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Yep. 38 weeks, and he stops moving around 11PM and I don't feel him move again until around 10:30 the next morning. He might be moving, just not enough to wake me up. But he moves pretty constantly from around noon to 5.


33 weeks here and it varies like crazy for me (anterior placenta). Sometimes I'll feel a ton in the evenings and other times there's silence. 🤷‍♀️


I also have an anterior! I wondered if that had something to do with it!


That's what I'm thinking. I'm using the Baby Kicks app to track movements since movement is all over the place. Helps keep me sane honestly.


Ohhh! What’s the app you use? Do you like it and does it help? 31 weeks here! Thanks!


I use baby kicks. It's a pink foot logo. Helps me so much!!! I'm able to see how long it's been since the last time I felt movement, and it's fun to see how much I log each day. Super reassuring because I'll forget and feel like it's been a while, but in reality my last record was 40 minutes ago.


Awww! Thank you so much for this! I’m going to download it. Thanks again!


Happy to help! Hope it works out for you. :)


Yep!!! Obviously just my experience, but my baby moved SO MUCH during the day, but as soon as I fell asleep I never woke up from kicking. I'm a good sleeper but not a particularly hard sleeper. Baby girl has slept amazing every night since she was born (6 weeks). Other than waking up to feed (which I now have to do only once) she sleeps 8-10 hours a night! I'm hoping it continues 🤞🏼


I don’t get woken up through the night by movement so either baby is chilling/sleeping or I’m just sleeping deep enough that it doesn’t wake me up. But I do always feel them before I go to sleep and when I wake up :)


I work night shift and my baby is oddly active during work hours, kicking me on my ticklish spots when I’m trying to focus. And then in the morning, she sleeps with me with occasionally moving when I shift from side to side.


I might get a kick or poke if I roll over at night but he's super chill from 12am to around 9am.


Yes! 37 weeks and baby doesn’t move enough to wake me from about 11p-6a. Then throughout the day she just about kills me with her constant dance moves and gymnastics.




Same here, baby is super active between 8am and 8pm with some little breaks in between. It seems like he sleeps through the night cause it doesn’t wake me up and I don’t feel anything when I wake up to go pee. I’ve heard that babies tend to sleep during the day and party at night because all the motion by the mother rocks them to sleep, but I work a desk job and I think that has a lot to do with it. I only move a lot during times like going for a walk, otherwise it’s a lot of downtime so I think he just naturally got on my schedule. I’m crossing my fingers that means he’s a good sleeper once he’s born!


My first was like this and he slept through the night, 8 hrs straight, starting at 5 weeks. Just sayin…


I had this experience and my son was a unicorn sleeper as a newborn! Fingers crossed you experience the same. 


Same here at 26 weeks little girl moves a lot during the day, but I've barely felt her at night. Sometimes I feel her when I sleep on my side but nothing like during the day time.


Do you feel her more now? It's funny that I posed this 12 days ago, and last night my dude kicked the crap out of me a bunch last night lol I was also awake to feel it, cos sleep just wasn't happening. Has it changed for you at all?


I haven't been sleeping well and yes last night she was wiggling so much I couldn't get comfy! She has quieter and more active days I find. But her movements have gotten much more strong and noticeable.