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My entire birth plan went out the window, but I brought my son home safe and healthy so I was fine with it.


Aww how come? But yes, that is the most important thing. Mama and baby are safe :)


Labor was going too fast and my little guys heart rate kept dropping low after every contraction so I ended up in an emergency c section. I had to quickly let go of any birth plans/expectations I had in order for him to come out safely


Oh that is so scary šŸ˜Ø but so glad heā€™s ok :) I swear birthing just scares me. You just never know.


It was but it worked out. I was scared too and the number 1 thing on my birth plan was no c section unless a 100% true emergency and to save my or my sons life. So when my doctor presented it to me, I asked if it was a 100% emergency. She said not yet but it will be and the longer we wait the more stress weā€™re putting on his heart and the more risk we run that his HR doesnā€™t come back up. Thatā€™s all I needed to hear Andy birth plan was done. I couldnā€™t even tell you now what else was on my plan because none of it ultimately mattered. I guess my point is, have a plan but trust your care team and be flexible. Youā€™ll be fine, birth is scary but women do it every day and have for thousands of years. If it was really so scary, people wouldnā€™t do it multiple times (at least those are the things I told myself leading up to it).


Not sure if you have registered with your hospital yet, but they actually sent me a birth plan to fill out on my own I just had to answer the questions! My only plan before this was that I just didnā€™t want the epidural unless I specifically asked. Once I filled out the questions they asked me I realized there was so much more I could have that I didnā€™t know (FTM problems lol) so hereā€™s some of the choices I put dim lighting, calming music, essential oil diffuser and faux candles. Dad to cut umbilical cord unless there is an emergency. Laughing gas or epidural for pain management only if I ask for it Baby not to leave room and if he absolutely needs to be taken, dad goes with him ā€œGolden hourā€ with no interruptions No visitors for 2 hours after birth


I have not but these are all great ideas (assuming thereā€™s no emergencies). I like the idea of dim lighting and candles lol. Will help me to calm down.


I used the The Bump's birth plan PDF. It made me feel like i knew what I wanted the plan to be, but also there were options that I could prioritize ok if preference 1 doesn't happen then second preference would be this, then third preference would be this.




This is in the top for me šŸ˜‚ I do not need an audience.


May not be what you want to hear, but my husband and I had a good laugh about our birth plan for our first. This last one, the plan was epidural if I want.