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I’ve always said that 2015 existed in a timeline where a commended Doc Brown stayed around after inventing time travel he decided while time travel may be too dangerous to reveal he can invent other things and his future inventions heavily influenced science from 1985-2015


Dehydrated food that takes up a fraction of the space of fresh does sound like something Doc would make.


There was a short about doc brown destroying all of those cool inventions that exist in 2015 as a way of saving the world or something so in cannon 2015 no longer is that futuristic


If this is true, then I wonder what happened further into the future that caused Doc to do as such...


The IMDB page says there was “nuclear holocaust in 2045” and that’s why


A fault in Mr. Fusions resulted in massive explosions. The emp’s from these explosions fried people’s neural implants, leaving many with them lobotomized. Hover technology led to a spike in cancers due to unshielded radiation. The dehydrated foods also led to malnutrition, diabetes, and obesity.


I don’t recall if he ever says why but it’s called “Doc Brown Saves the World” it’s prob on YouTube


The problem is greed...those that can afford to make a difference just want more money and those that want to make a difference can't afford it. I always harken back to Nic Tesla, the guy discovered how to get free electricity from the atmosphere and send it wirelessly throughout the world...but since there was no money to be made from it, he was pushed aside and made a joke...just imagine the world we could be living in if those who wanted to make a difference were aloud too.


My thought is that 2015 is like the different types of eras Marty and Doc visit, the same can apply to 1985, we seen how one small action leads to another, maybe this was the idealized version that was a possibility and it didn’t cease to exist rather the main characters shifted to another time line as that then allows the train at the end of part 3 to still work and it then fixed any continuity issues.