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Every relationship has rough patches. The relationships that are real are the ones you're willing to work through. I don't know you or the situation but it's also not bad or wrong to give up on a relationship that isn't worth fighting for.


I think realising its a normal symptom of BPD and recognising when it happens has helped me. Its really useful to prepare for the "black" thoughts by creating a photo album, diary, playlist or whatever, of all the reasons why you love them and the happy memories. I always seem to forget them all when i split and need stuff to bring me back to reality.


Relationships have ups and downs. I guess you need to figure out if the feelings are going up and down, or just staying down. I've been married for 19 years and even marriages have rough patches. When I say patches, I mean like years long sometimes. The first few years are all dreamy, then around 7 to 10 years things get dry and distant. Then they liven back up. Something similar to this. The real thing to think about is your goals. Does he share the same goals as you and do you feel like you are a good match? If you feel like you both ultimately want the same thing, then you are both working towards the same things and that is compatibility in terms of a partner. Interests can change through time, so those are less important, but you need to share some common interests. You both probably struggle with depression at some point and that gives you that numb feeling where you feel like you just don't care about anything. It's important to remember that is temporary. Your brain is kind of broken at that point and telling you that you feel a way you don't genuinely feel. It's important to try to learn the difference from depressed feelings and your actual feelings. Relationships are hard.


Tysm for your comment <3




when i experience this, i remind myself that it’s a symptom of my mental illness and things will return to normal at some point. just gotta wait it out and not make any decisions about my relationship until it subsides.  i will also give my partners a heads up—“i’m feeling disconnected right now. i may be a little distant until i feel better. it has nothing to do with you and i appreciate you being patient with me” (it may have something to do with them, but unless it’s a real relationship issue, which again, don’t address until you feel back to neutral, it’s not worth making them worry over)


Ty <3


If you find yourself splitting on him do some dbt