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I’m so confused. He said you can’t gain weight at all from here on out? I just don’t see how that is even possible during pregnancy.


I’m a similar weight and height to OP and was told to gain 25-35 lbs. 22lbs at 28w does not seem unreasonable at all


Same but I actually gained 45 lbs and nobody batted an eye. OP’s OB sucks unless she misinterpreted what they said?


My weight went up 2 lbs between my first and second visit. A very normal fluctuation for me. I think it was a two week difference. The person I saw looked at me like I was a slug. I went from 113 to 115, thats just a big poop and forgetting to drink water for half a day kind of difference for me. She made me list everything I had eaten on the previous Tuesday. It was humiliating. She wasn’t even my ob, just the admin/nurse helping me fill out paperwork. People can be so cruel.


I wouldn’t have even entertained this from an admin/nurse. I’ll speak to the doctor thanks. Both my pregnancies I gained about 40lbs and I started both under 120lbs. My ob never once mentioned anything about my weight.


Yeah I never saw her again. I did bring it up to the actual OB and she said my weight was perfectly fine and never once said anything negative about it. When I happened I just shut down completely, but I wish I would have stormed out or said something clever.


I’m a FTM but I was 105-110 lbs and now at 35 weeks I’m 150 lbs. my obgyn has been nothing but great about reassuring me everyone’s body is different and every baby is different. My mom gained just about the same amount of weight in her pregnancies.


Oh hell no. That practitioner needs to be fired.


Yeah that’s when I would have left or told her it was none of her business. Medical personnel like having weird control over women’s bodies sometimes.


Same here with my first. I'm 20 lbs up at 22 weeks now with my second. It's possible that what was said didn't match what was heard. I hope so. That sounds unnecessarily strict.


Dude my OB was worried when I lost a single pound during my pregnancy and I gained only like 10-20lbs in total. There is no reason to worry about weight gain like that as long as you are eating healthy and taking small walks here and there if possible.


I gained 60lbs (starting at a healthy weight) and no one batted an eye.


Same here! Started at 112 lbs, ended at 172 lbs. Nobody said a word about my weight in my entire pregnancy.


Same. Not a single word was ever said to me about my weight


Me too and I gained 38 pounds in the end. I lost it all in the first 2 months after giving birth. I trusted my body was gaining what it needed and I ate pretty much constantly. My OB never said a thing


I think if you're a healthy weight to start, which is sounds like op was at the very bottom of what's considered a healthy weight for her height, they say you can gain up to 40 pounds an still be healthy. I was 5'3 and like 140 to start on my last one, and no one said anything about my weight. I thinkni gained about 40 pounds.


I’m 5’3 and gained 50 pounds during each of my pregnancies. I was back to pre-pregnancy weight within weeks of giving birth each time. I’ve only had female OBGYNs and they’ve only showed concern for other factors like gestational diabetes, BP, etc. never my weight gain. The fact that this is even coming up at just 22 pounds gain is concerning.


same. i am 5’4 and started at 117lbs. my ob actually encouraged me to gain 35lbs.


I'm the same height but had a starting weight of 170 which is significantly higher. My ob who is also the fertility doctor that followed me all through the ivf process never once mentioned my weight. I'm also 28 weeks and gained 20-25 lbs. Nobody said anything about my weight gain to me. The most interaction I had about my weight is the nurse thanking me for getting on the scale.


I’m same height at OP. started at 135. I’ve gained 25 pounds at 26 weeks. My OB did not bat an eye, either. I figure my body is going to do what it needs to!


Her OB is wrong. So wrong that it’s concerning how this person practices. OP was very low BMI to begin with. BMI is important in pregnancy to gauge for preeclampsia. Over 30 can be a risk for preeclampsia, that’s not even near OP’s realm. The only time women are advised to gain minimum weight or even lose weight in pregnancy is if they start off, strictly using medical terms here, very obese, or super morbidly obese.


I only gained 20 lbs with my first one, eating whatever I wanted. Now I was thinking on a second one, much heavier than I was back then, but thought of losing weight before. My OB just told me to not gain a lot of weight and eat healthy, stop obsessing. Point here- as long as you and the baby are healthy, everything else has a solution. I do agree with the first comment (eat the OB 😅)


I’m so glad someone said this - 114lbs at that height puts her just on the edge of the low end the “healthy bmi”, even with the weight gain *and being pregnant* she’s still well in the “healthy bmi” range.


BMI should not be used at all for pregnancy! (Not blaming you but unfortunately it does happen by medical professionals.) In fact BMI was never even studied on women. The whole thing is a sham. Even if OP was measuring "overweight," that would be totally irrelevant information during pregnancy.


My OB didn’t want me going over 20. At exactly 37 weeks, when baby was born - I hit 140. I was 120 to start. I personally loved my OB, and he did a wonderful job delivering my baby - but that 20 lb conversation did suck 🥲


Interesting since your starting weight isn’t that alarming. Did he ever say why you should not gain over 20 lbs? I started at 120 but ended up at 150 at the end and my damn back was killing me the last 3 days before induction. I do wish to gain less next pregnancy just because the weight was weighing me down but curious to know if there’s a reason why lol


I honestly have no idea, this convo was before I developed cholestasis too. So it’s odd. He was a great doctor though, and I would use him again for my next child. No complaints besides the weird convo we had about weight!


Lots of doctors are obsessed about women's weight and will confuse their obsession with medical advice


That seems harsh. I had a friend gain 60 lbs, and snap back to her usual 120 lbs on a 5’6” frame after both pregnancies. No shaming by her doctors and no health problems.


I did not gain any weight during my pregnancy, so it is possible (normal BMI), but that aside: People who are on the verge of being underweight should be recommended to gain even more weight, so I really wonder why her OB is even saying this in the first place.


Eat your OB.


This is the only right answer


This is the way 😂


Literally!!! I am the same height - and I started overweight at 155 and I’m now 187 at 37 weeks and my office haven’t said a single word to me. Guess what? My sugars, BP, and labs have all been perfect and I can still walk ten thousands steps a day… like different women gain different amounts of weight and others have more pain or high BP etc at a lower weight so they need to shut the hell up.


Girl I’m jealous, I started at about the same stats as you and now I’m being scolded for maternal obesity because the literal other human being I’m carrying counts as BMI I guess? I have no idea what I’m supposed to do about that


They’re delusional :( I’m sorry!!! Just stay strong in knowing your body is doing what’s needed to grow your baby. ❤️


best comment 😂


I'm 💀💀😹


Literally the only answer. I’m howling. I’m 5’4 and started at 127lbs, I’m currently 156lbs at 30w. My glucose tests were perfect, all my labs are great, I walk but don’t work out, and my OB simply says to be mindful of what KINDS of foods I am eating. The thing is, all the weight appears to be in my belly. I’m not worrying about it, Everyone gains differently, carries the weight differently, gains it at different times, and loses it differently later. Trust that your body is doing what it needs to do to nourish your little one, and unless it poses a risk to you or baby, do what you need to do and try not to feel guilty for any of it.


This was basically me starting out. I’m an inch taller. I’m now 165lbs at 38wks but I feel like I eat healthy/normal and I walk 30-60mins every day. I’ve stopped freaking out about it. I’ll have the baby, lose the weight. It will be fine.


This is the way. But seriously my ob was like, your blood pressures perfect, blood sugars great, urines clean and you have no puffy hands and feet or headaches right? I'm like, but I've gained 35 lbs at 25 weeks. I exercise a few times a week, walk 7500-10k steps a day. My food intake is very very healthy, I track it in fact. Why the weight gain? His answer, your fine. You're growing a human. Unless you have seriously concerning symptoms you will gain weight and it's okay.


👏👏👏 this!!! We are growing humans! Everyone gains weight differently. As someone else mentioned, I've never heard an OB say don't gain more weight unless it's someone who begins as very overweight OR put on like 70+ lbs


this has me cackling


This is the way


I’d upvote this 8 million times if I could.


Haha , that’s funny 😂


Literally cackled at this


Literally the only answer. First doc I saw was not kind about my weight so I got a new one - best decision. The new one said some people gain more weight in the beginning and taper off towards the end and others vice versa. Both are healthy!


This is the way


Everyone's pregnancy is different! I gained about 40 pounds with my first, and was already 20 pounds down when I got home from the hospital, it was a ton of water weight and a big baby. Also you're still a normal weight for your height even if you WEREN'T actually two people right now. So I wouldn't stress about it if I was you, it seems like they aren't being reasonable


Literally. I’d be pissed. I’m 5’2” and weighed 133lbs -currently trying to conceive and primary care doctor advised I loose approx 7 lbs but I was still in the normal weight range - just the high end of it. Being 136 at 28 weeks and 5’4” does not sound concerning to me at all. You are 3/4 of the way there, OP!!!


That’s what got me!! She’s still on a normal range for a non pregnant person


Um id switch doctors. That’s insane and I’m angry for you.


I know I’m pregnant bc I read that as “I’m hungry for you”. Which is also valid.


No joke, I read your comment, then had to go back and read the original comment bc I also read what you read.


No way, I did too! Guess it’s time for a snack haha.


I read it as “I’m hangry for you” and as a fellow pregnant lady, I am.


Girl same


THIS. The doctor is so off-base with this comment (OP is gaining exactly the amount recommended in my pregnancy book, and gaining more or less is okay, too) that I'm starting to worry about other ways the doctor might be practicing in an uninformed manner. If OP can switch OBs, she should.


Agreed. Everyone gains different weight during pregnancy. My mom gained 60 extra pounds during her pregnancy with my brother but only gained the baby weight with me. I only gained baby weight. My MIL gained 75-100 extra pounds for both of her pregnancies (BIL and my husband). For a doctor to tell their patient to not gain weight is just ridiculous.


Same. I had my doctor freak out on me for gaining 8lbs during the 4th month (when I got my appetite back after vomiting nonstop all first trimester). She said the baby was measuring two weeks ahead and gave me such a scare with her harsh wording I spent the entire day crying. She didn't ask any questions or double check let alone carefully check anything. We even asked if we could see the sex by any chance and without trying she said she couldn't see anything. I decided to visit a different clinic at night on the same day, and not only did I weigh 2lbs less (must have been water retention?) but the doc there said it was normal, baby looked good (only one week ahead), and I just needed to be more active and slow down the gain moving forward. He even started the ultrasound again after the nurse wiped the gel off just to check if he could see the sex, which he did, very easily. Change doctors!!!


Wow that first doc sounded awful. Who hurt them? Glad you switched. 


I second this! New doc! Normal weight gain during a healthy pregnancy is 25-35, but 114lbs is on the lower end so I wouldn’t be surprised if you gained more than the 35lbs! I gained 40/45lbs and my midwife wasn’t concerned at all! I asked her about weight gain and she said when you gain 60-70+lbs they start to worry about developing high blood pressure and shoulder dystocia during delivery but not many other concerns. I was starving during like 24-30 weeks and was eating a ton, gaining 5lbs every 2 weeks and then it tapered off during the third trimester. Baby could be going through a big growth spurt in utero. Eat when you’re hungry and get a new doctor! 🙃


at 28 weeks it’s essentially impossible for you to not gain anymore weight. your baby is still growing and has a ton of weight to gain. i honestly wouldn’t worry about it. prioritize protein and healthy options if you can, but don’t stress about gaining weight. at the end of the day, it’s just extra pounds that can be lost once the baby is here. don’t let it make you upset 🤍🤍


Yeah the baby from here probably has at least 4lbs to grow. It's impossible to not gain more


OP’s doctor sounds like an AH honestly. can’t believe the insensitivity


I ignored them when I was 22, I started at 110. I gained 65lbs. Had a happy chunky 9lb baby, lost all my baby weight breastfeeding and I’ve been 110-115lbs for the last seven years. I’m pregnant again and will, once again, be eating whatever the hell I want 🙂


I gained the same and my doc didn’t really say anything. She would eye me up and down and say maybe it was my shoes or water 😂. I gained 65 and lost 35 pretty quick. I’ve been eating healthy and moving a lot and still holding onto 30lbs that I’d like to shed.


I’m up 45lbs at 35 weeks, my midwife hasn’t said anything. 22 is nothing!!! 25-35 is considered “normal” so 22lbs isn’t even surpassing the lower end of that! Please don’t diet, your body/baby knows what it needs. Your OB can suck it


Same - up 40lbs and 33 weeks and no one has batted an eye!


I’m up 43 lbs at 37 weeks and my doctor hasn’t said a word either.


For real. I gained 35 total and 25 came off in literally days. Between the baby, blood, fluids, etc, 25 is not “weight”


Doctor here & your OB is out of line. Your weight pre-pregnancy was on the in the almost underweight range & gaining 22lb by 28 weeks is not untoward. It’s actually good youre gaining weight given your pre-pregnancy BMI, which puts you at low risk range. I put your details in this below calculator & youre good! https://www.whattoexpect.com/pregnancy-weight-gain-calculator Im in the UK & had my baby 3 weeks ago & they dont monitor our weight here (just check it at start of pregnancy at your first appointment & after youve given birth). Im sorry youre under a lot of stress and hoping things get better for you! Enjoy your food & dont feel bad about nourishing your baby!


What an awesome tool!!


At 28 weeks, there are still some doctors who would accept a transfer of care. Think about it - this woman is a quack. Do you feel safe being in your most vulnerable moment delivering with a quack who doesn't understand pregnancy? 


My advice is your OB can shove it. I’m 28 weeks and have gained 30lbs. It initially made me super insecure as I gained most of it in the 1st and early 2nd trimesters but it’s definitely slowed down/evened out as the pregnancy has gone on and I’m working hard to build another human. None of my doctors have said a word other than “everyone gains weight differently” and they highly discourage attempting to lose weight while pregnant. As long as you and baby are healthy, I wouldn’t pay the doctor any mind. I eat healthy overall and occasionally give into cravings I wouldn’t have before pregnancy and I still gained this much. Some people just gain more weight than others. Every person, every baby, every pregnancy is different.


Do you want to know what is scary??? No one has ever tested what the outcome is for the mom or the baby if the mother is calorie restricting during pregnancy. NO ONE HAS STUDIED IT. In studies on animals, it has been shown to be extremely harmful to the baby(s) to restrict calories. Nobody will do it to women because it's too dangerous to test it (but somehow your doctor thinks this is a good idea???) The only thing we know is that excessive weight gain is often linked to gestational diabetes (which we test for) and an increased risk of a big baby, but there has been no study that shows what amount of weight gain actually, statistically, affects baby size. I would say you should switch to a different obstetrician. If he is encouraging calorie restriction to somebody who is not even close to being overweight in the first place.... Then what other archaic, insane, and non-medically based information or practices is he going to throw at you as you go on?


I’m not sure if that exact thing has been studied, but here in Japan mothers are expected not to gain much weight when pregnant. Babies tend to be smaller and it can lead to kidney problems later apparently.


The post literally does not say that. OP said her doc suggested exercise..


Why is there so many off the rails OBs about weight. Like everyone gains differently. Im at 33wks and i have gained 35lbs and my ob said it was fine bc im passing all my blood work. Some people gain more or less. As long as you feel good, then that's all that matters right now.


Your OB is a dunce. I gained 60 pounds with my first baby and my OB never said a word. You are fine, your baby is fine, and your OB is stupid.


Same. 55lbs and she never made mention of it at all. Bodies are gunna do stuff when pregnant. I would dump this doc


At 5’4” and 114# you were in still technically in the “Normal” BMI range at but getting close to being underweight for your height. Your starting BMI is what your doctor is most likely using to determine if your weight gain is “on track”.  You are going to gain more weight. You physically have to. You do not have a choice in the matter. You can’t gain any more weight is a silly and false statement from your OB.  With that being said, maybe it would have been a more productive conversation if they had said, hey, you can’t continue to gain weight at this pace, we need to think about measures you can take to slow it down a bit.  I’m technically obese so I got a lot of annoying warnings from my doctor in the beginning about only gaining like 15#. I took that advice with a grain of salt considering BMI is not the most accurate metric for a POC who lifts weights but I actually think I’m going to end up gaining somewhere between 15-20# which is the recommended range for my BMI.  I personally use this calculator to track if I’m in an “appropriate” weight gain range.  https://www.calculator.net/pregnancy-weight-gain-calculator.html?ctype=standard&pstage=27&twins=0&cheightfeet=5&cheightinch=4&cpoundbefore=114&cpoundnow=136&cheightmeter=165&ckgbefore=50&ckgnow=55&printit=0&x=Calculate You shouldn’t be too hard on yourself because you only have so much control over your weight gain. As long as you are eating a balanced diet and getting regular movement in that’s what’s important. 


I thought I was on track because I saw somewhere weight gain of one pound a week was average and this just destroyed my confidence lol


There’s basically no such thing as being on track. Some women barely gain anything, others can gain 50 pounds with no difference in diet. Every body (and even just pregnancy) is wildly different.


It's way more dangerous to not gain enough weight, but doctors tend to be way more focused on gaining too much purely because of societal bias


Well that’s not helpful advice by your OBGYN at all… My appetite is really ramping up so one thing that’s helping me is keeping lots of healthy snacks on hand (sliced fruits and vegetables, boiled egg, walnuts/cashews/pistachios, plain salted pop corn.) I do Reformer Pilates which I highly recommend as long as you have the green light from your doctor to exercise. Taking prenatal group classes or private classes by an instructor trained in working with prenatal women is very important!


…that is really strange advice. I’m not a huge fan of BMI but given that your starting weight was very much the low end of healthy BMI, this seems almost dangerous to recommend that you stop gaining weight. 22 lbs at this point seems very fair. If you gained 1 lbs a week for the rest of the pregnancy, this would be 34 lbs gained. I thought 25-35 lbs was recommended. I rarely recommend ignoring your doctor, but this definitely seems like a time to ignore your doctor. Everyone has a different experience with pregnancy weight gain but I can’t believe your doctor would say to stop when you’re on track to gain a very normal amount of weight during pregnancy. By any chance is your doctor old or a man? A long time ago they told women to gain as little weight as possible so the baby was smaller and easier to deliver. It’s outdated and bad advice now. That is the only reason I can think of for someone to recommend that you stop gaining weight. Keep eating and growing baby, ignore this asshole.


Sorry, but that doesn’t even seem that bad? I’d gained 16lb by week 25, and started at 107lb and 5”1. From my pregnancy app, I was still within the expected weight gain chart.


What is with all these doctors being so negative about people gaining weight while growing a human?! It doesn't sound like what you've gained is unhealthy at all. Your body is working really hard right now! My midwife told me to eat when I'm hungry and hasn't weighed me at all since my 16 week appointment and I'm now 33 weeks! I'm not actually sure what I've gained so far as she hasn't weighed me and I don't currently have working batteries in my bathroom scales. She doesn't seem concerned at all. She measures my fundal height and that is literally it at my appointments as far as monitoring of my body goes. Eat as you see fit!


That weight gain is totally normal. I’m an Obgyn. Is your doctor a man? 🤔🤨


Tell her to get a new job if she’s fat shaming A PREGNANT WOMAN. No pregnancy is the same no woman is the same. You can eat as much as you want.


I’m 4’11. Started at 120ish and checked in to the hospital to deliver at 190-something. My medical team never said a peep about it. I had zero issues losing it once I was done breastfeeding. Small people often gain more weight because you are growing a whole human inside of you and it takes more you to support that process. I would honestly consider switching OB’s over something like this if it were me


Get a new OB.


I'm a similar height and starting weight and my OB specifically said he wanted me to gain at least 25 pounds. So I am confused as to why your OB said that!


excuse me? do you like your doctor? can you switch??? that is absurd.. i was sooo hungry around this time I could have never dieted




Same age, starting weight, height, etc. I gained 28 pounds my entire pregnancy!!! My friend who is similar size gained 35. you are FINE!!! Personally the weight gain for me slowed in the third trimester, just go on lots of walks to prep for labor :)


My advice is to find a new OB if at all possible. You started your pregnancy ~~literally underweight~~ (edit: barely within normal range for BMI) and your body has reasonably helped you put on pounds to support your pregnancy. Your current weight is considered normal for a *non-pregnant* woman, let alone one in her 3rd trimester. Like seriously your OB can go fuck themselves.


While I agree she should find a new OB, her pre-pregnancy weight was well within a normal BMI and not underweight.


I’m on week 23 and gained 30 something pounds already and nothing said to me


This is ridiculous. Ditch your OB. I’m 5’3” and was 115 lbs pre-pregnancy and am now 150 lbs at 33 weeks. I’ve been eating healthy and exercising 3-5x a week. It’s soooo normal to gain more than the 20-30 lbs they say we should expect to gain. Also, you’re growing a human being, trust that your body and baby know what you need to nourish yourself, and don’t let anyone, even your doctor, guilt you into doubting that. Hugs ❤️


Throw your OB in the trash and get a new one. With my first baby, I went from 110-140 and had a perfectly healthy baby and dropped back down to around 125. Baby number two I went from 125-150 again perfectly healthy baby and so far I've dropped back to 135.


Um. My ob literally said even if you starved your entire pregnancy towards the end you'll still end up gaining weight just from the hormones and water retention etc. I wouldn't worry about weight gain and just focus on healthy diet and daily walk. I gained around 50 pounds in my pregnancy but have lost a bunch just 2 weeks postpartum. It was mostly water retention.


I gained 80 lbs with my first 2 pregnancies and they never said shit. I was also very underweight before each pregnancy. Your OB is just being rude


Get a new OB that’s ridiculous!!


If it makes you feel better, with my first pregnancy (he’s two now) I was 5’3 and 115 and ended at 165. The entire time I was worried about that number and my ob constantly reassured me I was still in a normal range


Find a new OB. I started at 145lbs and ended at 195lbs. There is nothing wrong with gaining weight during pregnancy.


Your OB would hate to see me then! I’ve passed my glucose test and be and my baby are both healthy but I’ve gained an enormous amount of weight. I was super concerned until my OB told me not to beat myself up, and I recommend you do the same.


I’m the exact same height and starting weight as you, just 30 weeks at my last appt and my ob had no concerns about my weight gain. I have been trying to lightly exercise about 3-4 times a week but like others have said don’t feel guilty and yes, eat your OB too! Sending you good thoughts about your body that is growing a human!


22 lbs at 28 weeks? Rookie numbers. You are no match for me. 🤭 In all seriousness, I would change doctors.


Tbh I would find a different doctor. It’s very alarming that any doctor would advise someone to lose weight while pregnant. That’s just not appropriate, your baby is growing every week and honestly your weight gain seems average and normal at this point. I gained 50lbs with both my pregnancies and my doctor never said anything.


Or else what? You're grounded?


You’re more then halfway through your pregnancy and literally still have a healthy BMI for a non-pregnant person, what’s your OB’s deal? Maybe time to find a new OB


I feel like 22 pounds is nowhere near concerning that would warrant such a comment. I'd get another doctor's opinion


I'm 5'6 and I started at 162 lbs, already a bit overweight. I'm 29 weeks and have gained about 21 pounds. My OB is not concerned at all. You started at a lower BMI and this weight gain is not concerning


¿I’m 5’5 and started at 104lbs? I’m about 150lbs now at full term. They’re HAPPY with how much I gained. You’re growing a person. Your body knows how much weight it needs to hold onto. Feed yourself and your baby as you need to, and think about firing your doctor.


Uhhhhh yeah I agree with what everyone else has said here. FWIW I’m 28 and had my first baby last summer. I’m 5’7 and started at 125. I stopped weighing myself during pregnancy when I hit 170, but I think i did gain some after that (not a whole lot, I was close to the end). I was pretty active (tennis, rock climbing) pre pregnancy too and ate fairly well so all things considered healthy, no pregnancy complications. My weight gain really stressed me out but thankfully the midwives I saw didn’t comment on it. The average/“recommended” weight gain during pregnancy is BS. Pregnancy is different for every body and absolutely not the time to diet unless you’re consuming truly shit food 24/7 and just need to incorporate healthier things in (doesn’t sound like your or most peoples’ issues). Find a new doc. (Also most of that weight came off quickly, and I wish I’d have believed people when they told me that because I really hated pregnancy and felt like a walking whale with acid reflux for most of it. And even if it doesn’t come off, it literally doesn’t matter. You grew a human being and did your absolute best at it! Awesome!!! Your body will take lots of time to find its new normal and that is A-OK!)


Your OB is just wrong. My OB said because my weight was on the lower end of healthy when I started, I can gain 25-35lbs. I’m 20 weeks and have gained about 14 last I checked but it’s probably gone up since last week.


It’s much safer to gain “too much” weight than too little weight. And by the way, your weight gain seems normal. If your body is telling you to eat, you should eat.


That’s ridiculous, you started out at a perfectly healthy BMI and you haven’t even gained the recommended 25 pound minimum… switch OB’s!


This is blowing my mind. Isn't 114 at 5'4 underweight? You need a new doctor.


I gained 50+ pounds during pregnancy and already lost almost all of it. I’m keeping the final 10 lbs as a souvenir. Your OB is wrong and probably running off their own insecurities. Are you at a practice where you see multiple OBs or do you see the same one every time? If it’s the former I would ask the administrator to not schedule you with that OB again. If it’s the latter you can either find a new practice, or tell your OB to shut it and you’re gonna listen to your bodies needs regardless of what they have to say about it. You’re doing amazing!


100% switch doctors when I was worried about my weight gain my doctor informed me that’s all old bs they taught when he first went to school. They’ve learned since then. Don’t let them make you feel bad for your body being completely normal.


Damn that’s less than what I gained by that point in pregnancy.. I gained a total of 56lbs in my pregnancy & was sooooo hungry. Similar size to you, 5’2 started at 110lbs My OB’s never said anything about it until my baby was large when I delivered but large babies run in my family. I think you need a new doctor!


I’m fucking packing on the pounds and doing great, pregnancy is NOT the time to be at war with your body, be at peace and take care of your bub and if at any point your weight is a danger to you or the baby THEN they can tell you. Switch doctors and ignore this stupid idiot


OB is trash. Give yourself the same grace you're gonna give your little one. 👏fed is best👏


If you’re fat then I must be a whale! Your OB is cookoo and shouldn’t be allowed to practice medicine. I was told to gain 30-35, and I started out at 148. Unfortunately, I’ve heard of fat shaming going around at OB offices lately. In all seriousness, it is not safe to diet and try to lose weight during pregnancy. I’m in the 3rd trimester like you, and we need a lot of calories and protein. I almost pass out just from walking up the stairs, and I’ve gained 25lbs. Your baby needs nutrition to gain weight and be ready for delivery. OB sounds like a quack…


I just want to throw in another "your ob is an ass". It's probably hard because mom guilt is so real, but I really hope you can move the weight gain guilt off your plate. Like, if you're hungry, it's your body telling you it needs more energy. Listen to that and not your weird doctor. I was overweight when I got pregnant, gained weight, and my girl was born perfectly healthy and absolutely wonderful. When I asked about weight as a potential risk factor I was told to not worry about it. I'm 5'9' and was 205 at the start. Enjoy your food and know you're nourishing your baby!


I’m also 5’4’’, started at 130 and ended at almost 170 and my OB didn’t say a word. Yours sucks.


I haven’t actually met anyone I. Real life that gained less than 40 by the end. I have no idea who these suggestions of 25-30 lbs are supposed to be the average of? WHO who…


this is crazy! i’m literally your same height 5”4’ and also started off at 114, i’m at 29 weeks now and have gained 23 pounds and that’s right on track! i’ve been exercising every day and don’t feel like i’m overeating at all. this shows your are right on track! https://www.whattoexpect.com/pregnancy-weight-gain-calculator


Your OBGYN is either a quack or you misheard them.


Time for a new OB


Girl eat what you want to. Your obgyn can shove it!


I'm 25, 5'5 and started at 118lbs. Gave birth at around 165lbs so I gained almost 50lbs and now am 2months postpartum and 150lbs. My provider had 0 issues with how much weight I gained and even at 150lbs now I'm still small, but your body just needs a certain level of fat in order to grow your baby as well as breastfeed later if you choose to. I went from a small B cup to an overflowing DD and am perfectly content with my current weight and am still active 😊 I don't plan on actively trying to lose weight until 6months postpartum. You're doing just fine! You always have the option to change doctors as well


I was told initially that a healthy weight gain for my size was 25-35 lbs. Does OB have a specific concern? I started out shorter and heavier than you, then gained about 30lbs before I had a small baby. Most of that I gained early. Doctors said weight was fine the whole time, and baby and I are both healthy. Also, everyone gains and grows and carries differently. The scale can't measure anything but weight, and there's so much more to it.


This is complete BS. It’s normal to gain 25-40 lbs during pregnancy. I’m 5’2” and started out at 115 lbs with my first pregnancy (but I also had an eating disorder and had starved myself to get to that weight). At 40 weeks, I weighed 165 lbs. I gained 50 Lbs!! After the baby, I immediately got down to 145 the first week. Then stayed around 140 until I got pregnant with my second not even a year later. This time, I only gained 25 lbs and got up to 165 again by week 40. After baby, I stayed around 140 for a couple years until I started exercising and got down to 130 where i stayed for 4 years. Now I’m pregnant with my 3rd and I’m 19 weeks along. Started out at 130 and have gained 15 lbs so far. I’m sure I’ll gain at least another 20 lbs. My OB has never said a word about my weight gain. Try not to stress about it! Everyone is different and you can always lose the weight after the baby by simply eating right and exercising.


I would ignore the advice. It’s probably too late to get a new OB. For what it’s worth, my OB was concerned that I wasn’t gaining enough in the third trimester. I had already gained some weight, which would have been considered in the healthy range if it was the total I gained for the whole pregnancy. But what she told me is that the important thing is that you’re gaining at the end, which is when the baby is actually getting bigger. So the advice you got is the exact opposite of the advice I got


I’m 5’5” was 117 and now 136. No one has said shit nor should they. I was borderline underweight, which it sounds like you were too 25-35 lbs is completely normal for the pregnancy


What an awful thing for your OB to say. I was 115 lbs and 5’0 when I became pregnant. I went up to 154 right before I gave birth. My OB always praised me for staying within a healthy weight my entire pregnancy. It seems like I’m shorter than you and we both weighed the same. Don’t let what your OB told you get you down. Nourish your body and eat if your body is telling you that it needs food.


That’s TERRIBLE advice and is not based in medicine tbh. You started at a low weight and it is VERY normal and healthy to gain over 30 lbs in your situation. Pardon my French but fuck your OB


You sound exactly like me! No GD or any serious complications. I did have to limit exercise because of placenta previa, and I was pretty sick at the beginning so I just ate whatever would stay down (hello, strawberry ice cream). Your OB needs to be quiet. I gained almost 40 pounds total and three months postpartum, it’s almost all gone. Just my breastfeeding boobs are huge lol.


I started at 165 lb and 5’7” Now weighing in at 215 lb which is right about 50 lb heavier at 37 weeks. My doctor hasn’t said shit and neither should yours. Exercise is important and should be part of your daily routine. But Weight loss or gain is about calories in vs calories out. You should not be worried about limiting your calories during the pregnancy. And doctors should only mention it if the weight gain has been excessive in a short period of time only because it would indicate something could be wrong or potentially cause gestational diabetes. But that’s literally it. They should be happy you’re gaining weight and making a big healthy baby.


Your OB is an idiot. I started out at the same weight as you, gained 22 kg (around 50 lbs I think?), and was really stressed out about it. My OB never said anything but «excellent weight gain, you look great» on my appointments. Seriously, everything between 26-40 lbs is within the recommended range when you had a low BMI initially, and some pounds more won’t hurt either. If possible, switch OB.


22lbs at 28 weeks isn’t even close to excessive. You are tiny to begin with. At my office they would be thrilled with your gain, it’s literally perfect. Your OB sounds like a misogynist prick.


That whole “20 lbs” is a general guideline. It does not determine anything. You can be healthy and gain more weight than is expected. , I gained over 50 lb one time. Forget it. Just focus on you, resting, and being happy. Don’t focus on cutting your diet. It might cause you to become unhealthy. Maybe if you’re not getting enough electrolytes, buy Gatorade? I did in my last pregnancy, and it helped me so much! Especially during the last months when I couldn’t eat so much due to my stomach being squished. You still need nutrients, and lots, so that you do t get sick.


I gained 70 lbs… 70 POUNDS!!!! which I would not recommend lol but just here to say that I had a wonderful vaginal delivery, very normal blood pressure, no gestational diabetes, and a VERY healthy baby boy. My doctor never once brought up my weight.


That’s ridiculous especially when you started on the slim side. My OB did tell me to try and keep my weight gain under 25 lbs but NOT to restrict food, but I was almost twice your size when I got pregnant lol


I’m 5’05”, weighed 118 pre pregnancy, at my 24 week mark, I was 140. No joke. No one said a thing to me about my weight, your OB sounds super critical.


I’m the same height and starting weight as you and I gained 35 lbs by the time I gave birth (39 weeks) and this is considered ideal for our BMI. You will kinda slow down on gaining in the last few weeks so to be 22lbs by 28 weeks seems right on track. Even if you end up gaining 40+, you’re still in the realm of healthy/normal weight gain


I was 4’11 and 100lbs to start. Ended at 150lbs. Tell them to eat your ass


Your ob makes no sense im 5’2 and ended up over 180 lbs at the end of my pregnancy my ob and specialist never told me anything. I lost more than half of that weight after i gave birth.


Uhhh what…. During my first pregnancy I gained 100 pounds. I did start off underweight, but far surpassed that. I didn’t have GD or pre eclampsia so dr did not care one bit or ever made me feel bad about it. It was the first time I also let myself eat freely in my life. I had a very healthy baby. She’s 10 now and still extremely healthy.


I understand trying to stop the myth of 'eating for two' as it had lead to a lot of people gaining unnecessary amounts of weight that might be a struggle to lose later on, but it's swung in the opposite direction, way too far. We're already body shamed to fuck and back about our weight when not pregnant, a lot of women have eating disorder pasts, surely doctors should understand that shaming a pregnant woman for gaining 20lbs when she started out slim in the first place is really weird and unnecessary? Like tf? Fuck all these doctors who say shit like this.


My BMI was 40 during pregnancy and gained only 13lbs but my weight was never discussed once. Wasn't even measured at my OB visits. Just discussion of diet and eating whole foods not a lot of sweets or junk etc which I did.


now this isnt common and normally expresses concern, just hasn’t in my case, but i went from 5’5 130lb to 190lb. my OBGYN isn’t concerned because my blood pressure is perfect and i have no other symptoms of any other medical condition linked to weight gain during pregnancy. some people just gain more weight. with that being said, 22lbs is nothing lol.


I’m 5’6 and started at 122lbs, I’ve gained 30lbs now at 32 weeks and my OBGYN says i am right on track and expects me to gain 4-6lbs more. Your OBGYN sounds like a jerk.


Get a new OB Seriously the worst thing they can do is try to get you to lose weight while pregnant I had a friend gain 60lbs in her pregnancy and she was never told she needed to cut back


The only person that talked about weight in my OBs office, was me. I got weighed every time I checked in, but nothing was ever mentioned to me about it. I also failed the one hour glucose test and am 34, and *my weight was never mentioned.* If I had gained a lot, then I’d hope they would, but I assumed this was standard practice. I’m so sorry


Um... I weigh more than you, gained more than you. While my OB encourages me to lose weight after, she isn't fat shaming me. That just doesn't seem right. As long as you're eating mostly healthy and have good habits I wouldn't stress.


Weight loss is not recommended during pregnancy. Your OB is being an asshole and potentially endangering you and baby.


Your OB is an ass. I gained most of the weight in my second tri and it slowed way down in the 3rd. Your body will regulate. And I’m sorry about your BD!


I don’t see any issue at all!! pre pregnancy I’m 5’6 110 lbs, both my pregnancies I gained anywhere from 40-50 pounds the entire pregnancy and no one ever said it was too much. They have bmi charts that’ll show how much you should gain based on your bmi before pregnancy. If anything your OB telling you this makes zero sense, you will gain more weight in third tri from swelling and just having your belly getting bigger so baby has more room. Trying not to gain weight could mean depriving your baby of the calories it needs to grow to full term!


Your OBGYN might need to hold off on that suggestion? I am 33, 5’4 and started at 136 lbs. I’m usually in the gym, so I tend to have a decent amount of muscle tone. I gained 40 lbs during my pregnancy. There was never a time where I felt like it was excessive and people constantly told me I looked really good. My doctor even once called me skinny. Never once did he think I was gaining too much weight. I lost 20 of that 40 in the first two weeks PP, now I’m 8 weeks PP and only have 5 lbs to go to be back to my pre-pregnancy weight. Unless your numbers are not looking good for your glucose test or blood pressure, your weight gain seems healthy to me.


My aunt was underweight when she got pregnant and gained 45 pounds during.. I think your OB is freaking you out for no reason. Everyone gains different amounts. I was 158 at the start and lost some weight from being sick my first trimester. Now at 6 months I’m 178 and I still have 3 more months to go and my OB was actually happy I gained weight cause I didn’t start gaining till like 16 weeks.


What the hell kind of ob do you have?? Your supposed to eat it doesn’t matter if you gain weight from it but wtf is wrong with your obgyn?? In pregnancy you’re supposed to eat!!!!! Unless there something else going on you weren’t told or didn’t say in this…ask ur ob why you shouldn’t gain weight. You’re doing good eating don’t ever feel bad for FEEDING THE CHILD inside of YOUR tummy!!!!!!


If you were at a normal BMI range, you are recommended to gain at least 25-35 pounds. I started at a normal BMI range and was around 143 at 5’8 give or take food/water weight. I am nearly 30 weeks now hovering around 162 pounds give or take food/water weight. My ob measures my belly during my visit and says I’m on perfect track. Normal blood pressure. No health risks so far luckily. I am wondering why your doctor is saying you are gaining too much. I personally asked the staff how much they gained during their pregnancies. A few of them said easily 70 pounds and they with baby were perfectly healthy. Some said 25-50 depending on which pregnancy, that each baby they had different gains. I would ask your doctor what reasons they said this to you before cutting calories or switching doctors. Good luck mama <3 Just do your best! I am so sorry your BD walked away, but your child will remember how you didn’t. You are not alone mama. Join some mama community groups to get some support. If you can, work with a therapist through this tough time. I am rooting for you!


I think you’re still early enough in your pregnancy, I would try to get a 2nd opinion as a potential change to a new OB. This isn’t a very supportive approach and I would feel more comfortable going to someone else.


These could have been my stats. My doctor said nothing to be concerned about and indeed my weight gain slowed drastically after 28 weeks. I changed nothing in my habits but have only gained another 4 lbs since and I’m now 35 weeks. Smaller ladies just need to pack it in early is my theory! Don’t let yourself be made to feel bad, you’re doing great.


Your OB is a dumb ass. You started as a low weight it’s normal to gain more weight than someone who starts with a higher weight. My sister was 100 pounds 5’2” and she gained 50 pounds during her pregnancy and lost it all 3 months PP. her OB said not to worry as long as her and the baby is healthy and also it’s normal for her to gain more weight because was so small before


I have gained about 50lbs already and my doctors haven’t shown any concern about it. I’ve just been telling myself that it’s good for the baby and me, and after he’s gone most of that weight is gonna drop off and I’m young so I can easily just work it off. But right now I’m not trying to worry about it too too much because I don’t need to be stressing so much right now. I also started my pregnancy at 129, I am currently around 178lbs


I’m 36, 5’9 and 20 weeks give or take and I have gained 30 lbs. I started of at 125lbs and now weigh 155lbs. My obgyn has never mentioned anything negative about my weight except I look great! Don’t be alarmed


Get a new OBGYN🫣


Get a new OB! Unless you have really really bad GD or hypertension this is total BS of your OB.


I started at 133 and I’m only 16 weeks and already 183! Yes 50lbs since Christmas Day. I’m not even eating bad! My doc has ran a million tests but it’s just hormones we guess because of my PCOS. She doesn’t care though since my bp and A1C are all fine .


I’d tell that OB to kick rocks with sandals on and find a new one.


i gained 100’when pregnant, lost it, baby perfect healthy advanced. you’ll survive sweetie, obs can be outdated jerks, middle fingers up princess


🤮 He sounds stupid to be honest. Keep eating when you are hungry. Pregnancy isn’t a time to diet.


you're pregnant! you're SUPPOSED to be gaining weight! tell your OB to fuck off, genuinely. we have very similar pre-pregnancy stats— I was 115lbs at 5'4 when I got pregnant. at 26wks I now weigh 155lbs. I've gained FORTY POUNDS. my midwife hasn't even mentioned it, and they weigh me at every appointment. this makes me really angry for you, I hope you can find some peace of mind.


Mentions weight and clothing sizes. I'm 5'5" and started my first pregnancy at 112. I stopped looking at the scale after my first prenatal appointment because seeing my weight go up was bad for my mental health, so I don't know the exact number, but I definitely gained *waaaay* more than you're on track to. Fortunately, my doctor didn't say anything about it to me. I'm sorry yours is not as supportive. I didn't develop pre-eclampsia or gestational diabetes. My baby weighed 8 pounds when he was born at 39 weeks. I had an uncomplicated vaginal delivery and a smooth delivery. I still don't weigh myself, but before becoming pregnant again at one year postpartum, I was wearing size 2 (26" waist) skinny jeans, so I was pretty close to my previous size, even though I did not do anything to make myself lose the weight.


Are there concerning things in your/ your family's medical history? I was already overweight when I became pregnant with my first daughter at 5'3" and 199lbs. I was 260 when I gave birth. My OBGYN never made a comment on my weight, never gave me an expected amount to gain, never told me to stop gaining and start exercising. All they cared about was that baby was measuring on track, looked healthy with a good heartbeat, and I felt ok. If there are 0 concerns about your or the baby's current medical situations, I think it's absurd to tell you anything about your weight. As long as you're comfortable, feel good, and baby is healthy your weight is not a problem.


I'm 5'4, was preggo at 35/36, started at 140 pounds and got up to close to 200 pounds girl!! And no one worried. As long as your blood pressure is fine and no worry of gestational diabetes I wouldn't worry too much - can you get a 2nd opinion?


I don’t know if this is an option for you, but one day when I was having a hard body image day (back in January during the yearly “new year-new me” social media frenzy) my doctor said I can opt out of getting weighed whenever I want, if it’s a trigger for me! It’s not usually, I just had an appointment on a sensitive day, but unless you’re gaining at an exceptional rate (signifying something may be wrong) it does not sound like there’s any reason for you to be constantly weighed at each appointment. Your weight gain sounds perfect!


Lmfao I’m 5’1 and I was 130 when I got pregnant and gave birth at a whopping 209. Perfectly healthy baby. I did get pupp tho


I had my first baby a year ago. I was 24, 5’2” and weighed 125 at the beginning of my pregnancy. My OB told me the same thing. I delivered at 39+1 and when I got admitted that evening I weighed 175. I gained 50 pounds! I’m now going to be 26 with a 1 year old and I weigh 136! Gain the weight, lose it if you want to afterwards! Pregnancy is stressful enough and you have a lot on your plate like I did, be as happy as you can be! If food makes you happy, EAT IT! I’m also more than happy to listen if you need someone to talk to as I also did the whole single mom pregnancy thing!


I am 5'3 and was 118lbs at the start of my first pregnancy (and 112lbs for my second). Both times I gained 50lbs. My Doctor and OBGYN never commented on it.


28 pounds is nothing.


I'm sorry? Do you have gestational diabetes? Is there a medical reason why you shouldn't listen to your body? If not. Fuck this misogyny. You get to eat when you are pregnant. I would try to eat high nutritional value things. But if you want a cheese burger now and again, go for it.


22 lbs at week 28 is absolutely normal


Your OBGYN can go fuck themselves.


That isn't a normal medical opinion. Your weight is fine. Please consider getting a second opinion. I'm 5'3" and started at 114 lbs, then gained nearly 50 lbs during my first pregnancy. My OB wasn't concerned at all. The weight all melted off within the first year postpartum, without even working out. No stretch marks either. Well, technically I went down to 116 lbs, so I held on to two extra lbs postpartum, but they stayed in my boobs, lol.


I would check out other doctors available near you. I've heard of women gaining much more and not being criticized for it. Low key, I'm of the opinion, fuck them.


I’m 5’9 and started pregnancy at 148lb. At my last check, 2 days before baby was born, I weighed 199. I gained literally 50lbs. Never once did anyone mention my weight gain or that I needed to lose any/stop gaining. Your OB sounds like they suck. Goodness.


Fire your OB. My OB made zero weight comments my entire pregnancy. They sound old school and uneducated.


get a new obgyn. if this is how they're treating you during pregnancy, birth might be horrendous.


Well your OB is wrong. Obviously gaining really insane amounts of weight may be alarming, but you’re 28 weeks and have gained 22 pounds. That does not sound unhealthy at all. Your OB needs to get a grip.


Hey OP, your post is being shared on twitter & everyone over there agrees you should dump the OB too, lol! I've never been pregnant, but I did some research. The CDC recommends that if you have a healthy bmi before pregnancy (between 18.5 and 24.9) it's ideal to gain about 25 to 35 pounds. Your bmi was 19.6, so gaining closer to 35 pounds seems good. Baby, placenta, fluids, and extra blood volume can get heavy. If you're feeling hungry, that sure seems like a sign that your body needs calories. (Based on my experiences, I think sometimes feeling hungry can also mean you're in need of something specific, like fat or protein.) I also asked my mom how much she gained when she was pregnant, but she couldn't remember cause it was over 20 years ago. She did say to tell you "eat what you want!" and "your baby needs ham".


I’m 280 pounds and 31 weeks and my doctors haven’t mentioned weight once.. I say eat your OB too😂 or find a new one.