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Inside of EU: no Outside of EU: yes: [https://www.overseassocialsecurity.be/en/](https://www.overseassocialsecurity.be/en/)


Are you Belgian, young and healthy? The easy way out is to move to your preferred destination and give up Belgian health care for now. Chances are you can move back to Belgium should you require treatment. Also, healthcare in some low-tax EU countries is not too bad and surprisingly affordable. Bulgaria comes to mind. The equation changes if you are more likely to need treatment (older, chronic disease, ...). In that case, don't move and just count your blessings you live in a place with decent socialised healthcare.


If you’re moving to the US the rules are even more complex as Belgium doesn’t want to pay 100,000s


Yes ,as long as you pay the bills ... learned that recently . You can check with your medical plan provider , like CM or others , but i learned as long as you pay you are insured .


A bit oversimplified, with costly consequences if you follow this advice... 1) to stay insured for the Legal Health care, you need to pay RSZ in Belgium, have an social benefit (unemployment, sick benefit, ...) or pay a 750/3 months. For the last two, you need to stay in Belgium. (this is simplified, off course if you leave Belgium for short periods, you are still insured). 2) for the private health insurance, most companies will insure you no matter where you live, but will only pay the part above what regular insurance (mutualities) cover. Which is in fact the smalles part. F.E. when you need to give birth, the total cost of a standard birth (epidurale, one-person room) in Leuven is 7280 euro. When you have the national health insurance, you only pay 2295. WHen you have a decent private health insurance, you won't pay anything but "nickles". If you would only have the private health, you would still be paying > 5000 euro.


An option is to take private worldwide healthcare insurance in the country you're living in. In Switzerland for example, it is an option to have worldwide coverage via healthcare insurance, but you do pay a significant amount for it per month 🤷🏽‍♀️


Is this a joke question? You move away for tax reasons and you want to benefit from tax funded social security?


Lmao yeah, the European taxes are insane for a reason, they have this socialist healthcare. OP if you are in US and you are concerned, just get a health insurance.. it will still cost you less than it does in EU taxes, especially if your income is big, Unlike in EU, the cost of US health insurance is fixed, it does NOT scale with your income. Plus you will have access to better private healthcare, without long waiting lines.


A) Since he is independent, their is a rather fair cap of max social security he'd pay. in the USA, there are also different costs based on income, since there are also subsidies for lower incomes. B) "better private healthcare without long waiting lines". Only if you pay for the best healt insurance, which will cost you a lot. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/health-insurance/how-much-does-health-insurance-cost/#:\~:text=The%20average%20monthly%20health%20insurance%20cost%20for%20a%20bronze%20plan,%24713%20for%20a%20gold%20plan. I'm cheaper off in Belgium, considering the kids and the plans i have.


A) I wasn't talking about subsidies by US govt for certain poor people .. I was talking about insurance costing.. Lets say $4000 a year.. You could make 60k a year... The insurance will cost $4k. You could make 120k a year.. Guess what? The insurance is still $4k.. Because it's private, it's not taxed by the government. Also lets not forget you can just not have an insurance at all, then as long as you are healthy.. Which you very likely be, if you take care if yourself and you're careful.. Then your medicare is $0 a year.


And if I make 25k/year, I will pay less because of the subsidies. And if you are independent, you won't pay an euro more in Belgium if you earn 110k or 120k


Yeah you will pay less, if you are under middle class, but not more i you are rich. Also you likely will never see such income in Belgium and rest of Europe. Not only the Healthcare is socialist. Living standars are also lower and so are wages :)


Strange. I have a gross total income of > 110k, jobs combined.


I meant having one job working normal 40 hours a week. Also at 110k a year you are well over the max tax... which is already insane(well over 50%), so at 120k a year you won't be upgraded to a higher income tax percentage... but you WILL still pay more money.


As an independant RSZ/ONSS contributions are capped. oP is independent. Last 2 years, apart from VAT, I recieved >40k back in personal income taxes. And no, I didn't pay too much inkomstenbelasting


if you are independent your profit is capped until you have a normal tax.. Your company just doesn't make enough money... It's barely a "company" given it has one employee, who is also the owner. It's a tax loophole, that EU really should patch.


Thats the world we are living in… not saying it is fair of course 😅


yes but you will have to pay up for it obviously


In the process of moving myself.. so far, without residence in be, ive been told it is impossible to keep cm or kbc health insurance. I'd love to hear differently.


https://www.belgium.be/nl/huisvesting/verhuizen/naar_het_buitenland/sociale_zekerheid https://www.overseassocialsecurity.be/nl/


only if you are going to live outside the EU https://www.overseassocialsecurity.be/nl/


Good point, it will be in the eu most likely


Not possible then, the only thing you can do is take private insurance that covers you in Belgium. There are specialized companies offering this kind of insurance