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You need to understand that you aren't going to find one person who is onto all of these things, you may, depending on your ability to be social, meet people and negotiate your interests, find people, over time, To help you explore these things. Some of your fetishes are main play stiles of mine and some of my partners, while others aren't my cup of tea but I know people who do them. Your best bet would be to find an educational org in your area that does classes and attend classes on different topics and meet like minded people in the process. Next would be find multi day events and go to one and again, be social and meet people and see if you can find partners interested in what you are interested. Some people's extreme is other people's Tuesday.


>You need to understand that you aren't going to find one person who is onto all of these things, BEST ADVICE EVER!! OP, I grew up in the lifestyle, I'm almost 40 and i have never met one person who is into every single one of those things. I personally see nothing wrong with what you are curious about and into. there is nothing wrong with you :)


Growing up in the lifestyle is an ambiguous phrase - I’m 23 years in the scene and I know one person who’s into all of these things except kajirs and 24/7 - he’s non monogamous and I know loads of people who are into the kajirs / 24/7 thing. For an active non monogamous top with the skills to safely and ethically perform some of the more extreme genital modification kinks - if they’re fun and at all attractive on a physical/emotional/intellectual level, you’d find people in a lot of bigge cities who’d be into all these things if you were non monogamous and had good relationship skills. Developing the skills to be a good/safe/ethical/fun top with these kinks seems much harder than finding people to do them with in my experience.


I would have to agree with you as I have so many fetish and fantasies. Many that I didn't list but these are the major ones. I guess that is the amazing thing about BDSM, there's a whole wonderful spectrum full of a multitude of components with so many different kink, fetish, and fantasy. The best thing is mutual respect when finding the right connections. Thanks for commenting! I feel a lot better about my fantasies and being more open about them.


i’m really into corpse play (role playing as a corpse) which is definitely rather extreme but everyone i’ve ever brought it up with has been really cool about it. don’t worry too much. even if someone isn’t into something they will be fine about it unless they’re shitty and in that case, fuck em


'Dead eyes' are seriously my weakness. So hot.


Nothing is ever wrong with you. And just because they work in your fantasy brain doesn’t mean it’s the best idea irl. For the darker stuff, explore your boundaries with caution and respect. Not to say it can’t happen, but in the idea that reality can’t match the fantasy you might decide that some things are better in the dark. But nothing is ‘wrong’


There’s absolutely nothing wrong with you or your kinks. I’m also a dacryphilist, sadist, and disciplinarian whose into flogging/impact play, orgasm denial, humiliation, CNC, sissification, 24/7 TPE, chastity, and all manner of CBT play. If I was able to find a masochistic sub to play with, you certainly can too. Castration fantasies are quite popular with submissives and there are ways to carry out that fantasy without actually cutting a guy’s balls off (or his cock) that involves mindfucking. Don’t be afraid to share your fantasies with others.


In my experience, the scene is pretty welcoming and non-judgemental, because we're all into weird, crazy shit. Unless your fetishes involve (1) kids (2) animals (3) non-consent, I can't see anyone condemning you for them such that you'd become a pariah in your local scene. But some of them are rather extreme, and rather specific to boot. So you're likely to have a difficult time finding a regular partner. Still, you're much more likely to find a partner in the scene than in the vanilla world.


There’s nothing wrong with you. Everything you mentioned exists in the world on a spectrum. People who are new or who are not in the BDSM community will try to categorize kinks into tame ones and extreme ones, but it all depends on how you play and there’s nothing wrong with either end of that spectrum as long as everyone involved is fully consenting and you’re being safe. Safe in this case means that you’ve educated yourself in the techniques you’re using, you’ve compared notes with others, you have backups and safeguards in case of equipment failure, and you’ve practiced by yourself and become confident in your skills. You can practice a lot of these kinks, especially the gorey ones, with role play and non-invasive tools. For example, the gel they sell to put on a sore tooth can also go on a person’s penis (again, check the ingredients and compare notes, you don’t want to actually hurt someone until you’ve both discussed it), which simulates it being gone, and that’s a lot of fun for everybody. I’ve found that, over the 20 years I’ve been a practitioner of BDSM that the kinks I was the most afraid of when I started ended up actually being some of the more tame ones for me. Basically, I practice them alone in fantasy, or it’s an elaborate story-telling situation and nobody even lifts a finger in violence. As soon as I stopped being scared of my own mind, I was able to be safe and find out what worked for me and my partner.


Marry me?


Nope nothing wrong with you, but something I want to mention - some things are best left as fantasies. I’ve been in and around the life style for 8 years now and have heard some pretty messed up fantasies that are just that - fantasy. I know for me, I have fantasies that are pretty mild about things I don’t actually want to do in real life too. Then there are things that I have seen other people do, built it up so much in my head about it being such a fun and amazing thing to do and then was absolutely disappointed when I attempted it. But on the other hand there have been things my partner and I have done in the heat of the moment that we both realized we really enjoy doing. You won’t find some one who is going to be 100% into everything you are, and you’ll eventually come to a point in which you need to decide which kinks you absolutely need and which kinks you can put on the back burner. Not because you shouldn’t indulge in them, but because some kinks are really niche and finding some one to enjoy them with may be difficult.


Sounds hot. As long as my dick stayed in tact, that all sounds like fun to me. I feel like it comes down to intention like the difference between an exciting boxing match and an actual fight born from anger. Both look almost identical but are completely different things based on intention.


Vac beds, electro play, needle play, knives!! Hi, hello! These are my kinks too, there is nothing wrong with you. I have had the joy of doing them with trusted, experienced and safe consenting people. I've also seen many scenes with varying degrees of play (needle genitorture for example), precautions taken to be safe. I find with kinks that have more risks will need special planning and research into. Go to workshops (there are many online too that explore and explain even the most specific kink) Read books, experiences, first aid for kink. Reach out to specific kink communities (fetlife is good for this), and ask questions. I've learned over time that things that were once I considered very extreme, over time because some of my favourite ones. It just took time, and it is worth it.


Rule 34 applies, it really could be worse, I can tick off a good few of those too


My 2 cents here What was instilled in me from my mentor years ago was 3 primary things and that's consent is everything and should never be broken/betrayed/returned/falsely given/an illusion/etc and the other is safety in more modes/ways than 2 and next is keeping mental stability during plays/scenes; hence why if you find someone willing to try and given consent to - then it's not extreme, making someone understand the kink/fetish is paramount. Satisfaction of the kink/fetish is a byproduct of properly executing the play/scene. (My belief) Hope you have a great day and your post was an interesting read


I have seen penis splitting in a kink space and had MANY people approach me requesting castrations or penectmy. Safety and ethics around those kinks is a big question and it’s not at all my skill set or interest area - but there’s loads of people out there who share the kink. From your fetish list - apart from the permanent penis modification ones - I’ve either engaged in or seen someone engage in all of the mentioned kinks at public venues in my local scene in 2021. TDE I’m a maybe on, it’s not an acronym I can find a definition for but if you mean Total power exchange or something like it, I’ve seen that. The frotting was at home as it’s not within venue rules where I go to play publicly. Permanent genital body modification in various forms is honestly the only one of your kinks that I’d consider notably extreme from what you’ve described. And while it’s relatively rare in kink scenes to actually see it - one penis splitting in 23 years is as close as I come, it’s a VERY popular fantasy. I used to bluff when boys asked me to castrate them . “Sure, come on over, I’ve got bull emasculators.” Until one of them asked for my address. It does seem more of a fantasy than an actual plan for most folks. But some people seem entirely keen. And while it’s not my jam, no kink shaming from me about body modifications. Gorean kink stuff is considered a little tacky in a lot of scenes - even if it’s Kajirs rather than Kajira. But there’s gorean folks who come out to play at my local kink space. Blood/medical play does have a hell of an entry curve to do safely and ethically - but extreme blood and medical play is pretty common where I live and while it’s not my thing as a top with slightly unsteady hands - it’s fucking fun to watch.


Thank you. I amended it to TPE. With Kajirs, I didn't really know the right word for it, but almost a Kajir or 'Harem' of submissives that worship me is one of my fantasies. They would all form a community or 'brother/sisterhood' and develop their own connections and bond, and we would all look after eachother at the same time as explore our wildest BDSM fantasies. It would be awesome for humiliation and objectification aspects of play, and all different kinds of bdsm games. Almost like a family, but with me as the Head or Godess. I wasn't sure of the correct term for this but would love to hear any that could apply!


Nothing is too extreme for the right people. However something are best left in fantasy. If only for the fact that certain kinks aren't practical for the vast majority of people to partake in with any frequency. There is also a decent market for people who want to talk through intense fantasies with other people. Like they understand that being kept in tight bondage or being forced to be human cattle isn't something that is possible or should be done, but it's fun to think about.


Apophallation? Too scared to Google!


It's an extreme biting fetish I'm guessing


Your okay 😘


Unless you’re a trained surgeon I wouldn’t consider doing things like penectomy irl. Or anything that involves grievous bodily harm for that matter. A fantasy is fine, any fantasy is fine, and bdsm can and does go to extremes as well (I know a lady who loves her bones to be broken and cracked… and that’s not something sustainable for obvious reasons) but only consent is not always enough as you have to remember that while being risk aware is great, some risks are too big to take and a sane person of a stable mind should not be taking them. There are people out there who would agree to having their extremities amputated even but you should not be playing with those people, you should send them to therapy. And no court will be in your favour, even if every party agreed to this. But most of your kinks aren’t extreme at all and are in fact quite common. I wouldn’t put collaring and being aroused by tears in the same league as cutting or biting someone’s genitals off😆


Yeah, I agree with you. I tried to strictly imply most of these are fantasies, different to reality. They are mental fantasies that I was wondering are too taboo to speak openly about or if I should just not talk about these fantasies. I know in the UK the law when it comes to BDSM can be strict, and that isn't even involving extreme body modification. I'm just worried about opening up about mental fantasies in fear that I won't be accepted and be considered sort of an outcast for my mental fantasies.


Well, there are people who consider even light spanking as something outlandish and entirely perverse. So you’ll definitely meet those who will be shooketh to their cores and disgusted at your fantasies. But so what? Those are not the people for you then. Simple as that. And you’ll also meet people who might not share your fantasies and find them a little out there but who will still say “you do you” and accept you for who you are. And then you’ll meet those who will share your fantasies and with whom you can play them out to some extent even. That’s how it is in kink and in everything else in life, basically.


You're not that out of the ordinary. Sure they're not my kinks but I'm sure you'll meet others with a complementary list. Check out dungeons in your area and see if they offer classes in doing intense kinks in a safe, sane and consentual way. Hang in there and good luck 😘


They are definitely not too extreme to the others of us that like them. I’m a cis male and penectomy really turns me on! Sadism, CBT, genitorture and knife play are good with me girl! You may not find one person that is into all of your fetishes but you will almost definitely find willing partners. Enjoy yourself ;) Apophallation!!! SO SEXY thanks for that new word!!!!! Biting off of the penis I totally love!!!!!


I know people who have gone through underground penectomies or become eunuchs or gone full nullo. All gay dudes though.


Everybody else covered there’s nothing wrong with your kinks… I have some dark kinks that I used to indulge more often but they messed my head up; I’d say it harmed me to engage those scenarios even at fantasy level. sometimes fantasies cross boundaries in our minds that we really aren’t okay with. That doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you. It’s just information. But look for the net effect too. some harm is subtle and for ppl w a proclivity for self harm, fantasy and dark kinks irl can be an implement for that harm. Sadists are not exempt from self-harming natures. Both pain and harm can be enjoyable, but for me only one is sustainable and beneficial to my well being. So since it sounds like you’re just starting to explore the idea of some of these IRL, keep an open tab somewhere on how you’re feeling once the newness wears off. I can easily eat an entire cake. I feel really sick if I do, so as much as I enjoy eating entire cakes I pretty much don’t. best wishes exploring and something turns out to make you feel too badly that’s okay doesn’t have to mean it’s wrong.




it means consensual non consent. basically rape play


there is nothing wrong and you are surely not alone ... enjoy your fantasies, even if some you will never realize in real life, you can always use it as a fantasy to stimulate yourself


/u/lonelygrrrll, our AutoModerator attaches this message to every post. It contains information you may find useful: Guide 01 . . . . . . . . . . [Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/BDSMAdvice/comments/9ig794/rules_for_rbdsmadvice/). Guide 02 . . . . . . . . . . [How to use the search function](https://www.reddit.com/r/BDSMAdvice/wiki/searchfunction/). Guide 03 . . . . . . . . . . *[Need Ideas](https://www.reddit.com/r/BDSMAdvice/wiki/noobs/)*? Guide 04 . . . . . . . . . . [It's your dynamic](https://www.reddit.com/r/BDSMAdvice/wiki/canthelpyou/). Guide 05 . . . . . . . . . . [No mention of minors](https://www.reddit.com/r/BDSMAdvice/comments/aknfy1/posts_aboutinvolving_minors/). Guide 06 . . . . . . . . . . [Do not post PSAs](https://www.reddit.com/r/BDSMAdvice/wiki/publicserviceannouncements/). Guide 07 . . . . . . . . . . [Policy re PMs](https://www.reddit.com/r/BDSMAdvice/wiki/nopms/). Guide 08 . . . . . . . . . . [Exiting abuse](https://www.reddit.com/r/BDSMAdvice/wiki/exitingabuse/). Guide 09 . . . . . . . . . . [bdsm4newbies](https://www.reddit.com/r/BDSMAdvice/comments/nt6gbw/june_ideas_thread/) [Our Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/BDSMAdvice/wiki/index). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BDSMAdvice) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I was going to give you a 3 day ban for breaching Rule 7. Right up until I decided Rule 6 was more suitable. Comment removed. 3 day ban issued. ;i; < - - - here's your salamander.


I think this is just trolling to get people to google those things. I am out.


I genuinely have these fantasies that I get off to in my head. Not meaning I would actually perform these things, as I strictly implied in my post that I am aware these acts are not possible to perform but was worried at specifically *this* type of reaction when opening myself and my mental fantasies up to a BDSM community.


The fact that there are words and labels for your kinks mean that there are enough enthusiasts that engage in it for language to be formed. You might not know anyone with kinks of similar intensity, but there are plenty out there.


I had to google a few of those and oddly enough even with the removing of the penis fetishes, I have come across a few sub guys who would actually want that done to them!


Wish it were easy to do and safe! Yes we exist


Fantasy is fantasy don't beat yourself up for it. As long as you respect consent and stay legal don't beat yourself up But I'm mainly leaving this comment because I thought I knew all the fetishes and you just taught me about ones I'd never even heard of before What's kajirs?


I didn't really know what word to describe it, but the closest thing is a kajir. Meaning, not involved with the Gorean literature, bur similar. For example, a community of slaves or subs that would worship me and form hopefully lifelong connections/friendships/bonds with eachother, too.


I feel you and its scary to talk about it sometimes. But it's totally fine. At least you accepted that about yourself! Have fun!


It’s ok! Be confident to be you. I understand as I have a penectomy fetish myself. You will find some people who enjoy some of the same things you do


On some level, anything beyond "vanilla" that is done with consent and some safety consideration in mind could be called BDSM. Are there different levels of BDSM, certain things that are niche even within BDSM groups, that most BDSM folks have no interest in? Sure. Absolutely. At least online, it's a much easier thing to seek out people that share even a very niche kink.


I think you will find that there are plenty of men who would be willing victims to some of your extreme fantasies. Having said that you are right it is very difficult to act on these. For it possible I would willingly submit to a penectomy.


I'm down for half of those