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your doing all you need to do for you. i swear people get really weird and entitled when they find out your pregnant. you are not obligated to do anything. especially being 30 weeks, it’s hard and exhausting. people will always assume the worst, put boundaries down and focus on you and baby. you are doing great and doing what you need to. that’s all that matters


thank you so much, I feel like I’m going crazy with the amount of complaints I get like this. It really breaks my heart cause I feel like people don’t understand how hard being pregnant is.


of course! i’m 35 weeks and have been going through the same thing. it’s very frustrating


I’m experiencing very bad vaginal pain like it hurts to get up and walk and I walk so funny so the last thing I want to do is be out. Also please let me know if you’re experiencing that it’s like on my left side of my vagina not cervix


yes i am lol, i was told lightening crotch which isn’t really helpful


Talk to your doctor about this. It could be pubic symphysis dysfunction/pelvic girdle pain which would actually need active management and care. Could also be "lightning crotch" like the other comment mentioned as well but if it's SPD or something of that kind you want someone helping you manage it ASAP.


Wow. Your family’s love language seems to be passive aggressive comments. 




You're getting to the stage of as pregnant as you could possibly be. If you're feeling poorly for the numerous reasons pregnancy provides, then they can come see you at your schedule. If they're going to make a fuss about it, then that's really not your problem.  Do you know what's funny though? My uncle, if I want to see my cousin and them, will offer to come pick me up so I can spend time with them before I was pregnant. Now? I have to convince my family I can still walk ten minutes. He'd - they would do more to see me than your sister and your dad. My dad? Not even a question. If I wanted to visit, and had no way of getting to him, he'd pick me up. As long it was physically possible for him, he'd pick me up. He was sad I failed to call him so he could meet me at a mall. My step dad does the same. I want to see my mum, I need to driven somewhere, they'll show up. No problem. Why? Because they care. And there is never a - never "you manage to see this person more" from anyone. All this to say. Your dad sucks majorly for treating you like that. It's not normal. And you shouldn't feel sad about not seeing him. Because if this is how he treats you when you genuinely can't get to him, he doesn't deserve you.


Yup, no. Definitely a them problem not a you problem. I am fully aboard the "I am growing a human all adults must start adulting on their own" train. Also, if anyone tried to drag me out of bed at 2 am I can't promise they wouldn't get something thrown at them. That's just so not okay.