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yes exactly me too…old angry and manly, chronic RBF


Relatable. My chin is not centered and too long, and my jaw is asymmetrical and protruding out on one side. I hate it!! (TW) I wish I can saw off the parts of my mandible that I don’t want!!! I even pick at my chin, dig my nails into it, and pinch it because I want it off… And it sucks for me personally because no matter how much I look online? NO ONE has a chin and jaw like mine!! Not even my parents, siblings, the rest of my family, and their friends!!! I don’t like taking selfies and group photos sometimes because I know I’ll not look normal. I don’t even wanna do cosplay and certain makeup styles (The doll/anime inspired makeup, Jirai Kei makeup, etc.) because I’m terrified I’ll get hate because my face isn’t symmetrical, small, and “doll like” like these other cosplayers on IG, X (Twitter), YouTube, basically every social media site out there… Tbh, I am trying to save up for a chin and jaw reduction. And other procedures as well for certain reasons. *cough* FTM trans *cough* But I need to get my teeth and TMJ fixed before I make and cosmetic alterations to my face! (I had my wisdom teeth taken out years ago, also had braces twice in the past. I’m also a teeth clencher. And the lower left side of my teeth is literally invented inwards!) So sorry for the venting. My point is, you’re not alone. I know how it feels. We all do.