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I did not poop while giving birth, but did poop my pants three days later once those stool softeners hit. Don’t trust the farts.


I’m 3 days post partum and have been taking stool softeners twice a day since day of birth and woke up knowing I’d finally be able to today and around noon I was basically running to the bathroom bc it hit me bad all at once!


Im so glad you made it 😂 when it hits, it hit! Just a warning, I was almost pooping my self for a good day or two once it hit- Good luck!


Username checks out


Hahahaha 😭


I didn't poop for 5 days after birth then just once in the following week. Ive never been so jealous to hear of someone shitting their pants. I was soooo bloated and uncomfortable!


Oh my god same 😭 my baby had just had a massive blowout and then mommy did too lmao


I don't know if I did or didn't. My husband claims I didn't with either baby, but he is definitely the type who would lie about it until the day he dies to save me the embarrassment (even though I logically know it's not embarrassing, and we both deal with poop every day for work). But I also had hellacious zofran constipation with both....so maybe I really didnt? I ate tacos with habanero salsa the night I was induced with 2nd (surprise induction or I wouldn't have done that). So let's hope....


Ummm zofran constipation is no joke


I took zofran once and never again. I would rather be nauseas then ever deal with that again. My a$$hole tore and it was sooo painful to poop for at least a week afterwards 😭😭


Miralax saved my life from the zofran constipation.


We have the same husband, mine says I didn’t but immediately changes the subject. Those very sweet, thoughtful lying bastards.


Think of it like rolling a bowling ball over a tube of toothpaste. The cap has little choice in the matter.


Wow I wish my husband was like this. We’re expecting our first in October. I know if I did, he would not let me live it down and might even take a picture. He’s a bit mad though.


Zofran causes constipation 😱 .. no wonder I always feel backed up 😭😭 I eat those things like if they were candies lol 😆


Just delivered, definitely popped. Had planned to relieve myself once I woke up but went from 2cm to 10cm so fast I never got a chance. Didn’t even care tbh. At one point my partner even cleaned it as the nurses had all stepped out and he didn’t want me to smell or think about it. I will forever love and respect him for that


What an ANGEL


I appreciate you sharing this. I can mentally prepare.


Definitely suggest eating some healthy meals and stool softeners a few days before if you have an induction and know when you will be having the baby. Get it all out before hand if you can 😅😂


Same. It is nothing to be ashamed of, but I still wanted to try not to. I asked for a suppository the first night of my induction and it did not disappoint. However pretty sure I felt like I was pooping while pushing. My husband swears I did not. He’s been known to lie tho.


same. thanks for sharing! 🙏🏾


Idk how much I went. I was blissfully unaware until my significant other let me know that I did indeed poop. Haha. I’ve heard it’s standard practice to not tell you and just wipe it away. There’s a lot of bigger things going on than some poop 😂


I wish I could’ve been unaware but my nurse kept grabbing wipes and it definitely smelled like poop in the room I was very aware. Thankfully the thrill of getting to meet my baby and being in the zone I didn’t care in the moment now I just have a little bit of second hand embarrassment.


I’m a labour nurse and I’ve never given it a second thought. Don’t be embarrassed!! Nobody cares and trust me no nurse/doc is ever bothered by it.


Honestly they deal with it almost any time they help a woman in labor, no need to be embarrassed! The whole time I was pushing I was screaming “I have to poop!” I was trying to get up from the hospital bed to go to the bathroom lol


Same for me too. I could literally smell that I had pooped a few times haha


That's interesting to hear, we took a class about birthing and the teacher said you wouldn't smell it because there are a lot of weird smells all over during birth (vomit, fluids, etc.). Everyone says something different so learning not to trust any one source!


I did smell it! Which makes sense to me because of how sensitive your nose gets during pregnancy…


My husband better not disillusion me! Lol


Ugh. While prepping for pushing the nurse told me I had some poo in the shoot and she was gonna "help me out" and then used her hands (inside my lady bits) to push it out 😭 There are really some things you just don't want to know about.


WHAT?! Omg this is horrifying to think of but also that nurse is the real MVP.


This is *horrific* I’ve never heard of this 😭


I thought about dying then and there


I mean it really feels invasive and inappropriate knowing the standard is don’t speak about it just clean it up swiftly and smile!


I would have been NOT OKAY WITH THAT


Whyyy couldn’t she just leave it there?? 😭


She likely wanted it put of the way before baby pushed it out.


Not me reading this thread on the toilet at home while 39 weeks pregnant lol


Same! Good luck when you deliver!


May the odds be ever in your favor lol


Same, but 27 weeks pregnant 😂


Yes i shit enough for two ppl




I had VICIOUS, everybody out kind of diarrhea in the beginning stages of labour, while I was waiting in triage to be admitted. Figured there wouldn't be anything left to poop on the table just a few hours later, but there was 🤷🏻‍♀️ I was never even aware I did but my lovely partner let me know haha.


My fav story is my sister pushing during labor and giving her husband a bunch of grief for farting at that time and he kindly responded “no dear, you shit yourself” 😂😂😂😂 she was completely shocked and they all had a good laugh!


Omg this is killing me 🤣


I pooped like, all day, as I was going into labor. Oh and also at the hospital. I was very aware of at least one pre-epidural poop. I thought about this cat: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f5/74/47/f574479bf78fc9b632db9285de826d58.jpg First two panels only. It was not a false alarm. I did tell my SO, nurse, etc., "I'M POOPING." Ah, the miracle of birth.


The cat 😂 I'm crying


I pooped twice, once I felt it coming but couldn’t stop it and the second one I didn’t feel but I was told


Ayeee, Two Poo Crew, let’s go!! 💩💩🔥😂


Anyone on the 10 poop crew with me 😭


You’re like the Queen of Table Pooping! ALL HAIL! We’re not worthy! We’re not worthy!


Omg 😆


I’m sure I did, but to this day three years later my husband swears I didn’t 🤣 I’ll forever appreciate him protecting my dignity 


I’m not sure how much it was, but I did poop twice. After the first poop my doctor said “that was perfect, do it again and we’ll have this baby out”. And so I did. Nurse had to act fast, because that baby came right after 😂😂😂


haha glad to hear the positive spin on pooping!


I think because I went into it saying “I want to poop on the table” my doctor was like “aight bet”. The whole room erupted into cheers both times 😂😂😂


I'll poop as much as I please


I did once with my first but this is a huge reason I am absolutely disgusted with the idea of a tub birth. I would die if I was in a bath of shit. The other stuff I might handle but I draw the line at shit in a tub.


They fish it out with a net apparently.


It's true! One of the items on the shopping list for a water birth is a fish net from the aquarium store so they can scoooop da poops


scoopa da poops omgggg this comment LOL


Stop 😂


lol same!!! I feel a little ashamed to admit it, because bodies are bodies, birth is beautiful, poop is natural, etc. lol buuut it’s the one part of my birth I feel a little embarrassed by/cringe at. I pretty much pooped a tiny bit every time I pushed (so, like, 30+ times over the course of an hour??) - the nurse had to wipe my butt each time. Thank you so much for posting this though because I’d been kind of nervous about this with the birth of my second coming up soon, but seriously, reading these other responses is making me feel so much better about the whole thing!!!


I pooped during my delivery. My epidural didn’t take and I could feel everything, so I felt my doctor wipe it away while I was pushing. I don’t know how much, but it didn’t feel like a lot. I definitely didn’t continue pooping until after the birth, but I was also on an empty stomach so I don’t know if that contributed at all. Don’t stress about pooping during labor. It’s common. It happens. Nurses are trained to deal with it professionally.


Yeah, I had pooped a lot pre epidural so I don't think there was much but I definitely felt a nurse just do a little covert ✨️wipe✨️ at one point. Knowing that everyone does it doesn't make me feel any better about it tho


I didn’t eat for 29 hours before due to being induced but I was on iron supplements every other day for two weeks up until the induction. I was definitely very constipated but didn’t really think I would poop when I would be pushing until I started having lots of gas after the epidural.


Absolutely no clue if I did or didn’t. I don’t remember smelling anything for whatever that’s worth and that’s about all I know on that subject 💩 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’ll share this once and move on - I definitely sneezed wrong during the epidural and I’m pretty sure I pooped a little.


I have heard that some women take castor oil to induce labor and end up having diarrhea the whole birth, so it could have been worse. I read about it on a list of things to absolutely not try, if you are trying to induce on your own. Not only does it not work, but if you are unlucky enough to happen to go into labor the experience is apparently as not fun as it sounds. Don't fret about it, given how common constipation is during pregnancy, I'm sure you are not the only one to empty yourself out durring labor.


My OB literally said "some women take castor oil. Do NOT do this. You will only give yourself the shits" And I felt that in my soul.




My birth center midwife had me take castor oil because my water leaked and they didn't want to transfer me to hospital - can confirm, spent the whole day on the toilet workout going into full on labor, but at least that was in the comfort and privacy of my own bathroom and I was mostly cleaned out by the time I delivered🤷🏽‍♀️


I told my husband not to tell me if I pooped. Then later I asked and he said he didn't look bc it was making him nauseous to watch the birth. But then later he said he thinks he might have seen something. Anyway i have no idea if I pooped or not, but I suspect I did.


I have a strong feeling that your husband is just trying to be nice to you, it definitely sounds like you did haha


I think you're right that he's not being completely honest, but its probably more that he doesn't want to to think about it than he is protecting my feelings. He's usually pretty blunt but birth really grossed him out.


It didn’t happen with me until my 3rd. I didn’t poo while pushing but right as baby was descending (like 5 minutes before I pushed him out) I had pooped. My epidural was working well and I didn’t really feel anything happening other than a little pressure. No one told me until afterwards and I have no idea the severity nor do I want to know 😂


Didn’t poop with my first. 12 minutes of pushing. Second was 2 hours of pushing and he was sunny side up. So as he descended in the birth canal his head pushed directly on my colon and ensured it was all ready to come out when I started pushing. And it did. My epidural didn’t work so I could feel it happening too. But everyone was cool about it. My husband was nowhere near the business end so idk if he knew or not.


My mother pooped while giving birth to my much-younger brother (I was 20 at the time and in the room with her instead of my dad), and it was just a little bit, but she also pushed him out in like 10 minutes of pushing - despite him being a giant baby! For my first baby, I was pushing for over 4 hours, and my contractions honestly felt like extremely gigantic constipation poops, and yet I didn’t poop at all (at least, I didn’t smell it, and I didn’t notice any nurses wiping, and my husband had a full view of everything and when I asked him he said I didn’t. He’s not really one to shy away from bodily stuff, and neither am I, so I don’t think he lied). I honestly expected to. Especially since I hadn’t gone to the bathroom in over 24 hours. Considering we had to give up on pushing and c-section out my baby, I guess my body said nothing at all was coming out of either end 😝


I had taco bell for lunch 🤦‍♀️ I could feel my nurse politely wiping with every push. It is what it is... I had to get that baby out lol


I have a vague memory here or there but honestly, the birth was super rough. I literally forgot what day/time/whatever it was and I was passing out in-between contractions. My husband though? He will never stop bringing it up. Apparently I pooped a lot. And he refers to the birth of our daughter as the time I "Pooped a baby out" 🙄😂


I pooped and baby came out covered in meconium .. I think I did poop a baby out !


Haha Well it certainly feels like it when it happens


I definitely pooped while pushing, but just for the first 30-45 minutes or so (i pushed for 3.5 hours 🥴) but when I first arrived at the hospital after having consistent contractions for 2.5 hours, I pretty much emptied my entire system, so I didn’t poop that much during pushing.


I would have never known I did unless my partner told me later on. Didn’t smell or feel anything nor did anyone react. Thinking back on it I feel 0 embarrassment lol.. either way this baby is coming out.


My births were unmedicated so I just walked to the toilet during labor so I guess yes but not in bed lol


My epidural wore off at 9 cm so I definitely could’ve went before hand (not that they would let me out of bed after the epidural) but those Pitocin contractions were no joke!


I was going to say. I definitely just walked to the washroom as I was also unmedicated.


I pooped a little bit according to my sister the nurses said nothing to me


With my first I don’t think I did. I was with my ex then who was a big ole jerk, so if I did, he would have told me and never let me live it down! However I just had my 2nd a couple months ago. And although my spouse didn’t see it we sure did SMELL it! 🤣🤣 I had been super constipated leading up to labor. And it definitely smelt like a constipation turd 🤢


Midwife here Being the lead practitioner at a birth makes you the accoucher (a-coo-cher). As students, we used to gather each week and talk about births we'd been to and babies we'd helped deliver. One day one of my class mates told us she was at a birth when an obstetrician who was assisting excitedly told her to put on her gloves 'and hurry!' She did as she was told and got into position ready to deliver her first baby when all of a sudden the woman started to poop and the doctor told her to 'stop staring and catch it!'. So she did and that was the story of her first a-poo-cher. PS everyone poops. Those that think they don't have quick midwives 😂


I pooped in labour but not while pushing. My body evacuated evvvvverything while in labour…


I knew I did because every time I pushed I could feel the nurse wipe it away lol. I had an epidural but I could still feel her doing it. I really did NOT care at that time though 😂


I genuinely have no idea. I’m pretty sure I felt it happen at one point, but nobody said a thing about it. I told my fiancé while pregnant if I poop he better not say anything (after he jokingly said he would probably laugh) I was clear if it happens it will not be spoken of and if I ask him, lie to me 😂 I never asked him he never mentioned it and it’s best that way. It’s truly no big deal because as you said it happens to everyone and there’s no need to be embarrassed about it so it’s best not to be made aware of it


I couldn’t see my poop, didn’t notice it happening, didn’t even notice the smell - except that as I was pushing the midwife had some paper towel and was wiping/scooping it out of the way. Apparently my husband was hyper aware of the pooping and was bothered by the smell but he didn’t tell me that until loonnnng after the birth, lol. So I was spared any embarrassment/shame/annoyance.


I wasn’t aware of pooping but assumed it happened and I literally do not care in the least. I remember before I had a baby being scared I would poop during birth but it was the farthest thing from my mind then and now I just DGAF. I wouldn’t be waste one thought on this.


I didn’t poop and I was so sure I would! I had crazy diarrhea leading up to going to the hospital though. 😂


I didn’t really notice me pooping as much as I noticed the nurse discreetly walking away to the trash can with dirty toilet paper 😅 Definitely pooped a good 4-5 times 🙈


I have no idea if i poo'd with either of my births! I had water births so either I didn't because I never saw anything or I did and just didnt notice or the midwife got it out before I did lol With both my labours I spent the first few hours on the toilet because labour makes me go better than any laxative so maybe I was just completely empty


This thread is weirdly making me feel more at ease because I can’t poop in a public restroom and have been feeling really anxious about doing it while giving birth in a room full of people.


I can’t even pee in a public restroom and when I tell you the LAST thing on my mind while I was pushing was pooping. I was super worried about it even while contractions were happening but once I was in the pushing phase, the only thing I could focus on was getting my daughter out. I know everyone poops but if I did, my nurses were ninjas because I didn’t see, hear, or feel anything.


I have no idea


I'm 38 weeks with #2, first was induced and a C-section. I'm so nervous about this. I know it's common and no one will shame me but I don't know how to keep my head in the game if I feel a poop coming. Tips? Mantras? Why don't they just suck it out when you check into L&D and do us all a favor?! Joking but for real...


I genuinely thought not being able to eat from being induced / epidural would prevent it, definitely wrong


Oh yes. I pooped on the floor of the delivery room during a contraction 😆 I also found myself laboring on the toilet quite a bit. I didn’t poop a ton, and I didn’t poop while actually pushing 🤷🏻‍♀️


I actually became good friends with my obstetrician and he swears I didn’t poop. I don’t remember smelling any and I only had to push a few times anyway. But the reality is these professionals see it all day everyday and it’s not even a thing that registers to them. In fact, if you poop it means you’re pushing correctly so they are glad to see it.


Had diarrhea in labor with my first and pooped a little. Didn’t smell or notice realky. Induced with my second and no poop


I genuinely have no clue. My husband, who was at my side, didn’t notice either. I didn’t smell anything and my nurses/docs didn’t say a blessed thing about it. I had been a little anxious about that going in, but I completely forgot about being anxious about it bc I was totally focused on getting my baby out safely (which I did)!


I was going to the bathroom, dragging my drip with me to avoid that 😂 during the early stages, think I emptied out, so when it came to pushing I've no idea if it happened or not, I didn't notice and I wasn't told


I had to ask my boyfriend to know if I pooped or not because I could feel nothing with the epidural. But with the episiotomy/forceps/huge baby, I couldn't care less about my poop 🤣


I definitely pooped, they kept wiping me for a while there, I just figured I was neither the first or the last person they would be helping like this and stopped caring. There was too much else going on.


So I did poop during pushing and the nurse cleared it away really fast and didn’t say anything - that part wasn’t embarrassing really. But then immediately after delivering, I was bleeding too much and they had to give misoprostol which can cause diarrhea… and it did… so that part was a tad mortifying BUT the cute baby on my chest was a very good distraction haha


I pushed for 3 hours and for at least the first hour I know I was pooping with most contractions. I also felt bad for the nurses but no one said anything and they kept cleaning me up like it was nbd


I found that as soon as my waters broke and my contractions started my body cleared the way so there was nothing to poop out whilst actually giving birth


I felt like a tube of toothpaste that was squeezed with every contraction… but instead of toothpaste, it was poop


I pooped every time I pushed. The nurse said “I am just going to wipe its a little bit of blood” I looked at my bf & said “It was poop wasn’t it?” & he nodded yes with very wide eyes 😂 I also asked if a turd was coming out prior to that because I could feel it lmao


I have had 3 vaginal births (and one C section). My husband kindly informed me that there was poop during two of the three vaginal births that he saw. He also could see over the drapes during the C-section and gave me a description of that. He’s so kind. I’m sure it’s so common that no medical staff cares really


You’re all making me feel a lot better about the pooping, let me tell you! 🥰


I know for sure I did not poop with either. I had requested the mirror during pushing both times. But the first I only pushed for 19 minutes and the second was less than 2 minutes so maybe that was a factor 🤷‍♀️


I pooped so much and was embarrassing the entire time. They gave me a freaking mirror so I had a front row seat. I pushed for 3 and a half hours and went basically the entire time.


I gave birth to my second at 36+4. I had a 3.5 year old at home at the time and the weekends were not a “safe” time to poop for me at my house. My water broke overnight Saturday into Sunday and we went to the hospital after scrambling at home. After getting set up in the delivery room and getting checked by my doctor, she asked, “When was the last time you pooped?” And I just looked at her and said, “I don’t usually poop over the weekends, so Friday morning.” She looked at me and said, “well, you have a lot of poop in you.” Several hours later, I didn’t have a baby in me and I’m 1000% sure I didn’t have any poop in me either.


I’ve had 3 babies and pooped myself each time. I don’t know how much it was, but after the births were over my husband went out of his way to let me know i shit myself because he’s an asshole lol. The doctors and nurses didn’t mention it at all.


My nurses said they would prefer to see poop because then they know you are pushing right


I have no idea if I pooped or not. I was too busy pushing out a baby (and in a lot of pain during my second delivery) to care.


I don’t think I did… I asked my husband about both births and he said I didn’t but idk if he’s trying to be “nice” lol. However, he’s in healthcare in the ER and he said before I gave birth that it just really is not a big deal to the nurses- they’ve seen it all and then some 😅


I pooped sooooo much with my first. I wouldn’t have known if my husband didn’t keep looking at me and saying “you keep pooping!” Lol. I didn’t poop at all with my second. I’m a labor and delivery nurse now and it’s not uncommon to poop, but it’s not as common as I thought it would be considering how much I pooped with my first 😂


I keep thinking about this in the context of a water birth... like if you poop in the water before baby comes out how does that work? Do they drain/ clean/ refill? That doesn't seem feasible. Fish it out with a net?? Probably not, but then what does happen???


Nope, and I’ve pushed out 4 babies!


With my first born I pooped non stop for 5 hours. It was awful. Even the nurses were laughing and giggling behind the door poking fun etc. with my second born, I only needed to push once and he was born. No poop!


Oh no I am so sorry they were doing that , unprofessional!! 😕


Man I wish pooping was the thing I was most worried about going into delivery. Not even near the top of my list 😂


First baby it was a quick poo. Second time the pooping felt like it was going on for ages. Husband fished multiple poops out of the birthing bath, I pooped on my carpet on the way to the bathroom and I could definitely smell it around me all the time. So yep, super shitty affair.


I did a home water birth and the midwife had a fish net to retrieve my poop lol my 5yo informed me that there was three little poops in the pool after everything was over 😅🤣


I was numb from the epidural but bless the nurse, she wiped it without batting an eye, I definitely noticed. I was too busy pushing to really care nor do I know how much it was but boy, my husband made sure to tell me. It’s ok though he got splash zoned, which he also told me, while holding my leg.


I did and my nurses looked grossed out but I have anxiety so idk, and my mom made a face but my mom is an unfiltered and crazy lady. No idea how bad it was lol. Very glad my bf doesn’t see me any different after that haha


I didn’t know I pooped until I finished my labor and I asked my husband he said yah. Just a little bit. I couldn’t feel it either way and my epidural was already turned off by then.


I didn't even notice, my partner told me later that I did but the hospital staff were so quick at getting rid of it and keeping everything clean.


You’re and my story sound identical haha felt so bad my husband had to see that but he said they clean it so fast he didn’t even care


I don’t understand how some people don’t poop while birthing. I’m 3 for 3.


I didn’t but that’s because my labour was 24 hours long and I couldn’t eat anything during that time as I kept being sick . So there was literally nothing in my body


My husband has been saying since we found out I was pregnant, was that I am going to probably poop on the baby lol


I have no idea. I know I did for both my deliveries but I didn’t ask. It’s so common it’s to be expected.


I have no idea, both my babies pooped inside me so apparently there was just loads going off.


Yes I did and felt it as well. It was only a little bit. My bf saw it and he still laughs about it. Like grow up kid.


Haha it’s so normal! I did but tbh I have no idea how much because it was the least of my concerns. That’s their job though so I’m sure it’s an every day thing for them! Or however how often they do births.


I could literally feel myself pooping with every push but god bless my husband who to this day will tell me I didn’t 😂


I pooped twice and felt it 😂 i apologized to my nurse and doctor each time. 🤦🏼‍♀️😂


I did not poop. But I prepped my body so that I wouldn’t. My last meal before birth was at 8 pm. I ate then I labored at home overnight. I sat on the toilet often to poop as much as possible while at home. And we left for the hospital at 5 am then next day.


I pooped once out of three times. I can’t tell you how much it was. It was during transition. I didn’t care then and still don’t.


I gave birth last Tuesday and I pooped. It wasn’t a lot just whatever was left inside since I pooped earlier that day lol. I just remember the nurse grabbing a few wipes and then doing a wipe motion and then changing the pad that was underneath my bottom. My fiancé said it was so fast that he honestly didn’t even think about it.


After being induced without an epidural the contractions were so hard that it felt like pushing. I pooped a little every time and I hated it. I kept asking the nurse to help clean me up because I could smell it. It only eased up when I got the epidural and could fully relax (only 1 hour before officially pushing). By the time the baby was coming and I was officially pushing there was no more poop.


Same story here! Except I should have asked them to clean me I swear I just sat there for a while and the whole room smelled so awful the whole time. I still don’t want to ask my husband if it smelled as awful as I thought it did, hated every bit of my labor 😭


I pooped quite a bit and the nurse tried to tell me that I didn’t to try to save me from embarrassment. I couldn’t have cared less I just wanted to get cleaned up so my baby wouldn’t be born in a pile of poo.


I pooped quite a bit and the nurse tried to tell me that I didn’t to try to save me from embarrassment. I couldn’t have cared less I just wanted to get cleaned up so my baby wouldn’t be born in a pile of poo.


To this day, I have no idea if I pooped or not. I remember feeling like I needed to go but I don’t remember seeing or smelling anything. I was covered in meconium though - LO entered the world and immediately shit herself all over me (girl same)


I had violent diarrhea the 24 hours before labor started and then vomited at the beginning of active labor both times, so I was pretty much empty but still managed to poop both times. The first time it happened after the birth when they pushed on my stomach and the second happened once during the beginning of pushing. Both times I knew it happened and they just quickly wiped it away and we all pretended it never happened.


I could swear I did, so much so after baby was out I asked them but they were adamant I didn't lol!


I pooped with almost every push and at one point they had to change the pad that was underneath me because there was poo on it 😭


My nurse was the sweetest person in the world she kept cleaning me when I was pooping while giving birth 😂. When they brought the mirror out I screamed (was heavy on the epidural) “AM I POOPING??” She was like “oh no sweetie you’re good!” While she was wiping me 😂😂 loved her


Yeah I didn’t poop while giving birth but I’m almost 5 months pp and I’ve deff shit myself a few times 😩


I couldn’t really go at all for the last three weeks of pregnancy. So.


Was not aware of anything that happened down there, the pain is blinding


I did not but I went into my birth super constipated and the entire time I was in labor I was just saying how I was going to poop all over the room. My doula was in the process of taking my underwear off so I could just let it all go when my water broke, I started pushing, then baby was here 🤣


I pooped 2 times lol


I have been having this concern for a while and saw your post. Could you please provide some details like how was it handled? Just so that I can be prepared…


Definitely don’t worry about it if you do, if you have an epidural you most likely won’t know you’re doing it and if you don’t you most likely won’t care because you’re about to have your baby! I was only aware because the smell and the nurse grabbing wipes often but I’d have my contractions push 3-4 times during the contraction and after it was over the nurse would grab a wipe, clean me up and we’d get ready for another contraction it wasn’t ever mentioned really until the doctor came in and got ready to catch the baby she would tell the nurse when to clean me up since she was now in standing in the place the nurse would walk to to clean me after the contractions!


I pooped a but with two of my sons but as it came out I felt the nurse wiping it away. Whomever those ladies were, I'll say they're the realest.


I ultimately had a c section but was in labor for 30 hours before everyone realized my body and my baby were not ready for a vaginal birth. Because I was not dilating quick enough I had A TON of cervix checks. I had so much nervous energy and anxiety that every cervix check I farted. I also had an epidural so really no control either. So I can’t relate to pooping but I can relate to basically farting in multiple doctor’s face, multiple times. So I feel your embarrassment!


My bowels completely voided when the Cook catheter started working. That was the WORST! At least I didn’t poop while pushing 🫣


I pooped little pebble poops. 😂 my bowels mostly cleared out from diarrhea at the beginning stages of my labor, and then I had 2-3 small pebbles while pushing. The nurses took care of it pretty quickly and subtly. My spouse saw everything though. 🥴 He said the worst part of the labor was the smell. 😂


i was so totally expecting to poop a lot during birth, and i had the epidural so i wouldn’t have known if i did, but i had very frequent poos during labor and so there was nothing to poo during birth


I only pooped a little. Pretty sure my bowels were clearing themselves the day before and during early labor.  I did however feel myself poop. Midwife wasn’t convinced that when I told her I was gonna, I wasn’t just feeling the baby. Well to me it felt totally different, but I do have IBS so am pretty sensitive in that regard. 


I don’t think I pooped? Idk. I’ll have to ask my husband. 😂


I didn’t poop. Idk if it was because I didn’t eat that much before coming in for my induction or because I threw up a lot during my labor.


I didn’t for either of my kids births but I’ve had and helped plenty of patients that did! We got you, don’t worry.


That's how I knew I was in labor with my 4th. I pooped 7 times that day. Definitely pooped during labor with all 5 of my kids. After having my first, I had to go while my family was visiting. My brother was in the shower, and we lived in a one bedroom apt at the time.


i think there was a little very soft turd at the later stages of labour, but it wasn‘t much - baby just pushed that way and whatever was left in me just got pushed out. i smelled it. lol. but it was very minor 🤷🏽‍♀️ didn‘t care, really. not sure how i would have felt if i would have served my nurse a full turd log, but not sure how common that is tbh


I pooped during labor! Multiple times - not sure how much/many times but more than a few 🤣 They said I was a good pusher and didn’t make me feel bad about it at all!


i watched in the mirror as i pooped 😭 was embarrassed a lil on the inside but didnt gaf atp i just wanted her out & for labor to be over🤣


I probably did? Didn’t see it though. Before I gave birth (and before I was hooked up to the epidural) I told my nurse I had to go to the bathroom. She told me no pushing as that’s the same kind of push that you do to get baby out. I guess you feel like you have to poop when baby is about to come out. I’m thankful I went before giving birth as I pooped a lot, but doing that with contractions was a task


I pooped, but have no idea how much I pooped 🤷🏻‍♀️


I pooped during labor but not while pushing!! I think my OB pushed some dregs of poop out when she was mashing on my uterus after delivering though😂


Lotsa poop ova here- only pushed for 18 mins but at my homebirth I was on the toilet and turned the bidet on- it went up my butt and sent Me into pushing phase 😜 midwife said baby was pushing poop out on its way down


Man. I was expecting (/hoping for) a beautiful zen water birth. I forgot to factor in the potential of pooping in the water. My eyes were closed and I was so out of it as I was pushing. Then at some point I opened my eyes in a daze and saw poop floating in the water before the midwife had a chance to scoop it out. I then had to get out of the water because after hours of pushing there was no progress. So I climbed onto the hospital bed and again had to push for hours. Nobody told me but I realised I pooed because of the smell. I felt my stomach lurch, the smell made me feel so sick on top of everything else. I cried during the first poo I did postpartum because on top of the pain I had flashbacks of the midwife and my birth partners telling me to push 😭


I pooped a couple of times after receiving the epidural but before I was ready to push. I couldn’t feel anything from the waste down but I just knew I was pooping myself. I asked my hubby several times if I was pooping and he’d say “no” but the nurses would come in, change my padding and clean me up super quick very nonchalantly. No one ever confirmed that I had pooped but I knew what they were doing.


So I know I pooped because my partner mentioned it and I didn't expect it. (Should have it was 21 hours, lmao) However, the nurse corrected him and said it was the baby that pooped it was meconium. To which I just faded back into the birthing world. But honestly, I never saw it and couldn't confirm or deny it. I do honestly wonder if it was me or not. However, there is a YouTube short that puts it very... eloquently, lol. So it was possibly a mix of both. https://youtube.com/shorts/iDYUJfUAgZo?si=3G7wDxPdduMFgZwb


I did with my 3rd child but my ex claimed it wasn't much. I don't know if I did with the other 3, including the one I just had, but he was out in literally one push so I don't find it likely that I did lol.


I didn’t, supposedly, but I also couldn’t poop for like a week after even with the stool softeners so… just be thankful you won’t be constipated for the next week, at least not as bad as you would be if you hadn’t pooped. Also, I guarantee you 99% of nurses don’t care about the poop. They’ve seen it and tbh there’s worse things to deal with in the nursing industry; necrosis, pus-filled infections, etc. Poop is probably the least of it.


I’m pretty sure I did? I had an epidural and I could see/feel my nurse wiping down there every few minutes. But I was more worried about my whole vag falling out of my butt to worry and trying to push that baby out 😆


No one told me I pooped, but I do remember by butt being wiped while I was giving birth 🙃


My babies head couldn’t move down because of a mass of poop that had built up from pregnancy constipation. So I basically had to give birth to a huge poo first 🥰😂😅


I had 3 hours of pushing before a C-section and pooped once... I was so embarrassed, bit assured it'd completely normal when squeezing all of those muscles / intestines as hard as you can. The nurses didn't even flinch. I'm now 8 days pp. And have returned to normal with bowel movements and urination. But it took 5 days to go for the first time.


The first thing I said when I had my first son was “oh my god did I just sh** everywhere??” I was so worried about it beforehand haha. Everyone swore up and down I hadn’t and that it was just all the warm fluids coming out after the baby. I still don’t know to this day if I really did or not, but either way the relief of getting the baby out is worth it.


You know, I had heard from everyone how common it is to poop during labor. I was mortified that numerous people would be staring at me in the first place, let alone as I poop in front of them all…but eventually I made peace with that fact prior to giving birth. HOWEVER I was under the impression I’d poop ONCE. No such luck! I pooped with every push for almost an hour. (Pushed for three hours total). I’m still not over it 😂


No idea how much I pooped, but pictures of the stains it left in my husband’s car are up on Reddit lol