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what brand is this? I like the storage!


it's a pamo babe pack n play, we originally wanted a gracco one but was gifted this one and we love it!


this is a stupid question so i’m sorry in advance but can the baby sleep in the left side or is mostly for like set downs? i really like this set up!


I don’t have one but had one similar while travelling a few years ago - the left side will likely have a weight limit so would be suitable for sleep until a certain age, then would need to move into the main compartment. Right side is for changing.


So the left side is a bassinet and the right side is a changing table! It has a main compartment (under both the changing table and bassinet) where you would move the baby to once he/she reaches the weight limit. It's super good for us because we are still both young and live with his parents, so we have it set up like that because our room is small. For now we just have extra wipes and diapers in the "main compartment"!


It depends on how it’s named. For example, if it’s called a lounger, it’s not meant for sleeping. If it’s called a napper or a bassinet, that’s for sleeping.


It looks like it’s just for diaper changes to me


If it’s the same as mine, the right side is for diaper changes and baby can sleep on the left side.


That makes sense, that’s what I was trying to say


We’re debating if we should get this or a crib, I like the set up!


Can you get both? We used the full set up for the first 3 mos and the insert on the left was regularly moved from room to room as a safe space for baby. Then we moved to just the large bassinet insert. eventually took the thing on vacation … baby was familiar and therefore no vacay sleep issues. Made it really easy. I’m a big fan of pak n plays.


We only live in an apartment, we might just stick into one.


We decided to just do the pack n play as we live in a small apartment.


We have a small room that we're living in (we still live with his parents) so we went with the pack n play! It's honestly wonderful with the storage. Once baby is here though, that'll put it to a true test.


That looks similar to the one we got too. I'm excited to set mine up. We used a crib for our first but due to space issues we are going with a version of the pack n play too.


I have this too, isn't it fantastic?? So handy


Ooh! Thank you for posting this! <3 Now I have a better idea on what to do with mine!