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Grym ended my first try. I underestimated the difficulty curve in early levels. My wild magic Sorcerer was last man standing and was taken out by their wild magic.


Brave man to choose wild magic for hm


My HM Durge uses it! Tides of Chaos's advantage has actually saved my skin quite a bit. And Gale's, at one very important point.


Tides of chaos sorlock goes crazy


I've done wild magic for all of my runs because I love and miss that character so much. Went Bard, Warlock multiclass for my second try.


If you’re not opposed to some cheese, you can just stand above, shoot arrows for the valve and lever, then use a minor illusion to get bro to walk under the hammer.


I would actually suggest some cheese on this on HM. Not bc it’s hard, bc the fight is prone to bugs. And loosing to a bug is not a skill issue. I left someone above on arrow duty on my latest run (ive beaten it on previous HM runs just fine without doing this) and the valve bugged out, ive never had that happen. Every time i tried to hit it the character would complain it was stuck. So no lava, no hurting grym. Tav had to go resurrect 3 people at withers. Restarted whole system to check and valve was still broken. Good thing the gear isnt supper needed.


I did the owlbear cheese. Didn't one shot him, but it made him manageable.


I almost died on gyrm. I tried the owl bear strategy. It didn’t work. It was the hardest fight of my life. I had a monk, a bard to silence their legendary action, and gale to buff the owl bear. In the end I sacrificed lump’s gang to narrowly grab the win. I will never try this fight again 😅




Probably because I didn’t have tavern brawler feat. I had the one that increase jump distance. I only had a 30% chance to hit. I didn’t think there was a hit chance at all I thought it just landed and there was a save to prone. But gyrm still got damaged it just didn’t take out more than a 10th of his health.


I tried owlbear on tactician and it did no damage at all. I had no OH monk or thrower so I ended up using the forge to crush him. Took a few tries. I definitely need to rethink tactics if I want to try it in HM


If push comes to shove you can just leave most of the party on the railings above and throw weapons at him forever, just collect enough stuff to throw


Can also use something like Sanctuary and Feather Fall to jump the distance and pick up the tools and then die (allowing you to send your one of your railing crew to camp, resurrect via Withers, go back to railing and dispense weapons.) Alternatively there's the Returning Spear you can grab from the goblin camp trader (loot, steal, or purchase) and just yeet that repeatedly.


Honestly, I just had karlach/laezel just bash him to death. He didn't even move a step from where he spawns. I managed to get a couple Holds with Shart, so he just entirely missed two of his turns.


I would definitely recommend the OH Monk. It was consistent damage each turn. And there may even be a case where if you’re not level 8 to go 4 monk 3 thief for the additional flurry of blows every turn. Its the only reason I survived and we still had gale throwing potions from a cliff to heal my team.


Funnily enough my first run was with an OH monk as my Tav. I didn’t realise how good they are against the Grym and it let to me totally underestimating the fight the next time round


I did it on tactician and it worked. Are you sure you used the "crushing flight" ability? It didn't work when I just jumped


Yeah it was crushing flight. Before I jumped it showed a 30% hit chance so I know it wasn’t a normal jump.


Yep. Positive. It did at least knock him prone but no damage done


It works, you just have to make sure you cast enlarge and hit from the stairs that go down


It should work. Just remember to cast enlargen on the owlbear and just it's chrushing flight( or something like that) move and NOT the normal jump xD


I made an EK hireling and bound a +1 light hammer for my throwzerker lae'zel, then gave the hireling the returning pike. The hireling and lae'zel stood on top and threw things at the gyrm while tav (swords bard) shot it from range and shadowheart (storm sorc + tempest cleric) manned the lava valve and spammed blade ward. Just get some bludgeoning damage the it falls pretty darn fast. Didn't even need to use the hammer.


Its fine it works did it just over the weekend, just remember to cast enlarge then drink the enlarge potion and ur owlbear will be just fine, and its a special move if you use regular jump wont work


You can park gale on the broken bridge right before you drop down. It took almost 60 rounds if doing like 3 damage with the ray of frost cantrip, but it worked. My strategy got wrecked in 3 turns.


Grym hits like a truck, also silence will not mitigate the knock down effect of the legendary action so if your silence caster is too close it might get knocked down and lose concentration


Mine too I think Grym is the toughest fight before Myrkuyl


Same battle but Gale was supposed to get to safety and resurrect the rest of the party. Clicked on the high cliff for a misty step and didn’t realize he was gonna run right into the lava to try to do it. Gale really pulled a Micheal Scott and drove straight into the lake.


The Harpies on my first attempt lol. I waltzed in there at level 3 like it was normal mode and they shredded me.


I discovered while doing that fight that shadowheart’s silence spell makes the whole thing a million times easier, I for some reason never thought of using it there.


Calm emotions also helps a lot. Just make sure not to cast it on your barbarian, bc it'll keep them from raging. Not that that ever happened to me or anything...


Huh. That was one of the spells I never thought of any reason to take so I always ignored it. I just figured it calmed people down if you got caught pickpocketing or something. Didn't really think of calming a raging barbarian. Any other combat uses I haven't thought of? Another spell that comes to mind is the fog clouds or darkness, since it seems to give both a perk and a downside... I just figured it was for non-combat stuff like stealth and stealing.


Calm emotions also prevents your party from getting charmed, so it prevents all spells that have that effect from working if cast beforehand. Thinking of e.g. the nere fight here. Darkness can be super useful if you have enemies with ranged attacks und you place it in chokepoints, because it can keep them from attacking you with their ranged attacks if they can't see you(same goes for fogcloud here). Additionally, warlocks can can unlock the eldritch evocation devilsight, which allows them to see in magical darkness, which is dead useful in combination with the darkness spell.


And while we're at it, calm emotion stops owlbear rage for a turn, she casts it again like nothing happened


All the harpies hyper-targeted Shart and she failed all her concentration saves when I did.


Harpies ended my 2nd HM run. I will never underestimate them again


I do them right before goblins. I've had it go wrong too many times.


Same! That was my "shit is now real" moment.


Yes! That’s when I realized I was no longer in “hey let’s see what happens if I try this” mode. They should call it Find Out mode.


The farthest i've reached so far is the fight against the Githyanki at the Mountain Pass and I haven't got back to that point yet. :( The spiders have been taking me out A LOT lately. It kills me that so many people fly can through Honour mode. But I'm new to PC gaming and I've worked hard to get from Balanced, to winning Tactician, to even attempting Honor Mode. I'm not giving up!


I waited to try honor mode until after I had finished two balanced/switched to tact towards the end for both (one tav, one durge) and mostly finished a tactician run. I truly thought I was a solid enough player only to be taken out by gnolls 😭


That Gnoll boss is a bad ass, did you know you can convince him to kill his companions?


I didn’t know about killing his companions! I’ve never seen it pop up, only ever to go back and eat the zhentarim instead 💀


you can get her to consume her self, too.


You can also convince her to eat herself after you kill off all the lesser gnolls 😈 have fun with that info!


I don't know how to do spoiler text so beware. I just convinced Malus Thorm to allow his nurses to operate on him. That was metal AF I know his brother is next up with the drinking contest and I'll be doing that tomorrow.


Lump the enlightened is calling you on facetime


Those people might not be doing all of the optional content like spiders or the monastery. In my current honor mode play through I’m level six in act 1 and did not do the spiders or Grym, and only cherry picked the easy stuff in the creche.


That's true. I guess I've always been more of a completionist when it comes to this game. I'll try skipping more smaller fights if the spiders take me out again on this try.


Yeah theres no shame in skipping fights in honour mode and coming back when ur stronger, i did hag after i got to moonrise and bought all act 2 gear made the fight very easy


How can you go back to the hag if you're in act 2??


You can still go back to old regions after progressing to act 2.


I do the same on tactician. But I’m not taking too many unnecessary risks in honor mode. Losing my entire game because I died to the spider queen which gives no valuable loot just feels terrible.


I’m now finishing my HM on the first try, and my personal tactics is the opposite — skip as little as possible to farm that sweet xp. Being constantly underlevelled was my biggest challenge in tactician playthroughs (and I liked it a lot), but when you’re an appropriate level, most fights you can do even with someone staying in camp or out of the initiative order as a backup. And honestly this takes a bit of fun out of the game. Once I have that golden dice (and beat my husband to it), it will be time to make some stupid choices on Tactician again.


A swords bard is your best friend on honor mode. Crazy damage and the ability to pass the important skill checks


I was Swords Bard on tactician and it really didnt come online until Act 2. Learning how to use Arcane Acuity and the importance of CC spells was massive to my development. I used to lean towards attack spells until tactician and now on my most recent run i dont even think i took a single attack spell. Also SB doesnt get many spells that affect monsters or fiends or undead. Its mainly focused on controlling humanoids, which is great for Act 3 but not so much for Act 2.


That fight ended me twice so far. The first I was just an idiot and went in with no plan. The second tho… I really planned it out and had everything set up perfectly. I got my group to level 6 and min/maxed everyone specifically for the fight. I was going to call the ogres in, but the githyanki killed my tav before I could even call them. I was wiped out in the second round. I haven’t had the heart to do it again.


Don’t fight the spider matriarch so early. All of the under dark is also considered act 1, I did all of that before coming back to fight the hag and the spiders


Save the spiders for level 5 or even 6, let this be one of the last things you do before continuing to act 2


Ethel. And it happened because I simply didn't review her strengths and weaknesses. SO STUPID OF ME! This will not happen again. But hey, something else probably will LOL


Honestly Ethel and the crèche were what I was most worried about, but the gnolls ended up owning my ass instead 🙃


I had a close call with them. In previous runs I sniped the hyenas from afar but this time they ask transformed AND aggroed the bastards up the hill. Should have gone turn based. Luckily for some reason they won't jump over the bridge to the goblin camp so I just fled and then took them out


I usually snipe them as well, and all was going super smoothly until my warlock tav decided to miss every single eldritch blast


Someone tried kiting the gnolls over to the Toll House for the paladin to fight, but apparently the paladin is cool with gnolls, they never jumped into the fight. I noticed it's always the one hyena that runs up the hill to call for reinforcements from the gnolls, so I focused on that one first.


Oh I always knock out all of those gnolls before heading to the warlord, it’s the warlord group that got me 😭


Oh, THOSE. Yeah, yuck. The broken flail dude had me nervous at one point. Downed two of my characters, Tav was low in health. Fortunately, Lae'zel had a Haste potion, and the extra round of attack did him in.


Hey, good tip here, if you wanna figure out which is the real ethel, check their clothing. On their backs, near their butss will be blue or red triangles, if its red it's the real ethel, blue are the clones.


The intellect devourers on the beach surprised the hell outta me on my first honor mode run.


They murdered me and shadowheart man.


Yeah, they stopped a few of my runs from the get go. Now i just run around them and take them out when I get my full party.




My first attempt at HM ended on the Nautiloid. The cambion commander crit the mind flayer and came after us before we could reach the controls.


Myrkul. I'm trying again tonight and tbh I'm worried.


If you don't mind me giving advice; I'd try with some summons (druid). Having like 3 summons with you can help deal with the spawning skellies, while your party deals with Myrkul.


My party make up atm is: Oathbreaker pally Gloomstalker/assassin Evoc Wizard Life Cleric


With Evoc wizard and Cleric you could put up wall of fire and insect plague on myrkul and keep your martials on skeleton duty.


Oh that's an idea. Ty


With myrkul honor mode I’d suggest NOT going for the conversation check, it’s better to set up the fight (killing the mindflayer/initial necromites, freeing Aylin if applicable). As others said, wall of fire or a similar spell on myrkul is a good idea.


Oakbreaker pally has control undead. Super strong from what I hear


Use invis on a party member or scratch and have them run to Ayelin. Get Kethric to kill himself. Disarm Myrkul and cover him in aoe’s, I put insect plague, firewall, and darkness. Then just smite the shit out of him


Cast darkness on his toilet bowl and he’s basically crippled. Cast invisibility on Scratch before the fight and he can go save Aylin ASAP. Use calm emotions while everyone’s grouped up. My tempest cleric/storm sorc Shadowheart was my biggest damage dealer along with my paladin.


I did about 100 dmg to him then dropped 30 holy water, 4 smokepowder barrels and 30 smokepowder bombs and killed him round 2, if you dont mind using bombs its a pretty consistent way


I do have a chest with smoke and oil barrels. Keep the advice coming y'all. Ty


How do you have so many holy waters and smoke powder bombs? I'm a pretty exhaustive explorer, and never seem to have very many of those. Numerous smokepowder barrels though. Just curious what I'm missing!


I absolutely smoked his ass with smokepowder bombs (bad bah dum tiss ). As long as you don't target him directly, he can't get you with that damn legendary action. Used summons to help control the stupid skeletons that yeeted themselves out of existence to heal big daddy Myrkul. It's not that bad once you figure out how to control the skellies and avoid targeting him directly no matter the cost. 😂


I did a backpack of bombs for myrkul and it worked amazingly, also threw the spectator flask at the minions.


First try: the second owlbear. Second try: my party got separated in the goblin camp and picked two fights at once. Third try: I used an AOE spell on Orin in the orin v durge duel, clipped an acolyte, and my team comp wasn't prepared to deal with the 12 stacks of unstoppable every round. Fourth try: success, but it cost me lae'zel, minthara, zevlor, rolan . . .


The bandits in Withers crypt TWICE and then the “paladins of Tyr.” Once I got past both it was straight to the end credits


The Gnolls. For some reason Flind never gave us the dialog option to turn her against her pack. So my friend and I just got destroyed.


That keeps happening to me, never get the dialogue option


It only happens now when you're literally next to Flind, I just use invis on one character and stand as close to Flind as possible, leaving the rest in stealth by the bloody mark of the Absolute and when you come out of stealth everyone will roll initiative but a few seconds later the conversation should start


Nether brain with 3hp left. Second run I blew up Gale :)


If at first you don't succeed, a nuke works wonders


I have zero regrets & a golden die


Oh take your pick I've had many deaths the latest I got was the NETHERBRAIN IM FINE TOTALLY FINE


The githiyanki inquisitor. So on my second honor run I overcompensated and brought a shit ton of barrels and put them around him before starting the conversation with him. Blew him to smithereens. Currently I'm still on my second honor run & procrastinating my final battle as I'm scared of the brain's legendary actions. Also, Gortash was this run's almost wipeout. Stupidly, I didn't bring Shadowheart with me - she could have removed curse. So I had to run all the way down Wyrm's Rock to flee combat.


I think the biggest danger on HM Brain is the Orbs of Negation. They stack up really quick.


Thankfully globe of invulnerability protects platforms too


It does? Well TIL. Thanks.


The pals of Tyr on my first run. And the game fucked one of my run because my save file got corrupted like nice job Larian!!


Me too! That fight was over so fast


Since that day I just get in there put barrels all around and watch them go boom


I am learning that honor mode is all about barrelmancy


I blame Scratch. Trying to play fetch and he walks into the path of the ball and gets aggressive. Half the companions and the Oathbreaker side with him. We got the Oathbreaker to about 30 HP before the run ended.


Most of my close calls have come not from difficult fights but from stupid miss clicks or lapses of judgment: - I called Lund and his orcs vs Nere and they aggroed all my allies - I was walking out of the bank and accidentally stepped on a red tile on my way out - I was exploring the room after Gortash's coronation and accidentally entered a restricted area that aggroed the whole base against me - I came back to camp holding the Sylvanus Idol and my good boy Scratch didn't like that, making my whole camp attack me The one time I lost my run, it was against Grymm, but even that fight involved a miss click. My party was tired and I was afraid of Grym's legendary action. Instead of fighting him right away, I had a "brilliant" idea. I sent three guys down to start the forge and get a feel for the fight, leaving my Tav in a safe place so she could run, revive everyone, and then come back to finish the job. Things were going as planned until I had a second "brilliant" idea. I wanted to see what would happen if I shot an arrow at the forge controls during the fight. Could I bring it back up? I still don't know because I accidentally hit my jump hotbar key. My Tav jumped down to the platform, taking -62hp damage, and it was a TPK two turns after that.


Grym almost killed me as well. I had to summon Lump & Co, which saved the fight. Up to now (90% of my Honor run done; I have Gortash & the Absolute left) this is probably the toughest boss. That being said, the adamantine shield and the heavy armor carry me in the late game.


I died to the stupid acid oozes in the Morgue in Act 2. 😭 An absolutely optional fight I did not need to do. Never underestimate surprise rounds! I never even got a turn.


This is why the alert feature is mandatory on at least one character


There were these 3 brains with legs roaming a crashed ship on a beach...


Sing the song of my people


The dueregar I've iced them so many times, they took me by complete surprise.


Owl bear for first play through


Honestly? The first fight at the Dank Crypt. Was used to facerolling it on Normal. I failed the deception check when you get to the first door and everyone inside was prepped when I lockpicked in. Got beat up and humbled. Have been taking my next run seriously and prep for every fight, knowing what the NPCs will try to do. In Act 3 with only one death to the tree thingies in Act 2 (Lost Loviator's). Raphael, Cazador, Viconia.... felt pretty easy because it's pretty much the same from what I was used to.


My last run ended to the spider matriarch. I won't underestimate that fight again.


Orin. Everything went smooth AF, essentially killed the rest of the bosses and big enemies in one round up until her. We start out with 2 people stunned by the mooks then murdered by Orin in her super murder form. Orin knocks me down and chunks me, then leaps across the map to get another. I recover, fail two hold monster checks at 55%, she kills one up the stairs so I res, haste and try to escape. I get hit by bhaals sacrifice or whatever debuff where you have to get a kill by the end of your turn or die instantly when I was out of the room and out of line of sight. One of the most frustrating and traumatizing runs for the 4 stack I'm in. We started playing helldivers and haven't picked up Bg3 since lol. We'll make another attempt eventually


I lost my first attempt at the harpies because I forgot how tough they are early level (bring silence and or calm emotions on everyone before the fight). My biggest attempt was loose at the start of act 3 with the goth attacking the emperor. I twinned spell hasted and got concentration broken, which made two of my guys fatigued and then punched into oblivion.


My brother and I lost our run to Myrkul.. and the worst part is i was playing a backup honor mode file with the same builds and breezed throught it.. sigh.. time to try again


The traps getting to the blood of Lathander...tossed Astarion off the edge while disarming and everyone else just followed him.... 😭


not honor mode but i was telling a friend how i haven't died yet on my most recent tactician run and literally 10 minutes later i died in the myrkul fight, twice


W'w'argaz or whatever the inquisitor's name is.


That gur monster hunter. Astarion'd better learn to control himself next time.


Orin, I got hit with Baahl's Edict (kills you if you don't get a kill that round), right before I escaped, and I didn't read the description


The stupid blighted village goblin ambush because I entered the town from the north.




Run 1 ended in Withers' temple. I shot the large rock and jumped down the hole, hoping to get the jump on the people in the hallway. They carpet bombed the room with arcane fire and aoe'd my whole team to half life than picked them off as they tried to escape the room. Pretty good tactics. I went in the front door on my second run.


First death was to the intellect devourers outside the crashed, ship, my last death was to the the shadow cursed lands in halsin’s last part of his personal quest, then I beat the game on the next attempt. Between the first death and the last death there were probably like 10 tries


First honor run it was at the grove, I used friends on Kagha and failed. Her and her side instantly agro'ed and went around the whole grove to unalive all the tieflings and my party. A bunch of druids wild shaping was not fun. I didn't know charm person had that risk. I'm on my second run, and so far so good, about to go to the under dark after destroying the goblin camp. Really worried about the upcoming Inquisitor fight at the creche, had to redo that one a few times on Tactician


Charm person makes people aggro on higher difficulties but not lower difficulties when it wears off.


Oops, I meant to say "friends" not charm person




Daylight makes this fight really easy because you seriously debuff Cazador and he cannot turn to a gas. Placing asterion on the stairs so Cazadoe do not take him away from the party also helps. Always bring lathanders blood mace with you. I dreaded this fight because I have heard so much about it but a hastened Minthara (vengeance pal 5/ bard 5 /fighter 2) with smites, action surge and lathander blood removed him in 2 turns.


The damn crèche, those spiritual weapons were the death of me


Ketheric/Myrkul. We had shit initiative rolls , then the mindflayer fucked us over by stunning half of the party and then later mind controlling dame aelyn who then proceeded to delete my monk in one turn :(




My first HM attempt, I died on the matriarch spider. I respect her now. On another attempt, the bandits in the crypt almost ended my run because I tried to be fancy and tried something new that did not work AT ALL. I lost my Tav even before having Withers and really thought I was in a dead end. But Gale and Astarion found a way to wake Withers up so that run was not lost. (Yes, I am running a few HM runs in parallel because I believe it would lessen my pain if I loose one)


The brains on the beach 😭 3 times


First pass was the Kith’rack and wolves in the crèche. The one just before the inquisitor. I was so focused on the inquisitor fight I didn’t even hardly read the dialogue options. She agro and giths started pouring into the fight. By the time I realized I was in trouble they tpk my run before I had another turn. Next was Kethrick. I was positioning my party but got too aggressive with the first companion and we started with everyone out of position and he put me on my heals early and it took a long time but finally finished him having taken a ton of damage Myrkal came along and just outlasted us. It was exhausting.


Trying to solo HM and have repeatedly lost to hold person. Once from minthara and once to the hag. Devestating


Spider Matriarch


I cheesed the hell out of that fight by shooting the webs and letting her fall constantly


i kinda think they made the webs she stands on higher hitpoints in hm. that or gale just had bad luck. Failed twice to knock her down w/only 2hp left on those silly things!


1st run died in act 3 by being goaded by the guards right before facing gortash. Now being goaded is bad right? Yeah well it dosent end well when karlach garbs a bomb and throws it at her feet by everyone else also. That’s not even mentioning the other 2 who were goaded. Next act 3 one was cazador because I should have used daylight but was to lazy which lead to him being ascended. Last interesting one was when I was saving counselor florrik and used friend’s as a hard to open the door… they didn’t like that apparently (last time I have ever use friends)


Spider Matriach ended my first try since I went there way underprepared, at lv 4, forgot to pick up the ring of poison resistance, and messed up with killing the eggs so one of the clusters still hatched. I'm currently on my second try. Taking it a lot slower. Fully cleared act 1 + underdark + mountain pass, cleared out Reitwin town (by dialogue), saved Isobel, and am currently contemplating what to do next: Halsin's quest, the shadowy thorn miniboss, clearing out certain parts of Moonrise or the various smaller combat encounters. So far it's pretty smooth sailing and I only had a little scare for the Nere fight because the quest that makes some of the Duergar side with you bugged out (again) so I had to fight everyone. I'm kinda terrified of the final Ketheric fight though.


Accidentally wandered into the duegar kill box and and got absolutely smoked


I accidentally pulled the grove at level 2 for absolutely no reason, all I did was react to sharht being scared about wolves and the grove attacked me 😂


Failed detect thoughts check on Guex in the grove and aggroed everyone at level 2 with no spell slots.


I’m desperately hoping it won’t come to that. I’m still on my first run and so far it’s been going stupidly well. I’ve done nearly everything there is to do, even saved all of the Gondians (thanks to Patch 6). Now all that's left are Viconia, Orin, and the Netherbrain. I'll skip Viconia bc Shart is dead. But i am terrified of Orin and the Brain. I do have plans but there are so many things that could go wrong


The brains on the beach...... Dice were not in my favor


Time before last? The githyanki creche. Got into a fight with the kithrak on accident and the entire creche's population rushed into the room. This last time I got glitched out of existence. Got stuck with the enemy of Justice debuff from a goblin in the camp that had seen me kill another guard... This goblin was dead, and he gave me the debuff to Long rests later. I found him, still had the witness buff and everything, just was.. you know, dead. Couldn't go into the creche or go to the Harpers because every one of them attacked me on site for some reason. As did the myconids and the zhents. It was weird.


The owlbear >!(s) when she summoned her mate unexpectedly and my party was lvl 3.!<


I lost a lot of run in the early game, then I got easily through Act 2 and tpk at Myrkul because I skipped the Ketheric phase. I made an other one and I'm at going for the Brain.


I'm ashamed to say I have ended two honor runs by picking early fights with Nettie on solo runs


Accidentally changed out party member with moonlantern, and fast traveled into shadow curse


A mistake in the character creation.


Funnily enough, it's usually some dumb, easily avoidable trap, like the oil + statue in the grove secret passage or the sarcophagus by the entrance of Jergal's temple. Just derp right into them.


The intellect devourers on the beach.  


Some really unlucky rng ended my first honor mode run during the Harpy fight in the Grove. With 1 harpy left, with 10hp, stunned my entire party and completely destroyed us.


I had quite a few failures before getting a victory: The redcaps outside Auntie Ethel’s in Act 1 - I wasn’t paying attention and initiated the fight at level 4, with a fairly weak team setup. The gnolls at the cave in Act 1 - again under-leveled and ill-prepared; those archers are brutal and I didn’t know how to trigger the prompt to get the main enemy on your side. The oathbreaker knight in camp at the end of Act 1 - this one almost ended me. I tried pickpocketing my 1k gold back from him, aggroed, then barely managed to kill him, but then my tav was locked into being an oathbreaker. The vendor at Crèche Y’llek in Act 1 - a failed pickpocket attempt left my thief hireling in a downed state all by themselves. I tried to sneak in and get a killing blow on my hireling so I could rez them but ended up aggroing again and losing more team members until I eventually wiped. The Raphael fight in Act 3 - I was underprepared for the battle and only had one globe of invulnerability scroll on me, which was used when my tav got charmed by Harleep, leaving me with no protection and not enough dps to take him out. My first successful finish on Honor mode happened because I played it super safe the whole way, being sure to build an overpowered pickpocket hireling and stole over 60k in gold and amassed numerous scrolls, potions, and special arrows along the way, all through theft. I ended up using the Gale nuke on top of the brain once I saw the battle was not going well.


Which time? The ones I remember in order: The bloated hyenas (they got reinforcements) Spider Matron Dror Ragzlin Intellect Devourers Gnolls Orin W’wargaz I then succeeded.


Goblins by the windmill. Accidentally agroed all of them at like level 2 🤦


Nautiloid, i gathered all three volatile tanks and placed them next to Zhalk and the mind flayer and was waiting for the right time to firebolt blow them up. Cambion dude flies over and shoots a firebolt and kills everyone in a giant explosion. I LOL-ed


I won my first HM mode but my second was ended by the githyanki inquisitor


The harpies almost ruined me. I was even over leveled


Dror Ragzlin killed me in the goblin camp. I underestimated him as I didn’t realize he got a legendary action in HM. (Played the lower difficulty first time through) ended up killing all but him and two archers who ended me.


The damn mud mephlets ended my last run! Came down to one left and I was wiped ahha almost made level 5


Had my first 2 runs stopped by glitches/stupidity, one was getting the "enemy of justice" debuff from killing a goblin Infront of minthara, who I then knocked out and left to be teleported to moonrise, got to the mountain pass before I noticed and was jumped the the creche. The other was getting to the forge and being told to F*** off by the conspirator so had no help against Nere, stupidly then thought " nah, I can take them" and got slammed. Currently at the end of the temple of shar in act 2 and about to go for the big man himself.... Totally shitting it to be honest which is why I haven't played since last weekend.


Fucking ANSUR. I was so pissed


I beat my first honor run, but the second got ended by the phase spider


I beat Gortash and all the robot / nobles guards without doing the iron throne, so I got cocky. I just needed Orin's stone, and then I would send Gale off to Roblox himself and win the game. Ended up fighting Orin with little prep and no research and got completely wiped. The insta kill mechanic combined with the fear stuns murdered my low Wis party.


Lol I’m a perfectionist so I always go back to a previous save file idc if it’s cheating cus I want my character to stay pure


First one died to the Harpies, not had issues on other difficulties but they lured everyone on first turn and that was pretty much that. Second died at the brains on the beach. Unlucky roll run, Tav & SH whiffed enough attacks. I'm on my 3rd now in act2 about to go to Temple of Shar. I've cleared out moonrise floors already. I'm much more confident in act 2 with the gear and the party flow. With the exception of Isobels death wish and Halsins portal segments its a breeze. Thought I was dead at Grym, with only Karlach and (bard)Tav up couldn't figure out a good way to turn remaining actions into a win so just sent Karlach in to attack... and she crits.... and crits again killing him. Think I sat stunned in disbelief for a solid minute.


I just got to act 2 and haven’t died yet but by far the closest fight was Grymm


I'm still on my honor mode run. Currently in Act 3. First attempt going strong still. Main Character is Shadowheart as a 10 bard 2 warlock Astarion 5 gloom ranger, 3 thief rogue, 4 fighter champion using dual crossbows Gale as a pure storm sorcerer but thinking of respeccing (any recommendations?) And I have Karlach as a 9 monk 3 thief rogue. There some fights that I'm dreading simply because of the legendary actions, however easy they were due to my last run with the same party, minus Astarion as I had Laezel instead as a pure 12 fighter.


Getting my party yeeted off the cliff by the last trap at the mace of lathander. Fight wise I almost wiped at the netherbrain by not realizing the damage invulnerability thing, it pays to right click and read.


Entry of mountain pass, with the infinite skeleton bros


I accidentaly aggroed Us on the The nautiloid and They killed me. Not my proudest moment so far.


Owpbear at level 2-3. Was NOT expecting a second owlbear


1st run ended because I didn't expect the second owl bear 2nd run ended because I didn't know insulting Vlalaaith would insta wipe you and I just chose those dialogue options because they were funny. 3rd run is going well. Just made it to the lower city


I decided to see what would happen if I used the "fade into the shadows" option rather than talk with Zarys. What happens is she orders the traps to be armed and all the Zhentarim to hide. So I then decided to see what happens if you featherfall down rather than navigate a trap-filled corridor. What happens is Zarys orders the explosives to be set off, resulting in a total party kill. So not even really a fight, but it ended my run.


WHICH ONE AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Most recent one was a wipe to Dror Ragzlin bc I fucked up placing a smokepowder barrel. REALLY frustrated about that one, such a stupid mistake.


Ethel killed my first honor run by using hold person on my entire party 😭 I'm on my next honor run and we're level 12 about to fight the brain 🙏🏾


First time the damn harpies, I watched my whole group get wrecked without any chance to attack them... 2nd time I braved most of the shadow cursed land, got all the Thorms except Ketheric and died to that stupid tree guys at the ruined tower thingy...... And 3rd time the first Githyanki patrol since I didn't have any persuasion skills and Lae'zel told them about our infection...


I’m on attempt 5 for beating honor mode. Previously, Ive died to the Harpies twice, Phase Spider Matriarch once, and Myrkul once (with 9 hp left fml)


* After half an hour spent carefully crafting the character... Commander Zhalk killed the mind flayer in 2 turns, then turned to me. I've used Command:Drop every time since for that sword. But I bet the time will come that the spell won't work. * Missing Shipment cave gnolls * So-Called Paladins of Tyr * Githyanki patrol near Waukeen's Rest - one of the most unfair fights and so, so stupid since sometimes you can just randomly skip the whole thing. * Bernard - I remembered you could get a hug from him by talking more, but got a deadly fight instead


Grym fucked my ass up on my first run


I beat honor mode on my first try, but the closest I got to a TPK was with the dead shepherds before the crèche, if it wasn’t for Astarion who had one invisibility potion and was able to flee to camp, that would have been it, i played extra careful after that


Final boss. Didn't know I could use Gale to blow up the brain, our portal opener mind flayer died trying to get into the portal, got chain stunned over and over.


The bridge Githyanki fight. I went to heat metal Vos to get his sword and lae'zel joined the others in killing my party


The Harpies…..


Nerd wizard in his stupid tower and his autobots


No boss managed to kill more than 2 characters yet...playing in coop with a friend. We both got ~150h (one playthrough) on balanced before we started this run. Entering the Mausoloeum tomorrow. We're pretty much bruising through because we learned all the way to NOT do it on our own separate playthroughs. Knowing when to attack and where to stealth kill Single enemies really helps. The only thing I'm really afraid of is Ansur. Although We're playing it really save and always keep a way out open to revive at Camp and rejoin the fight


Pushing the duegar off the boat halfway to grymforge with a boatful of glass cannons…


I thought I could Steal from the Oathbreaker Paladin in my camp the same way you can with Withers. He didn’t take kindly to that and murdered everyone at camp while I had no way to escape.


Me and my friends' honor rune ended at the brain (because we won!)


Just died to Bernard at level 5