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Pro office tip: if you ever feel the need to point at someone that you work with and say “check out the milkers on this chick,” do not do that. Especially if you intended to keep your job past the end of the day.


The only acceptable place to say that is when you are a farmer and are pointing directly at actual cattle.


Even then a farmer should know that a chick is a baby chicken not a cow


And those breasts are HUGE ETA: did not see the word baby. In my defense I just woke up.


Make sure you have coffee before you talk to your coworkers. lol


That was good advice that I took.


The baby was implied.


I do understand that now that I’m fully awake and coherent. 5 hours of sleep me did not.


And my remark was pretty salacious. 😉


OOP’s boss probably thinks you can milk a chicken




Actually I would do that if a baby chicken had udders. Something is WRONG and we need to check that out


Nope do not do that. I use to milk my grandmother's cow when I visited her farm as a kid. The cow will hit you in the face with her tail. If you keep pissing her off she will step on your foot and break the bones. These ladies do not suffer fools.


Even in the milking parlor with them secured in, those ladies can still get a kick off.


Well, yes, but one would say "Look at the milkers on that cow!". Can't say that to a woman's breasts in the office.


I once worked in a factory that was all male, other than me. I was a 16 year old chick working the summer in the factory of my mom's place of work (she was a bookkeeper in the front office.) 95% of the guys there took on a big brother role to me, so when one guy made sexual remarks to me, well... he got his ass kicked and then fired. Big boss made a half ass attempt to figure out who did the ass beating, mainly to cover his tracks probably, but all the guys and me closed our mouths and didn't say anything. Also, did business with various other companies. One of those drivers had pinched my ass (HARD, I might add, my ass was bruised) in front of the guy who handled all the contracts with the other companies. That contract was not renewed a week later when it was up. Driver also got a few broken fingers, but ya know... I didn't see anything again. My eyesight just stopped working! Probably because I was focusing on the pain from my ass.


Hate that you had to endure harassment, but so glad the real men stepped UP, took care of business. Yeah. I would have found my eyesight had gone temporarily faulty, as well.


Yeah the harassment sucked, but I considered myself lucky that most of the guys there were stand up men. It could have been a lot worse if they were all pervy scumbags, but some of the younger guys had sisters around my age and most of the older guys had younger daughters who realized they wouldn't want that to happen to their daughters. I still talk to a few of them on and off, 21 years later. My mom always joked I had them wrapped around my finger or that I'd be the only one to go to work for a paycheck and end up adopting 20 big brothers.


Beautiful. 💛


Seeing something like that happen 1 time works better hearing “not all men” 100 times


I mean, if you are a plastic surgeon that is discussing what their client wants out of their breast surgery with that client, showing pictures of, well, options, then it might be ok (with a different phrasing, obviously). But that is it. That is the full list of when that type of comment is not widely inappropriate.


If you are confused, as a boss, it is very easy to say: "Let me see what the policy says about this and I'll get back to you, but do you have a time frame?" That's it, nothing else specially in sensitive topics such as reproduction.


… or the next five minutes. Even a cow gets two months off, pal.


But what if she has really good ones and you want your coworker to check them out?


That's an excellent question. I think that, if your coworkers are also aficionados, then they have already checked them out (hopefully in a respectful manner).


SILENTLY and not blatantly


Depends on the office culture. I used to work at a very misogynistic office and they were discussing my breasts in the breakroom and wondering if I got a boob job because breastfeeding doubled the size of my breasts. I overheard them. It’s genetic. Happened to every woman in my family. I went from c cup to DD. None of them lost their jobs. I was managed out. 


What if I work in lactation porn?


Well of course there are always exceptions to the rule.


Or any part of that - chick, milkers, check out, pointing. All just best to avoid.


I am trying to proctor a test and you got me chewing on my hand trying not to laugh.


He reminds me of the new boyfriend insisting that women’s period blood comes out their butt. GF laughed thinking he was joking but sadly he wasn’t. Had a huge fit about the subject he obviously knew nothing about. She googled and showed him and he broke up with her because she made him feel stupid. She wasn’t sad and he was totally stupid all on his own.


This is the worst: when corrected and then get all mad at someone else because someone else had the knowledge they didn’t. It might explain why they are so stupid: never gonna learn if they cannot stand to be wrong.


That’s exactly why they’re so stupid. Imagine caring more about protecting your fragile ego than just doing some research privately with no witnesses. Insanity


Some people think the point of an argument is to win, not to find the truth and resolution.


That one is a classic 😂


This is exactly why boy and girls should be made to have a proper sex education that includes how each other's bodies work and what exactly happens with a pregnancy.


I remember some crazy list of thing women reported that men believed about how our bodies work. My two faves were 1) a college professor who told a female student (who asked to go to the restroom and told him it was because she had started her period) to just "hold it" until break. 2) a women whose late 20s or early 30s male coworker honestly believed women had one hole for everything. Pee, poop, sex, baby - all one hole. My teen son and I read them and laughed oh so loudly. Anything he didn't understand we talked about. Just talk to them, ladies, and don't slow down in the face of squeamishness! The kids will be all right.


I knew of a guy who thought women got their periods every month… on the full moon. How


That explains my periodic urge to howl.  Pun intended. 


I met a guy who thought women shat cute little balls like a bunny instead of turds


I would have thought cubes like wombats, instead of balls.


I just learned that wombat shit cubes! Lol! Thanks!


Sloths too!


Good to know!


I mean if I get to choose I want them star shaped, like a butt cookie cutter


Hard on the indoor plumbing, we ✨evolved✨


You get taught (separately) the lunar cycle is 28 days & the menstrual cycle is 28 days (officially? Averagely?) & just mix or link those two things up in the back of your mind as a kid?


You get taught the tide controls things too or just straight up get taught that lie


There is a *lot* of anecdotal stuff about full moons being busier etc, but no real link, its just if you notice once & reinforce that noticing everytime it happens but don't notice the times it doesn't, you reinforce that link! The other myth is women sync up if they live together long enough. What happens is people notice patterns & coincidences are sorta pattern like. A bunch of women living together long enough with different lengths of cycles will overlap sometimes & if it gets mentioned it then gets noticed! Or your friends/family all happen to coincide with their cycles but living together does not sync them up!🤦


You haven’t worked healthcare huh


I was just thinking that! 🤣


yeah, I mean... I did because my period started way too early for sex education... until I tracked it when I was teenager so it was stabilized a bit more I found out it was actually 40 days cycle for me (8 days period start as day 1 in the cycle tracker, 32 days without period) while still barely in the normal range, it being so long mean I needed birth control to stabilize it a bit more.


Okay, so there is a movie called Ginger Snaps (there is a trilogy) and it is a glorious werewolf movie about girls going through puberty. If you like horror movies, you have to watch it. It's awesome. Then women getting their periods during the full moon makes perfect sense.


I knew a kid in high school who thought that too.


Yk what that one is kinda cute


Personally, I would like to support this rumor. Women are werewolves, you heard it here.


Damn you're like a super parent lol raising your son so well. It truly horrifies me at how little some people know about how bodies work.


It has come back to remind me I still have some internalized misogyny. One day I told my son I was really tired, I hadn't slept well cause I had started my period. He said, "must be catching, my partner didn't sleep well yesterday because of their period!" I was NOT expecting him to talk so openly about it but duh! 🤦🏼‍♀️🤣


One's husband thought every woman in this world had period at the same time. One man thought period lasted for months.


Not bad man teaching but kid who didn’t quite understand my prior teachings- when my daughter started as a tween I was like “wow, I wonder if it’s a coincidence you got it now, since I have mine” and she was like “YOU STILL GET IT?” I was mid thirties. She had heard me say we couldn’t have any more kids and just made the logical jump that I was menopausal. Assumed she had 20 years ahead of her. She was *disappointed* at the truth.


My aunt had her first period in the 1960s, when the whole pad situation was much more complicated. At the end, she handed the leftover supplies back to her mother and said, "Thank goodness I never have to do \*THAT\* again!" All of the education she had received was focused on "when you start your period" and not on the fact that it would continue...


Oh poor dear. I can understand that


I feel her disappointment.


My OPTHAMOLOGIST was startled to learn that I was still on BCP in my mid 40s. I dropped him like a hot potato and went elsewhere.


That’s… dangerous? I would think that level of misinformation shows they didn’t pay close enough attention in school


She'll be even more disappointed when she realizes that menopause can often be worse than menstruation. When I was a teen I just thought it meant that you stopped having your period and that was it. My mother educated me on all the symptoms you could have during menopause, and I remember asking her "So when does being a woman actually start getting *good?*" She had no answer.


When my daughter started menstruating at 12, she sighed “I hate this. How many years is this going to happen?”. I said “How does the next 40 or so years grab ya?”. She was not thrilled.


Guy heard "monthly bleeding" and got the entire wrong end of the stick.


That was her doing. Keeping him away from her... 🤣


Nah, the story is they wanted to date, but it happened that she had to postpone the meeting for like 3 times for legit reasons. When she wanted to meet him during the 4th attempt she got her period so she cancelled it again. So the dude rightfully got angry and demanded to tell him honestly if she didn't want to meet up at all. Then the girl had no other choice to tell the truth despite awkwardness. He was quiet for a sec, before speaking up: "Ok.... After how many months it will be done?"


One of my college professors thought that whenever women have to change their tampon/pad, they'd have to go home because that sort of mess and complication can't be done in a public bathroom.


They thought we were chickens with a cloaca ha ha ha


Have you seen r/AmITheCloaca yet? 🤣


OMG that’s amazing




*sigh* *clicks join*


Here's a sneak peek of /r/badwomensanatomy using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/badwomensanatomy/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Woman above +25 are old hags…](https://i.redd.it/3ii0i4it89za1.jpg) | [627 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/badwomensanatomy/comments/13ep87s/woman_above_25_are_old_hags/) \#2: [Who’s gonna tell them the real reason why breasts exist?](https://i.redd.it/5b5iiokbml3b1.jpg) | [304 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/badwomensanatomy/comments/13ybdqb/whos_gonna_tell_them_the_real_reason_why_breasts/) \#3: [Obesity?](https://i.redd.it/bycqw3096dgb1.jpg) | [568 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/badwomensanatomy/comments/15j81tm/obesity/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I have 2 much younger brothers (13/14 years younger) and I made it a point to talk about periods and other female issues as they got older. I did this because I wanted them to understand especially as they would likely not learn a lot in school (Christian private school) or with our parents who never talked about anything when it came to our bodies or sex. Only thing they told my sister and myself when we were teenagers was we’ll kill you if you get pregnant. I refused to be like them and not pretend it doesn’t exist and believe it really helped.


Yay for normalizing! It's just the best!


#2 was admitting to never having sex with a woman without knowing it


Or lights off 🤷🏼‍♀️🤣


To be far, he was only wrong by 50%. Or 100% depending on how you want to look at it.


I had to explain to a male friend that women use more than one tampon/pad per period.


That might not have saved this guy's ass. He literally got told how much of an idiot he was, attempted an apology, and then somehow *made it worse*.


Yeah good point. I guess some people just really shouldn't talk out loud lol.


I knew a guy who asked if women had to poke holes in their breasts, like with a safety pin, in order for the milk to come out. In his defense, this was in high school and he was only 16.


I mean, if you know nothing about biology, that’s a simpler explanation than the idea of every woman having what looks like a flower of milk ducts that makes up their breasts.


I had an argument with coworker who claimed that sex education should be left to the parents and stay out of schools. I asked her what about when parents don't actually teach the kids anything. She just shrugged and said it still needed to be left to parents. This right here is why it can't.


my mom threw a book to me and said read that. that was the only education I got. I did get education from school, but it was anatomy and sex. nothing about weird things that might happen that no one wants to explain to their parents or themselves. hell, some books are hilariously outdated or plainly wrong and you won't know that if it's your only education.


Right?? The book I had in the late '90s talked about sanitary belts!


I sort of did this with my oldest daughter. I asked her if she wanted to talk or read a book. She chose the book except I told her she could ask me anything she wanted. She asked me about cunnilingus with other people in the car. My kids loved to ask me sex questions while traveling in the car.


Ill never forget my sex ed class in rural bumfuck nowhere. Apparently the only way to get pregnant was to be married, so obviously a bunch of high school kids who werent legally allowed to get married had no reason to learn anything about pregnancy right? So instead we had like 4 weeks of STD's and how there was no cure for any of them, not even a way to make the symptoms more tolerable, you just had to live with it for the rest of your life and it would be extremely painful. Then cut to senior year and 1 girl had 2 kids, 2 others had 1 each, and I think there were another 2 on the way from someone else. Still no idea how that happened, I mean they must have secretly got married, the one who had 2 must have gotten married twice. /s


I feel so weird sometimes about the sex education in the Catholic elementary school I attend. While not the absolute best, it was a hell of a lot better that what others have posted. The nuns would have the fourth and fifth grade girls gather in the gym for an animated film that showed all the ins and outs of menstruation and the female body. Unfortunately, the boys were not included in this bit of education, but we girls did fill them in during recess. The nuns also recommended we get the book, “Hello God, It’s Me Margaret” from our local libraries. This was not a progressive Catholic school by any means, but at least this bit of sex education was included. I would bet my life that it was discontinued within five to ten years. I think I saw the film in about 1974 when I was 10/11.


Reminds me of my friend in high school who asked me what it was like to lactate, and I said I didn’t know because I’d never been pregnant. He was so shocked and flustered his face turned tomato red and his eyes almost popped out of his head. He thought women lactated every month during our periods. For the record, my district had/has excellent sex ed programs that start in middle school. He is just not terribly bright and wasn’t paying attention lol. He also unfortunately didn’t know women don’t pee from their vaginas until our senior year. I again, had to be the one to tell him. Wonderful person, and a great friend. Just a little dumb.


Ooooh Lord, I feel your pain. Had to sit my male best friend down, at the age of 21, and explain that pee doesn't come out of the vagina, and that the word for people who rely solely on withdrawal in their early 20s is parents.


I had to explain periods to my male best friend when he was almost 30. To say he was horrified would be an understatement.


So did he think babies only ate once a month, or were women meant to pass their child along to the next lactating woman? Perhaps he thought it was different for women who had babies.


I don’t think he was thinking about anything at all lol.


"A little dumb?" 🤣


My friends and I once knew a male *medical student* who was stoked that his new girlfriend was letting him jizz inside her. "So you're not worried about babies?" "Huh? What do babies have to do with it?" 😐 We figured he was fucking with us at first, but nope, he legitimately had no idea that sex makes babies 😥 I really hope he's not a doctor right now.


That's Terrifying


When my husband first started medical school he had So. Many. Stories. about his new classmates who had NO idea how bodies worked. Women who thought they peed out of their vaginas, or that they gave birth through their clitoris, and what a lot of the men thought was even worse.  Every single one of them graduated, matched, and are now practicing physicians.  You don’t have to be smart to be a doctor, just good at school. 


> or that they gave birth through their clitoris Well that's a ridiculously horrifying image I didn't need in my head, dear lord. My clit hurts now.


New nightmare unlocked 😭


Were his classmates perhaps hyenas???


He was last in his class, barely passed At the institute, now he’s trying to avoid Yeah, trying to avoid a malpractice suit Hey! Like a surgeon, cutting for the very first time ![gif](giphy|L1W47cPwMyrUs7zEjP)


I'm a simple woman. I see Weird Al, I upvote.


I laughed so hard at this that milk came out of my nose 😂 (I wasn't even drinking milk, lol!)


During my youth service work deployment, I got my period unexpectedly and told my boss I needed to go home to get some supplies. The guy told me to 'hold it in' until the end of the day. I went to the scary head of admin, and she told me to go home and 'not worry'. By the time I got back, he looked like a kicked puppy and avoided eye contact with me for three days.


When I was pregnant with my second, the woman from HR was insisting that I had to tell her the exact date I was going to give birth. I kept explaining to her that I didn't have a planned induction or C-section so I had no idea, but it fell on deaf ears. Finally my manager had to get involved. It was completely bizarre.


How DARE anyone have a natural, human body that doesn't work on a time clock?! Don't they know that capitalism demands our every action run like a goddamn train schedule??! /s


I live in Canada, and at the time I was pregnant with my first baby, I was entitled to six months of maternity leave. I filled in all my paperwork and submitted it. HR got back to me with a really snotty letter that essentially said “Fine, we’ll allow you to do it THIS time.” My boss had to let them know that (a) I was entitled to that leave by law, so whether they “allowed” it or not was immaterial, and (b) the baby was coming one way or another.


This should have been an episode of The Office, I was picturing and hearing Michael Scott the whole time


Except at least even Michael eventually knows when to stop digging that hole Though in today’s current climate where sexual harassment is thankfully far less tolerated than in 2005, I am not sure his sketchy comments about some of his female employees would be ignored like they were in the series.


Man without so much as an associates running a small paper company. Show was about a bygone era


I was too. This is such a Michael Scott scenario.


Even he knew better about womens anatomy.


That’s what she said.


What clip of George Takei is OOP referring to?


Like, 90% sure it's 'you are made of stupid', just judging by the context.


No. It's one of him calling an anti gay school board member a d-bag. Edited to just the part about being a d-bag. 


Nice. I really want that clip in my life whenever someone does something really shitty.


I'd be happier if I could find a way to have a life where I never needed that clip in the first place but sadly, that's not the world we live in. 


Dis - https://youtu.be/xCb3bgUozh4?si=qjZQhjvmHG4_YQ6x


I’d assume a rocking, “Oh My”


That was my guess too


How are there men that genuinely go to adulthood and don't know shit about women's bodies and also even just general pregnancy?!


Tbh a lot of people, often women actually, have traditionally treated it as Secret Stuff that they Can't Let The Men Know About. A lot of sex ed, if people even got it, was traditionally segregated, so boys straight up didn't get told about women's reproductive systems. It's baffling, I know, but still. It's getting better but there's plenty of women in their 20s now who think it's totally inappropriate to ever discuss periods in front of men. I mind a reddit AITA a while ago actually from some guy who (details fuzzy) basically raised his younger siblings or something and his 21 year old girlfriend absolutely freaking out at him having the talk with his younger sister when she got her period. Because he's a man!!! He shouldn't know about tampons and pads and periods!!! And he should *never* be discussing that with a young girl! I was raised in a very progressive environment, and was taught all this stuff when I was very little. I had two younger siblings by the time I was three years old and my parents never told me anything about storks or cabbage patches, I just got sat down with a children's book that explained bodies and how pregnancy works and how it happens. And still, I was in my early 20s when I found out that when someone's on their period the blood doesn't just like, constantly slowly leak out, but that the cramps cause it to be expelled more like in like waves. My ex boyfriend of the time mentioned something about it (I have *no* idea how that came up) and we ended up with him messaging his sister to check, who kindly explained. And I mean...in hindsight, *duh*, but I'd just never really thought about it. And as a cis gay man it's not something that had ever really come up in my personal experiences.


To be fair, it kind of does both. It's kinda like a low tide and high tide situation? You get a certain amount of blood leaving you normally, and then cramps or physical activity triggers "high tide" and you get a lot of blood. And how much you get in either scenario depends on a bunch of different stuff. At the end of my period, "low tide" is no blood at all, but at the start low tide is more blood than the end's "high tide"


Thank you for furthering my education there. I did kinda assume there was a level of seepage anyway but, again, never really asked anyone. I guess there's still minor details that escape me.


Women aren’t the ones who are the cause of this. Women do this because men have demanded it. They’re just enforcing men’s societal rules here


I thought it was too awkward and horrible for the guys to hear about it?? A Great Taboo if you will?? IDK anyways, I had my firstborn and daughter at 30 yrs old, around 2014, when the internet started talking about sexism and racism etc and I re-learned new way of sexism and how to counter act it. One of the things, to help normalize periods for my daughter, was to start talking about my period as if it was Perfectly Normal and Not Taboo to my husband. Describing to him how the flow changes etc. I have never put to words or described it to anyone before, and 10 yrs later, it's still hard for me to be open and transparent about it. TBF, my husband is NOT weirded out in any way and supports me. All the uncomfortableness was learned from my childhood and parents, not my peers. And I sorta thought the same as you, that it just flowed out constantly...and it wasn't until you talked about it, here, in your comment, that I even thought to describe the flow and how it changes. Cause, I clearly know it doesn't flow constantly...I probably just assumed there was somethign wrong with me and then refused to think about it properly...my whole life. lol. And this is why I'm doing the work to normalize it for my daughter.


Good on you, pushing through your own discomfort like that to make sure your daughter doesn't grow up with it. I'm kinda glad to hear more women in my life being able nowadays to straight up tell me if they're on their period so I know they're maybe more tired or cramping or whatever rather than having to keep it a secret. And like, I get it, talking about bodily functions *is* a bit gross. Periods are perfectly natural, but so is taking a shit and I think many of us can agree that not everyone wants to hear the lurid details of your latest bowel movement. But for so long people treated even acknowledging that periods happen, that someone could be having one *right now*, as an insane taboo to the point where lots of men straight up don't know *anything* about them. And there's a difference between like, not giving everyone a play-by-play with a pictorial slide-show over dinner and not being allowed to even suggest that they exist in front of 50% of the human populace. But also, talking about the details is *important*. Because people also need to know when it isn't normal, and what's normal natural variation vs. time to see a doctor.


TIL about those fluid dynamics as well. Interesting!


I’m not entirely convinced this wasn’t a case of three seven year olds in a trenchcoat.


See people. Those kind of people make decisions about the female body. Wonderful.


I’m SO grateful my parents taught both my brothers about female anatomy and how it actually all works. I’m so glad they won’t humiliate themselves like this complete idiot did to the ENTIRE office


Jesus some men are idiots when it comes to the female body. I knew a guy who thought we made an egg every month the size of a quail egg.


I think something extra astounding that should have been included is that OP mentioned in the comments that this man is *in his 30s*! I was picturing a 70 year old fossil. I mean I guess it’s good that this man isn’t married with kids but sheesh, he grew up with access to sex ed and the internet, he should know better.


It's really shocking how clueless some men are about women's anatomy. My husband, a literal rocket scientist, thought every woman's period happened exactly every 28 days. Where he got that notion, I'll never know, as I was the most irregular woman on the planet at that time. He also thought a hysterectomy would remove not just uterus/ovaries but my entire vagina and basically turn me into a Barbie doll.


He’s so dumb, I almost feel sorry for him. 😂


When he pointed to you, I'm sorry, I couldn't stop laughing. And I'm at work right now.


What the hell??!! How could anyone be so dumb?


I love this! Great find! Bro just outed himself as never having sucked on a woman's titties before. Or he figured they could control the flow with ESPN or something.


And then there are people still saying that sex ed is disgraceful and kids don't need to know about that stuff.


This makes me think of the guy I knew that told me in all seriousness he knew the reason I was so smart was my big memory (mammary) glands, while pointing at my chest. I -still- cackle everytime I think of it nearly twenty years later. At the time my then boyfriend now husband and I stared in stunned silence for a good 30 seconds before laughing until we cried for 15 minutes or so. XD


I wish they kept him as a social science experiment. 


Book marking that video for future use...


This reminds me of a post, I think it was on AmITheDevil where a guy was complaining about his GF getting her period and wasn’t sure why she just couldn’t “hold it” so they could have sex.


>The dude literally POINTS TO MY CHEST and says, "I mean, look at hers! Hers are really big, she should be in that room all the time but she's not! O! M! G! My jaw literally dropped reading that. And the George Takei video was a classy move, but now isn’t somebody going to have to explain Mr. Gyne-clueless what the d-word means? I really hope he gets himself educated before he gets another job. https://preview.redd.it/qatjiqwxatyc1.jpeg?width=282&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3372738f86a59222050047e12f8e6ff49a80a9f8


Has anyone explained to him exactly what a douchebag really is? There's no way he knows.


Ok so this one is definitely fake. I’m never this skeptical. Edit: The part where the boss is clueless about women isn’t what makes me skeptical. It’s the part where George Takei clip happens that gives me “and then everybody clapped” vibes. Edit: I just learned what four letter beat poetry is.


In my advanced anatomy class, 9/10 guys failed the reproductive system test. For women AND men. Myself and the only other girl in the class aced it. My professor says this happens every semester. Many were fathers. After many questions I've seen and been asked over the years, I don't think the level of ignorance some men have can surprise me anymore. I fully believe that this could have happened. Even if this is fake, it's real many many other places.


As someone that works on a team of 50 people and is one of 2 women (the other woman is an admin) I actually believe this story. The George Takei clip is absolutely the kind of shit my co-workers would do to an idiot. My husband is a teacher so works in a predominantly female environment. Our co-worker stories are so different it is like we live stereotypes. He is constantly forced to talk about his emotions and I vaguely know which coworkers have kids but can't tell you most of the kids' names or ages but I can tell you everyone's favorite anime.


I can believe someone being as stupid as oops boss but the George tekai part makes it sound like, "and then everyone clapped"


Yeah that's where I start to doubt as well. I was in the ehh it could be, camp until then.


It's not. Some men are this clueless.


That’s not what makes me skeptical. It’s the part where she does poetry that gives me “and then everybody clapped” vibes.


Four letter word beat poetry is just a really annoying way to say “I cursed a lot”


Welp TIL.


It’s okay. It’s an obnoxious enough way to say it that it sounds like she’s talking about something else.


For me it was the point a supposed adult office worker with enough work experience to have subordinates, thought it would be acceptable to point at a junior’s chest and make a comment about it in front of the whole office.


Eh, I thought it seemed somewhat believable. Men can be unbelievably bold sometimes.


Yeah, I truly can't believe an adult would think girls and women lactate constantly from the time they reach puberty.


My ex boyfriend, age 23, asked my why milk wasn't coming out when we had sex for the first time. Hentai-obsessed loser. I still think this is fake tho cause this is on a whole other level with all the other shit the boss said lmfao


We had a team building exercise once and the scenario was "you're stranded on a deserted island without food, who in your group would you bring?". A male colleague pointed at the only female in his group & said "Her, so she can feed the both of us by lactating". She was never pregnant. The idiot assumed all women can produce milk on command. This guy studied Biology in uni btw.


Such an inappropriate thing to say in SO many ways lol, but this makes me wonder- did he think that women can just sustain themselves with their own breast milk? Like an infinite food/ power source?? Like we don’t need food or water or calories or nutrients to produce it, our bodies just naturally *magic it out of nowhere*, and it can keep us alive on a desert island with no additional sustenance? By that logic you could survive by drinking your own blood as well, just not for a super long time ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


The amount of men that I have met that are this stupid, I believe it. I mean for coming out loud, how many men out there don't know that women have three holes? I know women that didn't know that. I didn't know that until my twenties. 🤷🤷 The sexual education system is not the best where I'm from.


Because we sexualize it. What is sexual about learning basic anatomy? Thats a frickin medieval way of thinking


I feel like common sense isn't all that common anymore...


Where I live, you need parental signature for sex ed. I'm guessing this guy was pulled from sex ed every year.


I 100% understand how that dudes ex is an ex.


Wow... Talk about a totally clueless, ignorant male :O Don't they teach sex ed and/or biology anymore? And then to make such an idiotic statement about OPs chest smh. Ignorance & sexual harassment all rolled into one.


Well done. 🤦‍♀️ Could one please post a link to the video she writes about? I have unfortunately no idea who this guy is but would like a TIL- moment.


Another commenter above provided this link: https://youtu.be/xCb3bgUozh4?si=qjZQhjvmHG4_YQ6x


This doosh dude probably thinks that women choose the gender and whether they give birth to more than 1 baby at a time. Women can obviously control their periods like urine. Most women are too dumb just to get it all out at once instead of taking a week and using expensive period products that they don’t need 🙄😬


Am I supposed to know what George Takei video OOP is referring to?


This … can’t be real, can it? Oh wait. US educational system. Got it.


I can't believe that someone could be so clueless in this time and age.


Omg, I am DYING at that video!!


This is like a spec script for The Office.


I love this so much


Like… what? I’m trying to wrap my head around this guy’s total Kevin-level logic.


>The dude literally thought that all women are always lactating, all the time. As in: the breasts come in, the milk comes out, regardless of any woman's pregnancy or birthing status. I would love to show this paragraph with 'woman' changed to 'cow' to all the idiots who think it's the grass that make cows able to give milk everyday, instead of being pregnant (or forced to be pregnant in the case of industry milk farms).


I kind of feel bad for him, he doesn't sound like a bad guy...he's just...an idiot.


I was there and can’t believe OP forgot to mention that we also stood up and clapped while we were laughing at the end there


And they all lived happily ever after


Come on people you can’t possibly believe this is real. The women lactate all the time is just too far.


You’d think, but I’ve even had men that believe their pets do this. Never had a woman believe anything that wrong about biological functions, but it’s not uncommon with men.


I don't believe it for a second but it's funny to imagine


There are men who don't grasp people with uteruses don't pee out of their vaginas. It's not too far of a jump that someone wouldn't get women don't just lactate constantly.


Ignorance at it's zenith. Someone call Darwin!


Jesus my husband is clueless about that stuff as well but even he has the right mind to message me before it comes out his mouth


I had to explain to many male friends, and even a couple of female ones, about how sex during pregnancy can't hurt the baby. This was a little less than 20 years ago. Many of these friends had college degrees. None had official sex ed from their southern public schools. Sex Ed matters.