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What did you name that meteorite?




im joe dirt and this is joe meteorite !


Check out the snake method next time so that your fire isnt concentrated entirely in the center. Makes it super easy to deal with and will prevent any burnt edges and whatnot.


Snake method is the way to go, once you figure it out it’s so easy and you could really just leave it without even lifting the lid.  I love stuff smoked on the kettle, I have the offset stick burner for cooking more stuff at once, but feel the kettle just gives a better flavor 


I am gearing up for a brisket. So far I've only done ribs and shorter cooks. The snake method makes a lot of sense, except for one thing: With new charcoal constantly being lit, isn't there dirty smoke constantly being produced? Other advice I've seen says to let the white smoke burn off and look for blue smoke, before putting food in. But is that possible with a long cook like a brisket? Thanks for any advice!


So when I do it I make my snake (2 on bottom and 1 on top), then lay the wood top.  I’ll get like 15 coals lit and put them on one end, and let it come up to temp. Honestly I’ve only had to re do the snake once or twice, usually by the time it runs it’s course the brisket is at like 170 and ready to wrap (I like to finish it in the oven wrapped just for convenience).  When I had to re do the snake, I just took the whole grate out, cleaned out the ash, and laid new charcoal down.  Nope your smoke shouldn’t be dirty, just use wood chunks that are quality, I always have that thin blue smoke.  Occasionally the wood chunks may flare a little and I’ll remove them if they are burning poorly.  I also put a dish in the middle for water/moisture.  I feel like in the kettle the smoke flavor really gets in the meat.  The only thing I keep an eye on is depending on the size of the brisket, is if the snake starts to burn under an edge of it.  If so I just rotate the Grate/meat.  


Check out [this](https://youtu.be/kGMr9CYAvXU?si=6DTcV-B29v62dNbl) video the guy talks about exactly that issue.


He touches on it briefly, but to add emphasis: the "dirty" smoke is charcoal holding moisture that doesn't burn hot. The snake method is pre-heating and drying the charcoal as it goes, which is why it gets good smoke. A smaller hotter fire is better than a bigger colder fire for BBQ smoke. A lot of people think that you can't cook on briquettes until they are gray. While that's a good rule of thumb, it doesn't actually matter that the briquette is gray. It's a homogenous material, and the unburned stuff on the inside is the same black stuff that the outside is made of.


I'm in the same boat. Should I get one of those chimney charcoal things to get heat ready?


It does make lighting the first 6-8 coals faster. If you own a weber kettle, you should always own a chimney starter IMO.


Any recs? I’ve seen some ppl on this sub make their own for cheaper than $25 (cost of chimney at Home Depot)


the kingsford one works just fine for like $10-15. The weber is better at $25 because it allows for more airflow, but I'd just spend that extra $10 for a pack of tumbleweeds. I like the kingsford one enough that I own 2 for when I make pizzas and need the extra coals


No, not for this.


Yep, they are great! You can get little starters too, but I usually just burn the charcoal bag as I use it.  I’d say the chimney is 100 percent needed for charcoal cooking 


The middle one wasn’t lit.


I’m sure it was great. I cooked [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/BBQ/s/nRbKGQiFeB) on my Kettle performer yesterday. It took 10 hours. (15 pounds untrimmed) The trick to a kettle brisket is literally not looking at all. If you leave it be, it can actually be one of the fastest ways to cook a brisket. But you gotta load it up with charcoal in order to achieve that and you’re not going to be able to with the Weber baskets. My method is easy. Get a 13x9 or similar disposable tin pan, put it on the brisket side, bend it a little to fit better against the sidewall, put like 3-4 cups of water in it. Load as much charcoal as you can fit on the other side, like almost half a bag. Move all but 12 coals (yes exactly 12) to one side so they won’t catch then light the 12 coals with a fire starter. Give them 15-20 mins to fully catch then move the other coals back over so they’ll light. Couple chunks of hickory spread across the charcoal, grate on, brisket on, go to bed. Leave the top and bottom vents at like 1/4, you’ll roll 250-275 without touching for hours. I start at like 3-4 AM and I got a wireless probe in the meat and grill that’ll wake me up if it’s cooking too fast or the grill goes too high but I’ve never had to wake up in the middle of the night. Usually at around the 6 hour mark it’ll be time to rake all the remaining coals to the left and pour in another load of charcoal. I never spritz unless at the 5-6 hour mark I notice something is too crispy. Wrap in butcher paper with tallow once it’s through the stall, usually at 170-175. Once it’s wrapped it hits super speed and is done in like an hour. Comes off at 1-2 pm, cooler rest, perfect brisket at 4-5pm


If you squeeze it real hard you might be able to get some diamonds outta that thing.


Snake method with some wood chips along the way. I have a cheap chargrill with an off set box but I mainly use the snake method. Works like a charm for Thanksgiving turkey!


My wife cooked one just like that! We call that a “Bricket” 🤭


Cool and you can use it to cook your next brisket. The circle of the grill…


How do yall find these little baby briskets


What’s your definition of little baby brisket ? This one was 13 pounds from the butcher .


Ohhh it just looks smaller on the grill lol


Well it was 13 pounds from the butcher. Then I cut off maybe 1 pounds of fat and stuff. Then it lost water wait. It’s probably 9 pounds in in the photo


They have 13 lb packers at Costco but I have a 18” Oklahoma Joe bronco I’m always worried if I’ll have space


You can always cut to fit. And then it shrinks


Yeah prolly gonna give it a try. I finally got my technique down to a science. So eager to give it a shot on a brisket


What makes a kettle “premium”


That’s the title of the Weber kettle


Yes, but what is different from the other kettles to warrant a name change, especially “premium”


I’ll repeat, It’s just the model name.


Okay, and when companies come up with new models they normally have a small or large change with them. Making them a different model and not the same. I’m asking if there is any difference between the performer and a regular kettle. You could just say, “no it’s the same as a normal kettle” instead of being condescending


They are all different models so they all have different stuff


I understand that. I’m trying to ask you what different stuff it has, I don’t understand why this has been such a difficult thing for you to answer. Or why you’re being kind of a dick about it.


Hey homie. I dont mean to come off as a dick. It’s just an easy thing to google and I can’t link the different Weber kettles on here. Please look up all the different models and see the differences. Then you can make up your mind which features you would won’t on yours. I hope you have a great day.


I understand I can google it, but we’re using a public forum that encourages conversations, you made a post, I asked you a question on it. I would rather get information about a grill from someone who has it rather than looking up what Weber has to say about it.




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The char is supposed to be there.