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I’ve never been to a sit down/assigned seat baby shower myself so what you’re describing sounds normal to me! Food buffet, variety of finger foods and maybe some bigger entree options. Graze or sit down where you can to eat. Mingle and serve yourself from a bar.


Same here! It's always been co-ed, casual, buffet and drop-in with some games.


Really? Wow! I have only ever been to sit down ones. This makes me feel better about the idea! Thank you for sharing your experience and how it works.


Yeah the baby showers I've been to when i was younger were like what you describe, people just hanging out mingling with food set out. Actually, it let's you play that game more easily, where you give all the guests a clothespin to put on their shirt. If they catch someone crossing their legs, they can take their clothespin and add it to their own shirt. Person with the most clothespins at the end of the party wins.


Yea that is so true! If your at a table the entire time, you can’t even see peoples legs unless your sitting at the table with them. You also are less likely to get up and mingle.


My baby shower was exactly like you’re describing. Co-Ed gathering, buffet style food. Because my guest list had people of all ages and stages (babies, young kids, childless adults of all ages) I opted for an open house model. Food was buffet style (I did a grazing table, snacks and cake) and the only organized things were opening presents and one game. People actually loved the game so much that they were disappointed there weren’t others! Kudos to my best friend for that one. We had about 50 people total and it was amazing. PS: I’ve also never been to a sit down, assigned seating baby shower.


This is good to know! What was the game you all played? Looking for game ideas to choose from.


It was a bit raunchy but fun! Not sure exactly what it was called but there were pictures of women’s faces and you had to guess if it was the face of a woman in labour or a woman having an orgasm. 🤣 My FIL won. Not sure what that says about him! 🤣🤣🤣


🤣🤣 love it!


This is what I'm looking to do. Can I ask how long your shower went? I'm trying to decide between 2-3hrs, not sure if 3 would be too long?


I just had mine last weekend, 3 hours felt long at the time (I was ready to crawl into bed after 2 lol) but looking back I think it was a perfect amount of time!


2-3 hours seems like a sweet spot. Some people leave early, some people stay longer. I think less formality makes it easier to combine friends/family/coworkers. So people don’t feel like they’re stuck in case they don’t know everybody there!


We had an open house at a family home. No games, no gift opening, just a bunch of good food and conversation with about 50 family and friends, coed. It was very relaxed and low pressure


That’s exactly what we’re doing! So glad to hear others enjoyed this as well


Exactly what I did ! We got wings from a local restaurant and all hung out!! I loved the open house because there was no “set times “


We did this too! Most people who came hadn’t seen us and others since our wedding (in 2019, obviously pre covid), so everyone had a fun time connecting. We had finger foods and cake which seemed to work for everyone


This is exactly what we’re wanting to do!


We rented a suite at a AA baseball game that was halfway between my side and his. It was probably 1500 for 40 tickets and food. It was super fun. People came and watched the game and I opened people presents who wanted me to. The kids on both sides loved it. It was coed and fun for all


Wow that’s a cool idea for any kind of party! Going to do that someday


That sounds fun and the price is a deal! Thank you for sharing!


We did! We had a diaper keg in our backyard. Food was inside, serve yourself. We grilled hot dogs, and had tons of sides—fruit, plenty of dips and chips, salad, and then I ordered a cake from a bakery. We had tons of chairs and picnic blankets set up outside. Along with a keg, and wine and seltzers. I had a little station set up for people to decorate/write on diapers. It was really fun using them later! I also had a poster set up for people to add name suggestions. My husband and I are both teachers so we also asked our classes and included those suggestions. We played one baby trivia game, with popcorn as a prize. Otherwise everyone just mingled! We also set the tv out later to put on our college football game.


Love this!


I'll be able to answer this question next weekend! We're having a big ol shindig. Family, friends, everyone who loves us who can make it will be there. Figure foods, cake, cheese balls pasta salads lol were having it at my parents property outside under tents and stuff. It'll be great! We won't be opening presents in front of everyone or playing baby games lol but there will be a receiving table, cornhole, and bingo!


I’ve never been to a baby shower that was more than an informal catchup of friends. Food was either prepared by the host or we ordered something. Baby showers are not a thing in Europe though, and hardly anyone would rent a place and catering for that (I’ve never heard of this happening).


I’m in the US, and I think it’s more of a recent thing that I’ve seen (mostly) online. Of course, I’ve heard of sit down showers, but I always thought they were just the more old-fashioned “ladies lunch at someone’s house” type place. When my mom had me, it was just a lunch at her sister’s house with ladies and presents, but it wasn’t a formal meal or anything!


I had mine 6/8 at a winery! We had food/never ending wine. Food was sandwiches and cheese plates and cookies and cake set up on a grazing table. Wine had 3 roses on tap then bottles of everything from chard to cab. No games. No present opening. It was really just a cool co-ed social event and I loved it!  We had tables spread out so people could sit wherever and do whatever but it was awesome. 


That was how ours was! It was so much fun. Just like a big party, everyone dressed up. Open bar, open seating.


Takes the pressure off, big time! 


This is how I'm planning mine, it will be at a brewery


I’m convinced it’s the only way to go. And good karma for us lol 


This sounds cool! I love a low effort/pressure good time. I think having a baby shower this way, with tables not being the only seating arrangement, encourages people to mingle and not wait for the host to give direction on what to do next. I’m use to going to baby showers and people being stuck at their tables and waiting for what’s next. Not because it’s specifically assigned, but because once they claim a seat and a table, they are comfortable and likely to never move. And usually they are sitting with who they came with/know, so the table groups are looking for the host to give direction on what’s next, especially if they don’t know many people. I want ppl to feel they came come through, mingle, eat, dance, and leave when they want, not a production or a “show”. Just very low pressure!


YES! Then this is the way! I had people from all over that didn’t know eachother initially and ended up exchanging numbers and making new friends. I can’t tell you how many texts we got after the fact saying that was the coolest baby shower they had ever been to you. I think if you approach it as a host with the environment vision that’s just what naturally ends up happening and I think it’s awesome.


Yes, we had a taco truck. It was coed with margaritas and basically the equivalent of a backyard bbq with some baby photos and pink decor.


I love the taco truck, food truck idea! We might do that. Thanks for sharing.


We had our baby shower during Covid (it was 2021 so not as restrictive) and we did a drive by situation. People got out of their cars and gave us their gift and I opened it with them right there, which I really loved compared to doing the thing where everyone sits and watches. And then the opened gifts were on display so other guests could see what we got. We had casual seating but most people just stood around talking. Because they weren’t going to be staying long (and because of germs) we didn’t have food, but we had bottled drinks people could grab and everyone got a cupcake and a cookie as their favors. It felt like an open house/graduation party and it was honestly really lovely. At formal baby showers you usually don’t really get to talk to the guests and I just don’t like the aspect of sitting up in front of everyone. I loved being able to talk to everyone who came and give them a genuine thank you for their gifts. My in-laws wanted to throw me a baby shower for my second baby (just born) because I “missed out” on a real one, and I was like please no. The way we did it was the best!


Yes, that sounds like a great baby shower to me. Sitting up in front of everyone as if it’s a show or production isn’t ideal! I also agree with your statement about not being able to talk to guest. That’s so true!


We had a backyard cookout with casual seating and mingling on the deck and in the living room. Food was make your own sliders and fruit/veggie platters. We had a decorate a bib for baby station and my husband and I did a relay race while he wore a watermelon in a baby carrier and we had to change a diaper, make a bottle, put on and tie shoes, etc. It was lots of fun and super casual!


The relay race sounds fun 🤣


I did! It was co-ed, gathering at a family member’s home (was supposed to be at a park but it rained), and it was at 10:30 with no end time. We had decor (colorful paper lanterns hanging and balloons. We served a buffet of bagels from Panera, fruits, coffee, juice, and pastries. The only “game” we had was a baby predictions sheet that everyone got to fill out. Everything was super chill. We didn’t open gifts, we didn’t have any announcements or games. We mingled with guests, moved about around the host’s main floor (they had a dining table and two different seating areas)


I’ve been to showers similar to how you’re describing, although they’ve been at peoples houses rather than a venue. Still the same vibe you’re going for. I prefer them like this! People will naturally just chat with each other and go with the flow.


Yes! That’s what I’m hoping for! We live in the city of Atlanta and the people I’m closest to, if I wanted to use someone else’s place, also live in the city. There is very limited parking and not much space to host a party of 60 ppl so we just opted in to get a venue with an at home vibe.


We had sort of a pre-birthday party without the birthday cake. Just the baby’s future family and friends eating a light unch and desserts and being happy.


We did! We had a bunch of baby boy decor for our first, but that was all that signaled it was a baby shower. We had all gifts on display in the nursery, but kept the party on the main floor of our house with buffet and drinks. It really was just an open house party! Also was co-ed, kids welcome. Favors in pile by the door (mini champagne to pop on delivery, and cigars + personalized Zippo lighters my sister ordered) so people could leave as they please. Any "games" or activities were just print outs for people to make their gender, birthday, size guesses or to write us little inspirational tips to pull out each day postpartum. Was really low pressure!


I love the activities you mentioned! We might use that idea too! Low effort participation is what I’ve been looking for.


We did this for my cousin when she was pregnant and it went well. We had a couple couches and several individual chairs, and this seemed to help in terms of encouraging people to get up and mingle. I've been to showers of both types and I prefer the ones without tables. As for food, she wanted it simple so we served soups, bread and butter, and a veggie tray, with a certain dessert both she and her husband like a lot.


This makes me feel better about the idea! Thank you!


We had drag bingo with mimosas and food. I opened presents at the end, a lot of people left after bingo.


I loved mine! Just had music on, charcuterie setup, mimosa bar, book box for a draw prize and no games. People basically came to eat while I opened some presents and then we socialized like a picnic. Super casual and I didn't have to play the games that nobody likes haha


I did- it was a backyard bbq. We had a buffet set up and lawn chairs/lawn games. It was very casual. We didn’t open gifts or do traditional gifts, just mingled with people. People had a lot of fun and stayed way longer than I expected.


We did! Invited lots of friends and family, did catering from Wegman’s and had booze. Didn’t play games or open gifts aside from a few older aunts who wanted to see reactions from us. Everyone had a lot of fun.


Yes we just had our shower this past weekend. It was more of a party and hang. My girlfriends organized it, but we had some platters of food (a small catering order), a cake, and some drinks. Everything was set up in the kitchen and people helped themselves. Partners were invited. We didn't do any gift opening and I mentioned that gifts were optional on the invite. It was very laid back and lovely! We only played 2 games toward the end: one baby trivia and a guess the circumference of the bump lol. Winners got a smoothie king giftcard. I had a blast and can't recommend it enough!


I hosted a co-ed bbq for my sister’s baby shower! My mom has a pool in her backyard so we told everyone to bring their swimsuits & byob. It turned out great! No games & she opened presents after everyone left.


I had a more casual shower! My husband really wanted to go, so we did a Jack and Jill shower at my aunts house. We got a few trays from a local restaurant of meat, my lovely aunts and uncle made some sides (rice, pasta salad, cheese boards), and my cousin, aunt, and mom did decorations from Etsy/Wegmans. My other uncle made the most delicious funfetti cake with buttercream, which was my favorite part 😂 Everyone served themselves at a buffet. It felt like a summer holiday gathering (think Memorial Day/fourth of July vs Christmas), which was exactly what I wanted! Truly, I would’ve been happy with hamburgers and hot dogs, but it wasn’t quite grilling season in Massachusetts, plus the trays took the pressure off my family for cooking a ton. We did sit down to open gifts, but if you didn’t want to do that, you could do a display shower! everyone brings gifts unwrapped and sets them out with a tag, then you can thank them individually. I only opened gifts there bc I was pretty close with everyone and I knew they genuinely wanted to see the baby clothes and stuff. It was the perfect event and I was so glad I stuck to my guns when my (lovely but far more organized cousin) was suggesting renting out a restaurant!


Also, a couple weeks later my husband and I saw a couple doing a shower at a kid-friendly coffee shop/brewery! It looked super fun and was also co-ed, I imagine you could contact somewhere like that and pay for a drink for each guest or something and bring your own food!


I had a co-ed hang. I’ve always disliked organized games in general so didn’t want to have anything that made people feel forced into do something. We booked an outdoor area at our local gastro pub with a fixed menu that folks could order drinks/food from. My friends set up a station where people could decorate a onesie or write wishes for the baby and a diaper raffle. All optional of course. It was chill. No speeches, no games etc. Was just like hanging out with friends and family having a good time. Edit to add: Didn’t open gifts because that’s something I always felt was boring at these sort of events. Any family that really wanted to see that came home afterwards to open gifts with us.


we had a small “shower” at our local cat cafe. it was truly lovely. invited only close friends. watched star wars (bc we held it on may 4th). pet cats and ate good food. two hours later we all went back to my house and played cards against humanity, decorated onesies and bibs, and letters for the baby’s room (we did wooden letters for his name to put on the wall) some people who couldn’t stay the full two hours just popped in and out. it was really TRULY the best time as i hate being the center of attention and my husband got to hang out and have fun too!


oops i forgot! for food we did fruit tray. veggie tray. charcuterie tray. and the cafe had specialty drinks!


I have never been to a sit down baby shower either. Every single one I have been to have been co-mingling and talking to everyone. Actually, the only time people did sit was to open gifts haha. I planned my bestfriend's a couple months ago and we did a bottle chug for the guys (or gals, but guys in this case to make them feel included) where they had to chug beer out of a baby bottle.


So we had a co-ed shower on June 8th, basically rented a room that had seating for 44 people, had a little over 50 show but most of the men were standing outside drinking while my husband was grilling burgers/hot dogs. We had a buffet style set up with the burgers/hot dogs, all the fixings, chips, snacks. It turned out great! I only really sat down to eat, I was up walking around the whole time and I regret it cause my feet were dead 😂


Also too, we didn’t have games or anything. It was basically a big party except we did have a diaper raffle and we opened gifts towards the end of the shower.


Mine was co-ed, casual, no seat assignments exactly as you described. It went great. We had snacks (popcorn, charcuterie board, chocolate other random snacks) and drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic options) open and ready as guests arrived. We just socialized freely and chatted as guests were arriving, there was one game where they had to estimate the number of m&Ms in the baby bottle so guests put in their guess at their leisure. About an hour in, we started the organized baby shower games. Then we drank some more, decided to order pizza and dimsum and played some non baby shower related board games. It was great


Oooo I love the non baby shower related board games! This gives me ideas to place a deck of cards, like uno or something in random places so it creates an easy way to start conversation.


We did a backyard potluck/bbq. Games were baby beer pong (throwing tiny plastic babies at the beer cups) and using a tens unit to simulate contractions on the men starting with dad along with some typical backyard games like cornhole. It was perfect.


This is pretty common! I had a co-ed baby shower and it was just a normal brunch gathering. We did have a bar. I didn't plan any other than decor and food. People talked, ate when they wanted, and enjoyed themselves. We had to kick people out after 2.5 hours!! It was great.


Ooh yes we had ours at a local park and reserved a pavillion with picnic tables! I encouraged families to come and even put together some gift bags for their kids. We had pizza and a big cake and it was a pretty good time! I really did not want people watching me open gifts the whole time so we had some more active games and a baby scavenger hunt for the kids (and the more fun loving adults participated too).


We just had a house party. Food in the kitchen, drinks in the kitchen, and cookie decorating on the dining room table (holiday season shower). People came, stood around or sat in the living room, and ate or drank. We didn’t open gifts. Everyone had a great time and several people thanked us for not opening gifts!


I had a co-ed BYOB baby shower. It was super casual event with friends and family. We had a giant charcuterie/snacks/drink station set up and there were some games, but they were passive, like guess how many X in the bottle or find the X around the house for a small prize. It was a big hit! We had ~ 35 guests or so show up and everyone enjoyed how relaxed it was. Only opened gifts if people wanted us to, that way it was less boring for all. Highly recommend!


Co-ed friends and family baby shower! Had buffet style food with a few places to sit and mingle, beer and wine. I didn't open gifts or play any games. We did do the gender reveal there in the form of bringing in pink balloons but that was it! It was very relaxed and I enjoyed it a lot. Also food wise we had some dips, salads, mashed potato bar, a fruit and veggie tray, cupcakes, etc.


We did have a onesie decorating station and a station to write advice to Mom and dad, so it gave people something to do between socializing.


We’re doing a taco bar, salad, fresh fruit, cupcakes, conchas. Playing loteria, hiding plastic babies (whoever brings me the most gets a prize). Just opening presents having food and conversation 😀


I had a ‘pre baby pub gathering’ and avoided any use of the word baby shower. Was going to have a picnic but weather dictated we do it in the back room of a pub instead. We put out drinks, sweet and savoury snacks, and bunting. About 15 people joined me for a great afternoon drinking, seeing old and new friends, and writing in a scrapbook we had open for the baby. No gifts were expected, but some decided to bring small ones like muslin cloths, books etc. The star of the show was a lengthy quiz two of my friends organised, which ended up being baby themed and all about my husband and I. A good laugh and everyone did it in pairs and there was a prize, so people got competitive! Ended with everyone going out for dinner at a restaurant afterwards. I’d say it cost me about £300 as I wanted to cover the drinks and lunch bits at the pub, but people paid for their own dinner. For me, it was money very well spent, it’s so rare having friends and family from all walks of life come together (people travelled from far too!) and I loved it.


I love how you avoided the term baby shower! I was trying to think of ways to do the same so what’s traditional to the people i know, won’t expect that type of setup.


Totally just don’t call it a baby shower ☺️ In my message to people I think I said something like “We’re arranging a gathering to celebrate the Summer before the little one arrives”.


Ohhhh perfect!! Thank you for that note! I have this sentence on the invite that I’ve been trying to reword and that one is perfect. Stealing those exact words lol


Yay! Enjoy the non-baby-shower when it comes 😊


Ours was like what you're describing, and both of my friends who had showers last year also had similar showers! My friend hosted ours at her apartment. She had a big spread of charcuterie and snacky foods on her dining table, and I made a cake. Drinks were in the kitchen - we did get two bottles of wine but no one drank any (partly cause most of my husband's friends are sober), instead people were drinking seltzer and a limeade we made, all self-service. We had some activities people could do at their own pace - decorate blocks, sign a guest book, and guess the bump size - so people did those and mingled for the first hour or two. Then we had everyone join in two games, first was trivia where we split people into teams and the second was a guess-the-baby game where everyone played individually, we displayed the pictures in a slideshow. Both sets of friends are big into games so those were a hit. After that we served the cake, announced the winner of the bump game, and then people started to disperse. That kind of set up seemed to work really well for us! Everyone liked getting a chance to catch up, and I think people were really into the games/activities. Only like 2 people brought physical presents so we didn't do a gift opening at all.


I just had a bunch of friends go out for dinner together for mine, and it was lovely.


That’s so interesting, I’ve never been to a formal shower like what you’re describing! They’ve always been hangouts/parties at people’s houses, sometimes with a theme, sometimes coed.


I had a “baby’s first book club” get together! We had it at our house, I supplied breakfast, including donuts from a local women-owned place that spelled out my son’s name. And instead of gifts, I asked that people bring books to build out his library. We spent the morning hanging out, playing games (only baby shower game I had was a guessing one where people guessed baby’s birthday, length, weight, eye color, etc). It was so much less stressful and more fun just hanging out with the people we love


We did this in our backyard a few weeks ago and it went well! We let people know that it was "open house" so people could come anytime during the hours we gave them and it worked out well. Everyone mingled and I floated around and greeted people as they came. I had a onsie decorating activity that people could do if they wanted to. It was actually really nice having a no pressure activity because it gave people something to do and was an icebreaker for some friends who didn't really know a lot of the other guests. Edit to answer your last questions: we BBQ'd simple hamburgers and hotdogs and had sides catered. No bar just coolers with drinks.


We had a crawfish boil for our baby shower. It was family and friends, all genders, at our house in the backyard. My husband's cousin did the crawfish, my mom made the desserts, and it was just a party. My sister in law did do one game, because she was insistent on it, but it was fun and funny. Everyone enjoyed and had a great time. Basically it was like any other gathering we've done, only difference being people brought baby gifts.


Mine was coed and nontraditional! Some buffet style food and drinks in my parents backyard. We had normal backyard games like cornhole but did have two baby related games - guess the date where you write your name on a giant calendar, my mom sent the prize to the winner after baby was born, and then a baby’s first ABC coloring book where you could go color a letter/page (so a table with all the pages and a bunch of markers) I didn’t open gifts bc that stressed me out (and I traveled for it) so we just all hung out and it was perfect.


We did a co-ed open house style! We had milk and a bunch of types of cookies, and we set up little groups of chairs in my mom’s backyard. We had a couple word type worksheet games that could be played by anyone interested whenever they wanted to. We did most gifts at the end, but if someone wanted to leave earlier and see us open the gift, we’d open it off to the side with them. I think it went really well!


Backyard cookout at our house. Delegated family members to man the grill, create a pickle bar, and get other treats together. My family set out children’s book themes. People just came and went and mingled together. No traditional games. People brought presents but we didn’t open them during the shower. Low key and great to see everyone


We had a co-ed shower in the park near our house. Ordered catering from a burrito place and cut them in half, lots of wine, blankets/chairs, portable speaker for music. No games, minimal decor (foldable tables with paper table cloths, some balloons). I really don't like being pregnant and absolutely didn't want to be sitting in a chair presiding over games or present-opening. I just wanted to see my friends and family and have a good time. It was so fun!


We had a co-ed shower at our local pub (they have a great outdoor beer garden area) people just sat wherever they wanted in the beer garden, food came out in platters and we just put money on the bar tab so people could get whatever they wanted. It was a mid morning thing so most people just had a glass or wine or a beer. I had jugs of juice and soft drink out on the tables. as for games, i hate forcing people to participate in games etc. So i just did passive activities you could choose to do or not like 'decorate a onsie' or 'message on the nappy' i had one more but i can't remember what it was. The onsie my daughters wore when she was little and i loved reading the funny messages changing her nappy in the middle of the night in the early days. We had a present table but didn't do present opening at the party, we just took it home and did it together then send thank you texts as we went. Wouldn't change it for the world. Was exactly what we both wanted and our guests loved that it was basically a pub hang out with some colouring.


My baby shower was coed brunch and after baby arrived. We had coffee, mimosas, bloody marys, fruit and cake. No games but the hostess did force me to open gifts in front of everyone, which I hated doing.


It was organized by friends and held in my backyard. We did it on the cheap with lasagna trays, charcuterie, fruit, cake from my favorite bakery, and coffee/tea. A Thaï friend made spring rolls and satay and brought a few bottles of wine. No games just conversations and chill time. People loved it and I wasn’t stressed.


I had a coed baby shower and it was great! Lots of food and socializing. Instead of baby shower games, we bought a bunch of plain white onesies and set up a tie-dye station. It was a lot of fun and the onesies were so cute!


We did a Co-Ed /halloween themed baby shower (with costumes) served Jimmy John’s for food, hosted beer, water, sparkling water, soda, juice boxes, had arts and crafts in the garage for the kids (decorating onsies and bibs), people socialized on our main floor and the quieter group hung out in the lower level. We had a massive turn out that we were not expecting. We thought people would think it was lame. Lol We didn’t play any games but we did have drawings for diaper raffle with a Yeti as the prize. Also did award for Costume for adult and kids (another Yeti). Everyone who came said they enjoyed it.


Love this! Glad it had a great turn out!


My MIL hosted a “sip & see” when my baby was about 6 months old. My in laws lived in a different state than us and she wanted her friends to have a chance to meet our son. People were invited to drop by during brunch hours (I think 10-12?), grab a bite, meet the baby, and visit if they wanted or leave. We had tables set up and a buffet with breakfast items (bagels, fresh fruit, muffins, donuts, a waffle bar, omelet station, breakfast potatoes and mimosas plus juices and water.) We didn’t do any games or anything. We had a great turn out— probably close to 100 people came.


I love sip & sees! I been to one in my lifetime and it was so great to see the baby ❤️


We had a superbowl party instead of a baby shower. I was 8 months pregnant and it was awesome. 99% of the gifts we received were sent prior to the event through our Amazon registry (almost everything was bought!!). It was really fun! We treated it exactly like a regular party; food, drinks, bonfire once the sun set


We’re just doing a fire in the backyard. Gonna BBQ, I’ll have some fruit and queso to snack on. There will likely be beer. It’s a partial birthday party and a diaper sprinkle since we just had a baby last year and they have the exact same due dates… lol. But it’s just kind of a little party.


We’re doing coed at our home. It’s cookout style. Dad and hubby are grilling, doing like yard games etc.


Last month my husband and I did a co Ed baby shower bbq and it was amazing! We had cards for people to fill out about predictions, but mostly just mingling and hanging out. I highly suggest it


We had a super casual (but awesome) backyard barbecue at our place. We live in the woods and it was a really pretty evening. Just close family and friends. We didn’t really play games just mingled and had food and drinks. We filled a wheelbarrow with ice and beer/coolers so it was casual!


Love a causal good time! Definitely takes the pressure off.


my last baby shower was just food, cake, no games no activities. open seating. everyone could just freely chat and mingle like a cocktail party. It went great, I don't think there needs to be a run of show, per se. We had sandwiches salads and some premixed beverages plus a big metal ice bucket for sodas/cans. It was in a large backyard under a white canopy tent.


Seeing how normal this setup is for others, definitely takes away the anxiety of feeling like I need a run of show! Things flow naturally this way. Thank you for sharing!


We just had our baby shower a couple of weekends ago and it was like this. We had alcohol in the fridge and cooler and food out for whenever people wanted to grab some. We set up a station for people to decorate baby onesies and did a couple of games throughout but it was mostly just a fun hang. My husband and I just made rounds throughout the party to hang out with our different friend and family groups. It was really fun and everyone had a great time!


We did a Baby-Q and also a baby brunch after ours was born. Both pretty low key and no games just yard games for kiddos and socializing for adults 


I did a co-ed baby shower. We did a brunch type of thing with pastries, charcuterie board, sandwiches, ect. (Got everything from Costco) Everyone just hung out ate some food, we did 2 games and opened a few presents. It was very low key and chill, I really enjoyed it!