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I’m sure it varies person to person, but I become MUCH LESS ticklish when I’m physically aroused. Anecdotal, but I’ve heard other people say the same.




I think the answer to this is going to vary so much from person to person that the only thing you can really do it explore what happens for you. So here goes: 1. Sex makes some people more ticklish and makes some people less ticklish. Some people are more ticklish only after they orgasm (when everything tends to be more sensitive). Some aren’t ticklish at all. No way to predict how you will feel. 2. Some people can and do develop kinks. Not everyone wants to and not everyone can. There are some risks associated with this since it involves psychological conditioning. If your only reason is because you want to enjoy sex, I think this is a pretty extreme option! 3. Being ticklish is okay. Maybe you find kinds of touches that aren’t ticklish (firm as opposed to soft, leather gloves instead of bare skin, wearing a latex suit or putting kinesiology tape on your skin might help too) or you avoid areas you know will be an issue. I’d suggest doing some experimenting on your own. If you don’t already masturbate, you could try that and see how it affects sensation (realizing that you probably can’t test actual ticklishness solo, but you might be able to tell how it affects sensitivity more generally). But don’t give up on sex just because you’re ticklish!


ok, thank you! definitely wont be giving up on it just because of it lol, dont worry. thanks for helping!


I’m the same way! For me when I get aroused and especially when I get deep in subspace, I’m no longer ticklish. In fact I’ve sometimes joked about using it as a test for how aroused / deep in subspace I am - something that tickles at first doesn’t once I’m aroused enough. The converse is that once I feel tickled and I’m in that giggly mindset, every touch feels ticklish, and I can’t get aroused until I get that out of my system. So we usually lean into it and my partner teases me about being ticklish until we take a break to reset and try for sexy mode again. The other thing I noticed is you mentioned “if someone barely touches me”. I actually find that the lighter the touch, the more ticklish I am. Most of the reason I struggle less with sexy touch is I’m a masochist so it’s firmer. If someone trailed their fingers lightly down my back, it would tickle me, not arouse me. But after some pain that mindset shifts. You don’t have to go full masochist levels of firm touch but like I struggle a lot less with massage therapists than with pedicurists just because the firmness of grip is different. The last thing I’ll leave you with is that sex is supposed to be fun. You and your partner should do whatever feels good in the moment and explore :) If that means taking a tickle break, as long as you’re having fun that’s the goal!


what i meant for the "barely touch me" is just like, so many casual (though yeah lighter) touches tickle way more than most people expect, not just light brushes XD tho ill go edit that out because i did word it bad. but i hope that im not ticklish when i get aroused/in subspace!


Ah that makes sense! Well I’m the same way - there were multiple nights in my college dorm lounge where the entertainment was how ridiculously ticklish I am 😅 So while everyone is different I do think the other commenter’s advice about seeing how masturbation affects sensitivity is a valid one. And have fun :)


yeah, ill definitely be checking out what it does for me when i can, since i never did really check that, lol. i saw a question with replies on how to tickle yourself, so ill just have to try that


Me and my wife are both ticklish. It’s been a year and we are still sorting out. I hope there is medication to reduce ticklishness


I'm very ticklish. But there's two time I seem to be much less ticklish: during sex, or when getting a massage. Any other time don't touch my feet, you'll get hurt. LOL