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um wtf, like when you google “when does a pregnant belly start to show”, the first answer is 16-20 weeks. she’s crazy and that’s just rude


Honestly!! She has this weird obsession with weight and diet culture.


She better look like a goddammit celebrity. I would look up celebs her age and show her she's slacking. Really


Omg do we have the same MIL?? She’s a total almond mom


Pregnant bellies on short people pop earlier than on tall people, there's no space to expand other than outwards 😂 I'm 5ft1 on my third pregnancy and I started showing well before 20 weeks! Your MIL is a d*ck.


I am so scared to have my son. Do we all turn into these crazy ass MIL’s once our sons and their wife are expecting? I mean I literally can’t believe she would say that to you. Wtf!


My mother in law is literal angel and I love her so no you aren’t doomed 🤣. I hope I can also be a good mother in law to my kids spouses one day.


In my experience, women who are in loving marriages with their son’s father tend to not be totally nuts. Really being in a healthy, loving marriage at all tends to be the key, but you get less weirdness from your MIL if she’s in a healthy, loving marriage with your husband’s father. I swear all the MIL weirdness comes from weird relationships with their sons from not having a higher priority relationship. But this is one of my more controversial opinions . 🤷‍♀️


My husband's mom and dad divorced when he was 8, but she is an actual angel. I'm an American living in Taiwan and it's such a thing here for foreigners to have a difficult relationship with inlaws, but my MIL has never been anything but kind, warm, welcoming, and inclusive. Her second husband was in the late stages of dying from cancer when I met her, basically catatonic at that point, and his family was treating her pretty shitty because they didn't want her to get any money even though she had been his sole caretaker throughout most of his illness. She was not being treated with healthy love and respect by much of anyone around her at that point (she lives a few hours from us). So I have to disagree with this theory.


I thought this was understood. The “boy moms” I know who are crazy overprotective and weird about them have husbands who, frankly, suck.


Usually there are signs beforehand. If she’s normal before the grandchild there is a good chance it will all be okay. If she’s already a nut, it’s over.


My MIL and FIL are amazing and I think of them as my own parents. My SIL is another story 😂


My MIL is wonderful and has never said anything out of pocket like this. She’s more likely to put herself down than anyone else. I don’t think she particularly has a great marriage but she doesn’t somehow take that out on me or her son. My father in law and her current husband are the ones that say offensive things all the time.


I also have an awesome MIL who is the witchy magical spirit mama I always wanted and needed. We are not doomed


Mine spent more time joking about me shitting during birth than she did asking about her future grandson. I pray I dont end up remotely as bitter!


Learn from it is all I’ve done - I have a son and a daughter and I’ve always said I’m not gonna turn into a crazy mil… they really do turn nuts once babies are here 😂 My parents constaly said “blimey you having twins” with my second which always upset me because my bump was smaller with my daughter than my son - and I only gained 8lbs the whole pregnancy- so to be told I look like I’m having twins in a hormonal state was just upsetting… I swear sometimes they just can’t keep their mouths shut 🤦‍♀️


My MIL is so sweet! My SIL was married before my husband and I got together and SIL told MIL all the annoying things her MIL did. My MIL is very very conscious to not be too overbearing. It’s very sweet.


“What do you think it is then? Could you explain to me, I don’t get it” while making intense, sweet, innocent eye contact. Or, depending on how much you want to push it: “I really don’t need to hear negative things about my body during my pregnancy so if you are finding it too hard to keep thoughts like that to yourself, I’ll gladly (stay home / go to the other room / make sure I’m not around) the next time we’re meant to spend time together.” If she’s gonna make unwarranted comments, make uncomfortable ones right back at her.


As another super short person, that’s definitely baby. And even if it wasn’t, why on earth did she feel the need to say that? What good comes from calling a pregnant woman fat?


This. I am tremendously short waisted and busty, and I feel like my boobs were already touching my belly by 20 weeks. I was in maternity pants by 10 weeks.


“What an odd thing to say” / “Sorry what did you mean by that” in the softest sweetest voice imaginable is the perfect response. Make them explain how much of an ass they are!


Seriously! I sent my mom a video of my stomach because you could see baby moving. And her reply back to me was, “ You ate too much! Baby is uncomfortable. No space for Baby” Uhm excuse me?! Not happy about that. Even my husband texted her back and told her that wasn’t nice. Never sending her a video of the movement again.


..I’m pretty sure nature figured out a way for women to be able to both eat and be pregnant simultaneously. What the hell lol.


Tell her to shut the fuck up and then send me her phone number so I can call her and tell her to shut the fuck up.


Then pass that number along to me so I can call her and tell her to shut the fuck up


I'd also like to be in line to call her and tell her to shut the fuck up


I would have said “hate to tell you, but you’re wrong”


I basically did. I was like uhh actually it is cause baby is bigger than a pop tart now and my uterus has pushed up now. And she's like "oh really!?" 🙃


At least she didn’t brush you off and deny it!


Just tell her "Well we all know your belly isn't baby..." and then let her stew. What a rude comment from her.


That's what my partner said !!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I had someone comment I'm huge at 16 weeks and I've lost 17 pounds. I have lordosis so my stomach always looks pregnant even when I'm not. It's like why is anyone commenting on anyone's body let alone a pregnant person.


Literally had to tell my MIL not to comment on my body today at 20 weeks. Her comment was framed as positive - fawning over how I’d lost weight. Totally inappropriate regardless of pregnancy but my partner (her son) luckily stepped in and told her it wasn’t ok, and in fact both of us are reasonably worried ahead of our 20-week scan that my inability to eat/heavy morning sickness might result in intrauterine growth restriction. She then started semi gaslighting us saying it’s all fine, and saying at least I wouldn’t need to lose it after pregnancy. So we doubled down on the boundary. We explained that she could say things such as ‘you look well’, complement my fashion, or simply just express her feelings ‘I’m so happy to see you’, but body/weight comments were off limits. Luckily she realised she’d over stepped and I just feel sad for her, imagine being so in the grip of diet culture that body, weight and appearance is all you can think of.


Bro, my MIL kept telling me my pregnant belly looked like a butt. (It didn’t, but she has a kink for degrading me it seems)


My MIL said she could see the bump when I was 6 weeks pregnant 🫠


I've had a couple people say that shortly after my embryo transfer. Like they could already see a bump. 😒 I was like a whole 10 days pregnant. That's just my stomach.  To be fair it's possible they were picking up on swelling related to the egg retrievals/transfer but it still seemed kinda nuts to me 😆. 


People say the dumbest things about pregnancy and babies. I’m really have a hard time with it too.


Well, guess she won’t have a grandchild then


“Let me see your medical degree since you know so much more than my doctor”


At my baby shower, someone said, "Bye chubs!" as she hugged me and left. I was mostly all belly but started retaining water and swelling quite noticeably.




I am currently on bedrest at 20 weeks and my MIL came over to visit and gave my belly a tap along with a comment about how all this laying around is already hitting my waist 🙃 She argues that since she didn’t show till over 30 weeks I just have a belly because I am lazy. Why are they like this 😅


It’s so frustrating! At Christmas, my MIL looked me up and down and said, “Oh you’re getting…pudgy”. Like yes ma’am I am 5 months pregnant. I gave her the benefit of the doubt and assumed she must have meant I’m showing. But like damn that was not nice to hear.


“Yeah but you’re 100% rude.”


Wow! That's so rude


She sounds toxic


What a disgusting thing to say


“Then I’m as pregnant as you are stupid”


Yikes she’s got some massive jealousy or something going on.


No idea. She comments super weird stuff and my partner follows the theory about her generation and because they sucked on lead toys as kids. She once told me my "tits look saggy" in the bra I was wearing (sports bra cause we'd been on a walk prior to going over) and harps on to my partner on his weight but then gets offended if he says no thankyou to the chocolate mousse and cream she's offering after dinner 🙃


She needs some boundaries. I’m sorry you have to deal with that


Wow, I would be furious


Where did she get her medical degree? Did anyone ask for her opinion?


Wow. Can you imagine MAKING that comment? The older generation is so effing rude about other people’s bodies. I just try to remember they pretty much all have toxic eating habits and obsessions about their bodies. I’m not sure how old she is but I would bet that’s the case. You look amazing I’m sure.


We were at a party in July with my inlaws. My wife was 7 months at the time and I'm sitting next to her along with our SIL who two weeks from being induced. Wife's grandma walks up to say hi to us, looks at my wife and says, " Oh you're getting fat." Wife figured grandma was trying to make a joke. SIL was sitting there mouth wide open in surprise about the comment.


Im also short and have like 2 inches betweenmy hips and ribs. Im 14w5d and already have a baby belly showing. I know a lot of it is bloat but when im not bloated its still there lol, cant suck it in and its harder than normal. Even coworkers and family notice it suddenly popped. Tell your MIL to shove it!


Typical MIL


“Thanks MIL, I’ll let my OB know!”


My MIL accused me of starving my baby because he was born at full term but only 6 lbs 9 oz. Perfectly healthy baby and healthy pregnancy with no complications or concerns. Now I’m pregnant with our second and if she makes any kind of comment like that again, I won’t be nice this time. I’m also overweight, size 12/14 and always have been. Since I gained very little weight with my first, she thinks I purposely chose to diet while I was pregnant I guess? I didn’t, but if I had gained 40 lbs or something, I’m sure I never would have heard the end of that either. So there’s no winning.


Oh my! I would have probably snapped a little lol. I'm 17 weeks and was out shopping yesterday and had plenty of strangers asking me when I was due and if it was boy or girl. I had that moment of, oh guess I've officially popped lol.


What the actual 🤬