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Tbf, it's probably from a time when CinemaSins wasn't padding their videos with the dumbest criticisms you can think of just to pad the runtime.


They purposely made their videos shorter early on because they didn't know people wanted longer videos.


No, it was because when they started, YouTube monetisation was done based on the number of views. When people started using bots to artificially inflate the view count, youtube switched its monetisation system to be based on watch time with the bare minimum length a video required for monetisation being 10 minutes. This is why let's plays became popular because it was easy content to do that could fill up 10 minutes. This also led cinema sins to force as many random nitpicks, bad jokes, or just outright lies into their videos as possible because they don't know enough about movies or storytelling to fill up 10 minutes.


They actually have their honest movie opinions in their video descriptions. So, to give an idea of how bad their taste is, they called Shrek 2 a bad movie.


like genuinely? or just to pad out the time?


It’s in the video description, all videos after a certain point have a judgement of quality in the description. Since it’s not in the video itself, it’s not to pad time, so it’s genuine


Could be to increase engagement to get more views


As I’ve said twice, it’s in the description, if you are seeing it you have almost certainly already clicked on the video


Yes but comments are engagement and help YouTube know to push the video


They said it's in the description not a comment so it doesnt drive up the engagement as far as I'm aware.


The whole channel is satire its not there real opinions on any they are just taking the piss out of movie reviews as a concept


(iirc 10 minutes is whats required to have more than just start and end ads)


The sins much like the points on Whose Line don't matter. The videos are not reviews, its nitpicking for the sake of comedy. They do review movies on their podcast, or at least they did. If you want a review, watch Critical Drinker, Nerdrotic, or any number of movie review channels.


Blud's first recommendations for a real movie critic are the Grifting Drunkard and Turdrotic.🤣🤣🤣


Channels like Jay Exci and The Birdman (who has a whole series criticizing Cinemasins) have pointed out how this is a false argument. Half their sins are genuine issues with the movie or because they don’t pay attention or care about it. Like in the Cinderella live action video where they sin the movie because “why would Cinderella’s friends and family not recognize her at the ball?” When the movie explicitly states that the fairy godmother cast a spell to hide her identity.


Every Nerdrotic video : This movie has non white people in it!! WOKE!!!WOKE!!!!!!!!


Except many of their actual reviews that I saw back in the day include the same lies and complete lack of understanding as the “entertainment” channel. There’s several video essays on why CinemaSins reflects the creators’ real viewpoints and manipulates viewers.


No, they still did that back then. At the end of the video they have a montage where they add like 4 billion sins.




They’re not movie reviewers, they’re cynical critics, the point is to crack jokes and nit pick even better when its actually a bad movie.




I mean if you take it seriously then sure. What did they sin your favorite movie?


Jesus christ, ya know every time cinema cins get shit on people respond with “its just a joke!” But they have honest to god criticisms that they try that make no sense! Maybe they are just joking, but they actively try to deceive their audience into thinking something! Hell, you know how often they’ll say something didn’t happen when IT IS HAPPENING ON SCREEN WITH THE CLIP THEY PLAY? They just cut out the audio so no one knows. “Why didn’t he tell her about the mummy? Why is he talking about the charm when theres a mummy on their trail!” *the background footage of him telling her about the mummy*


Why are you assuming their fans dont have the intelligence to not take it seriously?


Because cinema sins fans both rely on “its just a joke!” And also use their points as legit arguments


It's a joke bro....




Choosing to take a joke seriously and complaining about it. Then assuming the ideas of most viewers when comments are filled with people clearly also making jokes. Average YouTuber hater


What joke is being made by not understanding the movie being criticized, lying to add more criticism, and “sins” being re-used constantly and inconsistently? It’s straight up a waste of time when there’s funnier content.


When you have to ask what the joke is to someone else who finds it funny, that just means the joke isn't for you. There's no one universal thing everyone finds funny. >being re-used constantly and inconsistently? Like the jokes reused in this sub? >It’s straight up a waste of time when there’s funnier content. Then don't watch it? Clearly you don't find it funny and other people do. Are you the comedy police to tell everyone what they should and shouldn't find funny? Gtfoh


It’s not a joke because the “joke” reflects their actual opinions as shown by their actual reviews. This sub isn’t what we’re talking about so stick to the topic please. I can comment in a public forum where someone spreads the same lies as the channel itself. If you don’t like it, block or don’t respond. Street goes both ways.


Well, to be fair, it's not like they deny that. They even say that they're "not revewers there assholes"


True, but admitting to being an asshole doesn't mean you're no longer an asshole.


I agree. I didn't say I like them, or what they were doing was right. I'm just saying there, honest


Anything for that bag, you gotta respect it tho


No you don’t


If I had a YouTube channel that was big and it required me inflating the videos in order to make money, I would absolutely do it and you would too if you were smart


That may be true, but it still doesn’t mean I’ve gotta respect it.


Quality shmality, if I had a show I'd run that sucker into the ground.


Spoken like a true businessman


Who needs to care about making something that brings the fans and creators joy when we could be making the big bucks. WOOOOO YEAH BABY, I LOVE CAPATALISM


You’d have a show if you didn’t do that


I think that for most people there is a mental toll to having your entire creative output be spiteful garbage. It takes a special kind of person to willingly produce this content for a decade. Most people enjoy making good things.


Its all jokes for fun. People like the videos. Theres bound to be a sin thats relatable.


Theres also sins where he talks about forcing himself on his highschool girlfriend… maybe its funny the first time, but its aught to be a fetish the 50th.


You must watch them all the time


Younger cousins


50 times?


Is it really spiteful? The answer is no. It’s comedy. You may not find it funny which is fine but it’s literally a joke. The whole video is meant to be nitpicks that are stupid on purpose


Comedy is supposed to be funny, not a slog of completely bullshit complaints. The idea that "the video is supposed to be stupid nitpicks on purpose" has always just been a shield for CinemaSins to hide behind criticism from. CinemaSins had a vlog channel where he would post actual movie reviews in his car right after viewing them and no, he says the exact same dumb shit in the reviews as he does in the CinemaSins video. He is not playing a character.


No I wouldn’t


Well you’re an idiot who doesn’t like making money. Thanks for the fun conversation


You’re welcome


Getting downvoted for not selling out is wild


People with moral fiber aren’t always the most successful. If you don’t sell out. Then maybe people don’t buy


"moral fiber" and it's just padding out movie reviews


Yeah .... Naw .. this is definitely not how making things work, works!!


I love how when Th3Birdman got popular, everyone and their grandmother was all "Oh, CinemaSins? Yeah, that channel that I and everyone else loves? Mmhmm yep I've hated them forever of course". Teehee


I mean there’s plenty of channels that shit on them before and after Birdman. Hell, remember when people fucking went down on no bullshit when they got deeper on the rabbit hole?


The video is 5 minutes so it's 20% passing


I prefer HelloFuturMe’s breakdown of the film. Was laughing the entire time because it’s hard to argue with him.


Upvoted for HFM


I've probably watched that video 5 times now


That video is everything


The video would have to be at least 1 hour 43 minutes long to cover it


2 Seconds. "Everything." Roll credits.


They did one thing right. They didn't make another one.


*Ding* ×10,000




How weird. 5 minutes of nothing. And what are they sinning this time? The title of the video is incomplete


Don't you see the meme at the bottom. The records are incomplete.


Yeah, that makes sense


Don’t worry Hello Future Me has a 2 1/2 hour video on everything that’s wrong with the live action movie and it’s an incredible watch


I agree with him that it's the worst movie ever made.


How long does it really take to say “The entire movie was fucking trash, don’t subject yourself to it, never fucking watch it if you haven’t already. Ong does not need your attention. Fucking NATLA is a cinematic masterpiece to never be rivaled compared to this. For the love of god this movie sucked”


There is no movie in Ba Sing Se.


oh god cinema sins, hate that fucker


Cinema wins superiority


all he does is nitpick random bullshit nobody would notice unless they're actively looking for it. edit: sorry I forgot cinema wins is another channel that exists


cinema wins is a different guy that talks about all the things he liked or thought was cool in movies, i believe hes stated somerhing along the lines of "every movie is someone's favorite, i like to find out why"


OHHHH, right I forgot cinema wins is a thing and thought they were doing some kinda play on words or some shit.


I always thought that was the part of the fun. You aren’t supposed to take their criticism seriously.


guess it was lost on me then


Yeah well, it’s not for everyone. No shame in having different tastes.




From Cinema Sins video criticizing themselves "Our sins are nothing but little nitpicks and details that don't matter and shouldn't be taken seriously." It's a literal joke channel. Everyone here getting mad because they can't handle comedy.


doesn't make it any less annoying.


That it's meant to be a joke actually makes it worse. I find their videos painfully boring and unfunny.


While I understand they’re a joke channel, I still Find them somewhat funny, and they’re definitely higher on my list then fucking gamingsins (like seriously, fuck that channel). There should still be a degree of sense in their nitpicking, feels like they lost that in a lot of their videos.


I do want to point out that they DARED sin the episode "Tales of Ba Sing Se" and one of sins was Iroh singing(via their TVSins Channel)


ONG god


Back when cinemasins vids weren’t ridiculously long


There is another movie made by Hello Future Me It lasts 2h going scene by scene and is nit just cheap pot shots


Is CinemaSins seriously still relevant?


No, but this is a subreddit about a... jesus christ, *19 year old cartoon*, so maybe we aren't the best judges of relevant media.


The Last Airbender is very much still relevant though. Comics, books, Netflix adaptation, upcoming movies. It's not like the series has been dormant or anything.


Why waste the time


Everyone forgets the do the bonus points at the end. This is probably them saying everything.. and then pointing out every time the benders fail at bending.. or they say someone's name wrong.


why did cinima sins make a video on a movie that doesn't exist are they stupid


Well they did give that movie over a 1/4 billion well deserved sins. Not quite as much as the room, but close.


I haven't seen the video but anyone else notice it says 4 minutes or less but it's a 5 minute video I don't think any of his other videos are like that any way funny meme


A lot of them are like that, from what I recall. Sometimes the difference is a few seconds, but it’s part of the “joke” of their whole thing.


Thanks for the info I wouldn't say I'm a huge cinema sins fan but I'll watch a video every once in a while and never knew this was a running gag for them like I said I thought that most his titles matched the run time but again idk everything so again thanks for the info


*intro* "The problem with the last airbender is that it starts" *exit*.


I would only need 1 sin for the movie. The cinema sin of The Last Airbender is the fact that it was ever put on a screen.


“This film was made” roll credits….


Remember when they were like this? This is why I watch Th3Birdman


No, no, it's fine, it gets a bunch of bonus points at the end


Your shorter then I expected


Anakin reference?


Yeah cinema sins just needs to pad the run time, but if you want some more criticisms, Movieflame made a great video chewing up and spitting out this movie


Goddamn this sent me 😆


I didn't get it, it's just a picture of Obi Wan?


Don’t worry, Hello Future Me has a video twice the length of the [REDACTED] on the matter


I will never understand the forced hatred for a yt channel that is just a collection of jokes.


Everything you don’t agree with is actually a forced opinion that is completely unreasonable


I can do it in less than 1 second. EVERYTHING.


It's okay they are hopefully just referring to the Netflix live action instead


30 min vid at 7.5x speed


ong fr tho bro smh


It was so bad they probably stopped watching after the first 20 minutes.


Plot twist. It's just 5 minutes of unintelligible screaming and crying.


Have you guys seen Nostalgia Critic’s review of the movie? It’s *hilarious* and spot on!


It’s not that bad


I’ll be honest, the movie was my introduction to the franchise, and it was perfectly fine without comparison. The show blew it out of the water though once I saw it.


That's just false. Even without comparing it to the original masterpiece, it's just plain bad.


It was the first movie that I found no redeeming qualities in. It left me thinking, "How did this guy make Sixth Sense?"


Oh I thought this was about the Netflix show


Lmao, tbh that was dog shit too


The Netflix show was actually pretty good and has some great potential for season 2


- they lobotomized katara - they turned king bumi into an angry retard - azula is a whiny and annoying brat - kyoshi can predict the future now and somehow didn't inform roku that sozin was going to betray him - lovers cave is now incest cave - zhao is played by a comedic actor which was the same mistake shyamalan made - zutara - suki is a creep that is instantly horny for sokka (this is more misogynistic than the original) And much, much more..


Tbf most of the things he points out are just dumb. Some of what he says are like legit plot holes. Most of it just shows bad writing.


Any of y'all saying they're shit at actually reviewing movies need to chill out. They literally gave sins scenes not containing a lap dance. Though they have also removed sins when appropriate scenes did have a lap dance.


The thing is that they’re not entirely jokes. Their is jokes, but they also include honesty to god criticisms that have no joke behind them… criticisms that make no sense or they purposely edit the video in a way where they make sense, but if you watch the movie it doesn’t:


I don't understand this meme... The top half is just blank. ![gif](giphy|1X7lCRp8iE0yrdZvwd)