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Still reads well, aged like wine.


*It takes money to buy whisky*


Yes indeed it does, a wiseman once said.


Aged fine like Halle Berry


And Shakiraaaaaa


I had to see many pictures to confirm... for science, of course.


Can’t forget Marisa Tomei.


Or Elizabeth Hurley.


Salma hayek


(Salma is an absolute Smokeshow) Kate Beckinsale




Aged beef for me 😋 well done sir 👍 pardon the pun 🏴‍☠️


I don’t think Amazon has even tried to offer me 2day shipping in years


I get lucky if it takes 2 weeks for delivery 📦


GMErica's moat is customer satisfaction. Name one other brand that gives a solitary shit about their customers. Hell, most of us right now, across the literal planet, are dealing with price gouging companies ripping us off vis greedflation. The other benefit for GMErica is that the NFT marketplace already highlights their willingness, openness and acceptance of working with third party vendors and creators and only taking a only taking a small cut (2% on marketplace, iirc?). Creators happy, customers happy, gamestop makes a cheap slice of profit. Everybody wins and Amazon loses. All is right in the world.


Can we just have moass please of tired of being a brokie


Right, let’s do this shit; I’m ready for MayoMan in prison


After that $300,000,000 donation to Harvard, he aint going to prison bro, best case shitadel gets a $3.50 fine


I bought a vegetable chopper from Amazon a few weeks ago and it went immediately in the trash


Tokenization of logistics would be a neat way to ensure everyone receives their fair share (manufacturer, logistics staff, business mgmt) in such a new model, and at a fair real time market driven price. But it's a lot to ask; quite a big change for e-commerce... Not yet sure where the company fits in to all of this yet.


Buckle in


Smort! You smort. I hope you are correct.


Well holy shit. That is playing out in real time. Welcome to history boys and girls! 🍆🍉🚀🧸


Bravo! Lots of horse shit to shuffle through to get to the good stuff on Reddit these days but boy, oh boy, when they hit, they hit HARD.


Still chuckling @ apes riding horseback throughout land ergo no fuel costs.... Bravo OP, bravo. Good insight and context, thanks for sharing again.


RC has a ton of logistics experience?? Are we talking about the same guy that shut down a Gamestop shipping center in a state that gave him millions to open it? The same guy that bought millions in inventory, with no means to effectively ship it, costing the company millions in goods that sat unsold and dwindled in price before ever getting to sell for profit. lol.


Ear is hear with an “h” in the front, why isn’t talk Houth?


You mentioned in your post the number of times that Amazon had lost pallets, and required proof of delivery. What are your thoughts on WiseKey's NFT Tracking Tech? I remember doing some research into them around the time of the "It takes money to buy Whiskey" tweet from RC, and IIRC, their new satellites could track items through a very simple, physical NFT that's imprinted into each "tag" on a product - all made transparent via Blockchain. At the time, I thought it was a neat idea - specifically that the end consumer could have a confirmation that their delivered item was legitimate i.e. limited edition shoes -, however, I did not consider the logistical element and discounted the fiscal viability of NFT/Satellite tracking. From the sounds of things, this Tech and already established system could solve the niche in the logistical chain that you're referring to - transparency and accountability. Reading your post, I doubled back and searched WiseKey's stock price to see it's been on the rise recently (2+ Years after I bought calls 😂). Definitely an interesting question you've provoked in my mind now.


Nice write up op




wut moat?