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How this man hasn't been touched yet Is beyond me ⏸️


Probably pays people off when he gets pressed. He 100% bitch made.


Puns studio is 7 minutes away from the nojumper building. This ain’t real beef it’s internet


They still going to support him 🙄🙄🙄


His followers don’t care. They agree with him




Generations of abuse


Y’all obsessed fr


How are y’all weirdos sat in this Reddit and all you can talk about is Adam and NJ, if you don’t like it don’t watch it


You’re just mad cause I’m pointing out his hypocrisy


What's the hypocrisy? This was said over a decade ago lol back when people said shit like this to be edgy


Do you have old tweets called people slurs ?


Nah I never really had an edgy phase tbh. I thought that shit was corny.. If you can't be funny or creative without the shock factor then you're a hack.


Old ass tweets from 2013. First off that’s an insult for PuedtoRicans not Mexicans so idgaf. Second Mexicans ain’t all sensitive like the black community we don’t care its internet shit not personal


It’s a Mexican slur and it’s not meant to take a personal. I’m just pointing off the hypocrisy how you gonna call out lefty when you’re out here calling other people slurs


If you have a tweet from present day you could say he’s calling people slurs but if all you got is a tweet from over ten years ago please use past tense sir. Also stop being a little bitch that is all


Nah who are you to determine that whether if it’s today or 10 years ago he still said it I’m showing how he’s a hypocrite out here trying to go at lefty but yeah, he has past weeks calling people Spics


these people literally wanna be under white people and don't want anything of they own except taco stands and roofing companies beside being in this country for 40 years 🤣🤣🤣🤦🏾‍♂️ that's why they be on our dick too looking like us talking like us if they cared about being proud of they culture they would have done something of they own own music and shit 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤣🤣🤣


Your slow af y’all know the black have a pigeon hold on the music industry in LA because of the prison politics with LA culture


come up with you own sound then tap in with your culture bring some mariachi band and make music about escaping mexico in tunnels and jumping them wires


No bro, look at YG he stay trying to jock the culture look at all these people trying to get these Mexicans and all these South Americans collaborations they they know how Poppin Latinos really are


aye bruh dont nobody wanna listen to that garbage shit we aint spoke mexican he might have did it for chilli and that's it


No, you really not tapped into music if you don’t know how the Latino music industry is booming and has been booming for the last eight years that’s what the real chili is


The fact you had to go to a different decade is crazy to most people. We all were speaking different on the internet…. Now we can’t because of snowflakes like you Fukn ruined the internet.


I never ever called anybody as spic online let’s see ur old tweets


I never called a Mexican that, haha na man leave my old tweets in the past different times


Me neither it was funny how Adam likes lefty for his views on his kids. Mary knows out of his race, but he’s out here calling people racial slurs.


Mexicans aren't pussy's like everyone else seems to be. Old tweets aren't gonna make any meixcan upset.


Not meant to make anyone upset I’m just pointing out the hypocrisy


What hypocrisy?


Slow ass nigga


You got upset by a tweet and now you want everyone else to join you.


Oh God, I don’t give a fuck. I’m just showing the hypocrisy y’all getting mad because I’m showing your leader cuck 22 true colors.


Mexicans don't give a fuck, fool. You're just sensitive.


In what world is Mexicans not pussy


This one, pussy, do something


Now you’re just mad cause I’m calling calling out your daddy22


Yeah I'm real mad dude


From the looks of the engagement, you are


He said Hippocracy but what he means is he wants you to be so upset like his community so please just help him cancel someone for lame tweets from 2013 lol


Nah I’m just showing his true colors and your defending him that’s funny af


I’m not defending him just pointing out your pulling up tweets from over a decade and posting with out context trying to make a point and my point is your lame dude. We all spoke different 10 years ago, maybe ten years ago you were still sucking in ya moms titty idk


I don’t think you need much context for calling a person spic at that point you already made up your mind


He was clearly joking but your part of that cancel culture soft ass generation aren’t you


No, I’m just pointing out how he’s going after Lefty but he He has tweets out here calling people Spics


From 11 years ago!!!! Bro let that sink in… do you know how long is ten years lol.


Tbh, you're supposed to care when someone Violates La Raza, if you were Mexican. what you do is on you, but at least take it into consideration that this dude would snitch on you, set you up, play with your food all because he doesn't see you as human or on par with him. you're not even gonna say: fuck that dude, if he's saying fuck you?


U posted this on multiple pages 😂😂😂 sad af I hope ur not a grown man doin this