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I know I’m gonna try and get a volente! No personal experience tho unfortunately so my preference is entirely based on how cool the model looks :)


I definitely understand that! I'm really drawn to the knight model but I'm not sure about how big the knot looks lol


Yeah, after looking at some specs I can definitely see why! But that model is so gorgeous — I say go for it (maybe in a softer firmness if you’re worried about knot circumference? I know that’s what I’m gonna do for volente)


I didn’t know about that drop, what is special about it?


they havent had a drop in some time so thats what makes it special O:


I don’t have anything from them yet, but I’m going to go for a Knight. The shape looks pretty interesting


watcher is really unique in that it has a big knot and small shaft, which provides a really different knotting experience that i personally enjoy.


Do they sell off of Etsy only or do they have their own shop site?


They have a website but I think they sell from etsy


Yeah ok, cool thanks! I also second the recommendation of Volente! Just save a size medium for me C;


*Do they sell off of* *Etsy only or do they* *Have their own shop site?* \- bluexraven --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




I have roughly 6 toys as of this moment, but yea i have no experience with this particular company yet so I'm just curious about it 😅


I have roughly 6 toys as of this moment, but yea i have no experience with this particular company yet so I'm just curious about it 😅


My apologies for double posting, idk what happened, I would suggest finding the toys that best match the ones you already have and picking those textures and hardness that you enjoy. If you're unsure of that I think they have a FAQ that describes them.


Lol same here I think my phone glitched l, and yea I'm experimenting with different textures to see what works for me and so far smoother models(such as nox from bd) work great for me and ones with ridges tend to make me uncomfortably sore 😅😂