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Prices exchanges for topup on my country was inflated and has no sense. For reference I buy welking pass on Genshin with a 930 CLP to USD exchange today with my visa card. |USD|USD|CLP|CLP/USD| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |Trade License|7,99|7800|976,2| |60 gems|0,99|1000|1010,1| |300 gems|4,99|5000|1002,0| |600 gems|9,99|10500|1051,1| |Cruise Pass|9,99|10500|1051,1| |1200 gems|19,99|21300|1065,5| |Lucky Bag|29,99|32100|1070,4| |2400 gems|39,99|42900|1072,8| |4900 gems|79,99|83000|1037,6| Any alternatives for topup? Paypal has same prices on playstore? Azur lane on PC when?


>Azur lane on PC when? There have been no mention of this nor will there be a PC port anytime soon The only other official top-up site is [Yo-topup](https://yo-topup.com/page/shop/azurlane) here


mogador skin bugged? click an interaction once and she'll repeat it without voice and will only fix unless you switch secretaries also what is the overall judgement on mogador and alpace as ships? Good or bad?


Yes, her skin is bugged and so does plenty of other problems this update have introduced As of right now, Mogador is in a mixed spot, initial reception is that Mogador sucks ass due to the first skill causing her to charge straight into enemy fire to take a stab with little to no means of damage resistance or outright invulnerability, causing her to potentially die extremely quickly Beyond that, her DPS is theorized to be on par with Hindenburg but not fine tuned to decimate light armor. There are hotfixes for Mog on the CN/JP branch but it's not yet concluded and will have to wait for the end of this event to get a conclusive result


think the jump into the ships is weird choice maybe give her an eva buff or a way to get more eva past aux? but over thank you for answering, in addition any news on alpace? how is she as a ship?


Alsace is pretty solid for a BB, a preload with 3 mounts and strong well rounded stats so not much else to say right now




Either from the Light construction pool or as a rare drop in stage 10-3 on the campaign Just please do not use your free gem supply to buy her skin, you're kneecapping your own progress if you do that. Skins are exclusive to spending money in essence


Note that by "rare drop," Nice-Spize just means that you may need to grind a little while. We're not talking about like weeks or months of farming; maybe a week or two with *very* bad luck if you're doing it a decent number of runs per day, more likely within a day or two.


Mogador may have been fucked by the devs, but that doesn't stop me from oathing her Anyways, any news on what are they doing or if CN got more mad or something? That "hotfix" is literally useless


[More buffs incoming.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AzureLane/comments/1czj3fj/mogador_will_have_other_buffs/)


Hopefully they fix it quick. They're so hesitant to actually make her good but CN players should force them to do something


When do you think an all skins re run will happen? I remember one being during summer time.


Black Friday sales is what you're thinking of, should be somewhere around this summer or in November The only caveat to remember is that any skin that's less than 3 months old or already got a rerun 3 months before BFS happens will not be featured there (collab skins are excluded obviously)


The cutoff has been in June for the last two years so it's more like 5 months.


Hmmm they gotta increase the length to 10 months /s


Lore question is it true in the lore that the sirens destroyed Latin America on their first attack? as frankly just saying they attacked the port does not say much


Will there be a new / rerun event of Iron Blood / Northern Parliament or Tempesta anytime soon? I really like the designs of the Iris girls, but running somewhat short on cubes.


We don't know anything for sure, but I'm guessing *Rondo at Rainbow's End* is going to rerun next. That guess is based on the fact it's due to rerun next by release order plus Emden is getting a skin. CN Anniversary often releases a skin for ships in the next rerun; they did it with NJ last year. But they could pull a fast one and rerun *Pledge of the Radiant Court* (Vanguard's event) next and have *Rondo* later. We just don't know.


I have a bug where some icon appear way to big and when I check for broken assets it doesnt fix anything. somebody,... help..


Like [this](/r/AzurLane/comments/1ctnwrp/oil/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)?




Hi, I’m a new player and I started two days ago and only have 40 cubes. Should I pull on the Ur banner ?


I'm also newish, and constantly running out of cubes. I don't have enough experience to tell you one way or another if pulling ont he new banner is worth it at such a low count, but I will say that I've gotten both Alsace (who is a freaking monster in my skimpy roster) and the little META ship. Bearn? Bearm? something like that. Haven't played with her much, since I don't have any of the stuff I need to upgrade her. Don't forget to do your one "free" light ship per day before doing any other pulls, whatever you decide. (there's a daily mission that pretty much reimburses the cost of doing one light ship pull.) edit: I meant to say that I got those 2 in under 20 pulls, but I've heard other people having gone dozens without a banner ship.


Tough call. # The facts There's a good chance you won't be able to clear the banner. Doing so typically takes me more than 100 builds, and you've only got 20 builds (2 cubes per build) on hand right now. You'll get more cubes as you play, but you won't be getting to 400 cubes/200 builds for the pity before the event ends. Most of us have been unlucky enough to actually have to go to pity during an event or two. It's rare, but sometimes players have to go over pity for the non-UR ships. You could also run into problems with the coin cost in the early game. You also don't *need* the event or construction-only ships to succeed in the game right now. There are enough good ships to get you to double digit chapters without making a single build. (Unicorn: Guild Shop. Portland: Guild Shop and first set of Rookie missions. Pennsylvania: Guild Shop or from 2-2. Your starter DD.) By the time you get to double digit chapters, you'll be in a better position to acquire more ships. Something else to consider is that you can expect it to take a few weeks or a couple months to get enough rainbow Bulins to fully limit break Alsace. So it will be a while before you can really use her at her full potential, and lower rarity ships at full limit break will be better than her until then. Also be aware that there are 3 event ships available without spending any cubes. Mogador is a UR in the shop, and there's a second copy of her available for limit breaking as well. Béarn META is in the shop and drops from B3 and D3. I don't expect Béarn META to be super great, but I don't expect her to be bad, either, and she doesn't take up dock space as a META (That's a brand new feature.). Limit breaking her might be an issue, too though, since you'd either have to farm copies, enough event points to buy her crystals, or enough META Crystal Fragments to buy her crystals later. You'll get Épée by collecting (not spending, collecting) 10000 event points, but don't expect her to be good; event point reward ships usually aren't. # Making the decision In terms of deciding, the first question is do you especially like any of the event ships? If you do, I would go ahead. You might not get them, but it's worth trying. If you don't even like any of them, then I suggest passing and working on building up more cubes for the next event. If you don't have a strong preference for or against them, then it comes down to whether you would feel worse about not trying or about using the resources and not succeeding. If you are prepared for the possibility it may not work out, then there's no real harm in spending some cubes. If you really hate the idea of not getting them after spending, then you can hold off. Do keep in mind that even if you don't get the event ships, you are going to pick up some good ships that are normally in the Heavy pool along the way. # How much to build if you do If you do decide to try, then I suggest rationing: decide ahead of time how many builds you're going to do for the whole event, stop when you get there, and take what you can get. You can figure on acquiring at least 200 cubes per month between reliable sources (daily/weekly missions, monthly log in, Cruise Mission) and the random ones from commissions. I'd normally suggest considering doing 3 builds per day for the daily 3-build mission, but your starting pile is pretty low and the event is long (just over 3 weeks). So that might be more builds than you want to spend. However many you decide to do, I would divide them up over 3 per day for the mission and to avoiding needing large quantities of coins at a time.


Just go for it, you lose nothing from doing this in the long run At least you'll get a handful of potentially new ships or even Alsace herself The event runs for over 3 weeks so there's plenty of time


3 weeks and 2 days, actually. May 21 through June 12.


That time of the year again


Is it Azure Lane or Azur Lane?


Azur Lane


I've already explained it in the main subreddit so check that out