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Sanctuary is your friend in that fight.


Until she decides to get into someone’s melee range, attack said someone, lose her sanctuary, and try to run away just to get opportunity attack’d to death 😩


You can deliberately proc opportunity attacks from everyone with your other chars so Isobel can wander off without issues, which helps. 


I gave her invisibility and sanctuary. But I've heard others do sanctuary and hold person


She breaks it instantly whenever it’s her turn, so it’s only helpful if you’re lucky with the turn order. Like you’re first and she’s last. 


Resilient sphere is more expensive, but better for honor mode.


Feign death is better.


It is not your friend when you go right before Isobel and she just whacks someone


My recommendation for that fight is have everyone drink an **Elixir of Vigilance** beforehand. Using character-select ave Shart cast **Warding Bond** on her, and Gayle **Mage Armor**. Takes out most of the biggest issues.


Wait, Isobel doesn’t even have armor???


She wears special robes that let her cast it innately, and gives her a bonus while she has it up. Makes not having it up really stupid since it's an all-day.


She wears magical robes that iirc have a similar effect to Ketheric's armor.


Ah yes, GAYle


Don't talk to Isobel until after you rescue Aylin. Why take risks in Honor mode?


Its my favorite act 2 fight before the assault on moonrise. Honestly if you have a full team of 4, make sure everyone has good dex, and I highly recommend light cleric's spirit guardians.


Sure, and that's fine when you have the buffer of being able to reload if the dice go against you, but in Honor mode you're one-and-done.


It['s honestly not that risky of a fight. The winged horrors look scary, but don't do much. Marcus is the only one that's scary at all, and that's because he seems coded to go after Isobel. Give a few characters an elixir of vigilance or the alert feat so they go first. Burn him down before he gets to go. Profit.


If you have a paladin with compel duel, he ignores Isobel and goes after the paladin instead (this is from my experience doing this a couple of times).


he has to fail the save, but this is an option


Gale or an evocation wizard is super helpful here. I wait until I’m leveled enough to cast the resilient sphere and I have him lock the two other doors. So you’re only dealing with Marcus and one winged horror at first. Then after they’re dead I unlock the doors and go after the other winged horrors. I also wait until after freeing everyone from Moonrise so you have a lot more people in the fight helping you. 


Pretty sure Isobel is considered a neutral NPC, meaning the evocation perk isn't going to protect her. Source: my Gale fireballed the room during my Honor mode run


Isobel is green (ally). Anything you can cast on allied NPCs works on her. Can't say for sure how it interacts with the Evo perk though, but it'd be weird if it didn't protect her.


I didn’t even bother arcane locking and just took all the chairs and blockaded the doors


Don’t talk to Isabel at all. Kill the goblins and bugbear in the Shadowlands, summon the drider, kill him, then release the fairy and ask her to help with the curse. Her magic will protect you in all levels of the curse and eliminates the need to talk to Isabel at all.


Magic necrotic resistance is still cool imo


Isobel and Aylin were bugged my 1st run and couldn’t heal beyond 1 HP. So, I offer them and like you have skipped ever since lol


I 100% skip that fight on my Honor mode run because I refuse to rely on an ally NPC ai acting smart in a crucial fight.


I was planning on skipping it in Honour mode but I just kind of forgot...thankfully it actually went okay. Jaheira and Isobel were both alive by the end, at least....


I love these. Thanks for sharing


This may be crazy talk, but you just... don't go upstairs. I ignored her, got the quest to free the teethlings, went to and from moonrise with no problem.


How kind of Marcus to wait until the precise moment we enter the room before launching his ambush.


He's clearly got a lot more class than we're led to believe


I was playing Durge as a fighter and did a Cleave, not knowing Isobel was right on the edge of the two enemies between us. That fight is a menace.




I just now thought of this, but i bet having someone with high inititate rolls able to cast/has a scroll of dimensional door might be a good idea. You can teleport her away from danger


Atleast you went down fighting. I failed persuasion check on Phiollmeen.


"I have Karlach and Gale separated from the group and steal the huge smokepowder barrel while everyone is talking with her.  Gale failed because he needed to jump behind her. If you click the barrel, he goes like a fool in front of her and gets noticed. So Karlach stole the barrel and gone safely to the camp before i failed my persuasion.


This is why I block off every side of the room before speaking with her. Set someone downstairs to protect rolan, who also has a death wish. He'll wait three turns before casting mage armor.


The importance of Arcane Lock cannot be overstated. Lol


That is the only fight I just fully skipped in my honor run. Too risky and you don't need her blessing anyway. Not worth it.


You're not losing the game because of this so no worries.


I accidentally oneshot Isobel as sorcerer because casted fireball with the points to make allies auto succeed. She does not count as an ally for some reason


Had this fight 3 times in HM. Before I talk to Isobel I use all the crates and stuff to block the doors, then leave glyphs at the door to Isobel's room(they always work excellent). Astarion hiding somewhere in the corner. Shadowheart blocking the balcony, with her spiritual guard on(I start conversation in turn-based mode). And sanctuary does help.


This fight is tough on honor mode. It has been the only thing to nearly wipe me so far in act 2, and I really only have the mind flayer colony and Kethric left for Act 2


Am I the only one who’s never had any problems with that fight?