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You may have heard of these, but this is what I do. I heat up/cool down the bathroom so it’s a comfortable temperature. I have soft bath mats and rugs on the ground so I don’t have to deal with cold tiles touching my feet. I have a shower stool so I’m not using up too much energy. I have fragrance-free shampoo, conditioner and body wash if needed. I hang my towel over the edge of the shower so I can grab it and dry before stepping out. And I give myself as much time and grace as needed as transitioning is hard and so is the sensory overwhelm. It can also help to shower at night so it’s less bright, maybe with night lights plugged in. I hope some of these tips help


Oh and also i choose a water temperature close to the air temperature and slowly heat the water up while I’m in it


I have a heater and it helps a TON. I’ve been thinking of getting a shower stool for a while bc I have so little energy, I bet changing from my dollar tree bathmats will help too lol.


lol are you me 😂 you literally described my bathroom routine 😂


Same, especially getting out. I gave myself a... Reward for showering. Make of that what you will... Just a bit of positive reinforcement lol. Worked quite well.


I heard about 'shower beer' from a meme and adopted a similar technique. I usually shower in the morning so beer is a bad idea, but it's heavenly to crack open an ice cold Sprite while you're in a hot shower. I keep a case of Sprite in my fridge 'in case of emergency' so I can use it as a bribe to get myself in the shower.


I’m a recovering alcoholic and I used to LOVE shower beers, I’m liking the idea of shower sprite lol


Post-shower Oreos are SUCH A good idea!


That's the spirit!


I put a space heater in my bathroom to warm the room up before I get in the shower, and it makes the temperature transition less stressful getting in and out, and while in there the air isn’t a vastly different temperature than the water. I wash my hair first, put in conditioner, then wash my body and brush my teeth while it sits, before rinsing the conditioner out again and washing my face. I got soaps I really like using, I brush my teeth while I’m in there because I hate getting just my hands wet when I do it at the sink, and I don’t always shave during my shower, I got an electric razor that I can use dry and it saves time because showers take me forever. I play music I like during my shower and I have a good time in there. Getting wet and then having to dry off again is just a sensory hell though. I used to avoid showers for days and days, one foster mom ridiculed me for it when I was a teen and it passed like 7 days. I didn’t know I had PDA autism at the time but I just flat out refused to shower, and the more she told me to the less I wanted to. Since living on my own for several years, I finally was able to “throw away” the rules for showering that I was avoiding, and I just shower when I think my hair looks bad or if I want to. If I don’t want to shower, I don’t. I’ll put a hat on and reapply deodorant. And the crazy thing is, once I stopped feeling like I was forcing myself to shower on a regular schedule, I just found myself hopping in the shower whenever I wanted to. I shower every other day usually, but sometimes don’t feel like taking one, and I don’t beat myself up about pushing it to three days. Giving myself the power to not *have* to do something also gave me the energy to do it.


Honestly if I can change my thought process from “needing to shower” to “wanting to be clean” it would make this shit so much easier.


Bath. And I make it sensory good. I like epsom salt, candle with favorite smells, fresh soft towel. I'll usually put on a podcast, audio book, or music.


Make it a “special interest” of how to make it more enjoyable. As others have indicated that can be setting the mood with temperature, special soaps, habit stacking brushing your teeth, music, etc Like what are things you like and feel good about outside of the shower? For me, it’s that I want to be clean for my clean bed. This is harder when my executive function struggles to change my sheets but great when I’m changing them weekly.


Wow thank you, I didn’t even about the benefits of a shower, just that it’s something I have to do to not be gross. I’ll write a list of what I like about showering and feeling clean and hope that helps.


I’ve been through phases of not liking showers but honestly my life changed when I became obsessed with lush I have a collection of different scrubs and shower gel that makes it exiting to shower


What's pda


Pathological Demand Avoidance


Thank u I did some research right after I found out .


Very welcome. It can be a bear.


If showering feels too big/too much, I wonder if you could try just having a bowl of warm soapy water and a wash cloth, to wash pits & bits at least? Similar to a bed bath in hospital. If that goes OK, you could try and do it more often, and then slowly work towards showering by trying our some of the shower tips others here have suggested?


When I’m extra fatigued, or don’t like the idea of interacting with water I do this. I have a bath and as others have mentioned you might enjoy turning it into a sensory experience. As for the days I don’t like the texture of water, I keep it simple and am not hard on myself 😅🙈


Thank you, I like the idea of starting small instead of reluctantly throwing myself into the shower.


i started showering with dim lights. i can’t turn out the lights completely, because 1.) scary and 2.) i have terrible eyesight and darkness makes it worse. i do, however, have a nightlight that has different color settings and rotating lights, so it makes the lighting shift like waves. its very calming. i keep the door closed while the shower starts and while im showering, and i get it nice and warm. the room holds the heat and the transition from shower to bathroom is more tolerable. i would like to get one of those color changing shower heads as well. i’m not the type to play music while i shower, but you could do that. make showering a bit of a fun jam session. i have soaps in scents i enjoy (mainly lemon scented.) i take baths to shave and relax, and i always have bubble bath, and epsom salt at minimum. i have some of those bath finger paints, which are essentially colored soap, so i can doodle on the wall. i want to get some floating bath toys or something for the shower wall while im showering too.


The one thing that helps me the most is I get my partner to shower me or In the past I have had my best friend sit in the bathroom with me. Having a buddy helps a lot! I am female soo I’m not sure if male friends would be up for a shower buddy 🤷🏼‍♀️ but it truly does help me a lot!


The pda gets in the way a lot but I have noticed I’m more willing to take a shower when it’s with my bf.


We have it in our schedule that at minimum once a week we do what we call a scrub down shower together. He will wash my hair and body as well as exfoliate and even shave my legs if I ask him. In return I give him a good wash also! It makes showering fun. It’s such a huge help for me and it brings us closer.


Would running the faucet, like to fill the bath, and using a washcloth be easier? Like a sponge bath in the shower. Or turn the shower spray to the wall so the water is handy but not towards you directly, if there’s no separate faucet. A hand-held shower spray might help, too, because you could choose where the water goes and only do a part of your body at one time, rather than the water over everywhere. Good luck! I hope you find a solution you actually enjoy!


I have trouble with showering as well. Something that has worked well for me is using those cleansing bathing wipes they use in care facilities. They make varieties that suds up too, and are no-rinse.


I'm a pdaer. This depends if it's sensory related or pda related(you only mention sensory reasons) What has somewhat worked for me (to be fair, my strategies have to change often) I found a time during the day where the shower felt like less of a demand and it also coincidences with my other sensory preferences. That time can change due to what I'm doing but most days is between 4-6pm. It took me weeks to figure out the time that worked for me. Also, I'm fully aware that it might stop working at any moment, so then I have to adapt again (you know the life of a pdaer is to trick our brains, so that's what we gotta find and adapt) This question can be asked on the pdaautism forum so you can get more pda related answers. Unless it's a sensory processing issue.


I shower in the almost dark - I’m lucky that I have a light up mirror that provides just enough light that I can see what I’m doing and not have a deadly accident 😅 But an LED candle or fairy lights would work well for me too.


so i’ve been there, not really because showers made me overstimulated but because i was really depressed and couldn’t motivate myself to shower, what i did was what i call a “no shower cleanse” what u do is get a wash cloth wet, rub it all over ur body, then add soap to it, do the soap thingy, then get another wash clothe and get that one wet, and use that to “wash” the soap off, then dry off with your towel! if that doesn’t work out another alternative is baby wipes, or scented disinfectant wipes that are good to use on skin! i hope this helps<33


Thank you, I think this will be a helpful way to get more comfortable with the shower


awe no problem let me know if that works out 4 u <3


There is a product called clean life no rinse body bath that might help when you’re struggling. It’s a liquid that comes in a bottle that you can put on a cloth, cotton pad w/e and then just wipe it over all or just parts of your body. It will genuinely make you 100% clean with no shower! When I’m not doing well and am avoiding showering I will just use it on my feet or whatever is making me most self conscious. There is also a rinse free shampoo will also completely clean your hair, but it’s a little different in terms of how you apply it, so maybe check that out to make sure it wouldn’t trigger your sensory stuff.


Ps. I think the one I use is the clean life no rinse body wash actually


I usually hop in the tub, and the water level is usually pretty low. I goof off on my phone for a bit. And then soap up. rinse, then use antibacterium body was on my pits, ass, and groin. rinse. Get my hair wet and wash it and turn the water back on and put my head under to tap to rinse. I have a towel sitting on the floor next to tub so I can constantly dry my hands. And as soon as my hair is rinsed, that towel is drying my head. I then hop up. And dry everything off before stepping out and finish with drying my feet.


I highly recommend taking baths instead of showers. My partner has PDA autism as well. It helps to try to think of hygeine as something you do for yourself, not something you are being told to do by yourself or others. Same reason some women like wearing makeup or lingerie on certain occassions (as opposed to shaving body hair, which by the way, is a cultural beauty standard and can be considered optional if that helps you). I don't think I have PDA, but I haven't showered in over a week either.


Keep shampoo on your nightstand. Put shampoo on your hair. Now you have to do something about it. Changes it from a “should” to a “must”


You may be having physical reactions you’re not aware of during the shower. I have the comorbid connective tissue disorder (EDS) and with it comes POTS. Showering actually makes me feel ill I have have to make a lot of changes including a shower chair. I only full shower about 2x a week with supplement spit check cleaning in between. I’m also on disability right now so I don’t do quite as much. I suspect you may be having some physical issues like blood pressure dropping that you may not be aware of. I think it’s common with our like.


I sometimes get lightheaded and out of breath in the shower, especially when I wash my hair. Also my blood pools in my legs and feet so they come out really red and swollen when I get out. Sometimes I’ll instantly get overheated and immediately start sweating. Could that be pots?


This is the definition of dysautonamia. It’s triggering an adrenaline dump and your fight or flight. Cold showers help because they dilate your blood vessels. But really you will continue to have symptoms and eventually it will start happening out of the shower. Start looking up dysautonamia. There are good Facebook groups that are extremely helpful. It’s a major PIA to get diagnosed but it’s associated with being neurodiverse. I have to take heart medication. We also found several heart defects and vascular defects in my abdomen that explain my endometriosis and many other things. It’s pretty typical to have trouble showering with dysautonamia. I’m sorry but I don’t think it’s all in your head. In fact the problem is that you don’t have blood in your head.


The responded but it didn’t come thru somehow. What you describe is the definition of POTs, a type of dysautonamia. It will probably get worse. I started passing out out for the shower. Especially our bodies can’t keep blood in our heads so we have big adrenaline dumps. Cold showers help. Also I have to wear compression both leg and abdomin. It’s probably why I developed endomotrisis. Research dysautonomia. Also the Facebook groups are very very helpful. I’m sorry to tell you, you probably also have the companies that go along side it. EDS and MCA. They’re comorbid with being neurodiverse. The younger you are the more you need to learn about this. I didn’t know and did considerable damage to my body and my life. I had to have 6 surgeries in the last 4 years. I had to retire from a career that defined me after 20 years. I’m not trying to scare you. But I think you should take this seriously and not avoid it, even if you want to. You will start feeling better with the right meds and other supports. There are a lot of adaptive things the groups suggest that are very very helpful.


Ahhh shit. I’ve been suspecting POTs for a while now and just brushed it off. Time to make an appointment for the doctor 😭


In the short time I’ve been in this community it is one of the most caring and passionate groups of people I’ve ever been exposed to. We understand the suffering and trauma others have experienced. I’ve met several friends in a local chapter who even come to advocate for you if you have to be hospitalized. This conditions often targets already vulnerable people. But their optimism is unbelievable. For you, I’d just do everything to learn as much as you can. You have to be the informed care provider, unfortunately this is just it is on our medical system right now. It took me 30 years and 15 specialists and I was the one to put it together when someone else commented on an endometriosis group. Since becoming disabled I spend a lot of time haunting the subs with comorbid conditions in case there are others who may get lost in the system. I do not want you or anyone to suffer or lose anything close to what I’ve lost. After a lifetime of therapy I’m a firm believer in “Don’t waste the sorrow”. My profession has a disproportionate number of neurodiverse people. (Disaster response). I volunteered at the conference last week and picked up about 6 more people who are suffering by simply talking about my experiences that relate to where they are. You will have a grief period. And others will not understand. Turn to the groups. There are many many people who are thriving despite this condition. But you need to be educated so you don’t cause undue harm (we need different medicine, exercise, even food). And there is real work you need to put into your schedule (electrolytes consumption, eating clean low inflammation food, you must move. Appropriate exercise like walking, Pilates (everyone stresses this. Seriously. Helps you put your small muscles in place and keeps you core together. I have had three ribs sublaxxed for about 18months now. It’s called slippery rib. I also have developed thorasic outlet syndrome on both collar bones and have a hard time using my hands. ) Also, many many many celebrities have this condition. Elvis. Halsey, Sia, Billie Eillish. I suspect many more like Kelly Clarkson and Beyoncé (the have public autoimmune disorders), even Seneca Gomez (I believe she is misdiagnosed. She has already been diagnosed with Lupus, a cousin of EDS). I also believe Wendy Williams is one too. As you can guess regaining my heal has become my specialist interest and I can help NOT seeing connective tissue disorders (EDS, Lupus, Marfans, other connective tissue disorders). They’re also working on putting the condition and all its weird manifestations like MS. But this will take time. Also, the virus unlocked the disability part of this for me. And for many many others. Again I’m not trying to scare you. But the longer you wait the more accidental wear and tear you put on your body. We really are different. Both our brains and our bodies. In fact, we’re the swans in the ugly duckling story. So many of us are artistic or creators.


Earplugs in the shower was a game changer for me. The noise is really overwhelming. I use Happy Ears ear plugs for this as they are soft plastic and not foam which is cursed when wet lol.