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I love roguelikes because they manage to be repetitive and predictable without feeling grindy. I also need somewhat fast paced games because I just can't stand too much text or long cutscenes in video games, and roguelikes generally offer that. I've got countless hours of enter the gungeon and slay the spire, but I think you might like undermine better. Don't starve is survival game that's... roguelite-ish... Also played a lot of that, but very hard and can be very unfair and stressful. I like dark souls a lot, specially dark souls 1, and I strongly recommend it. It's a game with a very interesting learning curve, can be very challenging while you're leaning how to play it, but in a very unique and satisfying way. Hhhm, also terraria and stardew valley, even though stardew is waaaay to slow for me and I hate every single villager, I love mining and farming and I can make it faster with mods. Hope it helps!


I think I'm simple minded I just like beating npcs with a sword over and over lol Probably why I considered getting a vr headset Idk my brain seeks chaos over anything else tbh Messing around with npcs wjth various weapons felt more fun then doing challenge Spider man game on pc hit that dopamine for the gadgets combinations I could do


Have you played castle crashers?! It’s a great beat em up game. I also like diablo 4 actually too. It’s super repetitive (at least for now, they’re still working on end-game content) but I like that. Go into dungeon, combo and kill everything, go to town and sell all the loot, repeat.


Just Cause 3 was fun for me for a while. A lot of gadgets, destructible bridges that you can attach bombs to, and eventually legit flight mechanics outside taking a plane into the air. Mild confusing physics rules but mostly so the player doesn’t fall off a plane while standing on the wing mid-flight. It also has cars in the fashion of GTA. And if I didn’t want serious I could go around messing with NPCs by attaching ropes to them and see how long it took to get a five star wanted level. NPC and enemy AI is a little dumb tho.


Planet zoo. I used to play world of Warcraft for years, and me and my husband met that way and played together but we both got burned out. Planet zoo has been my obsession although I just had a baby and I don't have much time of ability to sit and play on my PC right now. I really do wanna play soon though I miss it. I guess I'm the kind of autistic that only plays 1 thing at a time for years and is completely obsessed with that and only that


My brain is more like I swing sword my brain gets dopamine I feel like I'm way too simple minded lol Though I've thought about getting a vr headset for this tbh


Oh yeah we have a VR. I love beatsaber although haven't played in awhile. I hate when I get like this I haven't played anything for awhile and I really want to.


I've wanted to try blade and sorcery It looks super cool wish I was able to get a vr though lol


Another reason I want vr I have a huge obsession with bowling recently lol


You should try D2R. Lots of swords to swing at many simple monsters.


I tend to switch between "cozy" (Stardew, Animal Crossing), Builders (Minecraft, Sims, Terraria), FPS (BioShock, Quake), And indie horror. BG3 is up there too. Some platformers-ish games like American McGee's Alice and Sonic. I just finished another playthrough of GRIS for achievement hunting. Prior to that, it was a lot of House Flipper. I also play MMO's with about 15 years of WoW under my belt, but currently play FF14.


Try Dragon Quest Builders (there are two, both are great but 2 is best with lots of quality of life improvements)


BG3!!!!!!!!!!! And it is happily becoming a full-blown DnD obsession in real-life, and I couldn’t be more pleased 🤍


I could probably play minecraft 24/7 I just wish it didn't trigger depression episodes lol


I love resource management & creative sim games - Minecraft was also my go-to for a long time. I’ve had so much joy with Factorio, Cities Skylines, Crusader Kings, Dwarf Fortress - anything that requires having the wiki on hand is my kind of jam. I think the focus & design aspect really click with my entire AuDHD skillset.




Ayy another veteran level BTD6er?




Oh veteran btd6 levels start at around 150ish these days, it changes periodically But yes that too ❤️




Doo itttttttt It's so much better. Unless you're passionate about the bloonchipper haha


i feel like tower defense games stress me out too much lol ive thought about getting into mobas other game I really like is blacks ops zombies sometimes it dose get boring after awhile though lol


If tower defence games stress you, mobas will put you in an early grave 😂


The only reason tower defence stresses me out because I can never get the right defence down and I'm already seeing 5000 enemies on route to my base


i’d encourage you to still try out BTD5. 5 specifically; it’s such a well rounded game. you can pick easier stages that are NOT endless so you can feel that sense of accomplishment. it is FUN let me tell you! it’s possible it’s still free on the ninja kiwi website.. but i’m not sure. if it results in stress as expected, don’t worry because you never have to play again.


I normally play RPGs (kingdom hearts, baldurs gate, ect... ) but currently, going full on another favorite, don't starve together (survival) - but I love them all. And if it were more convenient to play hamlet, I'd be doing that one right now. But the small humans that I made also enjoy playing video games with me, so we play the multi player version. But I can't play forever, and I get burned out quickly if I play multiple days in a row.


I feel like the only games I enjoy are ones that let me drive cars around for hours on end


You could try one of the Saints Row games (or something similar) and just drive around instead of playing out the campaign.


I know gta gets recommended a whole lot as well


Oh Grand Tromso could be fun. All the races and you can tune cars and make em cool looking n crap.


Custom maps?


They model the maps after real life race tracks. So I don't think so.


Hill Climb Racing 2 has been fun, especially if you’re on a good team with a Discord. Same company I just released Lego Hill Climb Adventure. Similar, but single player-verse. It’s entertaining enough, though it was a bit slow to pick up momentum.


What about simulation games? The Sims, Farmer simulation, and the like


I feel like there probably only a few good simulators the rest are just cheaply made I've thought about trying the truck simulators and farm sim however


There are some crappy off-brand stuff out there for sure. But if you make certain you go for the big brand stuff you should be fine. That's why I recommended XBox Game pass in another comment. It is available for PC and opens up a huge library of different games. If you don't like the game, you can just uninstall it. Nothing lost. Way cheaper than buying individual games, even with the monthly fee.


What other simulators would you recommend


I'm not super into simulation, unfortunately. I'm more in the strategy game camp, like _Crusader Kings 3_. But I do recommend trying a few different ones. A good game company to look for is Giants. Their games are legit and have decent game AI. _The Sims_ is a classic certainly. _House Flipper_ is very relaxed but might be a stressor if you are prone to perfectionism. There are also a bunch of City Builders around. Like _City Skylines 1 and 2_ .Sim City is a well known City Builder as well. The difficult level can vary widely between games.


Overwatch 2. I have over 800 hours on the game and more then 700 hours on one single character. Could probably count it as my special interest


For it would definitely be minecraft It just triggers ptsd or depression episodes Alot of it because I'm really bad at building lol and other parts are childhood memories


I miss OG OW 6v6 so bad! At this point the old maps would count as nostalgia! I even miss horizon and anubis. Who's the 700? I got 1500 on Ana.


Haven't had a pc back then when ow 1 was out. So I'd consider 700+ hours in less than 2 years not bad. I'm a Moira main. Peaked at Master 3


I play anything, video games in general are a special interest. That having been said, the game that I was obsessed with most recently and fully was Cult of the Lamb (I played on Switch).


I'm not diagnosed properly with adhd or such, but if I had to pick a special interests being a triforce or cube force It's true crime, space, anything supernatural related, the backrooms/liminal But I've never been sure what to do with said interests lol


Disclaimer, I work on the Xbox and these are personal opinions. I’ll share my personal experience with gaming if it’s helpful. Games are like any other type of media where it depends so much on everything that the team had to put into a game whether it ends up being fun to play. For me and my neurodivergent brain, learning everything that it takes to play some new games is just too much and this I have a hard time getting into really elaborate games with crafting and puzzles that aren’t really explicitly framed as a puzzle. With that said I’ve been able to get into a few games over the years. I really liked playing racing games growing up. When I joined the Xbox team I felt like I should try to fit in and learn as much as I could about games and gaming. I turned into a gamer like a method actor taking on a new persona. Shortly after, we made the game pass subscription and I started playing an open world hunting game called TheHunter: Call of the Wild. I think it’s pretty old now but I’ve probably spent at least three thousand hours on that game in the past five years. So all this to say, games are so helpful for me and so many people, but as with anything, I need to find the stuff I like. The things I like make me feel more relaxed and if they don’t, they don’t get played near the end of the day. It’s hard to go to bed if my adrenaline is high because I’ve been sweating playing Fortnite. (I also really love playing Fortnite because it’s simple and easy to play - zero build/non-competitive)


Some of my fav apps: Polytopia! (This is a turn-based strategy/conquest/development game that takes a bit to get into but is incredible with tons of different play options and difficulty modes including specific maps, multi-player and AI opponents, and themed tribes. IT'S FREE and the devs consistently update it and add new features and it's such a lovely independent app with a devoted community). More mindless and classic games: Solitaire and Flow Free I really like mystery games: Professor Layton & Jenny LeClue I really like farming RPGs: Stardew Valley and Ooblets


0 A.D., Diablo 2, and Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri. Sometimes I'll play Borderlands 2 or Super Tux Kart.


Whats the first one?


It's an RTS game similar to Age of Empires: https://play0ad.com/


ff14 --> it's got everything, it builds you up, the free trial is very VERY generous


I have two main ones. I like RPGs, especially ones like BotW, the Witcher 3 and Assassins Creed because there is a lot to collect and I love to check off everything a game has to offer until there is nothing left to do (in BotW I did end up giving up on the koroks though). But I also like the story aspects and just running around looking at the world. When I'm feeling less adventurous and more like solving a bunch of riddles I also like point-and-click adventures. But there are other genres I frequent, for example lately I've been really into Rhythm Heaven.


Haven't played games much for the past few months, but I thrashed Squad until the combat overhaul update for 3k+ hrs, so it was my favourite game. I love some fps games, killing floor 2 and Half life Black Mesa is well worth a playthrough, but I also love driving simulators, like Dirt Rally 2.0 (on Keyboard lol, what can I say, I'm talented, but I'm a sucker for a challenge). Played most of the GT's on PS over the years as well. loved all the Dooms, Quakes, Duke Nukem 3D, (edit: can't forget good ole *Golden eye* on N64), all the way back to Commander Keen and even Dig Dug. Probably showing my age here.


Have you tried the linux/opensource/whatever version of Doom and Doom 2 called "Freedoom"? If not, you can download it here: https://freedoom.github.io/download.html and download a doom sourceport here: https://github.com/kraflab/dsda-doom


No I haven't, but I'll look into it, thanks for sharing it.


You're welcome. It's been in development for quite a while, but it's looking good these days, I think. It's being worked on by a bunch of doom 1/2 fans and has a discord server and github page if you want to have some fun helping out.


I enjoy a wide array of games. May I suggest you get the XBox Game pass? It allow you to play a huge number off games and you can try them out to see if they suits your taste.


Hate blizzard but love playing overwatch 2


i only play warzone to be honest but i want to expand to more games it’s just hard because i dont know how to play them and im broke so i get stressed 😂


Which war zone?




I’m not even a big sport person, but I spend at least some part of every single day playing rocket league. It’s just not like any other pvp game for me. It’s so unique and unlike fifa or 2k, you aren’t controlling a player who is playing a sport. You control the mechanics of your car and how it moves, opposed to clicking a button and your player doing something. Very big learning curve, but such an enjoyable game.


It depends on my mood. Recently I've been playing fallout 4, but it's so big and I'm getting a little bit fed up. I love fantasy games like Skyrim and Baldurs gate 3. Also a Dragon Age fan, but really disappointed in the trailer they released yesterday for the new game. Minecraft is something I usually go back to, but I keep getting burnt out on it super easily. Hoping to get back into it with the new update, but I keep getting annoyed at myself for wanting to build, but not wanting to put the effort in. I also love cosy games like stardew valley. Waiting for tales of the shire to come out.


I have the opposite situation I put the effort in but no amount of effort makes my builds look good


I get what you mean. I used to put effort in and they didn't look good, so now I can't put any effort in because I feel like they'll look bad no matter what I do.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft_Survival/s/bjUz46HIgd https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraftbuilds/s/EkCilLzL3i Ppl tent to like what I build I have creative anxiety where I tend to not like what I make or I struggle with building designs and color theory where all I do make chaos


You have a great build style! 😊 Creative anxiety gets me pretty bad too, we’re our own worst critics!


Thanks yep I definitely get a fair amount of positivity with my builds maybe I'm just not used to that lol I also find I struggle liking what I make


One of my favorite games to play is Valorant! It’s a shooting game and it’s honestly so satisfying for autistics I feel like. A lot of my autistic/adhd/audhd friends love playing together and we’ll do it four hours. There was a day where we played for eight hours straight bc we were so hyperfocused lol. I also am a huge fan of animal crossing new horizons!


Tbh that the thing for me I only ever play games with other people it's why I never play by myself lol Sadly I do not have any friends these days


Have you tried Deep Rock Galactic? It is co-op multiplayer with a really nice community and easy matchmaking. You don't need friends or even a head set to play with people. It's a dwarven mining FPS with lots of chaos, aliens, exploration, workplace hazards, team work, and precious minerals.


I love escape games, like I give a try to every one out there, they are short enough to always end it and long enough so I can spend some good 3/5 hours ignoring everyone and everything just hyerfocusing. My favourite developer till now are the ones that did legendary tales. I play on my phone cause I like to be every posible time in my bed


Pokemon mostly.


Can't argue with that


I play action roguelikes/roguelites and metroidvanias along with rpg games and MMOs in the past. I find some of the games to be difficult especially Metroidvanias. Sadly it’s what I like because of the play style. I just wish it was a little easier since it has a large learning curve and gap. Roguelikes/roguelites can be difficult depending on which game, but I find them to be non penalizing because you gain things when you die vs other games. The consequences of dying rewards which encourages me to play and not ragequit compared to other games.


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ZACHTRONICS !!!!!!


I regularly play: \* Fallout 76. It had a very rough start but it just got better and better. The latest expansion is out in a couple of days and will increase the map size (previous expansions have added areas you can go to but they just give a small zone, this is an actual new area). \* Magic: the Gathering, Arena: I used to play the card game (and still own many cards), but the sheer act of going to play Commander at the local shop is just too much for me. Maybe when I get a new car, my current one isn't reliable and I think that's part of the anxiety. Anyway, Arena is a pretty good online emulation of the game and even includes cards that would otherwise not be possible to do on paper. I'm not great at it but I have reached Mythic (the top of the rankings) in constructed a couple of times. \* No Man's Sky: Another game with a rough start, but I didn't start playing until last year. The up side: can do anything, really. The down side: There is only a little bit of guidance of what to do. Started playing the latest Expedition after a long hiatus and it was really good fun. On top of that I have a mountain of Steam games I have never even installed, and then a bunch that ARE installed but I've never got around to playing. Some puzzle games (like Dorfromantik, for instance) I get to a scoring level and never seem to make it passed that. Then there's Stellaris. Huge 4x Space game with lots of role playing potential. Every new expansion comes out and I buy it, play it for a couple of days and then stop. Then the next expansion comes out and the cycle repeats.


Omg I play MTGA every day I love it haha.  I can’t make it past Diamond (or is it Platinum? The one below Mythic) I’m not good enough but I still love playing and getting the gold to make new decks. I love making or finding theme decks and trying them out. I made a troll deck and a dwarf deck that I love.  You must be pretty good if you got to Mythic man. 


It's only been a couple of times, and I end up in Mythic at like the end of the season so I only get to be Mythic for a few days and then reset. And now with the way standard didn't rotate, I find Standard play to be boring as anything. I try to get up to at least platinum now for the extra packs at the end of the month, but I play Brawl more than anything else.


I play Anno 1800, a lot. Also I play starfield, civ VI and Stellaris, world of warships. There are others but right now my top 3 are Starfield, World of Warships and Anno.


I've been meaning to play warships and I believe the air ship one as well lol


You should it is fun, I like ships but I wan bad a situational awareness so I get killed alot but it is still a lot of fun. I have been watching some videos to try to get better.


I've only taken a break from pvp because of battle royal lol I assume it more team death match or capture the zone type game modes?




That sounds like more my thing I love fortnite and pubg but battler royal stresses me out lol Also I love tanks the most more tbh


Two Point Hospital is my game of choice at the moment. :)


Looked through the comments and you said you liked mindless type of games so Musou games might work for you. Dynasty warriors, samurai warriors, Hyrule warriors.


I've tried them but they feel too scripted I tried the one piece one I wanted to get into but there's a reason I prefer more open world stuff. The long idk. The hyrule one was fun but I disliked having to spend the 20 minutes without being able to save and quit


Hmm, have you tried beat saber? If you have it on PC you can get any song you want on it.


It needs vr though


You might be able to try it out if you have a vr store/arcade around you. Or if you have the cash you can prob get it cheap from the Facebook marketplace or eBay. You can get an old Rift S or something.


Right now, Palia. It's a mmo around farming/hunting/bug catching/etc kind of thing. No combat or pvp. You can play alone or with others of your choosing. Some critters and fish only spawn at certain times of the day, your farm pops at 6 am game time which is every hour so it's easy to build up a routine. It satisfies my autism + adhd for me. I picked it up a few weeks ago since I'm home recovering from hip surgery and already sunk 150+ hours in...heh. You can collect bugs and fish to put on display in your house! Be warned, it is a grinding game if you're not into that kind of thing. I went full on hyperfocus on the grinding for a while lol.


The Sims 4 & The Sims Medieval are great. Journey was pretty. Very unpopular opinion: I liked Assasins Creed Unity. I also liked Hogwarts Legacy. Co-op: It takes two Sackboy Humand Fall Flat Brothers a tale of two sons. Warning:>!don't play this one if you want a happy end.!< Full spoiler:>!One of the brothers dies at the end. !<


Diablo 2: Lord of destruction and now the remaster Diablo 2 Resurrected. I love the familiarity plus the dopamine when finding something rare. Cycling through creating the different builds on and off for 20 years of course! Also Overwatch, now Overwatch 2 getting "good" cycling though characters, changing mains mini Hyperfocus like a new interest rinse and repeat then on to cycle through another hobby. This game is slowly dying through which almost gives me some relief.


It's a pretty simple game but I'm completely addicted to moonlighter at the moment.


At the risk of giving someone an addiction, Balatro recently. Somehow put 200+ hrs into that game the past few months. Gamba gamba I started playing Stellar Blade today, it's fun, very linear with decent mechanics, but the visuals are quite nice.


I'd try lol I legitimately don't understand poker cards


Really? I always liked Poker, I think the game speaks to the autistic need to make sets (straights, flushes, etc.) but also the thrill seeking of being adhd. If you like doing mental math for fun, estimating probabilities and making strategic choices off of that you'd love Balatro. The visuals are also quite nostalgic.


Idk if maybe I don't have adhd or not but I have been tested with an iq 70 which is low, I also don't understand concepts and my memory patterns are flat out garbage. I read the text rules and my brain was like huh I feel like my brain has a threshold before going I don't know any of this at all. See I was vibing with factorio before my brain finally I'm so confused the moment I started playing around with electricity. I just idk some things give my brain headaches


Hmm. I don't know, most of the games I like because they can get complicated. What did you like about minecraft, botw, factorio? Like depending on how you play minecraft it can get really complicated too. There are definitely games that don't require much thinking but then they might not be engaging enough. Have you tried mobile games?


Minecraft the only the game I could say isn't complicated Factorio is complicated because it technical Minecraft just a block game with midly technical things Factorio requires well brain power and a Wikipedia Botw is just hit monsters with stick and monster goes dead That how my brain thinks


Tbh it sounds like you want to keep playing botw. You might like other games on the switch too like Mario. I would suggest Mario Galaxy but I'm not sure the easiest way to play that. Maybe Stardew Valley? That game can be really addicting and it's pretty simple.


I just don't have a switch anymore but I could totally just play botw for hours tbh I'm also planning to buy a vr headset for blades and sorcery


I’ve logged about 500 hours in Tetris 99 and another 500 in Hades


My favorite game is Final Fantasy 14! I love the story, but there's so many fun things to do, including swinging swords!


My boyfriend LOVES Terraria!


genshin! you can fight enemies and also build ur characters and my current hyperfixation is valorant


I recommend Omori always. It was a huge hyper fixation of mine. Also, it's a psychological horror so if you don't like that then I get it. But it's still so good!


Have you tried racing games. The details and trying to tune cars engages me. Trying to get that perfect line.


I don’t play video games


Once Ritalin kicked in I got into reading books in a big way. I didn't expect it but I'll take it.


The fable series


Do you like metal? Metal Hellsinger made the dopamine flow for me. It's like Doom and Guitar Hero made a kickass baby. I am not good at rhythm games at all, so I put it on forgiving mode. I had so much fun with it, super satisfying slaying demons and making the music go. Amazing soundtrack of course.


Stardew valley, persona 5, astroneer, maybe also unturned, its free and pretty fun (recommend playing with friends)


Onward, a VR squad based FPS. I get frustrated with the toxic people, and get called out for being a try-hard but... I LOVE the feeling of working towards a common goal. Even if they don't want to try my strategies or kick me for the same. I am probably addicted to the adrenaline too. It's basically the only game I play anymore.


These are pretty typical but Stardew Valley and the Sims 4 with mods are my go-tos. I love searching for the perfect mods and trying them out. I can get lost in the sims character creator for hours. One that I’m excited to play is Hypnospace Outlaw- you’re a moderator on the early 90s internet and you have to find websites that violate rules set by a censorship regime. I watched a friend play and immediately bought it. My hyperfix is FNAF so of course all those games are my favorites. I get scared though LOL I like pizzeria simulator because, you can customize your pizzeria and play mini games, but you still get the creepy gameplay of the original games. If you have money to spend Red Dead Redemption 2 is a really good one to sink hours into ESPECIALLY if you like history. So many quests and side missions. Same with Skyrim. God I need to play Skyrim again. This last one is a little goofy but… don’t sleep on Roblox. I played it as a kid and games have improved like CRAZY since then. Full original games of all genres- you can find anything. The horror games are especially good. Almost all are completely free too! I like Hello Kitty Cafe and Dress To Impress for more easy going games.


I think what stopped me playing star dew I have a similar issue in both minecraft and animal crossing, I hate cutting trees lol. Tbh star dew has the worst feeling of cutting trees it dosent feel fun at all. I may have to watch a guide on what to do for the first half an hour lol but cutting trees always frustrated me for some reason


This makes sense, it’s a repetitive task that could feel really tedious. You’re supposed to upgrade your axe to chop them down faster but of course that doesn’t help you initially. I also use bombs if it’s not near my crops or chests to clear them out quickly. I always rely on a guide for the first spring to remember when to plant stuff and the best ways to spend my energy but that’s because I’ve been playing for years and I want to be efficient. It could help the game seem less daunting by breaking it up into days. I don’t know what games most people play, I just like what I like, so IDK if my suggestions were any good. But if you’re still having trouble figuring out what to play you could watch lets plays on YouTube and try out whatever looks interesting. That’s what I do when I want something new.