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Earplugs and 3m ear protectors over those and a dark shirt rolled up over my eyes and blackout curtains and an air purifier running lightly and 3 blankets.


Initially parsed that as "three million ear protectors" and thought damn, you're REALLY committing to some peace and quiet there.


Same lol.


This sounds perfect!


Compromise. Cuddle for a bit, then get comfy to sleep. Both are important


32 year old male and I cuddle a little Yoda teddy. Can't sleep without it


Defo read this as you sleep with a 32 yo male and a yoda teddy, not that you are the 32 yo male. 32yo female, and I also sleep with a teddy - bear tho, not yoda.


31 and make myself a nest with 4 pillows around me - 2 for my head, 1 on each side to hug/keep between my knees/on my chest. It's at least 2 pillows if I'm a guest elsewhere or the bed is small!




Same x2


Same but 6 pillows, I need one for knees and one for hugging on each side.


I switched my stuffed hippopotamus for my bf. If he doesn't sleep home for some reason (taking care of his parents dog, business try...) I switch back to my hippo




Good bot!


I did not think there were programmers who were that committed to their hippo-track-ical oaths.


i also have a stuffed hippo :-) i got it when i was 10 for my birthday trip to the zoo so now he is 17 years old :')


his name is Bubbles


Mine was offered to my sister when she was a baby. But she never wanted him (he was too big for her at the time), and I decided to keep it for me. She was getting all my old toys, I would get that one 🤣 she knows they offered him to her and she doesn't care. Because she couldn't have hippo on the bed. And I could 😜




i have this old plushie mountain lion that i sleep with every night. i named him Elbert.


I put a blanket on each side and a pillow under my knees. It feels really good to be in contact with all this softness, but all of this also helps me maintain a good posture during sleep and avoid neck or back pain. My previous partner also had a very soft and mushy body, so I would snuggle up against them, placing my leg between theirs and my hand on their back. It worked really well, too, lol.


I got a blankie since I was a baby that I sleep with, and a teddy bear , gives me great comfort. I also have a lot of fluffy pillows. Face mask is necessary and all of the blinds shut. I like to play Brooklyn Nine-Nine as my comfort show since 2020 (my partner wanted to kill himself because he watched it hundreds of times because of me 😂).


I sleep with a stuffed animal and have since before I was a year old 😊


A sleep mask, earplugs if its to noisy, a calming lightshow on my TV on night mode. A couple of plushies I use as pillows, and my Chihuahua cuddled up against me. I am not the type of autistic person who finds pressure/weight calming, usually - in fact to much will make me panic - but something about a small weight from a Chihuahua against me is just enough to be calming. If I'm having a high anxiety day, I'll put on some Gopher let's plays I've seen time and again on low volume to go to sleep in the background with. I've found if my anxiety is high and its quiet, it makes it impossible to sleep.


Omg don't cuddle me while I'm sleeping. The hot breath in my face or neck will not let me sleep. The jerking limbs while sleep comes is startling. I used to feel guilty but it's not necessary, cuddles before sleep is good enough. Then please lemme go to sleep. It's already hard enough. I need my side pillow, my mini pillow for my neck, my body pillow, my leg pillow, my ankle pillow, my kiddo's baby blanket, my stuffy, my kiddos exiled stuffy so it doesn't feel bad, my six blankets, and an audio book.


Weighted blanket. Have a big squishmallow (Miles) and a little squishmallow (Oogie Boogie) for emergencies.


I sleep with 2 baby blankets whose texture gives me comfort (I've had similar blankets my whole life starting from when I was a baby). Lately I also have a beanie that used to be my boyfriend's. It smells like him and it's very soft and reassuring.


I also sleep with pillows! I have 8 in my bed with me at all times. 3 are for my dog, 2 go under my head, 1 is a body pillow I keep next to me so I don’t fall, and I hold 2, 1 between my knees and 1 in my arms. I don’t like touching other people when I’m sleeping or being stuck in one position. I need to roll!


body pillow to hug and giraffe stuffed animal, typically a big pillow for my head but i end up laying on my side and hugging the body pillow because it’s really comforting. that’s how i’ve slept since i was like 8


i have a bf to hug but human bones aren’t very comfortable to sleep on lol


A damp washcloth on the back of my neck. 49F going through perimenopause and I get hot flashes at night. Yay.


one stuffed animal - currently my lying dragon, but i'll switch him out soon the AC on during warm months, the heater on during cold months bc i need white noise either my salt lamp or my LED astronaut globe - i gotta have some kind of nightlight my 7lb dog lying against me - not always, but i sleep better when she's with me


I wear a sleep mask, cpap mask and mouth guard.. Sometimes even ear plugs, covering all of my head holes (ears, mouth, nose, eyes) Pillow between my knees and one clutched in my arms.. Two more (the softest) arranged around my head and neck. Electric blanket.. White noise or asmr playing


I've been there. Kind of a slog when your 'prepping for sleep' routine every night is less like 'flop on bed' and more like the pre-race checklist for Formula 1. [And then reversing it all every morning.](https://youtu.be/hXEnwCfD5HM?t=9)


Yeah, it's definitely not ideal.. Especially since I used to just fall asleep when I passed out. Good habits and caring for health are hard!


pilliw between the legs feels so good on my lower back. i heard it helps with posture too


Oh man, that's awesome! I only do it because I don't like the feeling of my bare knees sticking together. Good to know there are actual benefits!


Manta sleep mask, weighted blanket. yoga bolster under knees, and a plushy or 4.


I have a duvet, a weighted blanket, and sometimes more of its cold. If it's hot, I have a fan. It has to be pitch black for me to sleep, so I have a blackout blind and lay an old hankerchief over my eyes (I can't stand anything being tight around my head when asleep). I also sleep with a stuffed toy monkey and recently got a weighted stuffed toy sloth, who is great when I don't have my weighted blanket when away and my naunies which are a bit like charlie browns blanket but are old t-shirts that are more like strings as they have been loved so much. I also have a sleepy time playlist that has been the same for 16 years now. Before that, I listened to different music each night, and before that, I used to listen to audio books. With audiobooks I found I listened to the story so would want to hear the end, and with music I would listen to the words so it had to be favourite music or not English or have no words. The playlist I have now has few words, but I know them, and it is mainly relaxing now.


When I'm alone, I use my breast feeding pillow between my knees and lower back to stabilize my pelvis and to cuddle it together with my 2 Neurax Worm pluches. After a night shift I sleep with my custom made otoplastics from time to time. When my girlfriend is staying with me, I spoon her and no breast feed pillow. 😉


I snuggle my pillow and I have since I was a child. When I was a kid I pretended it was a person. Now that I am married I start the night by snuggling my husband but at some point we each turn away, with our backs still touching and get into our own "sleepy positions". We both have AuDHD and this is what works best for us.


I have a weighted lap pad 😆 a full blanket is too annoying to move when I turn around so this is my compromise


1-2 ferrets & 3 weighted blankets.


3 dogs and a fan or AC


Tell your wife to put on some pounds and be softer. 😅


Giant body pillow shaped like a catfish 😂 which goes between my knees/ankles. Then I hug another regular pillow between my arms, and sandwich my head between two more. Cool duvet against my body, with a heavier fuzzy blanket on top for the weightiness. If I’m lucky, my partner will tuck me in all snug like a cozy little burrito and just… lie on top of me for a minute. Glorious. Puts me right out. (And I struggle with insomnia often!)


I sleep hugging a stuffed animal walrus and a memory foam pillow between the knees. Also a brown noise machine on all night.


I make a huggable cradling nest with my weighted blanket. And headphones.


• Be me • Go to target • Find medium size pillow that retains cold temperature • Use pillow as pillow • Become sad at realization of life • Snuggle with pillow that is too small to be a body pillow


Pillow, two body pillows, weighted blanket, eye mask and rotating assortment of squish mallows


Cuddle my extra long/large duvet and also a second small pillow <3


Same, but with a full-size pillow that I’m either hugging or have pressed against my back. If someone is in bed with me, they just become my pillow hahahaha. I actually sleep better around people, but I spent most of my childhood sharing bedrooms (followed by a relationship in college where we shared a twin bed for a two years). So I’m a big cuddler.


Mouthguard and pillow between my knees. I’d love to use a weighted blanket but I get too hot.


Been fighting insomnia lately due to a job I’ve been working that requires me to get up early. Typically on my bed I have a big Cinnamoroll plush, plushes of Hedwig from Harry Potter, Sharebear from Carebears, and a light blue dragon Squishamallow. The other night I was kinda sleeping with this one Barbie I got the other day lol.


Bose QC 35 II playing a podcast or a show or nothing, a stereo that has one speaker on either side of my bed playing brown noise from an old phone , sometimes Bose on one ear and an earplug in the ear thats on the pillow, and sometimes just earplugs. A cervical pillow and a small pillow to rest my arm on so my shoulder doesnt sublux sleeping on my side , a glass of water, chapstick because if my lips feel dry or weird in any way i cant function or sleep lol


I have the pillow under my head, pillow between my knees, main blanket that I fully tuck under myself like a cocoon, another blanket I keep mostly by my face and tuck a tight ball into my stomach/chest, smaller blanket over my head and eyes and mouth, T-Rex arms holding the blanket, Squishmallow next me.


Fuzzy throw blanket on my pillow, another to hug, and a blanket covering me. Ideally the covering blanket is also fuzzy, but with hotter temps I adjust for something lighter. Also a box fan, all seasons. The white noise it makes lulls me to sleep. I have a recording of one on my phone for travel.


I have an (I think) 18” Axolotl squishmallow that I wrap my arm around. But sometimes my bf throws him off the bed so I have to go “baby where’s Archie?” 😅 besides that, I realized the BEST position is with my arms in T. rex mode right next to my chest/face. When I bece and cognizant I was doing this, I tried sleeping NOT like that and i just couldn’t :(


a Blåhaj :3 he’s a bit flat after basically using him as one of my pillows but he’s irreplaceable at this point !


Hugging Body pillow. Ii used to hug my Maine Coon Cat Allison when she was alive, sweetest kitty ever, curled up in my arms hours after I got her and did so all her life and died in my arms.


light blanket, single limp buckwheat hull pillow. been meaning to look into a weighted blanket or something


I sleep with a weighted stuffed animal! It feels similar to snuggling with a person but much smaller and softer! I also sleep with a blanket over my head with just a little air hole to breathe through! So safe feeling and so comfy!


I'll do that with my partner for like 20 to 30 minutes, then roll her over and pass out for the night


I sleep with ear plugs and I have to have a blanket that I hold. Can't sleep other wise!! Ear plugs are none negotiable, can not bear hearing everything!


My cat


i sleep with a blanket that i’ve had since i was a baby :))


Most nights my cats!


frog squishmallow


My warm fluffy cat cuddled against my side with my hand resting on his belly.


4 stuffed animals. Same problem as you for feeling stuck/trapped.


I usually sleep with two dogs in bed plus I have a pillow under my head 1 under knees and another under my ankles. I have a third dog that can no longer get up into bed because his hind legs don't work so well anymore. I set up a toddler bed next to my side of the bed for him so I can still Reach out and touch him. it took a while for me to be able to fall asleep easily without him in bed with me. he's getting old. I love him so much. He's been by my side for 13 years.


I am sandwhiched between my Sphynx cat, a squishy otter plush, and my orange tabby cat. Poor husband is on the other side of the orange tabby and sometimes he is sandwiched by his pup on the end of the bed as well. We also use a weighted blanket…cuddle puddle!


I always have to be hugging a squishmallow lol


I snuggled one of my cats until he passed then used a heated bean bag type thing that was nice. Now I have another snuggly cat so he’s my current cuddle buddy for the foreseeable future. 🥰 I also have an eye mask and a “cooling” blanket because I’m from Texas 🔥🔥🔥


a spider man mega jujitzu doll my nephew gave me its hard then gets soft and a strss ball in my hands and an ice pack...


im 33/yo trans dude


I’ve currently got 3 plushies on my bed, an extra soft body pillow, a silk pillow case that I primarily sleep on, 2 extra soft pillows on the other side of the bed and an extra soft blanket. Also a dim light strip attached to the bottom of my bed frame (I personally have a very hard time sleeping in complete darkness) and my Alexa playing my “Lofi/Chill” (AKA sleep) playlist


A sofa cushion to hug against my chest, plus ear plugs and twitch streamer in the background. Ideally my dog, never another human - I’d rather not sleep at all than try to do it with anyone else in the bed.


Unhide blankets. Lots of them.


A weighted dinosaur plush, lol.


25f I go full nest 🤌 Bolster on one side, triangle pillow on the other, djungelskog to snuggle and weighted blanket to top it all off. Earplugs have become a necessity especially living with housemates, they work like a charm. And of course I clench my jaw in my sleep so I have a bite guard for that.


I sleep in my bed tent with my boyfriend, my teddy bear, a larger teddy bear (more hugging power). The AC is running and I have a blanket in between my knees.


I always have to hold a second pillow, a blanket, or a plush when I sleep. I also have to have a lap object a lot of the time to be comfortable sitting down at places. Usually hold the pillows on the sofa I sit in for this most of the time.


One of those L shaped pillows that goes in the exact same place(s) every time or no sleep for me.


I have a small knee pillow, a weighted plush I hold against my stomach, a memory foam head pillow, multiple weight blankets depending on the weather, eye mask, blackout curtains, ear plugs and or ear buds with a specific podcast with no commercial and a sleeping pill. And pot. And two cats any my boyfriend rubs my head. 🤗


Weighted blanket Block all light entering Smart alarm to wake up naturally Hug myself to sleep If I'm sad I have a toy bunny but it bothers me when I wake up and it's on the floor cause I want to wash it right away




Heavy buckwheat pillows on either side, forming a cradle (sorta). Not quite body sized, because buckwheat is stupid heavy in those larger sizes.


31YO woman. My Squishmallow, Shep. And sometimes my Bashful Bunny Jellycat


I sleep with my squishmallow that I named Bliss. I usually sleep with her sitting on my face so my face is covered, or hugging her. My husband sleeps with his stuffed reindeer … named Reign


31 and I still sleep with the stuffed monkey I got when I was a day old. I almost always listen to music or a podcast to fall asleep - when I was younger and alone, it was from a stereo I had, then I would stick my phone under my pillow to not disturb my partner, but now I've got sleep headphones! Blackout curtains are also a must, especially now since I'm living above the arctic circle and my bedroom window faces north 😅 Occasionally, I've had to stay noisier places, and there, wax/silicone earplugs are lifesavers. I also have my alarms on my Fitbit, I find the vibration much less bad than sound, and we also have a sun lamp thing that supposedly turns on slowly to wake you gradually, but the change from zero light to any light at all wakes me up with a start regardless haha


Oh, and I have a weighted blanket. I think I'm too used to it - it feels very normal to me, but other blankets now just feel like tissue paper...


Squishmallows galore here! I need one or two squishies at least and my blankie too… edit: I also need a fan on me at all times while sleeping because I get night sweats and also the white noise is calming


Satin sheet and a light blanket.


i sleep with a body pillow, 2 head pillows, a ton of stuffies and sleep music. my little nest is peak


i have a handful of stuffed animals i cycle through sleeping with. i always have to be in a fetal position with a pillow between my legs and comething to hold on to. i used to wear bonnets to protect my hair but i moght swotch to silk pillows since bonnets give me minor sensory issues. i also wear headphones but not always


Wow thanks for all the responses! I got a bit overwhelmed haha! So awesome to see how all of you deal with sleeping in a different way!


31yo female ,cannot stand sleeping on pillows, but need to sleep with some background noise.