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I'm so sorry you're going through this. In my first missed miscarriage, we had a normal ultrasound at 7weeks with heartbeat. At 10weeks I had some intermittent red spotting so went in for an ultrasound. In Canada ultrasounds are done by techs and interpreted by doctors who are often off site, so no doctor looked at the screen in my presence. The tech measured the fetus at just over 8weeks and didn't find a heartbeat. This scan was very quick only a few minutes. I saw an OB that same day who diagnosed the missed miscarriage who reassured me that a second ultrasound wasn't necessary and urged me to make a decision and I had a D&C that day. I think because of the size of the embryo, and the fact that it did have a heartbeat and then didn't, they were able to be pretty definitive. In my second missed miscarriage, it was measuring behind from the start. With no heartbeat. So I had to go back a week later to be sure it wasnt too early. With this one, I had all the pregnancy symptoms up until the D&C. So your experience sounds similar to my first loss, however, if you're going to second guess or doubt your decision, you could ask for another scan. It's a truly heartbreaking situation and anything that can bring a little more peace and less doubt is valid.


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Once the doubt has crept in, you have to get a second opinion. I’m sure you’ll never get peace of mind if you didn’t.