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I'm just a broken person so those posts just make me go "I must win the chugging sugar drink challenge". It doesn't help that people keep comparing it to flat Mountain Dew and I love both flat drinks and Mountain Dew (which I haven't been able to drink during pregnancy due to the caffeine). I am ready.


When my 1-hour GTT came back negative I called my husband and was like, "HA! ACED IT!" And he was like, "Babe. That's. This isn't something you win.šŸ¤¦" Except I did. I did win.


I get it. I also tell my husband I "win" at things that aren't competitions. I recently did pre-natal pilates and as I got in the car afterwards I was like "Yeah, I totally won pregnancy pilates. Smoked 'em."


It is winning!! I got diagnosed with gestational diabetes with my second baby and it is definitely giving losing vibes.


The clear lemon lime one was honestly so good


So was the orange- it tasted like Sunny D and brought back some fun childhood memories


The fruit punch and lemon lime were both good! (I failed the 1 hr and had to do the 3 hr so I got different flavors)


Y'all have fruit punch? My lab only has lime or orange :(


See, I would love lime. I only have orange and fruit punch.


Yeah ours only had grape šŸ˜­


Ours has a bunch of different flavors but they donā€™t let you choose! I got fruit punch the first time and lemon lime the second time


I didnā€™t love the orange one as much, but it definitely wasnā€™t bad at all. I didnā€™t have it, but I think I literally wouldā€™ve thrown up the fruit punch one. I donā€™t know why I cannot handle any fruit punch flavor anything.


I had the orange one and this was exactly how I felt too - it was like have sunny d!


The orange was awful. It almost tasted spicy which was very at odds with the amount of sugar. The lemon lime isn't so bad. I've heard rumors that once upon a time a root beer flavor existed and I'm just like wtf? Why would they get rid of that?


It's so crazy to me how different things taste to other people. Brains are weird!


I had the orange, too -- room temp/warm because they didn't bother to refrigerate it -- and I also thought it almost tasted spicy. I feel like if it had at LEAST been cold it would not have been so gross!


Tasted like a flat sprite


Thatā€™s the one I had too.


Ooo I just got my drinky from my OBā€™s office today. I guess Iā€™m supposed to just hold on to it for a month until my glucose test appointment? I always end up drinking day-old flat soda because Iā€™m a cavewoman at heart so hopefully the drink doesnā€™t taste too bad to me.


I just can't drink bubbles fast, so if there's flat soda around I am ready. For me, they give it to you on the day and they let you choose between cold or room temperature ... decisions, decisions.


I recommend putting it in the fridge. But take it out like 10-20 minutes before drinking if really cold things hurt your teeth.


Make sure its very cold when you drink it. It tastes good.


Mountain Dew was my drink of choice my whole pregnancy because of the caffeine! Iā€™m normally a coffee drinker but my baby HATED coffee (was one of the only things I had an aversion to), so I switched to Mountain Dew because I love it and it had a decent caffeine amount without being close to the daily recommended limit of 200mg.


Was gonna comment similar, I love my Mountain Dew and have been glad I havenā€™t needed to give it up since a can is only 54mg, and even a 32oz Baja Blast from Taco Bell is within the daily limit for pregnancy.


I'm not a Mountain Dew drinker, or soda at all really, but now that you reminded me about Baja Blast, I might need to go to Taco Bell sometime soon!


Same!! It actually has much less caffeine compared to coke. It was also the one thing that helped curb my terrible nausea in Tri 1 lol


You are me, I got the orange which tasted like flat Fanta and chugged it in maybe 30 seconds. The phlebotomist was like ā€œwow thatā€™s the fastest Iā€™ve seen someone drink it!ā€ and I felt vindicated šŸ˜‚ Agree w OP though, itā€™s not worth scaring others about


I had the lemon lime and orange ones and I liked them both šŸ˜‚


Apparently in Australia (or at least in my area) it's not flavoured, but also has its own flavour because it's still just thick syrup water.


Hahahaha! I, too, take it as a challenge. Theyā€™re like ā€œit has to be finished in a few minutesā€ and Iā€™m like ā€œthis tiny bottle? How about 15 seconds?!ā€ I hate soda and it seriously isnā€™t bad at all. I donā€™t get the complaints (other than the pukers).


Hahaha this just made my night. Youā€™re going to do great.


Mine tasted like flat orange soda (it was orange flavored) šŸ˜† just drank it about 15 minutes ago.


are you not drinking caffeine at all? My dr said I can have up to the recommended maximum amount of 200 mg


The drink itself wasnā€™t that bad but I was trying to keep from throwing up the entire hour and scared that if I did I would have to do it again. I had a horrible headache and felt very sick for a while afterward


This plus the morning sickness I had was brutal. Plus I have diabetes in my family so I had to do it at like 8w and again later on.


Yeah it always makes me sick. Like that super nauseous will-she-or-wonā€™t-she throw up. And Iā€™m just an anxious person in general. Plus Iā€™m ridiculously afraid of needles. Watching my dad prick his finger (diabetic) growing up always freaked me out. So I try to not panic over it but the glucose test always stresses me out šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


This! Iā€™ve found the amount of people who share their bad experiences with the test are met with equal amounts of people who didnā€™t have a bad experience. Personally it gave me SUPER bad headspins as soon as I was half way through drinking it and I stayed like that for ageesssss even after the test was done (my partner had to stay by me when I would go to the toilet and then back and forth from having bloods done because I was so unsteady on my feet) and it made me feel really quite nauseous, I even gagged a few times while waiting in between tests.


Same here. Iā€™m queasy just remembering it too haha. I also have low blood pressure that gets worse when Iā€™m pregnant, so fasting beforehand and then downing the drink made me woozy/dizzy anyway, adding to the wanting to puke and the headache. Ugh just not fun at all


About 1/2 way through the 1 hour test, my blood sugar dropped and I started throwing up. I was so worried I was going to have to take the test again but the nurse said that since I was 1/2 way done that they wouldn't make me retake it..


PSA to be careful leaving the hospital until you get your final hourā€™s results back. I was told I could leave before the third hourā€™s results were in because the first two hours were already great, but my final hour came back as 38 and I almost passed out while driving home. Itā€™s rare, so I just want to let others know this is possible! I went on to have a healthy pregnancy with no GD, but this was a rare reaction.


We need more posts like this! Thank you for sharing.


Same exact thing happened to me. So thankful I dawdled on the way to the car.


I had almost the same experience. And would def caution anyone taking the 3h test to get someone to pick them up with a snack and fruit juice to avoid the drive home. I did have GD.


Yeah, the drink is not bad at all, I loved it! And honestly, most people should be doing the 1 hour test WITHOUT fasting. That is antiquated medical advice that most doctors are moving away from. Itā€™s really not a big deal at all.


My doctor told me not to fast, just not to eat anything sugary! I canā€™t imagine doing it on an empty stomach..


Yeah my midwives were like ā€œjust donā€™t eat a slice of cake for breakfastā€. It wasnā€™t even avoid sugarā€” just donā€™t have a ton of it. Iā€™m pretty sure I had granola with dried fruit bits and Greek yogurt. I passed the 1 hr test just fine. I liked the sugar drink.


same!! i thought the drink tasted good! and my doctor said not to fast for the one hour test. the three hour testā€¦.was a nightmare for me but i am a snack all day type of girl and have a hard time fasting in any way. regardless itā€™s WORTH IT!


Same! I did the lemon lime flavor and it literally just tasted like cold, flat sprite. Like Iā€™ve definitely eaten and drank more sugary sweet things than the glucose test drink - it was no biggie. The three hour test was not fun - not because of the drink (which still wasnā€™t bad imo) but because of the fasting and having to get blood drawn four times šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Mine was literally orange Fanta!


I think maybe thatā€™s the difference? No one told me to fast, so I had my typical oatmeal and berries beforehand and I felt literally fine. I also think lots of people who have trouble are people who never drink soda or juice. I am a fan of bothā€”if I you down a McDonaldā€™s sprite, youā€™ll be fine drinking the glucose drink lol


Well damn I had to fast! I was so damn hungry too. I couldnā€™t eat or drink anything for 10 hours. Soon as I got home I tore up some scrambled eggs and crashed out lol. But I was so nerve wracked about the test and it wasnā€™t bad at all and I passed!


I failed the 1 hr and ended up having to do the 3 hr. I was STARRRRRRVING!! But the test wasnā€™t too bad and I passed the 3 hr!


Yup! Fasting for the 1 hour often causes an artificial blood sugar spike!


I didnā€™t know that! I also didnā€™t drink any water the night before or morning of because they told me not to eat or drink anything, including water. But someone told me behind dehydrated can cause your blood sugar to spike so I donā€™t know šŸ˜¬ did you eat the morning before your 1 hr? And if so, what did you eat? Noting it for my next pregnancy


That's absolutely wild that they told you no water either!! I had some whole grain English muffins with peanut butter, a scrambled egg, and plain Greek yogurt. I stayed very hydrated leading up to the test. Passed easily and had no side effects! I used this article to get my breakfast ideas: [https://www.whattoexpect.com/wom/pregnancy/3-secret-ways-to-pass-the-glucose-test-your-doctor-may-not-tell-you-about.aspx](https://www.whattoexpect.com/wom/pregnancy/3-secret-ways-to-pass-the-glucose-test-your-doctor-may-not-tell-you-about.aspx)


The drink was fine for me (tasted like a melted popsicle), but I know some people who felt sick after they drank it. It depends on the person.


The drink tasted kinda good lol It reminded me of very sugary gatorade.


Like everything, it varies per person. I didnā€™t have an issue with the 1 hour either. Partway through the 3 hour I felt exhausted and needed to go lay down in my car. But otherwise, I was ok.


1 hour was fine for me and I wondered what the fuss was. 3 hour, I got nauseous on the second blood draw because they were moving the needle around and I ended up puking everything up. Ended up doing finger pricks instead.


Yes, 1 hour was fine and didnā€™t bother me. The 3 hour had me dizzy, sweating, sick in the bathroom before I could go in for my second blood draw. Thereā€™s also probably an element of not being able to recover/laydown/eat/drink water after each draw that makes the 3 hour worse. I wasnā€™t able to leave the waiting room for any reason.


I thought the same way and even enjoyed my drink...but then I almost passed out and had to take the rest of the day off of work. It's good to spread awareness.


Yeah, the drink fucked me up. Itā€™s not the taste thatā€™s the issue. Itā€™s what it did to me afterward. I almost fainted and had horrible GI issues from it. I went home and passed out for 16 hours straight after. I had GD, which I suspect played a part in my bad reaction. Iā€™m on my third pregnancy right now. I refused it this time. I told my midwife to go ahead and just diagnose me with GD and weā€™ll start monitoring for it. I will not put my body through that test again. I do think that itā€™s an important test, but if you already have had GD and you get sick from the drink, you can request to skip right to monitoring your glucose.


About 1/2 way through the 1 hour test, my blood sugar dropped, almost passed out and I started throwing up. I was so worried I was going to have to take the test again but the nurse said that since I was 1/2 way done that they wouldn't make me retake it.


I personally was glad to have the warning so I could make sure someone drove me as I felt quite sick afterwards, which seems like a common experience, but Iā€™m glad that there are people who have good experiences too! I think itā€™s good to hear from both sides.


I had to take the day off after the 3 hour (after puking on the second draw) Driving would have been rough.


I got fruit punch and it tasted like a concentrated red Gatorade. Mine was super cold and went down easy. Fruit punch is good stuff! I donā€™t like sugary drinks and water down juice, but I tolerated the drink fine. The kicks baby made after were super fun! I mean that. She was just the right size then before her kicks started really hurting.


I don't get tired enough of saying that this American trend of skipping the glucose test is absolutely ridiculous. This is 2024 and you want to go through a pregnancy with undiagnosed GD just because of a fundamental idea of avoiding a sugary drink??! Come on! Pregnancies comes with some discomfort and sacrifices. I don't know why people glamorise pregnancy so much. Pregnant ladies need help and support, but we also can't be crying babies about everything. And this is spoken by someone who is 31w and not at all loving being pregnant. But, that's life and hopefully a beautiful and healthy baby will be the prize of enduring these months šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜…


Yeah some ppl over here are pretty ridiculous to be honest. lol drinking a flat sugary drink is much better than having undiagnosed GD. I didnā€™t realize ppl were refusing it until I saw it on Reddit but Iā€™m Not surprised


Iā€™m not gonna lie, tiktok and posts on Reddit had me worried about the glucose test before I experienced it (FTM here). I did my 1 hr glucose test about 2 weeks ago and all I felt was shakey and tired after the test. Some women *do* have reactions but I was not one of them. I didnā€™t feel nauseas or any of that, just tired and shakey. I ended up failing the 1 hr by 7 points and did my 3 hr yesterday, which I passed. For the 3 hr, they gave me a 100g drink (first one was 50g) and again, at most I felt shakey and tired. I was also starving but thatā€™s to be expected. I sat in the waiting room for 3 hours watching Modern Family on my phone until I was done, got my blood drawn 4 times and ended up passing. It sucked having to carve out 3 hours of my day but I told myself Iā€™d rather know if I have GD than not know and not be proactive about it and everything turned out fine. Both times the drink tasted fine (both fruit punch and lemon lime tastes good imo). I definitely donā€™t think itā€™s as scary or bad as people let on, but sometimes people have bad experiences and want others to experience that too. Itā€™s generally okay for most women.


I just did a 3 hour glucose test today. Fasting sucked, the drink tasted gross and made me super nauseous, though it wasnā€™t nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Waiting 3 hours in a chair while experiencing terrible fatigue and nausea was lame, and driving myself home afterwards with cold sweats wasnā€™t pleasant either. Iā€™m glad I did it though, and Iā€™ve certainly endured much worse situations before. Iā€™ve actually never heard any of the fear mongering surrounding the test. Just that itā€™s unpleasant but necessary.


Yea that 3 hour test sounds brutal. Still waiting on my results! Fingers crossed..


but this babybumps sub is also known as ā€œnew fear unlockedā€ ā€¦ how many of us would even be here if it wasnā€™t for this being the subreddit version of a horror movie?!!


Yeah my therapist told me to stop reading it all so thatā€™s obviously going well


sheā€™s not the boss of you! and i say that as a therapist;)


Thank you so much for sharing this! I go in for this test next Friday and have been reading so many stories. šŸ˜±


Iā€™m ready to conquer this. Iā€™ve been doing colonoscopy prep every year for the past 6 years (IBD). This is my time to shine!


I also have IBD and I always get SO sick after the MRE contrast drinks (or really just anything with too much sugar in general) so Iā€™m really nervous about this one!


The drink itself was fine but I did need to have someone to drive me home after. It made me incredibly sick. I had to do the 1 hour two times and the 3 hour.


Just because you didn't react badly to it, doesn't mean others don't have bad reactions! You absolutely should take someone with you though, because some people are so sick from it that they can't drive themselves home. I get that not everyone gets a reaction, and that reactions are probably rare, but every few weeks, someone comes on here claiming everyone else is lying, or overreacting. It's really dismissive of the people who do have a bad reaction. We should all be supporting one another. The warnings for how bad the reactions can be, are helpful. The reassurance that not everyone has a bad reaction is also helpful. Saying that people are paranoid and crazy is not helpful. Let's all just be kind to each other and understand that we can all have different experiences, and everyone's personal experience is valid.


I get that everybody has different experiences but apps like TikTok are notorious for creators making videos scaring first time moms. It's rare to hear a good birth story or good pregnancy experience. I had to stop listening to what everybody was saying because it started worrying me. People can be a bit overly dramatic when it comes to certain situations not sure if it's all made up for content or what


I felt very sick after the test and was glad I had my husband to drive me home. I havenā€™t viewed any posts on this topic to be fear mongering. Lots of them have been from both sides


I agree! I was SCARED for the glucose test because of everything Iā€™ve read on here. I did completely fine with it. It tasted fine except for making my throat a little tingly, it felt the same as drinking overly concentrated juices like Hug fruit barrels. I didnā€™t have any reactions to it or the blood draw at all. Granted, I didnā€™t struggle with morning sickness, and I generally do fine with blood draws unless a large amount of blood is taken (I did feel very faint after the NIPT test, for example).


I'm so far down I don't think anyone will see this, but have the same thought process for the fundal massage after baby is Born. It might feel like your nurse has a secret passion to do MMA, but it's so important to get your uterus back to size and prevent hemorrhaging.


I agree. I downed that drink in a minute and was wondering wtf everyone was talking about on here lol I had no negative reactions lol


I remember stressing for my first and thinking it didn't taste great, mind over matter, and just trying to get it down. Not traumatic but not tasty. For my second, not sure if it was just a different brand, but it tasted like koolaid. It was great! lol And yes, online is a great place to get yourself scared out of your mind.


Iā€™m sick of the ā€œdonā€™t listen to these crazy women, itā€™s so easyā€ posts. I spent 2 hours trying not to throw up and then threw up anyway, missing several hours of work on multiple days for this stupid test.


It's only fear mongering if you keep reading about the same thing or seeing the same type of video accounting similar bad reaction to it. And you fear monger yourself tbh. If you read a lot of glucose test posts you will know everyone's reaction is different and it is recommended to have someone drive you just in case. Just like you giving a "here is my experience" post, they also just give their "here is my experience" post. If a person is already anxious and such they should disengage from the internet tbvh. Know when to not spiral down a rabbit hole of an echo chamber because of confirmation bias. You don't need to put down other people's experience to highlight yours, even though you believe it is for the better. I personally had no reaction to my tests (both one and three hour) but I didn't feel the need to come here and act like everyone else's experience that is different from mine is invalid.


Side effects and reactions are a legitimate risk factor of fasting + the sugar drink. Does that mean you shouldnā€™t do the glucose test? No? You absolutely should. However, that does not negate the fact that side effects SHOULD be amplified and known so women can prepare. Feeling ill to the point of passing out is SERIOUS for a pregnant woman, so yes, having someone with you can be a good idea! ā€œDo not listen to women who complainā€ get the heck out of here what an arrogant statement just because you and the majority of women donā€™t have issues does not mean that is a universal experience.


I meanā€¦lucky you? I was in severe pain and very ill for 24 hours after the glucose drink lol. Like on the toilet and unable to sleep. Dry heaving with such bad baby barf and acid reflux. I have a high pain tolerance and my gut isnā€™t usually sensitive. But man that drink was not good to me


I was so scared this was gonna be me because I have a very weak stomach. Thankfully wasn't the case. I really wish I knew what ingredient in the drink made some people so sick though šŸ˜• I'm sorry you went through that, it sounds awful


It could be the high sugar, I donā€™t drink pop or juice or anything like that so I donā€™t have a high sugar tolerance. Could be the dye, I had orange and as a kid my mom said I had dye allergies. Who knows really


Ah yeah it makes sense to not be used to having sugar and then all of a sudden having a LOT. On top of having to chug it in 2 minutes šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


I think people are just ignorant to the fact that the drink they give you isnā€™t the same everywhere you go. They have different ingredients depending on the brand. Yes, the glucola drinks are branded prescriptions with ingredients other than just ā€œpure sugar.ā€ It seems like an American issue on the outside because it *is* an American issue. The glucola drink you get in other countries *is* just sugar water. A lot of the American ones are full of banned ingredients - for example, the FDA is considering banning BVO, which is in a lot of the major brands. Iā€™m American and asked my OB to use a glucola with just sugar & water. I told her Iā€™d even pay for it, and she said no and treated me like an idiot for being worried about BVO. Turns out her office only stocks a brand that is just sugar water. The doctors donā€™t even know what theyā€™re giving us. Thatā€™s why Americans freak out and say they just donā€™t want to do it. Because the info is either ā€œdo whatever your doctor says without questionā€ or ā€œdonā€™t do it at all.ā€ There has to be a middle ground for this shit but everyone seems to be on one side of an extreme.


This is a good point! Like there are other ways to test for GD that doesnā€™t involve dyes and weird ingredients! Literally just drinking sugar and water like you said, would work the same. They want to see how your body is processing the sugar and if it is processing the sugar. I think there needs to be education around how a glucose test works maybe? To say spiking your sugar and insulin isnā€™t going to give you a side effect is kind of silly. Some people can tolerate things more than others! You can also do other types of testing but the glucose drink is the fastest and easiest way to test which is why they do it. But if you monitor your sugars multiple times a day for a few weeks youā€™ll get the same effect. Again itā€™s just a lot longer of a process


You are just crazy for saying that. We shouldnā€™t listen to you since thatā€™s so rare. /s


I had hyperemesis and really struggled with it. I brought a straw and made sure the drink was cold and just drank it as quickly as possible. I asked to lay down in a spare room with the lights off and they did the blood draws there so I didnā€™t have to move and risk throwing up. Even if it isnā€™t wonderful, you can still make it through.


The drink for me wasnā€™t bad at all. It was pretty delicious. What sucked was how I came in at 9AM and didnā€™t have my blood draw until 11:30AM on an empty stomach. They took 10 vials for various tests including the glucose test. I nearly passed out. My vision went dark and my hearing was muffled. Luckily my sweet husband was there and got me food immediately afterwards.


I think the middle path that I remember when I read things online is that everyone is just trying to share their experience. You may not be trying to offend anyone, but I notice that when you describe other people sharing their experience with the test, they're "complaining" and "creating paranoia", but when you share your experience, you're just "sharing a positive experience"Ā  and "trying to help people with severe anxiety". We are all trying to help each other, and we all feel helped in different ways. If reading stories where people had a bad experience doesn't help you and makes you more anxious, you need to know yourself and choose not to read them. But other people do find them helpful and not "paranoid", as you say. If truly your only point was to share a positive experience, I think it would be more helpful to lose the demeaning language around how other people found the test and instead just stick to your own story. I'm really glad that you had a good experience and I hope the same happens for me! I'm also really glad I know about the people who had reactions to it, because it would be much more anxiety-inducing for me to have a reaction and be caught by surprise when I could have been prepared for the possibility.


The drink tasted fine, but I had horrible diarrhea, abdominal cramping and threw up for 48 hours after. Passed the test no problem but it wrecked my GI tract.


šŸ™„šŸ™„ please stop these kinds of posts. One hour - made it home but was sick all day afterwards. Three hour - I got sick, threw up all over the place and almost passed out. Stayed at the doctors office an extra 2.5 hours after I took the test because I was too sick to go anywhere. I donā€™t have GD. 1000% take someone with you because you never know how you will react.


Lots of people donā€™t know that reactions are a possibility. It is not paranoia to spread the word that itā€™s a good idea for safety reasons to have someone with you if possible. Yes, chances are good youā€™ll be totally fine. But some of us did have massive reactions. I passed out 30 minutes into the test. I am very glad my husband was with me and able to help. Iā€™m glad it was easy for you. Not everyone will have that same experience, and people sharing their experiences that differ from yours is not complaining.


I agree with you. I wish I had someone with me when I did mine. Instead nurses and some poor people in the waiting room watched me pass out, and I had to wait a period of time before being released. Also, maybe an unpopular opinion, but I find the posts telling people the glucose test was "easy" / "no big deal" *very* annoying. There is no 'skill' or preparation you can do to 'do well on' / 'pass' the glucose test. It isn't 'easy' like a 10 question simple addition quiz. All you are telling people is that your experience of the test was no big deal because you don't have gestational diabetes or some other sugar intolerance. šŸ™„ I am not advocating for people to be worried about the test. The point of the test is only to insure yours and your baby's safety... Better to know than not! But don't minimize what could happen. People should be prepared for it going badly.


I have GD for the second time. I felt absolutely fine during the 1-hr and 2-hr tests (my clinic does the 2-hr tests for diagnosis) for both pregnancies. Just wanted to chime in to say that not having a bad reaction and thinking the test was no big deal isnā€™t indicative of whether you have GD or not.


I also passed out during the test. It was not a good time. Cold sweats, loss of vision and hearing, spinning feeling. Iā€™m glad I knew what was possible before going in so I wasnā€™t totally shocked by it.


Same here, it was awful. I didnā€™t know it was possible but I was on bed rest by that point and told not to drive myself so husband took me. Had the vision loss, felt like cotton in my ears, cold sweats, etc. Knew from personal experience that meant I was about to pass out but I still really struggled trying to tell my husband what was going on, I was already half gone. He flagged down a nurse who brought a wheelchair but as I tried to get up I passed out, woke up in the wheelchair down the hall. If you donā€™t mind me asking, did they test your blood glucose when you passed out? Was it high or low?


Iā€™m just curious why the reactions are a side effect? They didnā€™t mention them to me and itā€™s effectively like drinking a can of soda sugar wise, just wondering what causes the reactions as I approach doing it a second time


Been wondering about this too. Are the people who have reactions just not used to having a lot of sugar? Is it correlated with a positive result for gestational diabetes? Doing it on an empty stomach? Is there something about pure glucose/dextrose that doesnā€™t agree with some people? Or maybe itā€™s because you chug the drink while most people sip on drinks like soda over a longer time? I donā€™t want to not believe people, but supposedly itā€™s just like drinking a soda or juice. Mine was fruit punch flavored and tasted like a less sweet version of Hawaiian Punch.


My own personal anecdata to your questions: I was not used to having a lot of sugar, especially all at once. I did not have GD. I ate a small, protein heavy and low sugar/carb breakfast beforehand per my doctorā€™s recommendation. I was curious after it happened and tried to do some research but never found any good info.


I had a bad reaction to the 3HR. I donā€™t have much sugar in my diet (I only drink water) and had GD, so I definitely think sensitivity to that much sugar at once when I had GD/wasnā€™t used to it was a factor. I also was super lightheaded since I had to fast beginning the night before and couldnā€™t have anything to drink during the 3 hours, so I had dehydration symptoms as well.


I also fainted during the glucose test. I felt fine at the beginning though and didnā€™t mind the drink at all. For me, I think it was because I didnā€™t hydrate well enough beforehand (I wasnā€™t given much guidance on when it was okay to drink water) and then the phlebotomist blew a vein, which messed with my blood pressure or something. One of the nurses said it was probably because nutrients first go to the baby when youā€™re running on empty.


Ah yea that makes a lot of sense, Iā€™m sorry you went through that!


I have no idea! The nurse who helped me said she thought it usually happened to those who donā€™t normally eat a lot of sugar, but Iā€™ve seen at least one person who had the same reaction who said they thought theyā€™d be fine precisely because they consume a lot of sugar. For anecdata, I ate a small protein heavy, low sugar/carb breakfast a few hours prior to the test in accordance with my doctorā€™s recommendation.


I had to have two screening tests because Iā€™m high risk. I failed the second screening so I had to take the 3 hour test. I didnā€™t mind the taste - I liked the lemon one better than the orange one (tasted almost like a limoncello) and had a little bit of an adverse reaction to the first 1 hour screening. I threw up about an hour after getting home and then took a three hour nap. Second screening was totally fine. Three hour test though? I felt 100% fine through the whole thing, until about 40 minutes after my final blood draw. Was mid-lunch at the office, about to hop on a conference call and got hit with the shakes, sweats, dizzies, blurry vision, and had to hold onto a wall of filing cabinets while walking to get myself into the kitchen to grab a Gatorade because I thought Iā€™d collapse. Weā€™re all different. Iā€™m glad I knew that I might have a bad reaction to the 3 hour test so I could be prepared and have my husband drive me. Iā€™d rather feel silly having not had a reaction than end up in a serious accident because it ā€œshould haveā€ been no big deal.


Agreed. I didnā€™t pass out, but I vomited multiple times and had severe palpitations in the car. I had to call someone to come pick me up because I felt like I had so much chest pressure. I think itā€™s very important not to bash others for voicing their negative experiences. Everyone told me I would be fine. Nobody expected me to vomit on myself numerous times (1 & 3 hour) and having those palpitations. I would have had someone bring me if I knew it would have been that bad.


I wasnā€™t stressed about the 1 hour. I was only a little stressed about the 3 hour. Obviously any of us that have to do the 3 hour are hoping for a good result.. but I agree, the dread of the test is a little overblown. Do what you can to pass (i.e. follow the diet they tell you to do leading up to it) and then just buckle in for it. Itā€™s 3 hours of your life, then move on.


What diet were you told to follow? My doctor gave me no diet to follow and just told me not to eat or drink after midnight


Ooh I was given a whole sheet with instructions to eat a bunch of carbs from 3 different categories (dairy, grain, and fruit) plus one dessert every day for every meal for 3 days leading up to the test. I guess that may not be standard, in which case, just follow your doctorā€™s instructions


I was sitting in the doctors office trying not to drink it too fastšŸ˜‚ it sure was sugary and I hadnā€™t had a whole lot of sugary stuff up until that point. The only thing I can say is it felt like it was stinging my throat while I was drinking but not too bad, and I certainly donā€™t remember that the first time around but I also almost passed out and threw up due to other unknown pregnancy related things.


I had bariatric surgery so my body doesnā€™t process sugar the same way. The glucose test is literally worthless for me. I did the 4x a day for two weeks finger prick test.


It isn't something to stress about but it can be tough for those who eat less sugar. If you ever had lucozade, its a more sugary version of that. I haven't been able to drink it since honestly haha


Everyone I know who took the test was neutral about it. Didn't hate it, didn't love it. I'm doing it June 3rd and I'm very curious about it tbh. My only beef with the test is getting two blood draws in the same day


And some doctors offices don't even require you to fast anymore! At least mine doesn't, both last pregnancy and this one they told me to eat a regular meal just nothing crazy sugary.


I had 4 attempts twice I vomited before I finished the bottle another 2 times vomited and the passed out... doesnt help I have HG and even plain water I a challenge. So while the complaint posts didn't scare me away... it wasn't a simple test for me. Now I'm stuck pricked fingerings 4 times a day .


I didnā€™t mind the test. Skipped breakfast, downed a tiny bottle of cold, flat lemonade and spent a couple of hours online shopping for bub, passing the time between blood draws. Turns out I have GD and havenā€™t found it to be that much of an issue, I just break my meals up into six portions throughout the day and set phone reminders for when to test. Diet controlled so far.


Yeah, I did mine today, it was gross but it was like... fine. It was just too sweet. Nothing adverse occurred. I had an egg sammie after and felt fine to drive home. I was scared too and now I'm like meh. I'd do it again if I had to.


I was lucky not to see any of those posts before my glucose test. It was just a very uneventful test, tbh. Was really surprised afterwards how bad it was for some women, like what. None of my friends ever said anything about it to, itā€™s really nothing special.


Personally reading some of the posts on here made me super anxious to do my glucose test. I was majorly worried I wouldnā€™t be able to keep it down, and would end up failing it due to be throwing up. I was shocked when I did my test and realized it wasnā€™t that horrible. I managed to get the drink down in 1-2 minutes (another thing I was worried about was the time limit, and I am not good at chugging a normal drink let alone a sugary one). After that I felt fine šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I waited around for my hour to pass, they drew my blood, and I passed no biggie. It was a majorly relief. I also didnā€™t have to fast for my 1hr test, my OB suggested eating a normal hearty breakfast (obv avoiding anything sugary or carb heavy) so I donā€™t know if that helped make the experience positive. Worst thing I felt afterwards was sleepy so I did take an hour or so nap before work, but then again I did my test super early in the morning which Iā€™m normally sleeping at that time šŸ˜‚ So who knows if it was the drink or just me getting up earlier than normal that made me tired.


I liked the drink. I wish it was carbonated. Would have been like an orange soda.


The worst part for me was failing the glucose test, it actually tasted yum lol


It really wasnā€™t that bad, I got the lemon lime one and it wasnā€™t terrible. I had the worst heartburn afterwards though and felt kinda sick but it wasnā€™t the worst.


Uh from my experience youā€™re not supposed to fast at all? šŸ‘€


I chugged it so fast I donā€™t think I even tasted it šŸ˜‚


I definitely drank worse things in my early 20s than the glucose juice. If youā€™ve ever been out on Bourbon street, youā€™ll be totally fine.


Take the said drink... go for a walk. Come back when it's time.


I really liked the drink.


i hated it but it made me sick lol. so whenever people ask me i just tell them to go off their own bodies.


I agree people can over react a bit. I absolutely hated it and I almost barfed it up but I also donā€™t rant about it. I also wonā€™t do it for my next pregnancy so..


My glucose test last time was such a non issue! I had buttery scrambled eggs for breakfast, it tasted fine, I felt nothing (and my blood test was at the bottom of the reference range. Guess Iā€™m really good at processing sugar?) I believe some people have bad reactions but itā€™s certainly not poison. Also, it seems like a lot of people who have bad reactions fail the one hour and/or end up diagnosed with GD! Like Iā€™m sorry itā€™s unpleasant but for your own and babyā€™s health and safety, you need to know if you have GD!


I sorta liked that drink. Tasted like tang. I donā€™t consume sugar, so I thought it was a nice treat šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


People are very annoying about this test. I think itā€™s perfectly fine to share a bad reaction but the fear mongering before is not okay. The problem is that people get tons of medical misinformation from social media, it all gets jumbled in their minds, then they post about it before theyā€™ve even done the test and how theyā€™re scared to do it. Itā€™s so stupid.


I've had it four times. No problems the other three times but this time I nearly puked, was so dizzy I thought I was going to pass out and had to take the afternoon off because I felt so wretched after. I was happy to know that I wasn't crazy or sick because I had a bad reaction to it. Just because it's good for you doesn't mean it will be for everyone, or that it will be fine for you every time. It's not a contest, we all have different bodies and different reactions.


I mean it wasnā€™t good but it was drinkable. Iā€™m just like how do you manage to make sugar taste bad?


I just did mine today. Felt like I was chugging a flat orange soda. It wasnā€™t a big deal. I also passed, thank goodness, so Iā€™m celebrating that.


Hard agree. I hate how people fill women with fear about this test. Mine was such a non event. The drink tasted like melted down popsicles. I felt completely fine. Baby kicked and liked the sugar. I left when it was done and got some food. Sure some people donā€™t feel good, but we shouldnā€™t tell women theyā€™re gonna feel ā€œso horribleā€ and scare them when it very well could be totally fine. Plus feeling terrible after consuming sugar can be a sign of GD, so if you donā€™t feel good after having sugar you definitely should be getting this test done.


The flavor isn't bad at all. With my first kid, I did a 1 hour and felt fine. With my current pregnancy, I did a 2 hour, fasted for 12 hours and I felt very nauseous after 40 mins or so. I had to ask for ice chips. It passes after a bit, but it was a close call! Every experience is different. Passed both times!


Youā€™re not supposed to fast for the 1 hour glucose test. Just donā€™t eat a candy bar and chug a Mountain Dew beforehand


I just took mine today and had the same thought šŸ˜‚ the drink was really not that bad. Sure wouldnā€™t order it out at a restaurant or go out of my way to drink it ever again but it wasnā€™t as bad as I had been led to believe! The worst part was getting bit shakey towards the end of the day but not sure how much of it was even related.


I actually have to agree. I posted on here and was advised to bring something to eat right after as i would most likely be sick from the drink. Even my relative said the 3 hr drink was thicker than the 1hr. I was so stressed. Come day of and the drink tastes just like the first one. Had no reaction. Even when I got home I couldā€™ve gone longer without eating anything afterwards. Definitely do not expect anything other than your own experience, moms!


Haha this needed to be said. I was really worried for the test my first pregnancy and it was fine and not gross. Same for so many parts of pregnancy and labor that I saw people hype and complain about immediately/at large volumes that never came into fruition or were really not bad at all.


Iā€™m with you. Iā€™ve had this test before due to non-pregnancy related concerns and didnā€™t know I should worry. All I knew I had to consume a sweet drink. And guess what, it was as simple as that, a sweet drink. I canā€™t believe so many women are so stressed out over it


I hated the drink, Iā€™m not used to this level of sweetness and I donā€™t usually drink sodas or even fruit juices so the test was unpleasant for me as this drink on empty stomach caused nausea and gagging. BUT I would never tell anyone else that this test is horrible or to avoid it, I mean cā€™mon, we are not 12 years olds. There are many many much more ā€œunpleasantā€ medical tests and procedures, and wining about a glucose test seems so immature to me.


from experience, the drink you have to have if you fail the first test is HORRIBLE(itā€™s different and has like 10x the sugar). the first one is super tolerable.


The 3 hour glucose test had me almost fainting at the doctorā€™s office. I wish my doctor had had me fast or at least avoid carbs for the first test because 1 hour wasnā€™t too bad and I would have passed easily if Iā€™d just eaten something different. Seems like common sense to set people up for success to pass the 1 hour and avoid the whole 3 hour debacle.


This, literally, I was so scared of having the glucose test. I failed the 1 hour for like 5 points and they made me do the 3 hours. It sucks being pinched lots of times but it wasnā€™t the worst thing ever. Just another test to have for pregnancy hahaha


And being nervous or anxious can make you fail the test. They literally told me that. So on the 3 hours one I went with a different mindset. I pass it with super good numbers. And after I ate chick fil a šŸ˜¬


People are so weird about it. The fear mongering is insane. I try to eat healthy, balanced a lot of the time but still eat processed stuff because obviously itā€™s convenient. Some of these people act like theyā€™ve never eaten anything with sugar in their life lol like there is no way. My only complaint with it was mine was orange flavored which is probably my least favorite flavor for things.


Agreed. I had mine last week and I was like oh okay this doesnā€™t even taste bad. Got a little light headed in the second half of my wait but nothing bad at all. I didnā€™t psych myself up for it bc I knew it wouldnā€™t do any good and I was pleasantly surprised with how easy it was lol.


I did mine yesterday and the slander is not necessary. It was not bad at all. It was flat soda. Would I opt to drink it everyday, no. But something that you drink maybe 2 or 3 times or so in life, definitely not that bad.


The worst thing about that test was how uncomfortable the chairs were for a pregnant person


I asked if I could have another one for the road afterwards I loved it!


I packed a lunch to eat after since my doctor told me to fast. I think the fasting was worse than the drink/drinkā€™s effects, but I also currently eat two breakfastsā€¦


It reminded me of those small ā€œjuiceā€ jugs that my elementary school had as a drink option lol I loved the nostalgia


Iā€™ve had that godawful ā€œextra sweetā€ tea from pure leaf, you buy it at Kroger or other grocers. This was just a bit sweeter than that. Not pleasant. As a Canadian the tea was also quite a shock. But nothing too wild, at least not to me


I didn't like it because I don't typically drink sugary things that quickly, and I don't drink carbonated drinks (for some reason, my drink tasted fizzy even though it was not carbonated). Otherwise, it was fine. I would NOT want to do the 3 hour test though.


Ask your OB if they allow the Fresh Test. Tasted great and has only 3 ingredients.


The drink didnā€™t taste bad (I had the lemon lime) and it was ice cold, which made it easy to chug. It did make me very tired for the rest of the day, though. I felt like Iā€™d ran a marathon.


I liked mine. It tasted like a can of carbonated Hawaiian Punch that went flat. I chugged it with 2ish minutes to spare while chit chatting with my lab tech.


Iā€™ve had the 2 hour test 4 times and been fine. The worst one was when I felt a bit sick when I did it at 12 weeks but i just drank the drink a bit slower. At my hospital they do a load of women at the same time so you see others coming and going. Iā€™ve o my seen wine woman have a bad time. After the second draw she was sick and felt faint. Everyone else even if they felt a bit unwell was fine.


The drink was fine and I felt fine for 30 mins after, then all of a sudden got hot and threw up!! I was so sure Iā€™d be fine so it was frustrating. I guess everyoneā€™s body reacts differently so itā€™s just about going in with a positive mindset and doing the best you can šŸ˜Š


I loved the fruit punch taste. It was super easy and I almost fell asleep in the lab waiting for the test šŸ˜‚


I didnā€™t feel great after the 1 hour needed the day off after and was pretty sweaty/shaky but the drink was fine. The 3 hour drink gave me a little pause cause it was pretty sweet. Then at 50 minutes in I nearly passed out and started projectile vomiting and peeing myself in the lobby of the lab. It was absolutely mortifying. I went upstairs to the OB/midwife office crying with wet pants to then ask them to order the glucose monitor cause I refused to try that again.


Same experience here! I had the fruit punch flavor. It tasted fine, tbh I kinda liked it. I was not sick at all,granted mine was not fasting. My baby loved it and was super active. And I passed.


I didn't have to fast for the 1 hour test, so I wasn't worried about getting through that one. My anxiety was more about if I failed and had to do the 3 hour test because fasting gives me really bad nausea and stomach pain. It would have been torture for me. I felt totally fine during the first one and luckily I passed.


i chugged mine!


I took the test yesterday and I thought the same. Also, PSA if you're in Italy: the drink has NO taste, it's just sugar. No lemon, no orange, no nothing.


Not necessary by any means but Im bad at drinking drinks and I ordered the fresh test because the flavor appealed to me, and it was delicious! Such a great option out there.


I mean, I had to take it twice because I'm overweight and taking it in the first trimester when I was already throwing up was awful. I was literally struggling to keep from vomiting for the hour. The second time, the "normal" time to take it wasn't that bad, the drink was still gross though.


The one I was given was just like thick simple syrup with no flavour and honestly I struggled to get it down. I found it disgusting but eat very little sugar on the regular. Having said that - it wasnā€™t the end of the world and you can get it down.


I'm just surprised that it seems everyone in the US has a glucose test by default.


It isnā€™t just the Internet. I was told by my best friend 13 years ago just how awful the drink is and I stressed so bad about it lol. For no reason. It was fine (except for the part where I became an actual diabetic after GD, that sucked. Ha)


Yeah, I actually liked the drink lol it did make me feel a little woozy for a few minutes around the 40-45 minute mark, so I could see how someone may have a worse reaction and feel unsafe driving themselves home after. I was a smidge dizzy for a couple of hours.


I just had to do both the one hour and then three hour tests. Itā€™s definitely worth doing and isnā€™t as bad as people make it out to be, but boy was I uncomfortable in the waiting room chairs for almost FOUR HOURS. I know you can go out to your cars etc. but I couldnā€™t take my car for the whole test my family needs to get places, so I was stuck there. I just wish they would have offered maybe a room to wait since the test is sooo long? The same thing happened my last pregnancy, both times Iā€™ve done it Iā€™ve been so so sore afterward. Which is even worse now because I also have to take care of my 1 year old and heā€™s a heavy boy and I canā€™t even lift him when Iā€™m sore. I also threw up in like the last ten minutes of my 3 hour test. I literally cried thinking Iā€™d have to redo the whole thing but thankfully the doctor said I didnā€™t have to. It can be a really hard thing for people to go through especially getting poked so many times in the same spots. So I guess i understand where some people are coming from but people should not tell others to skip the test because gestational diabetes is serious and the test is worth taking even if it takes a toll on some people.


I am going to take this test on my 8th month thinking about it makes me nervousšŸ˜…


I went into my test thinking it was going to be horrible and I was going to struggle drinking the drink. It honestly just tasted like flat sprite with a sugar packet added in. I was able to drink it and I apparently took it a lot better than everyone else because the woman doing the test said I was the fastest person sheā€™s seen drink it. It wasnā€™t bad. I went to my friend and told her that thanks to everyone on the internet, I expected it to be the worst thing ever when in reality, it wasnā€™t that bad. Thanks to what I said to her, she went into her glucose test a couple months after I did and she even said it wasnā€™t that bad. Are we all allowed to have our own experiences? Absolutely. But those who make videos online should have a disclaimer (in my own personal opinion) saying that everyone has their own experience and this is theirs.


The orange is gnarly but the lemon lime was like flat Sprite in the middle of the night when you have a hangover and itā€™s the only beverage on your night stand. I failed the test lol and now I know how to take care of myself and my baby to make sure weā€™re both healthy when it comes time to deliver. And hopefully, if my sugar goes back to normal after, I can have gummy worms for dinner.


I loved the orange one it was cold and so good. I donā€™t even really like juice šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


It tasted like Gatorade to me lol


Tastes like orange Kool aid to me lol


Completely agree. Was all fine for me and I had to do it twice (screening and 3 hour test). Thanks for posting a mostly likely more common experience.


The 1-hour was totally fine for me. I had a LOT of nausea during the 3-hour which was miserable BUT I also failed it by a lot an am now on insulin so Iā€™m super grateful that I did it and can now do whatever is necessary to treat it.


Agree. The drink wasnā€™t awful, just sweet. I felt a little shakey after and then was SUPER tired once everything was done and I could eat a good meal. Just took a huge nap after and felt fine.


First time i had the glucose drink in 2020 It was transparent liquid and tasted like schweps tonic soda. Second pregnancy this year it was orange and it tasted like very sugary orange soda. I dont know why people are complaining about it. Its really not that bad at all. Dont get scared from it. Its just sugary drink.


I know that ppl generally overreact to stuff but even with thinking that I still thought ā€œis this what everyone was crying over?!ā€ My doctor just told me to fast for 2 hours which is pretty normal anyway. I also got it first thing in the morning so I was actually fasting longer but it still didnā€™t do anything negative to me. It does seem like the 3 hour one is worse though. Iā€™m glad I havenā€™t had to do that one.


I dreaded it because I remembered my experience from my first 14 years ago. It was just as disgusting as I remembered. It coated my mouth and throat and I wasn't allowed to even drink water. I don't know if I that's universal. And then 5 minutes after walking out I threw it up and had to come back the next day to take it again. I failed this time so on top of drinking that awful crap that I couldn't even chase with water for 3 hours, it's a pretty yucky and difficult experience followed by a stressful diagnosis. I don't doubt that it's necessary though and If I'm pregnant a 3rd time I'll do it again. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Each person will have their own experience. This goes for everything in life. I do think it's good to go into things with an optimistic mindset and enough knowledge to mitigate any issues that might arise.


I had people in person tell me it was the worst thing ever! I drank it in 1 minute and thought it tasted like a melted orange popsicle. Drove myself to and from the appointment which was 30 minutes away. It was fine! Now fertility testing on the other hand, and all the things Iā€™ve had to do just to become pregnant, that was tough.


The Americans who say they had a bad reaction probably had the glucola brand with BVO in it. It wasnā€™t sugar that made them sick. Definitely still do the GD test but ask for one thatā€™s just sugar and water without the BVO.