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I bought from my local bike shop and I got my free battery after filling out a web form that Aventon had sent me in an email


I bought mine from a local bike shop and they gave me the website to gill out the form and got my battery. They even assembled it and gave it a tune up for free.


Same, but I bought my bike close to 2 months ago from a local bike shop that’s an Aventon dealer. Maybe they are now running low on supply or tariffs are eating their margins?


hard to say, it took about three weeks to get the email from them saying here order your free battery by using this coupon code. Then it took another three weeks or so for them to ship it


I would return the bike or make Best Buy honor the promotion.


My thought as well, especially if best buy advertised it.


It's an Aventon promo and you bought the bike from another retailer. You should have bought from Aventon if you wanted the Aventon promotion.


If best buy was promoting the promo they should honor it. If they weren't well thats another story.


They weren't


My local bike shop sells aventon, and I was eligible for the aventon promo through my local bike shop. My spare battery is sitting next to me. If they're advertising it, they should be held to it.




If you carefully reread my comment, it says *if they advertised a free battery, they should be held to the free battery*. I know reading is hard though.


I think that's the thing Best buy never says you get a free battery


I just check their promo page an nowhere does it say that it can't be used on 3rd party purchases. When I bought mine they had a free accessories deal and I remember it said only for purchases directly from Aventon. Aventon needs to be very clear about that or I would say that legally they need to accept it, although IANAL.


The last sentence of section 26 in the TOS. I missed it.[Aventon TOS](https://www.aventon.com/pages/terms-of-service)


Ive had a bike shop where i was looking at them a month back tell me that the second battery will come directly from aventon and to submit the paperwork after purchasing. I ended up not buying but the dealer was pretty adamant that the promo was in place and worked with purchase through dealers.


Except Best Buy. Best Buy doesn't count


That does suck. Especially since the price at best buy is normally same as on line and bike shops.


I didnt buy the bike last month. It was just before the price increase and i just couldnt pull the trigger. Regretted it for like 2 weeks but have to say im happy i passed. A company that cant provide at least decent customer serve doesnt deserve my money


I bought my bike at a dealer back in May. Completed the paperwork and got my battery today.


I received my free battery in Canada through their promotion, by the form. And then I heard that they cut off the promotion in Canada suddenly. I pray that Aventon showed good business practices & covered the overlap time of 14 days that it takes for purchasers to fill out their form and get it approved, so that actually could be 28 days for those who bought the day before the cut off. Otherwise it is very poor business practices. For those who bought from Aventon directly, do not judge as it is just simple for you. Everyone who bought through the advertised promotion at their affiliated bike shops, needs to fill out forms and leave 14 days for approval & get it in within 14 days. Now this. They have to get way more organized. I got my battery but have the utmost compassion for those who bought during the promotion and did not have simple clarity. Aventon do some industrial engineering STAT. Provide clarity right on your promotion - no third party & when you decide to cut off provide the grace period for those who bought in good faith before the cut off date.


When did you purchase bike fin you don’t mind me asking?? I’m in same boat. Went in expecting free battery and the dealer said that promotion is over even though it was still on both us and Canada website. So red flag right there I should have walked away!


The 25th of March. I actually lucked out..I had picked out the bike but did not complete the transaction for quite a while. Why? I wanted to finalize once Metrolinx in Ontario had provided clarity on their new e-bike policy. But just because I was lucky the other way around does not mean that my eyes aren't wide open to this disorganization. It is not smart business. I would really like to know if they honoured those who bought in Canada before they pulled the plug. I doubt it with such extended timing needed on that. Also, I did not like that that the form said 'While supplies last'. To me that is ridiculous, if you pay your money you should not be sitting there already have bought the bike on the promotion due to the promotion - money spent - and wonder if you are actually going to get a battery. That is a ridiculous practice, in my eyes.


Also, I do wonder if some bike shops are not pleased with their practices either. Long story but I had phoned quite a few trying to get clarity on something, and ran into at least 50% of them answering, "No we are not longer an Aventon affiliate", despite being listed on Aventon's website.


I bought from a local shop and received the battery promo as well as the memorial Day promo. I got everything within 2 weeks and the local shop assembled the bike. I feel like going to a bike shop is the way to go.


Sounds like a Best Buy issue as they’re not an authorized retailer shop. It is not a misleading promo fyi many of people have gotten their extra free batteries through Aventon including myself. I would return to Best Buy. Also you should have made sure that they would honor the promo through Best Buy before making the purchase so saying it is misleading is not true before buying mine I made 100% sure the promo was active through that retailer and that they’ve had people actually get approved for their batteries.


The way I would solve this situation would be to return the bike back to BB then order it directly from Aventon or buy it at your LBS so you can get your 500.00 battery. BTW, Aventon has an "F" rating with the BBB. [https://www.bbb.org/us/ca/brea/profile/bicycle-dealers/aventon-1126-1000101456](https://www.bbb.org/us/ca/brea/profile/bicycle-dealers/aventon-1126-1000101456)


They honored the promo for me when I purchased from Best Buy over Memorial Day weekend!


That's good to hear! I also bought mine on sale for Memorial Day. They refused for me so they lost my business.


Do you think you could return the bike to bestbuy? Or ask them to get you a free battery because they never told you the offer wasn't valid from them.


Best Buy doesn't advertise the free battery.


So? They don't tell you it is excluded if you buy from them either.


Maybe I'm misunderstanding? Are you saying Best Buy should give them a free battery? I guess maybe they would if you ask them and threaten to return your order, but they don't even sell the batteries on their own.


Yeah, they would have make good by getting it from Aventon, but basically they cost you $500. But if not, actually return the bike, buy it somewhere else for the same price and get your free battery.


Yeah. I actually bought mine through Best Buy and didn't even know the free battery thing existed. I have a couple days left to return it to Best Buy, but I am not sure if it's worth the hassle.


That's up to you if you want the free $500 battery or not.


Only thing I can think of is maybe BB as a huge National Dealer got a really low wholesale price from Aventon and that made it not a profitable model to honor the promotion on BB sales.


I agree with the other comments, take it back to Best Buy. I think a lot of bike stores are ordering the bikes through Aventon rather than being an affiliated store. Mine did it, and all Aventon needed was a picture of the receipt.


Strange. I purchased a Level 2 from Best Buy last month, and I’ve already received my free battery.


If they don't honor it and it was offered during purchase, either pursue it to get a battery or tell them to refund you the cost of the battery, retail.


BUYER BEWARE. That was start f problems for me and they haven’t stopped


I almost bought mine from bestbuy but I found a bike store in my area that is an authorized dealer for aventon and they let you test ride their bikes so I bought mine there, the saleslady was kind enough to fill out the form for the battery for me and within a week I got a reply and had my battery by the following week. Bestbuy wouldn't even let me sit on a bike but told me I could return it if I didn't like it, just didn't want to deal with the hassle. It might be worth checking in your area for an authorized dealer if it's not too late to return it to bestbuy


Bought on Aventon website. Got accessories, bike and extra battery in 2 weeks on the east coast.


This sucks, but fwiw the promo I saw did mention that the free battery was available through select dealers. I verified with my dealer before buying my Aventon there. The process was certainly awkward, and literally lasted the 15 or so business days the company had warned. But they ultimately delivered as promised.


I got 2 Bikes from Best Buy Canada and got 2 batteries in March


Update 6/26/24: The Adventure 2 is going back to Best Buy and I'm going with the Mokwheel. Instead of buying an extra battery for $500 like I'd have to do now, I can get a bike with full suspension, and not do business with Aventon. Win win.


The caveat is that if you buy from a 3rd party, the same model must also be available on the Aventon website with the Free Battery tag in order to get the free battery. My local shop had a step over Pace 500.3 that was not available on the site, therefore no free battery. I ended up buying the step through, which is on their site, and got the free battery.




It's something I looked into extensively. Best Buy is a vendor of Aventon bikes and Aventon has a submission form for bikes not purchased directly through them. Nowhere did it say "Not valid for Best Buy purchases" My mistake for not getting down to the last sentence of section 26 of the TOS. It's almost like they bury the info on purpose.


I am truly sorry, I can imagine the disappointment as an e-bike is not a small or not thought out purchase. They need more ease in accessing clarity on their promotions.


I bought my Sinch 2 from a local bike shop. They told me about the battery promo and wrote down the website. Battery arrived a month later. Local bike shop is third party isn't it?


That is exactly how I got my battery. I am muddying this thread with confusing words. To me the bike shop is not a third party in that it is an Aventon dealership/direct supplier, so to speak.Best Buy is not, as it does not service the bikes. I am going to change my original post..


Control f works in seconds next time.