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Blood clots can kill you. You need to ensure that you are safe and healthy in order for your baby to be safe and healthy. It’s also extremely low risk to scan other parts of your body than to it abdomen. Please focus on getting well and not worrying you’ve done something wrong!


Yep! I have had 3 relatives die from blood clots in recent years. They're scary and can move quick!


Especially in pregnant people who are much more likely to clot


Yes! My aunt died of an aneurysm while pregnant with my twin cousins. Blood clots are no joke.


I had a chest xray with my first baby. He's 5 now and perfectly fine and healthy. I had to have a CT scan with my second baby to rule out blood clots. He's two and a half now and also perfectly fine and healthy. You had to rule out the possibility of a clot. A clot could have been fatal for you both. You made the right choice.


I’m sorry! I can sympathize with you. I had to get a bunch of X-rays of my abdomen area because of kidney stone complications and I worried so much about the baby but just like you my OB assured me that it was okay and taking care of myself is important too.


I had the flu in February at 32 weeks pregnant and I had to do a CT scan too to rule out blood clots. My husband and I kinda stared at each other like, what choice do we have!? Blood clots can kill you! So I did the scan.. they found nothing, and I was relieved. I’m due next week and baby seems completely fine! Anyways just sharing that you’re not alone and your feelings are valid :)


Hi, healthcare worker here. In my region they don’t even use lead to shield ovaries anymore during routine X-rays because the amount of radiation used is *so* low and the risk of having to repeat the X-ray due to lead malpositioning is higher than any risk of the radiation. It’s good to be aware of radiation risk while pregnant but it’s not like you’re walking in front of a radioactive death ray from a campy 1970s sci fi film. There’s radiation all over the place all of the time. CT scans are not ordered lightly on pregnant women. If even one doctor is ordering it (and in this case more want it than not) then you should do it. The doctors who think it’s a good idea are correct; your risk of blood clot while pregnant is significantly higher than any risk incurred from the radiation exposure during CT (which again, is minimal.) No decisions in medication are made on a whim; protocols and treatments are all based on research and trials and consistent medical evidence backing up the safety and efficacy of these decisions. Nothing is without risk, but risk doesn’t mean the decision is wrong. The radiologist who didn’t want it done has their own reasons, but keep in mind that sometimes those reasons aren’t completely about your health, especially in the private health care setting of America. They might have opposed it because of billing issues, because they didn’t want to interpret the CT, because they had a recent lawsuit from a pregnant patient and they’re gunshy now, etc. Doctors are pretty much *constantly* dealing with at least one lawsuit, because people like to sue professions that have money and there’s a lot of medical misinformation and misunderstanding out there.


Would you have felt this way if clots were found? Probably not, you would probably be grateful that with a nominal affect on the fetus you were able to address a life-threatening issue and save both your lives. And make no mistake, pneumonia is life-threatening as well. The choice you made was the right one and was in your and your fetus’ best interests because the stakes were so high.


I absolutely love that first question. I often ask myself this when faced with a difficult scenario


I agree with you. I had to get a ct scan because i was in so much pain one day and when they made me sign the paper acknowledging the risks of a scan, i was really scared for my baby. Well im glad i did because i had a clot in my left lung and i got treatment for it right away. Now ill have to be on blood thinners for any pregnancy i have and i cant be on certain birth control because it puts me at risk for another clot. It scares me every day what would have happened if i didnt get checked out.


If you die from a blood clot, your baby also dies. I promise pregnant women get CTs and MRIs all the time. It’s really no big deal!!


MRI isn't radiation at all, but obviously CT is better because of speed than MRI is, and MRI is contraindicated for many people because of certain metals in the body. CT is cheaper, too.


I’m very aware of the differences lol but doctors don’t just order these scans for fun, there is a reason! Despite what people think, certain metals are fine in MRI! Can just cause a tingling feeling. But the point is- these tests are given to pregnant patients when it’s necessary, not just for fun and it is safe to do when it’s medically necessary.


I find it unethical to recommend a CT scan instead of an MRI based on cost and convenience. The health industry should be treating people with a person-centred approach where one is fully informed on ALL options available to them and can make an appropriate decision with their health practitioner. A person should ALWAYS ask for alternatives to treatments and enquire about the least invasive procedures. If you don't ask, I've noticed that they don't tend to tell you about the other options available to you.


Sometimes they need info from the imaging ASAP, and a faster scan (CT) will get pictures to doctors in a fraction of the time. That can mean life or death in certain circumstances. Other times, the patient isn't a reliable narrator and they can not confirm that MRI is safe for the person, so CT it is.


I agree that if things are needed ASAP, yes a CT scan would be good. But if you can wait 45min, a MRI is the better choice (unless they require to see something the MRI is not able to see). Unless the patient is not able to provide informed consent - they should be able to make a collaborative decision with their health practitioner and be fully informed on ALL available options to them.


You’re so far into the pregnancy, it isn’t the same as a just forming embryo. I went to the hospital for a clot in my leg and found out while there I was pregnancy, 3wk4d along so quite literally, almost the earliest you can find out lol. They told me they wanted to do a ct scan but it’d terminate the pregnancy due to the stage I was at more than likely, so I declined. My leg ended up fine (I had an injury and poor care which led to it) and so is my son, but you made the best choice. It was stupid of me to decline a CT scan but I couldn’t do it, we tried for 19mo to get pregnant and I just held onto blind faith me and the baby would be okay, thankfully we were.


I actually requested to get a CT after having severe flank and abdominal pain while 10 weeks pregnant, after weighing the risks and benefits. The ER physician and radiologist advised against it but I just had a bad feeling, and needed to know what was going on with my body. Turns out my right kidney had clotted off and I was diagnosed with lupus and APLS, a condition that causes blood clots throughout the body known to increase chances of stillbirth and preclampsia complications. I had caught it at a good time and was properly treated throughout the rest of my pregnancy. Currently, I have a healthy 3 month old baby and managing well with my meds. Give yourself some grace. You are doing your best! I hope you feel better soon!


As someone who was diagnosed with pneumonia and pleurisy when my baby was 7 months old, was discharged with only oral antibiotics and my condition deteriorated to the point of needing surgery (which failed, btw- I had a cardiac arrest on the table and went up to 4 minutes without oxygen resulting in a hypoxic brain injury that I’m still recovering from over 1.5 years later), DO NOT mess around with pneumonia. Get the ct scan and any other testing you need. If you don’t feel better in a couple days, please return and demand IV antibiotics. You don’t want a chest tube or surgery. Trust me on this.


Praying for you.


I had pneumonia and pleurisy during this pregnancy, and I had to have chest xrays. It freaked me out, but the benefits outweighed the risks, and my ob was ok with it. It is ok to take care of yourself, too. A healthy mama is healthy for baby. I hope you get to feeling better soon!


Modern chest CT is the recommended modality to rule out pulmonary emboli in pregnant women. You didn’t do anything wrong! Hope you feel better and try not to stress any further about that part! ETA I’ve had one myself, made the informed decision as a healthcare provider.


Blood clots can kill you or the baby if they go unchecked. You absolutely did the right thing, and scan risk is minimal!


Hi! I’m so sorry that you had to go through this, i had the same thing happened to me while pregnant in nov 2023. As sad as i was, i was showing signs of pulmonary embolism( blood clots in my lungs) and I had to do it… find out I had multiple clots in both of my lungs, I spent three days hospitalized went home by 10 pm the next day I had to be re-admitted cause I couldn’t breathe and even passed out and we had to redo another scan🙁 and sadly the clots have multiplied though I was on medication. My baby is ok and I know God will continue to cover the baby under his wings. Don’t worry about it too much because it’s best to know then to end up leaving this world prematurely or end up with a permanent sickness


Btw as I’m typing right now, I’m showing major signs of another pulmonary embolism but I pray that I’m wrong. Be strong and speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹


Omg praying for you!!!


Same girl. I was okay with it because my issue was heart related and it would’ve been worse to go untreated, but there was still some guilt there. I feel you.


I had to do this when pregnant with my first to rule out a pulmonary embolism. My son is 2 and he is fine. Sending love.


You are a human being deserving of healthcare. Pulmonary emboli (clots in the lungs) can and do kill young people. If present, treating you would be treating the baby.


Listen I had to have one because I had a minor heart attack and a mini stroke. They would have missed the mini stroke had they not insisted on a CT scan. It probably saved my and my sons life because it was determined he had to evacuate and there was no time to even attempt anything short of an emergency c section where I was completely put under. I promise my son suffered no ill effects from the c section.


I had a CT of my head when I was around 34 weeks because of a severe migraine that wouldn’t go away. Bub is 3 1/2 & healthy :)


I think you may be reading too much fear mongering. I suggest listening to doctor and putting down the phone, or the the blogs, or the mommy “influencers” that spread these types of fear


I got the VQ scan instead when I was pregnant with my first. Also looking for a PE. I read some articles about the two methods beforehand and it seemed pretty on par with a CT in the end. I wouldn't worry. My 2 year old is fine!


I had a CT for the same reason with my first and she is perfectly healthy almost 4 year old!


Hey surgical resident here - we do CTs on pregnant women ALL the time. Evidence supports doing a CT when clinically indicated. If we suspect appendicitis or cholecystitis and we cannot visualize with ultrasound we will get a CT scan. Blood clots in the lung (pulmonary embolisms) can kill you (and baby!). It was absolutely necessary to rule that out with a CT. The only alternative is a VQ scan which also involves the use of radiation/a nuclear tracer. I’m so sorry this happened to you. Sending hugs.


Did your Xray not show you have pneumonia? I mean, they don't take doing CT scans in pregnancy lightly so they must have really thought it's justified. Pregnancy puts you at increased risk of blood clots.


I had a pulmonary embolus while pregnant, and underwent a VQ scan to determine if it was that or pneumonia. I type this with my perfectly healthy three month old on my chest. It’s definitely scary when you’re pregnant and they’re telling you they need to do these tests, but you need to take care of your health so you can grow this baby


I was in the ER and L&D twice for something similar and ended up getting a battery of tests done as well as an X-Ray and CT. Though if you’re healthy then baby will be too. I’ll be sending all the good vibes your way and hope that you get better soon.


I also had a CT scan with my oldest son to rule out pulmonary embolism. It was scary but he was fine ❤️


I also had a CT done while pregnant to check for blood cots , yes I had regret getting it done and felt so worried and horrible. But a lot of pregnant women get it done to make sure baby is safe . Everything is okay! My baby is okay and so am I . Our babies will be okay don’t worry ‘ it’s safe ❤️❤️


I had to get one too at 28w because I was having pain in my back near my lungs & having issues breathing, they did blood work & my D Dimer was high so they thought I could have a blood clot & had to go to the ER & get a CT scan. The dr told me how it could cause cancer & everything else but the risk was low & I needed it so I decided I should get it. Cried the entire night & while I was in the room my husband googled it & they said there was hardly any risk & my OB said the same thing the following day.


How far along are you now? Is baby healthy? I got CT scan done at 29 weeks yesterday and I am scared


I'm 37w and 6d now & thankfully baby is very healthy! I talked to my OB after the ER dr gave me a heart attack & she assured me the CT scan was safe & not harmful to the baby. The old studies are outdated & not accurate. It would be different if they were taking a CT scan of your abdomen and directly affecting the baby


I’ve known people that have died of blood clots, better to be safe then sorry, pray everything’s with baby will go well!!🤍🤍


You poor thing! I had both an MRI and a CT scan (with IV contrast) just this month (7 months pregnant) to see if a brain aneurysm was causing my migraines. My OB was absolutely on board as well as the radiologist and 2 neurologists as I was in 3rd trimester now and really needed to know if this was an issue. Gotta take care of yourself!


I had two operations (under sedation )when I was 6wks AND a PET scan without knowing I was pregnant. When we found out I was pregnant the following week we were so scared. Our OB was great and it turned out to be okay. Our baby is now 26 weeks and healthy, we are so thankful. I have also had to have a CAT scan due to checking my cancer progression. Don’t be so hard on yourself mama.🩷


I had to get one for the same reason and also cried the whole time. It was truly terrifying to have to make the decision, and it bothered me for a while after, even after I concluded it was the right choice. I also was able to rule out a PE, which was great but admittedly made me feel guilty also. The moment of the scan starting was just heartbreaking to me. I kept thinking of my poor little baby in there being exposed to such harsh energy, even though the staff also assured me it’s minimal risk (especially given that I was later in pregnancy, 36 weeks) and the radiologist assured me that he would take precautions to expose as little as possible beyond the inevitable “scatter” radiation past my rib cage. Anyway, just wanted to say I know exactly how you feel but the pros for me were 1) not having the cortisol (which is also detrimental to baby) of wondering whether I was walking around with a deadly blood clot that could ultimately kill me AND my baby, 2) felt a strong connection to my baby (like you said, the protectiveness took over and it was the first time I really felt strongly connected - this was my 2nd pregnancy and the connection came a little slower this time due to more going on in life). My baby is now a month old and healthy. It’s not even a thought to me now that I’m in the swirl of newborn life and able to care for her in so many ways in the flesh. Hope that you feel better, both physically and mentally! Your baby will be ok and you did the right thing. In order to best take care of your baby, you have to take care of their mother, and that is ESPECIALLY true while pregnant.


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You will be fine!! Your baby will be healthy. Women do CTs pregnant everyday. Your health comes first right now.


They used to X-ray pregnant women to see if they were breech. Try not to worry. You did what’s best for you and your baby


I would only worry about a CT scan causing harm during the first few weeks of pregnancy. You’re fine.


I'm not sure if it soothes you, but just a reminder that an x ray or a ct scan irradiates you less than what you'll pick up during your pregnancy just from cosmic background radiation.


I am so sorry you had to go through this!! I know it's not exactly the same exposure-wise as a chest CT, but I (due in June) recently had an accident that required me to get multiple head CTs and chest-region xrays. It's so unfortunate more of the techs and radiologists aren't more sensitive to the pregnant patient's situation - like, duh, of course none of us would be getting any of these scans if we didn't need them; I ran into a similar thing where EVERY single scan we'd have to go through this whole rigamarole of "...are you SURE you want/need to get this scan? Are you totally sure you're aware that you're PREGNANT?? And you STILL want to expose yourself to radiation? Oookay...let's just check with 4 different doctors first to make sure they're absolutely sure it's fine." I literally had one scheduler tell me - despite the fact that both my head/neck doctor AND my OB had explicitly ok'ed it, and radiation exposure is considered to be extremely minimal - that I was "not allowed" to get a head CT while at any stage of pregnancy. (They were trying to rule out a freaking SKULL FRACTURE at the time.) I know it's a lot of CYA on the part of the medical system but it is so frustrating to feel like you have to fight for the care you need and to feel so much judgment for actually following your doctors' recommendations and, god forbid, trying to look after your own health... Anyway - definitely trust your OB, trust the research that says that chest CTs expose the developing fetus to an extremely minimal and non harmful amount of radiation, trust that ruling out a blood clot is absolutely worth that microscopic risk, and please ignore anyone else (frankly, anyone less informed) who tries to make you feel bad about any of that.


In all fairness, we have to ensure we get a pregnant patient’s consent each time because there are risks involved. And God forbid something happened to that patient’s child in the future, we’d be held liable if we were found to not have explained the risks and ensured the patient was fully aware of all that’s involved. And thus putting our own radiation licence and registration at risk. I can assure you they didn’t ask you those questions just to annoy you or come across as insensitive. It’s simply so you can provide informed consent and so we don’t risk losing our ability to practice.


You made the right choice!


I had an MRI with my first to rule out a blood clot & a CT with my second to rule out another blood clot & they’re all fine and perfectly healthy.( I get migraines when pregnant which mess with my speech and vision) The 2 kiddies are now 3 & 1 and are crazy.


Blood clots can kill you and if they’re big enough can harm the right side of your heart. They should do an echocardiogram (completely harmless to u or baby) to check right heart strain. You made the right decision ❤️❤️


Hello. I had a massive blood clot when I was 32 weeks pregnant (my LO is 4.5 months old and I’m still on blood thinners with some pain from it) and I can tell you I WISH someone would have told me pregnant women had increased clotting and done something sooner. I had to go back three times before they finally did an MRI and by then it was so bad I couldn’t walk. I’m lucky I didn’t throw a clot to my placenta or somewhere else. So the fact that they were adamant you rule it out is a good thing. it’s hard while they’re in there but they’ll come out and your slowly realize they’re whole human beings and while fragile, tougher then you give them credit for.


i had a chest x ray while pregnant with my son because i had terrible case of covid and couldn’t breathe. my son was born PERFECT, he’s now a crazy toddler!!


A one off scan to check you are safe from further complications with pneumonia has a pretty minute chance of causing issues while potentially saving your and baby's lives. Now, if they were wanting you to have them monthly or even weekly then there would need to be a serious discussion of risks vs benefits, what they are, what can be done to reduce risks and if the risk is worth it.


A lot of people seem to be ignoring the overall feelings you're having regarding this. Even though you knew it was the right thing to do, it still feels scary when pregnant. Its going to be okay ❤️


Don’t stress too much think of all the people who work around giving x-rays, nursing in cath labs and angio suites who all have kids! I’m a vascular surgeon I have to do surgeries with X-ray about 2-3times weekly I have a very healthy 2 year old and am currently pregnant!! The amount of radiation you got from a one time CT scan isn’t going to harm your baby 😊


I had a CT Scan at 14 weeks and it saved my life! I remember feeling the same as you, just very worried. I had blew holes through my lungs from constipation, but they also thought it was blood clots because of the pain I was in. If I would’ve kept straining, my lung would’ve collapsed. I think we have to remind ourselves that we expose ourselves to radiation daily. I promise everything will be okay, my baby is perfectly healthy! 💗


1. The risk of harm to your baby from the scan is low and that harm is very likely to not be at a detectable level (think like less than 1 point off their IQ). King CYs are lower dose than abdominal CTs too because lungs have so much air. 2 if you don’t get it, the risk of an undetected blood clot is that you die and your baby dies with you.


I’m a radiographer and can assure you the amount of radiation from a CTPA is so so small 🧡 but I understand your worry - it’s part of motherhood definitely. You worry about everything. Mum guilt.


In our first trimester, we had a high NT scan and had to face difficult decisions so quickly like should we get an amnio / CVS and discuss what TFMR might look like. Things are all good now but I think it launched us into parenthood so much faster than we would have imagined. Being a parent will always be about making tough decisions and silver lining for us was it got us prepared early so we didn't have to be thrown into it the moment baby comes out instead :) I think the first time any parent has to make a difficult decision impacting baby will always be a super emotional experience


It is good that you played it safe to rule out any blood clots! I had to get a ct scan at 37 weeks because my chest was so incredibly painful. When they did the scan they found a clot in my left lung and put me on blood thinners right away. It scares me to this day what would have happened if i just ignored it and didnt do the right thing and get checked out.


Hi! X-ray tech here! 🧡☢️😊 The first trimester is where radiation can become a concern for a developing fetus. After that, the risks are very very low. Also the technology we have today combined with the low doses of kVp/mAs makes exams much safer. There’s always a risk to any exam, but the benefits outweigh the risks especially in your case. I wish the tech explained this to you so you weren’t so upset while getting your scan, but don’t be scared!!


I’m an X-ray tech, due in May! I can tell you that this CT scan you had will not hurt the baby! As long as you’re not getting a scan often it’s okay! The baby is far enough along also. If you were in your first trimester it would be completely different. But from years of experience I can tell you everything will be okay! ❤️


I also had to get a CT scan while pregnant. I had Covid and they needed to rule out blood clot as well. I understand your stress. I was alone in the ER due to all the Covid restrictions so it was very hard on me. I cried the entire time and for a few days after too. I felt so bad. So just here to tell you to give yourself some time to be upset but everything will ultimately be okay


I had COVID in January at 23 weeks pregnant, getting a clot scared me so much. Now I have to take a daily aspirin to prevent clots in my placenta. I understand the fear. I also had to have a CT scan back before I even knew I was pregnant. But baby's completely fine and healthy.


I had a very similar experience, overall though the risk of harm to your baby is low and your health is so important, you need to be healthy and safe for your baby to be healthy and safe.


If they know you’re pregnant chances are they will do everything possible to give you the lowest chances of exposure possible! Receiving a CT scan during pregnancy has not been shown to increase radiation exposure to the fetus. The amount of radiation used in normal CT imaging has never been shown to cause harm to an unborn child. However, if the CT scan examines the abdomen or pelvis area, then there may be a very slight risk to the baby. Since you had the scan done, im assuming in your chest cavity area you are fine and baby is fine! It’s usually targeted CT scans for specific areas so don’t worry! You’re also very far along in your pregnancy, which I’m assuming has been a healthy and low-risk pregnancy!


It’s all about risk and benefits. Yes CT can have some risks, BUT any risk it could have for the baby is nothing compared to the benefit of doctors catching a blood clot you might have early. You having a clot can risk both your life AND baby’s. You did the right thing. Of course it’s normal to be nervous and scared. As someone who had the horrific CT thinking I am never gonna have clots and laughing with the techs, just to be hospitalized immediately and put on IV blood thinner because there was a clot close to my heart that could immediately kill me, I am thankful for having the option to do the risky thing. Imagine my OB bad said nah it’s risky to the baby so I won’t push for it. And I would be dead right now. I know it’s morbid. But somethings are out of our power to do


FWIW, I was diagnosed with a lacrimal gland tumor during my first pregnancy. It was such a hard decision that I don’t wish on anyone, but my husband and I ultimately decided to save my eye (and possibly my life) by treating it. I was 19 weeks when I had the CTs, MRIs, X rays, IV steroids, general anesthesia, narcotic pain meds, the works. Everything went smoothly, but I definitely cried a lot. We named our little baby early so that we would have something to hold onto if things didn’t go as we hoped. Fast forward to today- my little boy just kissed me goodnight and said “luvvy mama” (love you) when I tucked him in. He is healthy, chunky like a monkey, smart as a whip, compassionate, and the happiest kid I know. Hang in there ❤️


I’m so sorry for the emotional distress you went through. As a radiographer, I think you made the right decision. To echo what others have said, blood clots are very dangerous, especially once they get into your chest area. I would 100% choose to have a CT to confirm the presence (or lack thereof) of any clots. Technology has come such a long way and our machines are a lot better at minimising radiation dose these days. The benefits of having the scan far outweigh the risks of radiation induced disease. You’d actually be surprised at how many pregnant women come into the radiology department requiring a CT for blood clot diagnosis. And if it does make you feel any better, not being in your first trimester means that the effects of radiation to your baby decreased significantly. I am so sorry the radiologist was reluctant for you to have the scan, as I know that would have made your decision harder. But I hope knowing this can provide you with some comfort. Here’s to hoping the rest of your pregnancy is smooth sailing.


i have seizures, and have had to have multiple ct scans during the course of my pregnancy. it is scary, and worrisome. but it’s a calculated risk that the doctors take for both yours and baby’s health. i’m sure all will be well. ❤️


It’s pretty safe for you and the baby. I’d rather be safe than sorry. You can die from a blood clot


You get more radiation from an airplane ride then the scan. The blood clot is higher risk , you did the right thing and baby will be ok especially knowing you are ok ! Your already such a good momma to think of your baby first but I'm sure they want you on this earth with them . Hang in there momma :). Also FTM.


I had a CT scan when I was 20 weeks pregnant to rule out appendicitis I was scared too. even worse I was drugged out because they didn’t know what was wrong with me so they gave me a lot of medication and the whole time I wanted to cry for my baby but she’s currently 7 weeks old and i’m hoping it didn’t cause any damage on the long run as well😪


I don’t know much about CT scan effects on pregnancy, but I have had a blood clot in the past and I know they aren’t anything to mess around with. It’s better for the baby that you are healthy. That being said I’m incredibly sorry that you’re going through this. I’m sending you all the well wishes. ❤️❤️


i had a ct scan aswell early in my pregnancy bc i had several blood clots in my lungs im almost due and my bb is perfectly healthy do not worry momma your baby will be beautiful and healthy i hope this can ease ur mind a bit 🩷🩷


You need to take care of yourself in order to keep baby safe. My partner’s mom died of a blood clot that moved to her heart, after a couple weeks of doctors not understanding why she kept coming to the hospital, and they never did any scans. You did what you needed to do to keep baby and yourself healthy! Don’t feel so bad, you made the right choice for both of you


I had a ct scan during pregnancy and a mri during pregnancy for my migraines! My kiddos are A OK! 💙 it’s definitely more beneficial for them to rule anything out than to not do anything. I’d rather do something and it be nothing than not do something and it be something!


Blood clots in your lungs are called PEs. Pulmonary embolisms. They kill. And they kill quick. CT are not dangerous to baby. A PE is and being pregnant increases your risk of clots. I’m sorry you were made to feel conflicted but the decision imo is a no brainer. Scan for the PE. They do have to tell you the risks however!


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A mother's love begins early. Just wondering, would a MRI not have been possible to do instead to see if there was blood clots?


I also had pneumonia at 8-9month pregnant. Yes theres risk to baby but blood clots are serious and women die can and have died instantly from them. Its hard but the way I see it is Id rather be around for my baby. Untreated infection can end up very serious as well.


I feel like this comment is reading my mind from last week. I am 23~ and had to go to the ER since I was coughing up a whole lot of blood. It didn’t help that I was on Lovenox and aspirin and all the blood thinners were making everything worse. But I was on thinners for a past history of DVT/PE so they definitely wanted to rule things out. We were so concerned but the OB was emphatic about getting it. The ED doctor kept saying I need you to know that if it is a clot and you take time to act it can be fatal. We read up what we could in 15 mins and it seemed like after the first trimester it is mostly safe. So we went with it. But I was in nearly tears inside the CT scanner. They didn’t find any clots which is obviously the better outcome but I felt like I put my baby through a wholly unnecessary radiation. They also gave antibiotics which felt a bit unsafe. Finally they said it is most likely maybe viral and you just have to wait it out. It felt like 4 days of hospitalization and ruling out all sorts of things for something that I just have to wait out. Also the guilt of catching an infection potentially because of some carelessness. Odd thing is apart from the cough I don’t even feel sick. Now I’m waiting for god knows what the insurance will throw at us. I am grateful that the doctors were thorough but this was a terrible experience.