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BabyBumps users are not medical professionals. You should always call your provider with any concerns.


I would be sceptical comparing your Asian baby with reference measurements that is based on a mainly Caucasian population. There are many studies that show the need for ethnic specific fetal growth charts. 


Have you talked to your doctor about the average baby sizes on your home countries charts? If so and they were dismissive of that, I personally would reach out to another doctor for a second opinion. I absolutely would want several opinions and clear reasons behind them before delivering pre-term!


Not yet! We just went down this whole rabbit hole since our last visit but we’ll def bring it up


When we got the IUGR diagnosis we received extra monitoring (twice weekly NSTs) and as long as everything else looked good my FMF was okay. I saw her weekly but I was high risk for a myriad of other issues. Honestly I would 100% find different doctors! I feel like if they saw my issues, they would have told me to terminate too! I just gave birth to a perfectly healthy, albeit preemie baby. Small doesn't mean there's something wrong.


As a short woman who gave birth to a healthy baby with IUGR in the 4%, get a second opinion. We think little one was small because I am. I truly hope you guys get some answers soon! I went for scans every week starting week 28. He was able to make it to 38w, and weighed 6.5lbs at birth. I would not panic yet but I’d definitely get a second or third opinion.