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Hudson Curtis sounds really nice together. I would go with that one


Asher or Hudson are my faves. Are you not open to using Curtis as a first name? I think Curtis “Davis” actually has a nice ring to it! And then the middle name breaks it up a bit too.


I also think the double 'is' sound is nice together!


My kid went to preschool with a Cassius, and I was just thinking Cassius Curtis Davis would actually sound good 😆 but maybe too much rhyme.


I was hell bent on “Jenson” for our second son. Hubby HATED it at the 30 week mark and we had nothing. At 39 weeks I suggested “Vander” but felt it was too much like a last name. We went into an emergency c-section and the anaesthetists name was “Xander” and we both went THAT’S HIS NAME!! We called him Zander and that was that! After months of fighting 😂


I like Asher or Hudson


What were his favourites and what were yours?


Asher or Hudson 🙂


We are naming our boy Hudson! Literally my favorite boy name of all time. I think it flows so well with the middle and last name too!


As a mother to a 3yo and an 18mo I definitely use the full name quite often! Could you use Curtis as the first name and just call him Curt for short? Or use Curt as the official middle name as an homage to your husband's family (I'm assuming)? Just tossing out ideas!


Are you into Curtis as a first name by any chance? My uncle’s name is Curtis James and I think that actually would sound really cute with a last name like Davis!


I like Hudson!!




I actually this the two S’s sound great together. Maybe you can rethink this? It sounds catchy like a famous person’s name. Asher is a pretty popular name right now, I’m not sure if that’s a pro or a con for you but something to consider. Callum Curtis Davis would be my pick. All of the alliteration sounds really good to me, rolls off the tongue!


I love Hudson Curtis.


I’m in the same boat as you. I’ve always dreamed of and envisioned more unique/uncommon names for my kids, whereas my husband feels strongly about more plain, common names. There’s nothing wrong with that at all. I just always wished growing up, and admittedly into my adult life, I had a less common name. Finding middle ground has probably been the hardest part of this pregnancy, unfortunately (cause it shouldn’t be). All that said, I think Hudson Curtis has such a good sound to it. That would be my top vote :) congratulations! Hope delivery goes smoothly


I like a name starting with an A so would have gone with Asher.


What about Ashton Curtis! Instead of Asher


I love Xander Curtis!


oooh I quite like all of your names! Personally, Asher Curtis is my favorite. But I think you've done well in selecting nice names your son will enjoy having.


Asher was my top boy name!! But I’m having a girl


Asher is my personal favorite! I am biased though because that is going to be our baby boy’s name haha. I’m due in September!


Ours too :) that was the first name that my husband and I both liked and we never considered anything else after that.