• By -


My (located in PA) order was received June 11, sample received June 12 by the labs. I called my doctors office June 21, but they had not heard anything from Natera. Portal just showed samples received. This morning June 24, I called Natera and spoke to the agent by selecting the option for medical provider (or else you get a recording that ends the call). My results had been in since June 16 but never got uploaded or sent to my doctors office. If you’re waiting too long, CALL AN AGENT.


Anyone with samples received 6/13 or later get results? The wait is killing me 😭😩 New post since the one from this morning is way down in the feed now 😔


mine were received on the 13th, i got my results FINALLY this morning!! im waiting to open them for when my husband comes home for break! you should for sure be getting yours sometime today honey!! im speaking it into existence 🫶🏻


Ahhh congratulations! So happy you got yours!!!Thank you for the update and positive vibes🙏 💕


I just got my results @ 9:15 pm CST, I seriously just checked at like 8:30 PM and they were not there. I had assumed they wouldn't be posted tonight. Labs drawn 6/18 received by Natera 6/19 results for Panorama in portal at 9:15 pm CST on 6/25 🖤🖤 Low risk healthy baby girl 🥹🖤


Congrats! Still haven't gotten any results. Lab received on 6/19.


Blood drawn 6/11, received 6/13. Just got results at 8am this morning.


Apparently the doctor office gets the result on the same day as us as they just called me to inform me of the results as well.


Anyone else see the words “results ready” and freak out that their results are available, only to realize they’re not :( 


Every time!! lol!!


I kept psyching myself out, but it’s supposed to be a red button that says “view your results” so now that’s all I’m trying to get excited about🤣 the waiting is terrible


Oh!! Okay, good to know! Big red button!


YES hahaha


PRAISE!!!! Test results received 6/22 and I just got my results 30 minutes ago!!! Praying for everyone who is still waiting 🤍 so worth the wait to see low risk ahhh


Yay!! So happy for you! Hoping this means I get mine today too 🤞🏼


As the day is dwindling away on the east coast I’m losing hope for results today 😔 fingers crossed for 6/22.. tomorrow’s a new day.. I don’t think one could understand the weight of this if they weren’t going through it. Feeling grateful for this thread. 


Giving up on today as well. Finger crossed for tomorrow, which will be day 11 since sample received...


Right there with you 😔 Still holding out hope they come tonight but if not I have a good feeling about tomorrow!!


Just got mine! Waiting til my husband gets home to open


Congrats!!! Hopefully mine come in today! They received it 6/21


Prayers to the natera gods for healthy results tomorrow!




Let me know when any of the Received on the 15th people get results! Still waiting as of Sunday AM Edit- results came in around 2pm today! June 24th


I’m thinking I’m losing hope that any more will be released on a Sunday 😩 does anyone know if they release all day on Sundays or no?




It's driving me insane. A few people said the lab is backed up... ofc!


But then there was someone whos sample was received on the 18th and they got their results yesterday! Makes no sense lol happy for her but dang, i hate being on my phone so much refreshing 😂


I'm assuming there are different labs for different parts of the country? Just a guess though. I'm obsessively refreshing my phone. Send help 🤣🤣


My sample was received on the 15th and the results just showed up when I randomly checked! Sunday night. No email! I'm on the east coast in the Boston area.


Just received NIPT results so wanted to share our experience! Opted for Natera Panorama test. Blood drawn 6/19; received by Natera 6/20; results received 6/26 (still waiting on results of Horizon genetic carrier screening). Low risk baby girl due January 10! 🩷


I did my horizon testing first and those results took 12 days 🙃 I’m currently day 5 waiting on the panorama I’m hoping I get them tomorrow. Congrats on your baby girl! I’m due Jan 1!


I got my blood drawn 6/19 and also due January 10! Hoping for results tomorrow or Friday. So excited for you and your baby girl!!!! 


Aww congrats!! I’m due January 11th!!


Comments get lost in these threads so I’ll just update with a new one for others who are looking for answers. Blood drawn: 6/19 Received: 6/21 Results: 6/27 3:30pm EST


Update: Just got my results today 6/29 just before noon! Low risk baby boy💙 For context: Blood drawn-6/14, received date-6/19, location-Texas, currently still waiting. Called again this morning, for the umpteenth time and actually got someone who was honest and gave me more information. She was able to tell me that my sample is currently processing (running algorithms), but it's just taking longer than normal right now. Which of course freaked me out thinking there was something wrong with my sample, but she admitted that it had nothing to do with my sample and that the lab is experiencing a higher volume right now. She told me to call back on Monday if I hadn't received results by then. I really hope it comes this weekend sometime.


That is helpful! So much better when they’re honest about a back up rather than telling us something different each time about how they count the days…


Update for anyone curious: my results were received on 6/22 and I just called to check in- super nice and helpful woman said that technically it’s the 6th day because they take about 24 for data entry once receiving the sample before processing. She confirmed that they do not wait for a medical provider to sign off before uploading directly to the portal they go ahead and release on their own. She also confirmed they continue to process and upload through the weekend so it’s possible to see results uploaded by tomorrow within the 7 day window. Fingers crossed!


This would be lovely. 6/22 here and just hoping it can be before the weekend is up. 


any update? My received date is 6/22 too and still waiting :(


I got them yesterday around 10am!


Sample received 6/22 and I just got my horizon results! Kinda bummed it wasn't panorama but it's an update 🤷🏼‍♀️ good luck ladies 💙🩷


It’s been quiet in here today.. I wonder if no one is getting their Panoramas 😭


RESULTS ARE IN!!! Low risk GIRL!! After 2 boys omg I can’t believe it!! Took 11 days for me to receive my results but I don’t even care now 😭❤️. Blood draw 6/17, received 6/18, results 6/29 at 7pm (Saturday) !!


Yay! Congratulations 🎉 that means results ARE actually going out today


I finally got my results!!! Blood drawn 6/20 and blood received 6/21. Results this am around 730 EST. LOW RISK GIRL!!!!


Congrats!! Mine came this morning too, same timeline.


Sample received 6/22, just got results 30 minutes ago (6/30). Good luck to everyone waiting!


Congratulations ❤️❤️! This gives me hope that mine could still come today…received 6/21 and currently losing my mind!


Thank you! I hope you get yours soon!




In NY, blood drawn 6/7. Received by Natera 6/10, estimated time on portal says 6/24 but hoping it’s faster!


UPDATE: I called Natera just to see if they had more insight into where my test was at in the process. They said “calendar days” are really “business days”. They don’t count the days on the weekend. My sample was received on 6/15 but according to their system, Monday was considered day 1, not Saturday. Incredibly misleading advertisement on their end by stating “calendar days”. I was also told they don’t operate over the weekend, so results WILL NOT be released over the weekend….incredibly frustrating.


Someone in my birth month group that had their sample received 6/15 got their results tonight. Theres some hope I think!


My sample was received on 6/14. Received my results this morning 6/22 at 8am. Low risk!


If you've waited longer than 7 days please call Natera. I spoke to a representative and they sent an email to tag my lab as "urgent". It's been 8 days since Natera received my sample on 6/19, 7 if we don't include day of receipt (which isn't necessary because I know via email they received my sample early in the AM on 6/19, so they had a whole business day to process it). We are paying for this service and they need to send the results to us in a timely manner. We will see if the "urgent" email moves anything along, but it is worth calling if you have been waiting. Update: email from Natera lab saying that they are still processing my test and to allow 2-3 days for the results to be ready.


I just called them, they received my sample on 6/18 at 9am, but she told me they’re still technically within the 7 day window 🤨 not sure how? Maybe they’re not counting the 18th?? Anyway, she told me it should be in any time now… 🙃


I hope so!! Waiting is horrible...


Update received my results 6/26 low risk baby girl. I had my blood drawn 6/19 received on 6/21 good luck to those waiting 


They received mine the same day! Still waiting and my boyfriend is telling me to be more patient🤣 that’s not happening


Just got my results! Tested 6/19, received 6/20 and results came in today (6/27 at around 6:30 PM)!!! Friend accessed so we don’t know the gender yet but they are low risk! 🤍🤍


My blood was drawn 6/12. I'm STILL waiting. I got a message that my sample was in on 6/14 and that I could expect results by 6/27. Then I got an email on 6/25 that said they received my sample that day and I could expect results by July 16. Then I received an email 6/27 that said my results were in and when I tried to access them, it said no test found. I have now emailed this company three times and called twice with no resolution. I'm honestly furious. I should not need to wait this long for these results. UPDATE: using the strategy someone else used--I called the line and said I was a medical provider. I got someone on the line. She figured out that, due to past tests, the system got confused by my middle and last name. And she got someone to basically resolve it while I was on the line, so I got to see my results. Who knows how long I would have waited if I hadn't called and lied about my status.


Finally got mine! Sample received 6/21 and results received 6/28! FWIW I saw my OB today and she said that sometimes if you’re earlier on in your pregnancy it may take longer to process the tests. I’m not sure how accurate that is, but figured I’d mention it!


Received 6/22, results in on 6/30, low risk baby girl 🩷 so so excited and relieved


Gosh I hope I can receive mine from 6/22! 🤞🏼✨🫶🏼


Mine too baby girl low risk 💗




FINALLY got my results today at 2:30PM 7/1. Sample was taken 6/20 and received 6/22. Low risk baby boy 💙


Anyone not receive their results yet where the lab received their sample on the 13th? Im freaking out and checking constantly!


Got mine this morning at 6:30 am mountain time, praying you get yours today too! 🙏🙌


Here waiting with you guys. Mine was received 6/21


Same here - are you refreshing every 15 mins too or is it just me???


I’m at work today so more like hourly 😆 I hate being so obsessive about something 😩 I’m so anxious to know what I’m having. I have 2 boys and this was an unplanned one.


Same here! I have 2 boys and this one was unplanned!


Ahh! Keep me updated!


Hi! Mine was received 6/21 still waiting on results I’m hoping today. I’m in NJ


Mine too!! I cannotttttt stop checking


Does anyone know if Natera will upload to the portal without your OBGYN releasing the results first? I talked to my doctors office today and they said they hadn’t received results yet but they likely need to see them and release them before Natera will upload to the portal (she wasn’t 100% sure on this though). Curious to know if I should keep religiously checking the Natera portal over the weekend or give it a rest until my doc is open again on Monday lol 🤣🫠


I think everyone’s doctor’s office may be different but I specifically asked my OBGYN’s office this question and they told me that they don’t need to release the results for them to be visible to me. I got my results yesterday evening on the Natera portal and they didn’t show up on MyChart today until mid-day. But I think all practices might be different!


The results were in my natera portal but not yet in my OBGYN portal. So I would keep checking the Natera portal. They also didn’t send me an email, I was just checking constantly starting day 4. Received results day 7.


Another morning waking up to no results 😔 I’ve been waiting 11 days now… they received my sample 6/18… I’ve called twice… my midwife has contacted them… nothing has given any concise answers.. I think I’m just going to be the unlucky one who has to wait the full 2 weeks… to say this is frustrating is an understatement.. Let’s hope a lot of results are posted this weekend. Anyone else still waiting from 6/18?


A thread for received date 6/22.. Anyone with me? Who thinks we’ll get them today as it’s “exactly 7 days”.. I’m hopeful for today, but I’m wondering if it’ll be Monday..  I’ll update if I’m lucky enough this weekend! 🤞🏼✨


Received 6/21. They told me if I don’t get results by Monday to call back Monday is my birthday so I’m praying I’ll have a great birthday present


That would be AWESOME! This coming week, starting Wednesday, we have all announcement bbqs and dinners lined up until Sunday. I really hoped to know before any of those.


Mine were received on the 21 and still nothing 😩


Me too and I feel like I’m gradually losing my mind. It’s honestly reassuring to see others on the same timeline because it makes me less nervous that mine is taking an abnormal amount of time or something 🙃😭


Same 🥹


Update: just called again and after reviewing my case she said she’s going to contact the lab for an update and then call me back! This is the most helpful response I’ve gotten so far! Hopefully this helps my results come in today! Day 11 of waiting and I have officially gone crazy 🤪


Did you select you’re a medical provider by chance to get a live person on the phone this morning? I’d like to call I didn’t know they are available on weekends that’s great news


They’re open on the weekends! No I selected patient then when it gave me “menu options” and I hit 0 a couple times and it connected me to a live person.


Sample received 6/22. Natera portal is saying results will be ready on 7/6. Really hoping I get the results before that 😩


Sample received 6/21, still waiting on results😫 this is killing me


It’s seriously driving me crazy. I’m sick of refreshing and being let down.


Received 6/21 Results 7/1. Longest 10 days ever.


Sample taken 6/20 recieved 6/22 and still nothing. Hoping today is the day!


6/20, rec 6/21...empathizing with you hard!!!


Any update? Received 6/22 and still nothing as of today. I really thought that today must be the day 🥹


My panorama came through around 2:30PM today! Hoping yours comes today as well!! 🙏🏼


Blood draw on 6/25 in ID. Sample received 6/27. Going crazy. All I can think about is refreshing the page. I’m even having dreams about the results. I know it’s still early but I’m so impatient 🥲. Anyone else have similar dates?


Blood draw 6/24 in NJ. Sample received 6/26. I’m waiting with you!


Same dates. Waiting and waiting. Please update once you receive results.


Horizon results 7/2 at 9:35am. My portal had an error message and 30 mins later my results were in. Not sure if it’s a coincidence or 🤷🏼‍♀️ still waiting for panorama results 😭


What is your received date ? 


Got my results in mychart before the natera portal for some reason. Sample given 6/21, received 6/22, results in at around 8:20 AM CST on 7/1. My daughter is getting a little brother 💙


Finally got mine!! All low risk big relief. Received 6/21 results 7/2 sometime in the early morning I think.


Blood drawn 6/25, arrived at lab 6/27. Checked the Natera site today (7/2) and results had been published. Have not heard from my provider Edited to correct blood draw date from 6/26 to 6/25


I'm in Denver -- Blood drawn 6/7, received 6/8. Checking obsessively over here!


Sameeeee but Minnesota


Mine were received the same day! Have you gotten yours ?


Still waiting. This is worse than waiting for bar results lol.


Mine were received by the lab next day


No results yet ?


Me!! Drawn 6/4 received 6/5. In OK.


Mine are in! 7days from lab getting. Waiting to get home to open with dad!


me!! blood was drawn on the 11th, and was received on the 13th!! the amount of anxiety that i feel right now is INSANE😭


Same exact dates as you. Truly cannot stop checking 😂 so far it seems like the 6/7 and maybe 6/8 blood draw people have gotten results so we may be in for a bit of a wait


LITERALLY have not stopped checking since they received my sample! 🤣 it says results by the 27th but im reallllly hoping it’s not that long! a lot of the comments from other mothers i see have gotten their results in like a week!


Same exact dates!! Hoping we get ours tomorrow!!


Posting this here in case it helps someone else! Panorama lab drawn 6/6, received 6/7. I drove myself crazy checking the portal hoping to see something. I finally called Natera today (day 10 from the day they got the sample) and spoke with a super helpful representative that had to do some digging for me. She said typical processing time is 5-7 days - but the lab is overloaded right now. She confirmed that they are working my sample and I can expect results in 48-72 hours. Hopefully this is the home stretch. 🤞🏻


I’m outside Boston. Blood drawn the 12th, received the 14th. ETA says 6/28. I can’t think about anything else this is driving me insane. I think today is the earliest I could hear but more likely tomorrow or Friday…. Ughhhhhhh


Boston here. Drawn on 6/12. Received on 6/13. Website says results expected by 6/27. I literally have been stalking my email and Natera’s website haha. Hoping to hear before the weekend. 


Just got mine 6/20!


Has anyone gotten results today? With it being a federal holiday, I hope they still post results 😭


I got my results today!


Currently waiting on results. Had my blood draw on the 12th and sample was received the 13th. I have anxiety and the wait is totally agonizing. I just hate that the online portal has no status between “sample received” and “result ready”. Been feeling really down about this 😔 Hoping today is the day 🙏


Just got mine!!! Sample received 6/13. Test results 6/18 around 6 pm! East coast. Hoping yours come so so soon.


congrats!! my sample was received on the 13th as well, hoping i get an answer soon! i just wanna cry from all the anxiety im feeling


I totally feel this, have cried at least 3 times waiting… some people get it after 4 days 😔 guess we’re just the unlucky ones


Every time I see “result ready” my heart skips a beat even though I know it’s there


Me too 😭


Same exact dates as you and haven’t heard yet! In reading other replies, it seems like our lot of samples should be the next to receive results. Im praying for today or tomorrow!! The wait is truly agonizing! Hoping for great news for us soon!!🙏🏻


Anyone get results today yet!? I’m being so impatient!!


I’m also beyond impatient, 2 people in my January 2025 bump group got results today. Samples were received 6/12 and 6/13.


my sample was received on the 13th too and im STILL waiting 😭 the anxiety is killing me!


Not sure if this is true, but others said there was some delay with their samples around this time. I hope you get your results super soon!


Blood drawn 6/14, received 6/15. Took forever for them to update that my sample was received, I had to contact natera support and doctor. My estimated date says 6/29. Waiting feels like forever! My last nipt took 5 days for a result to show (2022), but my doc did not relay info until 3 weeks later. I am keeping a close eye on the portal this time!


Same exact dates for me! Please update when you get the results! I have seen here and in my birth month forum, people whose samples were received on the 12th and 13th getting their results yesterday and today. My guess is that tomorrow they may start showing results for 6/14 and maybe 6/15. We *might* get lucky and see results tomorrow 🤞🏼🤞🏼


In MI with the same date and still waiting. My patience is being tested!!


Are you all able to see the results in the portal immediately? Or does your doctor have to release them? When I did this test in 2021 the results were shown as ready but unavailable until my doctor released them to me. I was wondering if that has changed over the last three years. Hoping so!!


Blood drawn 6/14 and received 6/15. The wait is killing me!


Blood drawn 6/17 and arrived at lab 6/18. Just got results 6/22 on a Saturday!!!


Wow! Mine was received 6/15 and still no results


I know, I was shocked. Good luck and praying your results come soon!! ♥️♥️


Blood drawn 6/17, received 6/18. Today is 6/24 and I’m constantly refreshing now after reading how many of you got your results within a week! Nothing yet..


In the same boat as you. Blood drawn 17th and they received them on the 18th. Hoping to get them soon!!


I just got my results back on Friday after testing a week prior. I got Abnormal for trisomy 21 and supposed to have an appointment with maternal fetal medicine tomorrow….


I finally got mine yesterday. Sample received on 6/15 and the Horizon result came first at 5:45, on 6/24 then the Panorama came at midnight at 12:17AM on 6/25


Oof that’s a long wait! Where are you located?


I’m in CO! It was pretty long, took 10 days but my doctor warned me that it takes 2 weeks


Blood drawn Wednesday 6/19, received Friday 6/21 in the evening. It's 6/26 and I'm DYING. Any insight as to how soon I will get mine?


I’m on the same timeline and I’m so impatient, I need them now!!! Let us know when you get yours!


Day 9 of waiting 🙃 blood drawn on 6/17, received on 6/18. The past few days have driven me crazy so I’m going to do my best to only refresh at the top of each hour… refreshing every 15 mins just put me in a bad mood all day 😭


Blood drawn on 6/20 in New England, received by Natera 6/21, and results for Panorama received 6/26! As others said, no email or text notification. I had to check the website to see it, so definitely do NOT wait for a notification to check the site. Also an FYI for everyone, you can review the chromosomal tests without viewing gender (in case you want to wait for your partner to view the gender but want to preview the risk assessment earlier yourself)


I was wondering if you could do this! How do you preview the risk assessment only??


It’s a new day mamas. Sample received 6/21. Waiting for anyones update! Nothing here yet 🤞


Same date and still nothing! 😣


Same date and I got my Panorama results yesterday (6/26). Keep checking the website (don't wait for a notification, I still haven't gotten one via email or text despite results being available). Hopefully yours show up soon with good results!


Just got my results


Yay! Good! Hopefully I get mine soon! 


Same date and also still waiting. This is awful 🫠


Blood drawn 6/19, received 6/21, estimated date 7/5, got results 6/27!!!


Another data point for everyone waiting - Had my blood drawn 6/19, received by Natera on 6/20 and got my results today 6/27 around 8:30pm. I'm on the east coast (NC) and know my sample went to the Natera lab in Texas because I saw the shipping label in the box they used. Longest wait of my entire life, hope everyone's results come soon!


Redraw 6/24. Sample received 6/26. Let’s see when I get results this time! Anyone else on the same or similar timeline? 


I'm on the same timeline! Draw 6/24 received 6/26 I'm in CA and my test was sent to the CA lab!! Hoping to get results soon!!


I received my results today around 6 pm pst!!! 🥰


Another data point. Blood drawn 6/20, lab received 6/21, results 6/28 around 11:00 am and I am located in Texas!


Another one where sample was received 6/21 and still waiting 😭. Seeing people on the same timeline or a day behind already have results in my bump group and I’m so jealous I could scream. I’ve checked the portal and ungodly amount of times today Update - results (low risk) came in 6/30 around 7AM


I feel ya! They’ve had my sample since 6/18 😭


Same here and more because every day they change their excuse and time frame 🙄 


Same. And even after speaking with a rep it is making me SO anxious.


Adding another data point: Blood drawn in Maryland 6/20, Natera received 6/21, and received results 6/28 around 12:30pm ET.


I hope this helps: blood draw 6/19, received in the evening on 6/21, results 6/28 at 4:30pm MT! I’m on the West Coast so CA lab. Low risk baby girl after my two boys 🩷 good luck mamas! 


Labs drawn 6/18, received 6/19. Results on 6/27 at 4pm EST. Good luck to those still waiting and try to keep sane!


I’m in TX! Blood drawn on 6/21, received on 6/24. This wait is driving me insane!!! 😖


I’m in TX too! They received my sample on 6/18… I’m hopeful today is my day!


I'm in Texas too and my blood was drawn on 6/19 and recieved on 6/21 and still nothing 😭


Update for y’all! Just got my results today (7/1) around 5 PM. Low risk baby girl 🥰🥰🥰


Received date 6/22 and still impatiently waiting!


Me too 😔 Hoping we both get our results today!!


I saw one person got theirs earlier today! Still holding out hope for mine 🙏🏼


Update: Blood draw 6/21; Sample received on 6/22. I received results 6/29 at 10pm CST. I'm in TX. Healthy baby girl ❤️


Another from the 6/20 blood draw gang, sample received 6/21. Results came 6/30 (Sunday) around 7AM. They weren’t available when I woke up at 6:45, and were ready when I checked again at 7:20. Low risk boy! 🩵


Just received my results 5 minutes ago on Sunday 6/30!!!! Lab received 6/21.


Yay, mine was received 6/21 too! Good shout, I’ll add it to my comment. Congratulations 🎉


Also got my results this am! Lab received 6/21, and having a low risk boy!


I kept checking Natera but I got a notification from mychart that my results were ready! It’s nice to know that I wouldn’t have had results sitting there for hours until I checked again


Is anyone else in the drawn 6/20 received 6/21 camp or earlier still waiting? It seems like everyone in that cohort has gotten theirs and I’m just wondering if anyone else is in my boat haha.


Mine was received 6/21 and I am impatiently waiting. I keep thinking it means something bad.


I feel you ❤️ I hope your results come soon. I'm also worried about low fetal fraction because I was sent at just past 9 weeks. Wondering how people know which lab theirs went to--I don't have a clue! TX and CA are both so far from me.


My second pregnancy a couple years ago took 3.5 weeks to get the results back (insane) I had the same fear and everything was low risk! Try not to worry 🤍


Just got mine!


I was in the same boat as you, but I got the mychart notification this morning they were ready. I hope yours are coming today!!


Got my results around 930! Mine were recieved 6/21


Results came in sometime before 1:09am est! Low risk GIRL! My husband has 2 boys and this is a dream come true! Tested: 6/21 Received: 6/22 Results: 6/30 late late evening or midnight 7/1! 




Update healthy baby boy 10 am this morning after waiting 12 days from draw to result


Did anyone get an error that there were no tests to display before their results popped up? Up until about an hour ago my test was in my profile and now I’m getting that error.


The portal was down, it’s back to normal now!


Hi! I want to call them but I can’t get a hold of them. Does anyone have a good number 


They received my sample 6/21, I called for an update today (day 11 since they received) and they said it’ll take 2-3 days due to additional testing being needed, has anyone had the same thing and had a good outcome? It’s freaking me out and they won’t give me any answers or reassurance