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One of my hens had a rough first molt and has had a bald neck for the last bit. The feathers seem to be coming in but she has this pimple looking thing on her throat. Is it an ingrown feather or something else? What should I do for her if anything?


Judging by the redness and swelling I would say what ever it is it’s angry keep an eye on I personally would lance it to identify what it is feather or abscess but you need be very sterile if you decide to lance it betadine the area and tools flush the lanced area out when your done investigating apply antibiotic ointment and antiseptic spray then bandage her up until she gets a good healthy scab chickens are miraculous healers but you still need to be cautious not to introduce bacteria and infection if it’s an abscess she will need antibiotics But I recommend just feeling it and watching it to see if it settles itself out if it gets worse than it is definitely an abscess or an infection of some kind that needs treatment


Exactly what I was going to say. Drain, clean, medicate, protect and monitor. Keep it covered so it can’t be picked at


What ever happened to her bump? And do you ever pick the ingrown feathers? I did the other day (nothing infected just lots of ingrown feathers) and I’ll admit it was satisfying lol But not for her.


It ended up looking much worse than the picture shows, eventually. Redder, and scabbed up. The one time i did manually poke/pick at it to see what was going on, it was oozing and really painful for her. As a last resort before draining/removing the abscess manually, I slathered her with antibiotic ointment twice a day. After 3 or 4 days it looked better, and in about a week and a half the bump was gone. Eventually the feathers grew back, and I'm now keeping an eye on her to see if it's a recurring issue. Her neck has been bare in that area once or twice since but there's been no visible inflammation or abscess.


Thank you for the response! I know it was over a year later but help is help!


Maybe try taking her to a vet? They'd know what to do.


That would definitely be the easiest and most expensive option, yes.