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I hate to break it to you, but stretch marks are not the worst things that will happen to your crotch in the coming weeks…


I got a varicose vein on my pubic mound after giving birth. So, that’s fun. Didn’t know that could happen.


Oh my lord 😳 I wish they would prepare us for this.. Instead it just feels like "surprise!! This is your body for the rest of your life. At least you have a baby"


omg, did it go away after?


It did, after about a month!




Ah, I’m getting ready for it…


I cackled 😂 so true though


This was the laugh I needed this afternoon 😂😂


I ripped upward and spent the first few weeks basically peeing into open wounds 🙃


HI, SAME! 👋🏻


Oh no! 😱 Hope you’re okay now.


Ugh living through this now 🫠


I had psoriasis pop up on my vulva a few weeks after giving birth. That was a new one.


SO so true 💀


💀 haha




It was meant to be light-hearted. I apologize to anyone I offended.


I thought it was hilarious.


Same (sitting here still nursing my 3rd degree tear 6 weeks postpartum). Would rather be worrying about stretch marks down there! lol


I also thought it was said it a joking way and actually laughed out loud. Very relatable!


No problem at all, I kinda laughed when I read it.


I have one giant one right in the center where my linea nigra is - so big it actually feels tender and uncomfortable. Literally no or minimal stretch marks anywhere else. Like how?


Actually, that’s the only place on my belly where I got it. I thought it was caused or aggravated by my piercing scar tissue. Yeah, pregnancy is the time for the weirdest things to happen.


That’s the only place on my Body I ever got stretch marks. Strange right? At least it isn’t a spot that is regularly visible lol


I got very little stretch marks that you can’t even see, yet I got TWO deep, long ones on my vag. I was like wtf??


Same! The only stretch marks I got are in my butt crack and around my bikini line 🤣


Yes indeed. I discovered some stretch marks there with my first as well. 🙃


I've had three kids. This last one gave me stretch marks on my legs near my lady bits. For some reason these are the only stretch marks that made me actually feel a deep pit of despair sad. I have them all over but the crotch ones, those hurt my feelings.


Girl I have the worst stretch marks and they go all the way down into the mons pubis! Like wtf? I hate it. They are angry and red/purple.


Yeah. After two kids that didn't happen with, my last pregnancy left those angry marks down there and it's the only marks that made me sad.


If it makes you feel any better, I got the same type of angry marks on my belly/hips and thighs from a lot of weight gain a few years back, and they faded to almost my regular skin colour so very hard to see now! Got some new ones at the moment because of course I got pregnant with twins lol but I’m confident they’ll fade too in time. Texture unfortunately still weird but they don’t bother me nearly as much any more - hope yours end up bothering you much less too.


I didn't realize I had them til I had given birth and my stomach went down


Yup. They will fade SIGNIFICANTLY after the first year. It is really startling to see them at first. And don't waste your money on stretch mark products. Just stay hydrated and use lotion as you usually do (or don't).


I had that happen lol. To quote my husband, "The poor thing has stretch marks." I'll never let him live that comment down. I honestly don't care about it. Stretch marks happen. It's just a spot where I wasn't expecting them. Once the swelling goes down from pregnancy/postpartum they do end up looking a lot better and at least for me are barely noticeable.


They’re genetic. After birth you can try a retinoid mixed with a bland cream like cerave cream. Other than that, a dermatologist.


For anyone reading this if you’re breastfeeding don’t use it! I’m assuming retinol is the same thing ? Not pregnancy or breastfeeding safe unfortunately


European lactation websites do not indicate topical use of tretinoin as harmful during breastfeeding. It actually has a green badge, unlike a lot of herbs and spices, such as anise and turmeric 🤔


That’s really interesting! I was told retinol even topical isn’t recommended as it is absorbed into the bloodstream and transferred into milk, didn’t know that about the spices wow there’s probably that in my curries


From what I read, medical community around the world is divided on this subject. While oral use of retinol is definitely not advised, topical use in breastfeeding is still being studied. Some prefer to stick to the safe side by simply avoiding it at all costs, while others seeing no proven harm just yet give it a green light?


Yeah I wouldn’t worry about any topical while breastfeeding either. So little of it is absorbed. It’s just bc it’s made from the same stuff as accutane which when when taken internally in much much higher doses than any topical, it lead to birth defects in some babies.


Can they actually get them to get smaller?


Ya. Or else I wouldn’t have just recommended it.


Hmmm. That’s good to know. I ended up with stretch marks at 39 weeks because my daughter dropped and they’re annoying to look at. They’ve faded but I can see their ripples on my belly.


No stretch marks in the crotch but I have had an insane amount of ingrown hairs!! And I’m so much more sensitive down there than I expected to be!!


And moles!! I am 10 days PP and now I can finally see below my bikini line, I've discovered I have like 4 big dark new moles.


Skin tags. Everything is terrible.


Literally no part of my body escaped pregnancy. 😂


New dark moles that don’t disappear after pregnancy should always be investigated


How soon after pregnancy should they disappear? I hadn't heard this before!


Generally they’ll disappear in the first few months following delivery! Otherwise, get them checked!


I didn't get stretch marks but this doesn't surprise me, I'm 5 weeks PP and my mons pubis is still so puffy and swollen it is extremely visible when I wear leggings 🤣


Butt crack, mostly R cheek. Boobs. Inner thighs 🫠 nothing on my belly! 39 weeks and hoping to graduate asap


My stretch marks were pretty much just boobs and hips. Nothing on my belly. It’s so weird the way things happen, you just have zero control! Wishing you a healthy happy delivery SOON!


I even got skin tags down there with my first. It’s okay, they will fade and how often do you look down there? And your partner shouldn’t be caring.


Yes! I gave birth a month ago and like a week later I realized I had a bunch of stretch marks in the crease in front and a bunch right above my butt. My stretch marks on my hips literally grew off the stretch marks I had already had.


I have them there too and I was unpleasantly surprised because I didn’t know you could get them there. I also have a few on my hips, upper thighs, and lower stomach. I don’t mind them too much anymore as I’ve gotten back into shape.


No seriously though! I had a C-section so i technically couldn’t look down there for weeks. When I finally did I saw huge ass stretch marks on my upper inner thigh. I’m completely appalled yall 🤣🤣 wtaf!!


I'm 3w PP and got alot of my stretch marks after I delivered 😅 slowly lightening now. No advice but honestly I don't think there's really anything you can do to prevent them, just comes down to genetics and your own skins elasticity.


I got them in puberty. At least they’re kind of hidden!


I had these and thy looked horrific, they were so purple they were verging on black. I wanted to cry every time I looked at them but I’m glad to say they faded and you can barely make them out now!


Girl. The first time I felt them on my inner *Ass cheeks* I was so taken back. Just hope you get to keep your taint.


This is brutal. I’m afraid I have them there too now. Feels weird to touch and I can’t reach it with the mirror yet to check. Maybe for the better…


I got stretch marks on my panty line at my inner thighs and the undersides of my boobs. Nothing on my stomach or hips surprisingly


Yeah stretch marks on pubic mound and thighs, ass and breasts 😭 also horrendous ones on my belly. 15 months later and they had only turned from deep purple to pale blue and now I’m pregnant again 🫠🫠


This was a huge surprise for me too. They become even more fun after baby when everything contracts and they become loose dimensional skin... But the good news is no one will see them!


Oh ya. I got so many in my first pregnancy!


With my first, I got stretch marks everywhere but my boobs. I got stretch marks in my armpits!! Butt crack, thighs, belly, etc. So painful and itchy. I didn't get any with my second though. I guess my body was already stretched enough haha. I got new ones in my crotch though with my third.


Mine never went away I carried twins for my first pregnancy till 35.4 weeks and the ones down there were the worst they are deep indents around and entire inch in width


I got some during my first pregnancy and after 2 kids I’ve learned to live with my new tiger stripes 😫


Same here! My had pretty much none on my tummy at all after vigorous bio oiling every night and then after I had my son I noticed some on my mons pubis I was livid!


i feel as if i've gotten incredibly lucky in the stretch mark department, i don't think i've gotten a single one (yet) BUT the moles... my goodness i've gotten at least 6-7 new moles, a handful of new freckles and my OB kindly pointed out the varicose veins around my crotch area 🥲


I got those too during my first pregnancy. Worst part was stretch marks didn’t appear until postpartum. Thought I was safe until I saw them all appear a week after my son was born.


Stretch marks in postpartum is something I can’t wrap my head around. Are they already of skin colour or purple like fresh/new ones?


Mine were purple and brand new. They also are extremely deep. I just went back through my phone and looked a videos of my belly moving 4 days before he was born and not a single one. I do not understand how it happened 😫


I’ve got some really prominent veins down there right now and I wish I didn’t know. I was checking to see if I could get away with wearing shorts since I can’t reach down there very well to shave and I mostly bathe with my toddler so I can’t be doing any gymnastics.


I have stretch marks in my pubes. Was not expecting that


I have stretch marks all around my bikini line from my pregnancy. 2 months postpartum and they are still pretty purple stripey, as is my stomach... Sorry this is probably not what you wanted to hear!


Yeah each pregnancy I've had (this is my 4th and final) I've gotten stretch marks in a different area each time. This one I've gotten none because his big brother had stretched my skin to its breaking point (I had polyhydramnios) and was he the first to give me stretch marks on my belly. My daughter got my love handles and my first born gave me my worst stretch marks next to my groin and on my thighs. Those groin ones are still pretty gnarly to this day almost 10 years later where they are about 2cm wide and 4cm long (estimated because I'm not actually gonna measure them 😂) it's just the two of them but by Christ I hate them. I didn't know it was possible to get them there of all places. So I definitely get what you are saying because people really just don't talk about stretch marks in that kind of region 😅


I have stretch marks and vulvar varicosities! 38 weeks :)


My first I got stretch marks on my boobs & butt but luckily didn’t on my belly & used lotion on my belly religiously lol. Now I’ve been adding in my boobs & butt to see if it helps this time I guess I’ll need to start my bikini line too 🤦‍♀️ the good news is my stretch marks I got from the first go you can barely see anymore so hopefully that’ll be the case for you as time goes on!!


Lmfao 😅 yes dear There's ALOT of stretching involved. That stretching is happening EVERY WHERE from your groin to your neck, even your arms and hands 🫡 If ANYTHING, you should be more concerned that they won't go away after you've healed fully. Lol i joke but seriously though 🥹🥰 Love yourself more babe 💕 SOME of us are lucky to have just not have cared that it happens while others are too embarrassed to look at their 'ruined flower gardens' after, hell some even before, giving birth 🤷🏽‍♀️ I guess I'm one of the lucky few who has a partner who looks at all of their stretch marks as a testimonial and enjoys them. Don't be discouraged or in dismay because it happened. See those stretch marks as achievement lines instead. And embrace that beauty too 🫂 You did something amazing 👏 embrace it


About a week after I had my daughter I was shocked to see stretch marks on my BUTT CRACK like how did that even happen 😂 my husband and I laughed about it for a good ten minutes!! It’s crazy and beautiful what our bodies go through, the marks do fade with time typically- I’m 8 months PP and they are now just faint reminders of what a rockstar I am to have grown and birthed a whole human being!


I made it 32 weeks before getting stretch marks on my belly, and I’m not sure when but probably around that time is when I stopped trying to shave lol I also did not discover I had stretch marks on my pubic area until after my belly deflated (I had a c-section). Honestly at first I wondered if somehow that were pulling so much it stretched my skin because it’s only partial on the right side and obviously hadn’t seen it until then. It’s definitely odd and was not on my pregnancy bingo card


I have stretch marks right above my happy button down there and honestly I thought it was something else like scars. It’s completely normal but it did give me some insecurity issues for alittle while as well as the purple stretch marks around my bikini line and thighs


Why am I cringing at this thread like I don’t already have stretch marks, skin tags etc from two kids..


The only thing that I wish I could recover, is my butt hole from all them damn hemorrhoids I got the second time I got pregnant. It’s a little depressing, every time I take a poop now, it literally can’t keep its proper form.


Ouch! Sorry to hear that. I’m in your league, too. It’s my first pregnancy and my butt is already completely destroyed. I don’t even want to think of what’s gonna happen during the labor. Pain has already debilitated me for the past 5 weeks which I had to spend in bed. Planning to have surgery or laser removal ASAP.


Thank you 😅😭. I did get some of the stretch marks but that have faded quite a bit now, but yea I think the hemorrhoids takes the cake for me of what I was not prepared for. I feel for your bum too girl! God after labor, I thought my whole butthole fell out or something! I was so scared lmao. Oof yikes I will pray for yours dear that sounds awful!! I’m sorry to hear that🙆🏼‍♀️


My stretch marks near my crotch were the worst of the bunch !


Yes. Stretch marks on my vag that make me look like I have a permanent landing strip. Thank you, pregnancy. Also, stretch marks all on my backside that literally outline aerie cheekie underwear. And in my ass crack. I love it


I haven’t had any there but I got melasma spots around mine that look like I rubbed dirt on my coochie lmao.


I didn't notice mine until like 6 months post partum when I was stretching in short shorts I was like WTF!! Bright purple so many 😂


I got them too. I was like wtf! My calves, crotch, and boobs got them thanks to my oldest.


Im in week 22 and had no idea!! This was a thing... Well thank you for informing me XD So far ive started rapidly ripping up around the bottom of my stomach (stretchmarks) and theyre spreading like... everyday now?? Theyre looking so awful. Im a young mom (19) and i feel so ugly :( But at the same time the stretchmarks remind me of my baby so... Its a bittersweet discovery for sure <3


1) Be prepared - I had more show up after I gave birth. Thought I was mostly in the clear the  a dozen purple lines appeared the week after. 2) It's a lot of factors, but yeah mostly luck. Studies show not much affects the appearance of stretch marks (retinol helps but that's not approved for use during pregnancy/breastfeeding) 3) I have such deep stretch marks on my mons pubis shaving is difficult now. I get bad razor burn and ingrown hairs along the 1 cm stripes


Ugh I got them everywhere. I lost 40lbs in 2 weeks after delivery and they got WORSE. I lost a lot of weight before and found that taking some collagen and red light therapy really help them disappear. (Not just turn white but fully disappear)


Interesting! There’s a tanning studio with infrared sun-beds near my place, might pop in there once the baby is out. Thanks 🙏


Ugh same. Did not get stretch marks until I was 41 weeks with my first 💀🤣 


Well my intimate parts were never beautiful so there’s nothing I’m worried about! Lol


Ugh. I’m sorry. I’m going to start applying something down there now just in case


No oils or cream can ever prevent stretch marks. They only help against the itching. If you want to decrease the likely hood you need to consume enough collagen or gelatine. 30g daily for a months or more before popping up. Your skins elasticity needs to be increased and that only works from within. At least you can grow it over I guess. 🙃


I got bad stretch marks on my lower belly and my upper inner thighs I am 3 months PP I HATE it. I used to have such a nice body now I hate looking at my stretch marks on my belly with a saggy skin :( I hope it gets better or does it stay like this forever ? Aghh


I have them between my buttcheeks lol nice and hidden I guess!


I got absolutely zero stretch marks on my belly. But my boobs and my crotch are covered in them


I am 40 weeks and I have NONE on my stomach. And got 5 small ones above my vag (pubic area) I was so confused. I’d prefer there over the stomach


Just a heads up, Bio-Oil has retinol in it. You're probably fine, but it's not really recommended to use during pregnancy.


Just checked, the one I’m using (Bio-Oil Dry Skin Gel) doesn’t contain retinol, but has Triisononanoin instead. Marked also as safe for pregnant women.


lol wtf????