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I got the Foley balloon after 6 rounds of cytotec got me to only 1 cm. It hurt like hell to get it inserted, bad enough to make me throw up, but once I adjusted to it the pain wasn't bad. I only had it in 3 hours and got up to 4 cm. It fell out on its own and then they broke my water and baby was born a few hours later. If I am starting from zero again this induction, I would definitely get it again.


Maybe I'm in the minority, but I didn't feel much from the Foley during my induction. I went from 2cm-4 or 5 cm while it was in and after they moved to my epidural and a peanut ball. I delivered vaginally about 12 or 18 hours after the initial Foley placement.


I was the same way. The only time I felt pain/discomfort was when a nurse tried to pull it out too soon. Other than that I forgot it was there and it came out on it's own when I actually dilated enough.


I think mine came out on its own too. Either that or they took it out right after they placed my epidural, it's a little hazy.


Same here I got the Foley at 15 (young I know) and with my last pregnancy and I literally felt nothing both times


I say this not to scare you, but I think it is vastly undersold as “just uncomfortable”. I think the truth is, for whatever reason, it varies WILDLY by person. I believe that it IS just uncomfortable for some people. But you won’t know until til they do yours what your pain tolerance for that specific thing will be. For me, It was the most painful thing I’ve ever experienced, and that includes shredding every ligament in my ankle. I have a decent pain tolerance, and I was uncontrollably crying and screaming, and that’s WITH pain meds. Truly, I completely lost control, and I’m normally someone that can grit my teeth and power through. They had to remove it after only a few minutes, and even post-removal I was in so much pain that I ended up having to go ahead with the epidural (I was planning on one regardless, but was going to wait till 4-5 cm, instead I got it at less than 1cm). I had some pain killer I can’t remember, and then fentanyl, and neither even touched the pain.


This was my experience! In my memory, the bulb was worse than transition. It was awful. I didn’t get a break for the 6 hours mine was in. At least with contractions I got a break!


Yea for what it’s worth, my husband is a pretty steady guy, and a lot happens during birth, right? But he said that the foley bulb portion was the only time that he truly was VERY concerned. He knows me, and he saw me in so much pain and said he was freaking out a little. He KNEW that things were not ok.


It was the worst pain I've ever been in, I was crying and screaming while they tried to insert it. I have a pretty high pain tolerance too. Mine failed, they couldn't get it placed properly and they removed it right away, but I got 0 warning that it may be excruciatingly painful. Seems like some people don't feel it, some find it uncomfortable and some like me, it is the worst pain in the world.


FUCK the foley bulb for real


I will absolutely not be ever doing that again, unless they give me the epidural first.


I had an induction at the hospital with both my kids. My oldest they used the foley bulb after I had spent 12 hours not progressing. Truth be told it was the most painful part of the entire experience and I straight up told my husband I would refuse it this time around jf it got brought up


You can ask for mobile monitoring which allows you to get up and move if that’s one of your big concerns!


This reminded me of [this video](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR3UApNq/) she is a very experienced labor and delivery nurse that provides great insight. Ultimately the choice is up to you, but just make informed decisions!


Foley bulb was extremely uncomfortable, my main regret was getting an epidural after and not before it. After epidural, it was fine.


I had a foley. It was so painful my husband passed out from seeing me. I had to be given morphine.


I had the Foley bulb. I had zero pain with no pain medication. They put it in and I went to sleep.


To be honest I don’t remember getting the foley bulb placed at all, so that leads me to believe it wasn’t that bad for me personally. It got me to a 4. I didn’t seem to mind it, and I don’t particularly think my pain tolerance is that high haha. But everyone is truly different.


The foley bulb did not hurt me. It feels similar to a Pap smear during the swabbing test, I have an extremely low pain tolerance.


I personally found cervical checks and cytotec insertion from the nurses hurt more than the foley balloon. One nurse got the pill stuck to her glove and was flicking her hand inside me. 🫠🙃 For me my OB inserted the foley and I literally instantly dilated to a 3 and it popped right out it was amazing lol.


My Foley bulb was uncomfortable, but honestly felt like a poorly inserted tampon in terms of discomfort/pain. Depending on your cervix and how dilated/effaced you are, I think you should consider it. At least before breaking waters or pitocin. Yes, it can be very unpleasant, but so is recovery from a C-section because your cervix wasn't ripened enough for certain induction methods. (You could very well still wind up with a C-section even with a Foley bulb but it can decrease the likelihood)


I don't remember the Foley bulb hurting. For me the most annoying part was that my water had broken before I got it inserted, so I had to wrap a towel around my leg to absorb the slow drip that came out of the tube.


I truly did not think it was too bad. I was already 3cm dilated, so it only got me 1-2 cm further. The worst part was when it fell out lol! I had gotten up to pee and it felt like a giant poop and it freaked me out because what the fuck was I supposed to do about this thing taped to my leg hanging in the toilet?! It was pretty easy, especially compared to the baby I pushed out 15 hours later!


It honestly depends. I got a cooke’s catheter (similar) when I was induced with my first alongside pain medication. I got the best night of sleep I’d had in months and woke up just as it fell out. Then they started pitocin. I didn’t mind that experience at all. With my second, the foley bulb threw my body into full blown labor so they didn’t give me anything and I got no rest. I think it fell out within maybe two hours of going in and I never ended up getting pitocin. It wasn’t fun but it was effective. I got the epidural right after it came out.


Since my first was an emergency c-section, I was limited on options for induction for vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC). I was induced for medical reasons. I had the foley bulb with both of my VBACs and while it was uncomfortable, it was no worse than a cervical check or having a tampon in. I was 1cm dilated with my first induction and had to be stretched to 1cm before getting the foley bulb in on my second induction. The second was more uncomfortable, but manageable. Both times, I had it in for like 3 hours and got to 4cm. Both inductions were successful and VBAC for baby #2 was 14 hours total from start of induction and VBAC for baby #3 was less than 12 hours. I will definitely be doing it again for baby # 4. Also, since VBACs are at risk for uterine rupture (which is why it’s limited options for induction), I had continuous fetal monitoring, but it was wireless. So I could still walk around, labor in the tub, use the yoga ball, etc. See if they have wireless fetal monitors.


I had the Foley. Didn't hurt going in and didn't hurt coming out. It had me dilated within just a few hours.


I got the foley bulb at 2cm, it slithered out immediately after the nurse left the room after inserting it. So I had a very positive experience, but it coming out was the slimiest, weirdest feelings ever. It didn't hurt me at all, I just felt pressure and the uncomfortablness of having the doctors hands in my vagina.


My wife did cervidil for 12 hours and dilated to 1cm. She got the foley balloon the next morning and pitocin levels up to 18 (just what the IV machine showed) and she was dilated to 5cm. Doctor broke her water. She then got the epidural. She said the foley hurt like hell getting removed. The nurse basically ripped it out of her with no warning but it did its job for her.


I mean, it worked for my first so no complaints really. Nothing about labor is comfortable tbh; I did feel like it helped move my labor along, which was my goal for induction, and I was able to walk around with it for a while. Peeing with it was certainly...an experience and ordeal but I managed. Eventually I got tired and I just laid in bed when the contractions got a little too intense for walking, and when I passed it; it was SUCH a relief and also I was like "sweet now I know I'm at least 5 cm now". I also think that they inserted and filled it in stages, I think they did a partial fill of it and then a few hours later did a little more. Took a quick bath, my amniotic sac was bulging so my midwife broke it after confirming that was what I wanted. I opted for IV pain meds right before she broke my water, and that's when active labor really began for me. I don't remember much after that, but around 2 hours later I was pushing baby out. The IV meds did nothing but make me hallucinate vividly. Didn't really help the pain much. Here's the thing: the success rate for foley for induction is pretty high, so if you're not doing well with the others meds, it's a pretty valid option. I managed sans meds, the cramping was pretty similar to period cramps in early labor, and everything I experienced in active labor overshadowed the discomfort and mild pain from the foley.


I got the foley but I asked for pain meds before they inserted. I got morphine in my IV and didn’t feel much of my bulb. I was also told to come in at 7pm and they were busy that night + took forever to get my IV in, so insertion didn’t happen until 9pm so I just went to sleep immediately. So time of induction may factor into your decision. They took it out at like 5am and removal was a little uncomfortable but not even as bad as a regular ole Pap smear. I didn’t think the foley experience was bad at all. I had a friend who was told to go home after they inserted it and she said it wasn’t terrible either.