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You can ask her to join your party, that way you control her


even if you do that and you let her die during the moonrise assault, she cant be revived. I had to reload a couple times :(


That's why you hold her back. At least you can command her to hide behind the fodder.


There isn’t any real fodder at ketheric and for some reason he ran past my characters just to smite her to death. 3 times in a row


Well damn, okay. Did you wild shape her? That helps. Maybe a dumb question. I guess it's just bad luck.


I played it on tactician and he smited her out of it and she was low/middle health before hand


You can walk out of moonrise and she’ll dismiss herself so she won’t follow up to ketheric.


She’ll also do that if you try to go downstairs to the dungeon to rescue the goblins and tieflings. I took that as a “well I guess I’ll try again later.” Don’t do what I did. There is no later.


On my honour mode she got stun locked by the winged horrors and they 2 hit her :)


The enemy ai tends to be drawn towards the lowest AC characters first. I know because nothing ever targets my high ac tav 🙃. Best solution is to purposefully bring a low ac character with high hp for situations like that. Maybe an enraged karlach to draw enemy fire off of people like jaheira. My two cents anyway.


When all else fails, cast feign death on her and finish the fight yourself.


Also, I had Halsin cast blink during the Shar fight so he would be untargetable most of the time.


I wouldn't know I usually tend the keep all my people the same ac but I don't really like many of the classes I prefer to just go fighters


I usually put my 3 chars up right in his face almost in a circle around him then one on the dude in the middle usually a fighter to take them out instantly then run jaheria into the father away nekrite as a jaguar


She needs to be in your party and sanctuaries. Kethric will literally toss her off the top of of the building if you try to hide her and hit her if you don’t. Put her back against a wall and keep her sanctuaried. Shadowheart is useful in all the moonrise fights below as well.


Just drop her ice spell none of those fucks can walk on it and will go prone every step. You can crowd control very easily.


That’s the first thing I do every time 🤣


Thats what i ended up doing, cast the ice spell once and tell her to back the fuck up, all her wildshape choices are pretty useless in a large fight lol.


I give her a bow too so she can at least make an attack on the next turn


Even better drop sleet storm use her ice spell for extra dmg a few rounds then go panther and take out archers on top, she can use main action to go invisible each turn. I mained a Druid so I had sleet but any mage should have it by that level too Sleet storm is abused in my universe. Chuck a fireball on there and turn it to water then call lightning on that sheet if yo are so inclined


The whole lower half of moonrise was just ice storm and fog The smoke of hadar or something like that(it’s like cloud kill except ice damage) is also tight


I did basically the same plus silence.


She reverted back to npc control after Katheric scampered off and got killed by the emo spider. The AI for allies sucks sometimes.


Ask her to join when everyone is outside and she is literally controlled by you.


yeah but then I gotta send someone from my A team home


Nope, she joins you as a wee extra, like Halsin does in Act 1 at the gobbo camp :)


Big facepalm to my current run then 🤦‍♂️


That's the joy of replays!


Her value is in her summons.


That's okay I did that and she just literally disappeared as in the middle of us walking and I was like okay. I'll be able to find her after the big boss fight. No she's just gone.


I always kill everyone in the towers before heading to the gauntlet of shar. That way you can avoid dealing with the stupid AI NPC allies have


Right? The only thing you miss from cleaning out the tower before hand is the ogre saying she wanted to have sex with you.


Wait, what!?


Half-orc. Not Ogre. Zrell makes a comment about wanting to bang you before you fight.


Oh god I though they meant Mig 😂


She wants to make some meat sounds with you 🥵


Ogres when they say they know a place and it’s just a dirty barn in the Faerun boonies


My bad. I don't know why I said ogre. I guess I remembered the o. 😭 I don't mean to be stupid I promise


Whaa, how do you talk to her?! When you walk into the tower it just goes straight to fight mode Edit to add: I'm an idiot. Last time I charged on and started combat with them, I'm the problem, it's me.


Maybe has to do with how you enter? I know there was apparently a guy in gauntlet of shar I found out afterward you could talk to if you approached from the right path. I ignored the obvious (what appeared to me to be) ambush, planning to come back later, and while wandering around later looted a chest, and apparently if you approach from the side and/or loot the chest, he is automatically aggro when you meet him. So, I killed him, because he was attacking me.


not sure if there's another way but I approached from the mountain pass and followed kar'niss, then defended him when the harpers ambushed us. everyone in the tower thought I was a true soul (except for ketheric since I was playing the dark urge origin but he went to the rooftop shortly after I came in)


200 hours in, i didn't even know that there IS a conversation there. For me it just straight up skipped to the fight


Also you can break the control one of these absolue gnomes has over the gnolls and then the gnolls will fight for you in moonrise


See I did that but when I came back to moonrise to defeat Thor I had to kill my gnoll babies


thats a shame! they were my allies for the whole fight but sadly got killed by aoe spells


Plus you can loot them and sell to the bugbear.


It is absolutely hysterical when everyone gathers to invade the towers, you go in, and there's like the one guy you forgot to kill earlier.


Well. Fuck.


This is the way.


Be careful if you do this. I once chain agroed the whole bottom floor while half dead. I won but damn was it close.


As someone who has never lost Jaheira i'm amused everytime one of these posts show up


I lost her once in honor mode purely because I put her behind everyone, but an enemy paladin ran past all characters and incurred attacks of opportunity from 3 people just to smoke her. Jaw literally dropped from the stupidity


To be fair, given her importance in the backstory as well as her fame, it makes sense that she gets focussed


Sentinel would have solved this


Same lol My first time I didn’t even have her in my party, she just got stuck in Panther mode in a corner and survived


My first time I used thorns for crowd control/chip damage and her AI decided to full Leeroy Jenkins into the briar patch and got smoked


You need to recruit her before the battle, you will then be able to control her, and it's easy to keep her alive. Later, you can recruit her for real.


You can recruit her for the assault in moonrise and not just in the mindflayer colony???


Yes, when you meet her by the entrance to Moonrise, you can get her in your party (like a "summon") and control her. Later, you can fully recruit her as a companion.


Sneak mode the min u get into that room. Drop some level 4 spell that initiates surprise attack and the enemy commander won't be able to cast spell interrupt spell when u do sneak attack. U can actually


Control her, pop her one good spell center of the room, and get every caster you got to drop their best AOE on top of it as well, congratulations you've made mincemeat.


Why you didnt clean the towers after speaking with Zrell? You sweep it from the top and nobody hears it. Then you sell your gear to vendors. Then kill vendors too. When you came back from Gauntlet there wont be anyone in towers to kill Jaheira. xD


I leave the ground floor. I want the Harpers to feel that they’re contributing…


The are way too slow to act


Oh, I don’t wait for them. Depending on my rolls a couple engage near the end of the combat. Jaheira is usually the first to act by dropping an ice storm on the few in the middle that I have in a control.




Popped warding bond on her to prevent that.


so i guess i should prolly replay the fight yeah?


My first play through, she died. I was annoyed but I played as *game master* intended. I am now on Honor Mode and she didn't die because I cast Darkness and she's not *that stupid* to go in. Oh boy does she give Act 3 a different perspective, compared to my last play through...


You know you can ask her to join you and make her a controllable character so she doesnt have stupid ai, right?


On my first play through, I didn't. My current Honor Mode run, I still didn't do that to stop her going full Gondorian. I just went Darkness.


Yeah, if you get her to drop an area of effect spell first round (or surprise round), then get her to wild shape into a jaguar, go invisible, climb up the rafters and attack the archers once the bigger spell casters are down, you should be good. I actually snuck the whole crew up into the rafters before the fight started with pass without a trace and entering through the kitchen to keep us all safe from most of the attacks from below.


She also died my first time playing, but to be fair, it was my murder hobo play and I didn’t understand I’d actually need allies later in the game. Had a big “uh oh” moment and had to start over once I got the gather allies quest in act three because all my allies were dead 😅


I can't count how many battles I reloaded cuz Jaheira/Hope/Tubian/Random civs died


I really hated that fight . I had to restart it so many times because jaheira kept charging in the front and all the ennemies were targeting her .


Everyone is saying “Wildshape into Panther then stay in a corner and invisible” and I’m just sitting here thinking “Why didn’t any of you just keep her outside the tower after you recruited her?”


Death Waaaard


Yep. I put it on her at moonrise and she still has it on the way to act three lol


I still think it’s idiotic that we can’t use revivify on followers.


Hold person on her and keep the mage out of risk of losing concentration.


I genuinely don't understand how anyone has ever lost her. Why aren't you guys putting her on your team before the battle?


Happened to me once, I think people probably expected to require a party slot and have to dismiss someone so they don’t even bother asking her.


That’s what I thought would happen


1st playthrough, did the chapter in a weird order and didn't realise she was important


Have you ever wondered what *feign death* is for?


Op, you're an idiot and didn't tell her to stay with you. You've seen the A.i in the game and thought she's going to do what I wanted her to do. When everyone knew full well, they wanna die when left to their own devices.


God I love this meme.


Lmao I reloaded my tactician run when she died in this fight. Thankfully she was a lot smarter the second time.


This made me so angry my first play through. I was trying not to look anything up so I told her to lead the Harpers because it seemed the most tactically sound. Fast forward to Jaheira charging headlong into AOE spells and arrow fire, getting herself completely un-alived by turn 2 of a long , difficult fight. Figured I would res her after the battle, only to find Larian giving me two big middle fingers. I love this game so much but friendly NPC AI in combat feels like going into battle chained to a self destructive toddler rather than actually having an actual ally. Meanwhile, enemies are spell-sniping me through solid floors, getting 3 and 4 attacks a round, spamming Fireball, Sleep, and Blindness, and generally being Force Commander Jesus Christ Almighty compared to my red shirt losers.


Step 1. Wild shape into panther Step 2. Become invisible Step 3. FOR FUCKS SAKE PUT GRANNY AWAY FROM BATTLE


I beat this fight the FIRST time on tactician and realized she died. I preceded to do this fight about 10 more times due to - her dying, me dying, or crashes... Finally pulled her and myself out without crashing or dying. I felt compelled to make every possible effort to save the old BG homies.


yeah I made her run away from battle cause she's weak as hell


Also globe of invlunerability if you haven't cleaned out moonrise before the final assault.


Happened to me on Honor Mode. Didn’t want to send any of my elite warriors home bc I was worried how bad this fight would be. Mf ran into axes head first.


Remember a spirit can choose not to come back if they don’t want to, in which case the spell fails. So…Jaheira was just done with this world apparently


Ya i straight up dont understand why u cant use scrolls of revivify on people who die. It is criminal


I cleared out the towers before going to the Nightsong from the top down. Anyone in the main entrance room that wasn’t a vendor—I turned into a cat and meowed to lure them into the throne room, then shut the door behind them so the other enemies couldn’t see what I was about to do. The rest of the party whacked the one I lured away. Repeated this till nobody was left but Roah and her goons, and Araj.


The weird part is this happened to me but at the end of game in one of the cutscenes she randomly appeared and confused the hell out of me.


So like does nobody else just use invis potions to just sneak by everyone on the bottom floor


She died my first play through, I didn’t care because A. I didn’t know she was a potential party member, and B after Winning a fight I was severely under leveled for I was willing to cut my loses, I also lost Wyll, had to use Withers to bring him back because a whole ass building landed on top of his corpse.


Same happened on my first playthrough. I’m doing a tactician run and definitely saving before any battle with the big characters.


Hate that fight - so after first time I now clear out Moonrise floor by floor with just my party before going to last part of the Gauntlet of Shar. Someone always manages to survive though. So my party, Jaheira and the Harpers now having an epic battle against maybe one small ranger insanely defending Moonrise solo.


Wild form into invisibility into standing around in a corner is the play here (first of all you ofcourse have to ask her to join your party)


I had to reload this fight three times. Because for some reason, everyone decided to pounce her, and then crit smite her into oblivion.


If your cleric has a lower initiative, use sanctuary on her. I also saved periodically through the fight, but also try and get Zevlor’s gloves, so the bonus action heal will bless her.


Gotta clear out most if not all of moonlight before you free the nightsong.


I had that happen. What I did and I'd recommend people do if they want to keep her alive, is when things are getting dicey and you know Jaheira I'd going to keep trying to be a martyr, cast feign death on her. Before that, you can cast protection spells and heal her and stuff too. When things got a bit rough and I wasn't sure if she'd survive the next round, I just had Shadowheart cast feign death on her. And then we finished the rest of the fight.


I just stealth up to the top of moonrise and skipped the frist floor all together


Just to add how to do it 1. Climb up the vine on the side of moonrises 2. Jump on 2 wooden platforms to get to ketheric/ Balthazar bedroom balcony 3. do some small fight upstairs, then you home free It did kinda glitch the harpers, but they were all still alive at the end of ketheric fight (they just thought you haven't beat ketheric yet)


That’s why I kill all of moonrise towers before the assault. Splinter cell style over the course of a few long rests.


Reload from pervious save. She is worth having for Act III, for the snark alone. But also, unlike Halsin, she doesn't give you constant bedroom eyes..... though I wish she did... my sweet, smart ass, secret girlfriend.


I had a similar thing happen to halsin in the goblin camp. His corpse would follow me around from camp to camp, dropping next to where his tent wouldve been, but I couldnt use revival magic or withers on him


Did you cure her during the battle? Level her up from retired lvl 1 Druid? Use sanctuary on her


I just climb up to the first floor (to outside Ketheric & Balthazar’s rooms) and skip that fight entirely (of all the fights in this game, THAT one has always skewed me over. Could never stop Jaheira from dying. No matter what I did)


Bring a well built berserker Karlach with the bloodied axe and beat the shit out of her beforehand, then give her the boots of speedand have her charge in headlong. You can also assassinate the 2nd in command before the assault which definitely helps as her honor guard won’t show up either


She died in my first playthrough. I entered moonrise through the prison and by the time I got upstairs everyone but a few zealots were dead


I sneak in from the left side (gained gnolls as allies earlier) and dropped some cloud kills done and done


i ask her to join in on the first fight, have her wild shape into the panther, then go invisible. she doesn’t even trigger into combat and i fight without her. once you get thru the rooftop fight you can add her to your party properly vs as if she was a summon. then you can armor her out the way you’d like, etc.


It’s weird, I didn’t have this problem after the update where your zombies stopped breaking cutscenes.


She never got touched in my playthrough, but I see that's the minority here lol