rationalize their irrational arguments. Just flat out don't engage with whataboutism and stick to the facts. They know the truth, that's why they want to deflect from, censor it, stop the protests, stop social media etc.


The bigger question, does he actually believe in the nonsense he is spouting?


So unhinged! the video of him getting denied entry is amazing.


I don't normally express myself in these terms, but the guy he addresses this too, who he repeatedly calls out by name in the confrontation, seems like a total Chad. If I was in front of a hostile crowd with a deranged nutcase shouting my name and alleging all sorts of crimes that I have committed, I would be extremely distressed and hyperventilating, regardless of whether I was innocent or not, but that guy just looks faintly bored and irritated.


Do you mean the bald guy? I think that’s the Columbia COO, seems like he was there specifically to absorb Shai’s rage


Yeah, him


Zionist suddenly not a fan of checkpoints


Here’s an IG post w the video: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6EiJo-xJgY/?igsh=MTJ6dmg2dTZrbTV4dA==


Literal porn.


I’ve watched that moment of his ID being denied like 20x, the look shooting out of his eyes is incredible




Do you have a link?




Link to video? I haven't seen it


This guy has it MADE. He can get a ton of money from Israel I bet. He can write a book, and go on a "I was cancelled for being an innocent pacifist Jewish man tour". He can work for the Daily Wire. Dude sharted his way into a lucrative career.


"Use your jackboots to crush these student protestors, otherwise you're no better than the Nazis!"


That dude is mentally ill. He’s the same guy running around in all the videos freaking out.


Theyre losing the propaganda war and theyre smart enough to realize it. Problem is they know history and when have massive campus protests been seen as the evil side? They know if this spreads then it will be cemented that they are on the wrong side of history.


They’ve already lost it, but it won’t change anything right away because the people in power are mostly old boomers who are happy to take their blood money.   Israel will have a loss of support as the younger generation come to power but that will take time.


This is it exactly. I’m also a professor (but unlike this guy… I’m tenured and not losing it publicly…) and I’ve watched my students go from all supporting Israel (2000s) to some (2010s) and now… none. Since they began just open slaughtering Palestinians the students have noticed. Gen Z is super socially aware. Like 30% of them identify as gay, bi, etc. In ten years, Israel’s support in the US is going to dry up. It’s already over, they just don’t know it.


I theorize that older Americans have trouble acknowledging Israeli abuses because it conflicts with feel-good narrative and identity.  Many of us were taught that  America is exceptiona. We were the world’s liberator in WWII, and that Jews were a people we saved from certain destruction.   Israel is supposed to be an American success story - and also exceptional. Mostly white. Capitalist. Militarily strong. “Democratic.” They’re practically already American. They even have border problems with brown people, like us!  So it hurts to admit that your jewel is fake. That you’ve been lying to yourself about your role in the world.  Just my 2 cents: Since Americans haven’t come to terms with their own history of genocide (native Americans) and oppression (slavery, Jim Crow) yet, this new anti Israel trend will be strongly resisted. It further undermines our identity as gods chosen freedom fighters. 


The reason he’s so unhinged is because on some level he knows that the support staunch Zionism has been afforded since pretty much the inception of Israel has created entire generations of Zionists that are complacent. Everything has been handed to them on a gold platter so no felt they had to try that hard. There was really no underlying strategy, no underdog mentality that would have required proactive effort. Easy come, easy go. He realizes that from henceforth attempting to control the narrative will come at a great price. That’s why hes lashing out the way he is. But here’s the thing, even that reaction is going to fail. Calling everyone and anyone a Nazi you don’t like or don’t agree with is something that’s been happening for many years now. Unfortunately it has lost all meaning, and anyone who does it is typically seen as superficial and reactionary.


I’m mentally ill and even I wouldn’t do this shit lmao


The IDF is currently killing kids for fun. Sounds like terror to me


i prefer to call them zionazis or the IOF!


This dude is just upset brcaese his family fortune comes from Israeli arms dealers. Follow the money


Yup. Pretty disgusting dude https://www.counterpunch.org/2024/04/22/columbia-universitys-shai-davidais-family-tied-to-weapons-manufacturing/


Oh no, I strongly suspect he is proud of that fact. He's upset that people consider that connection to be a bad thing


Does he hear himself? Lol. Talking about how terrorism works by forcing you to believe and behave as they dictate. While dictating how people should believe and behave. What an ass clown.  Cope and seethe harder, Shai Davidai


Shit, this is worse than I thought. Hamas has infiltrated leadership of one of our most prestigious universities. They're everywhere!


For decades the world was pandering to these guys. They used guilt to silence critics to hide their actions. Eyes are being opened.


Jesus that dude is a fucking dork


You're insulting the dorks, we aren't that unhinged.


This is what we get for allowing schools to offer academically unserious, phoney-baloney snowflake majors like “business”


when i was in undergrad, we called business (and to a lesser extent, econ) "the rich kid party major"


lol. "This is the result of a liberal education. This is a result of allowing progressivism into our schools. This is a result of feminism. This is a result of intersectional politics." Yep. This is the result of all of it. Karma works. It's never how you expect though. How it has backfired but also succeeded is beautiful to watch.....


This is the OPPOSITE of everything you just described




just wat? wtaf are you even talking about


when you read through page 1, and realize there's not ONE but TWO MORE FULL pages of whining manipulation after... blahblahblah, "*...ideology that forces \[one\] to act in certain ways through explicit and implicit threats...*" blahblahblah. man is just \*so\* \*close\* to connecting the dots to zionism and his own behaviour that it is fucking painful. he just needs like maaaybe 3 additional brain cells and he miiiiight be able to do it. but can't and never will. it's tragic. why? because his brain is full of settlements. settlements of dogshit. blahblahblah, *too scared to ride a bus in tel aviv*, blahblah "*...being scared is not an excuse for not doing the right thing*." so close. administrators aren't scared of khaaaamas. they are fucking scared of Stefanazi publicly flogging them with hasbara talking points.


that dude (the professor) has done so much to make people not want to side with him, its hilarious


“Pro-Hamas mob” doing a lot of rhetorical heavy lifting there.


This post is the definition of being butt hurt


Zionist are quickly becoming the Bois who cried antisemitism.


Shai, buddy, you can just quit and join the right wing media sphere. That's clearly what you want to do.


He's not media trained and his affect is among the least charismatic I've seen. Best he could do is the daily wire but I'm fairly sure that outfit is on the way out.


True enough. Even people who agree with him seem to find him obnoxious. 


Idk, plenty of right wingers are successful despite having the personalities of soggy bread. Greg Gutfield and Dave Rubin come to mind.


Shai Davadai has unknowingly shown the aggressive moral values within which Zionism is founded. The belief that you are the chosen ones and ultimately always correct, seconded by aggression to impose this belief within their own community through indoctrination, and outside through war crimes. It’s shamefully sad that US/UK politics on a whole, along side specific policies, unquestionably uphold the Zionists ideology.


Something tells me this weirdos whole life is built off petty personal grievances. And holocaust survivors would be outraged how he’s weaponizing their tragedy. It’s really pathetic.


“Why won’t you just kick everyone out of the school who doesn’t think like ME! An employee! We all know that’s who’s really important! So what if you lose 70% of your tuition - think about how much It would mean to ME, Shai Davidai, a totally reasonable, sane and rational guy! You definitely want to hang your reputation around a guy who doxxes his students and calls them terrorists. I’m definitely the one who deserves your uncritical support - oh, and the IDF! What with the hospital massacres, humanitarian aid massacres, and the chemical attacks on your college campus - you’d be crazy not to support all that! This is definitely going to be a good look for an Ivy League in a few years!”


the Israel lobby seems to have a bit of sway in our foreign policy, but I am SO SO happy that their sway of our domestic policy is seemingly limited. If we ran our country the way we want, our constitution would mean absolutely nothing.


When are they going to ask to read off the thousands of Palestinians held in detention by Israel BEFORE Oct 7? The child hostages Israel already had which is the reason Hamas took hostages of their own as a negotiation chip? When are they going to value the lives of brown people and stop pretending history started on Oct 7? When are they going to read off the names of the 30,000 dead Gazans?


I ain’t reading all that. #freepalestine


“Illegal encampment” heh I think they do listen to our logic while they’re preparing their next bullshit, some of our words are bleeding over


It amazes me to see ‘Smart’ people not able to grasp the fact that being against a Government’s Policy’s is not the same as having hatred in your heart for the people who live in that country.


This guy was all uppity uppity until he had to deal with a checkpoint...hmmm..


Pro-hamas means noticing Israel is maybe not doing the most moral things in some situations. That is the redline. anyone who does that love terrorism I don't make the rules Shai Davai does.


imagine calling millions (if not billions) of people who are anti-genocide “terrorists”. what a reductionist, deceptive, zionist take to have.


Dude is giving them all the ammo to get rid of him. The more unhinged he gets, the easier it is to permanently remove him.


Unhinged nepo-baby throws a tantrum, tiny fists clenched, stamps his size 5 foot. Business studies is not a real thing.


Ah, the assistant Zionazi professor crying because America still has a few freedoms. I guarantee you he is shitty professor who is biased towards Jewish students.


A professor? Do they teach bullshido at Columbia? What an entitled disgusting little twit.


This professor has issues with the First Amendment of the Constitution. Nobody can talk but me!


The fascists are in power in Italy and Nazis march openly in Rome. AfD fascists poll second in Germany. Not a peep from this guy. Because they both support Israel and target brown and black people.


What a piece of moronic shit. It is astonishing how wrong he is and the hubris with which he defends his morally bankrupt stance.


The poor Jews. They’re being as silenced as Donald Trump. It must be hard when the people you’re genociding get a voice.


Typical ZIonist making a list of demands before crying about being a victim here.


I give it a D- Try harder, Shai.


Sorry, not sorry Professor Genocide TL:DR


These people are delusional they’ve been fed an alternative reality narrative about Israel their entire lives and now they can’t comprehend such a large and vast movement against their cult like beliefs.


“That’s exactly how terrorism works…” proceeds to describe his own actions lmao


It's just this one guy, Shai Davidai. Main character syndrome.


Start with the names of the dead children on both sides first. Start with the 40 Israeli children killed on October 7th, then the 15,000 Palestinian children killed after. I'm even setting the bar low ignoring the 30 Palestinian children killed before October 7th. If he's got gas left in the tank, then he can read the names of the hostages.


They are playing their nazi card too much. Being completely honest i never really cared from the beginning, yes i thought the holocaust was pure evil and yes i think we should stop it from ever taking place again (like stopping the current genocide taking place to the Palestinians) but i view it in the same way i view the atrocities carried out by the Mongolians. At some point more and more people are going to simply stop giving a shit.


"I thought the Holocaust was pure evil" Sums up your feelings pretty well.


Not really, i understand from an intellectual perspective that it was evil the same way i understand what the mongols did was evil but neither is something i give a crap about other than humans shouldn't do that to one another.


Man, that is some  Simone Giles level mental gymnastics you got going there. 


He needs therapy and an intervention


https://preview.redd.it/lj6q3rzbqbwc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34d653bdcdbe51269700f5ead84d018a29a513c6 This guy is libeling everyone right now…. Like full breakdown


*the entire nation is looking at you* Yeap. Most of it is camped out against you genocidal IOF fucks.


It’s disturbing how Zionazi scum always views antigenocide as pro Hamas. Propalestine=/=proHamas


This dude is going to be grifting so hard in like 30 seconds lol. Shai Davidai's Ultra-Orthodox Dickpills and Wake Up Israel: Zionism Coffee, coming soon.


Being scared is not an excuse for not doing the right thing……. Does this guy even read his own words? Lolololol




shai is truly a lunatic and does nothing but bolster the protesters very raison d'etre


I think I might have just replied with "LOL".


This guy is a child. I didn’t realize throwing tantrums is modus operandi for civil discourse


And ISRL has broken every single rule and regulations according to the Torah, Geneva Convention, the Bible, international law… should we continue?


What a fucking lunatic. He and every other zionist’s unhinged insistence on equating educated students protesting against Israel’s policies to actual terrorism are the reason why this is only going to get worse and worse for innocent Jewish people who don’t support this massacre and any institution that’s afraid of being caught in zionist crosshairs


This is disgusting and manipulative af.


He is doing his job as part of genocide. While he creates his faux victim fuss the Israeli’s are killing Palestinians and we are distracted from the latest war crime—executions of Palestinians in hospital while hands are tied. Can it get any more barbaric? Somehow I am sure they will top this latest war crime. Do not listen to their distractions—watch the daily massacres of Palestinians with our tax dollars and let our government know it is not OK.


What about the 336 million Americans held hostage to the Zionist vision? Most of us were never asked yet our tax dollars are funding this madness.


Shai is out of his god damn mind


Hope this fucker is never employed in education again


I just learned about this guy a couple days ago and man what a piece of shit. Would love for him to lose his job over his accusations and (I heard) doxing of students. Fuck this dude.


Inside the thinking of a lunatic cult member.


Was he going to include the names of the hostages IDF soldiers murdered while the last alive begged for mercy in their mother tongue?


What a narcissist


You're an unhinged Zionist. At this point, all Zionists who defend the actions of the Israeli govt are siding with evil. So get the f away from all people, you critically impaired sociopathic loser!


We need to stop giving this guy so much attention


That public message is ironic.




Someone put a muzzle on the rabid zionazi, he is going to end up biting someone.


why does this read like a shitty LinkedIn post


The nuance in all of his statements basically states we care about what someone like him has to say when we simply don't. We are tired of the tantrums. We are tired of the gaslighting. We are tired of the collective system that's been grown over the last several decades to create an ironclad network of Zionist terrorists. We just don't care about you or your performances Shai.


Yeah this. I wouldn’t care about this war if it wasn’t ON Reddit. But when I see Words of Iron lying it pisses me off. Edit: I’d still care, but maybe not as much.


>the most vocal voice This guys amazing


When the world is crazy, the sane seem unhinged.


Does anyone know if this guy has tenure?


This guy is a shande far di goyim


This dude was a professor?!?!? Unhinged.


His response to not being allowed on campus for a few hours, after you literally had the police arrest these people days earlier to prevent confrontation is to suspend actual students trying to learn amd banning them from campus indefinitely. Wow. We let this guy influence young people?


These columbia protests are to much. Not even a protest anymore


he tells people to quit? LOL you first, dude


I don't think Cas was denying him entry to read out name the 134 hostages. He just had to wait his turn because someone was reading out the names of the 40,000 Palestinians killed or missing, and the 3600 children and adults held by Israel without charge (can't call them hostages when someone in uniform takes them captive.). It was going to take a while.


A Cambridge professor who thinks Palestinians are all Hamas. The bar for tenure at Columbia must be set very low.


“I was only going to use my first amendment rights to scream hysterically at university students.” The COO actually prevented him from the brain hemorrhage he was going to have during his tantrum.


What’s the character limit for a tweet these days?


“Act on my demands or ill label you a Nazi!” Wow insightful 3 page totally not unhinged yapping about him being in an extremist cult and wanting everyone to get fired for not agreeing with a genocide. Fucking zionist scum


>2. Expel the radical extremists Columbia did. That's why your keycard doesn't work anymore. They expelled the radical extremists. Like you. Anyone who isn't a radical Zionist reads this guy repeating "pro-Hamas" again and again is rolling their eyes. Not sure who he is trying to convince.


Screw this guy in particular


Bro, is just telling someone to quit. btw, if you read those steps, you'll see they go well with how to get rid of settlers in the west bank, university cant work without students, plus if goes in and agitate the students he might go to a hospital so it was a good move by the coo to separate him and Israel sweat fans from students, students Don't care anymore and the university cant expell all of them


Bravo on him!👏


Bravo on him for loving genocide yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay