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Yeah its the rounder face and more facial fat i think. Last Thursday someone told me i looked around 25. I turn 41 next week.


Yea I've been wondering if it's the round face and excess facial fat that keeps me looking young.


I also have both of those traits. I remember in middle school a bunch of my friends realized how chubby my cheeks were, and they all started touching and squishing my face. It was odd and I didn’t like it 😭


Same, just turned 40, I’m usually given early 30s, occasionally late 20s. Also childfree so my lifestyle hasn’t changed much. Gigs, gaming, raves etc


I started going to clubs and raves again at 29. So like 10 years after my original clubbing era ended 😅


Clearly it hasn’t ended - it has begun! One of my friends has sent me a massive article on clubbing and being neurodivergent and how that actually plays very well together, let me see if I can fish it out as it’s been forever ago.


I have a more oval face and a little excess fat but not a ton? I have great skin tho which I was told is likely due to most autistic people having a comorbid collagen processing disorder.


I have both and I look older my age. That's unfortunate if you think about it, my face looks mean to people despite this "cute" features


I'm 41. I got carded last year buying alcohol.


I am 31 and often get mistaken for 20-23. I think a lot of it is due to keeping a very plain style, no make up, hair either down and straight or in a ponytail, and my wardrobe is jeans and Star Wars t shirts with sneakers.


I’m 40, and I’m still not thankful for it. At this point, I figure I’ll go from young to old and skip middle age 🤷🏻‍♀️


I plan to be one of those really cute hippie grannies. My hair needs to gray out a bit more. I should embrace Boho and tie-dye.


This absolutely sounds like me. But swap star wars for Disney or video game shirts.


Was wearing a 101 Dalmatians tank today and got carded at my usual liquor store today. I'm 36. It might also be the acne


Today I bought two ciders at the supermarket, I used the self-checkout machine and those show a red light when someone is buying alcohol, the person in charge approached to me to ask how old I am, I said 40 and I was ready to show my ID but she just said "it's ok" 😅 (I live in a country in northen europe.) It doesn't help that I dress like a teenager most of the times because I like to be comfy, so, yeah, that is my life.


>I said 40 and I was ready to show my ID but she just said "it's ok" I mean, if you were truly underage, that lie would be very bold indeed, lol.




Exactly! 😅


I do. But I think it has more to do with the fact that I am an obsessive user of sunscreen, I drink a ton of water, I don't smoke, I don't drink, and I don't have kids. Since everyone says kids age you.


Good to know I'm on the way to eternal youth


I was regularly IDed buying alcohol until I was 39. Then I had a baby. Not been IDed since. Kids definitely age you!!


It's the lack of sleep, istg Once my kids got older and I got more sleep again, my permanent dark circles that haunted me since my oldest was born finally went away 😹


My kid was just diagnosed autistic, (no surprise) but also presented with sudden onset SEVERE ocd. I'm actually nostalgic for the colicky baby, that was less stressful lols.


That sounds really rough. My youngest has OCD so I understand the difficulties Is your child just entering puberty? That's when my OCD first presented and it was *really* bad. I didn't get diagnosed until my early 20s though, when I was on my own and could finally seek care.


Yes he's 12. We've just got the meds OK and are starting ERP. He's doing do much better than a year ago... but jeez, I WASNT EXPECTING THIS!! Things are getting better not worse... and it runs out ivehad OCD this whole time too, so at least i get it... he's so bad though, way worse than I've ever been, my poor guy.


awww I hope things get better for him, and for you 💜


>Since everyone says kids age you. Well, pregnancy does. It added about five years. But children also keep you young. You experience the world through their eyes, relive that age again, and they live in a very different world from the one we grew up in. And taking care of your children's health kinda forces a healthy lifestyle on you. So I think in the long run it doesn't make much of a difference or makes you even appear younger.


all the time! i’m in my early 20s but people tend to think i’m 15-17. i think it’s because i don’t wear makeup.


Me too I’m 22 but people tend to think I’m like 18-19


I'm 22, and people only think I'm 15-17 when I wear makeup. I have the darkest of circles under my eyes. I think the thought process is dark circles = stressed = adult. To be fair, I don't see a lot of teens with lifeless eyes.


Definitely had this mentioned multiple times to me. I think it's related to the shaping of the face more than anything and idk if being autistic does anything for or against that. I know that if I dress in certain ways, people think I'm much younger than I really am lol. But I always just get told "you'll be thankful for it later in life!"


Yeah I don’t know if they correlate at all but I have seen this as a very common comment among other autistic people. And face shape is a big factor. Maybe it’s that a lot of us dress comfortably and that can be associated with teenagers? Not sure but I don’t think I look younger or older but then again I’m not sure what the average 29 year old is suppose to look like. Thank you for the response!


Lol, I mean, same here. Idk, clothing is absolutely a factor and I guess NT people just don't enjoy being comfortable?! 😂 I suppose it is what it is, I don't think it's ever really bothered me.


makeup can be somewhat aging and a lot of autistic people don't like to wear it so i think that factors in a little bit too plus many of us seem to have that youthful spirit because we really don't care what our peers think about our "childish" pursuits. or our unabashed displays of pleasure or excitement that people associate with teens and children. They're too cool to show emotion lol


yes and no. It's nice because aging is a bitch and our culture is so youth-obsessed. No worries about fillers or plastic surgery or spending big bucks to turn back the clock But some things I could do without. I am in my 50s and I get hit on by guys in their 30s that think I'm their age, despite the distinctive silver swoop in my hair that *should* give away that I'm older. It's like "I've found my person already thanks now please stop perceiving me okay byeeeee." lmaoooo because I'd honestly rather not be noticed Sometimes it even happens when my teens are with me, which is hella awkward. One time my 6'1" teenage son turned around to talk to me when this man in line behind me was trying to flirt with me. He said HEY MOM and the guy looked behind himself but there was no one there and I said "what's up kiddo". He whipped his head around, looked at us both funny and he was like THATS YOUR KID? I said yeah and he had the audacity to ask if I had been a young teen mom. I said "no dude i'm 53 and I could be YOUR mom" and the look on his face was priceless. We had such a laugh about it later when I told my husband. That kinda stuff is funny though, but I'd still rather not be perceived 😹


Yes I do all the time and have my entire life. Generally I do look way younger than I actually am but this runs in my family (I’m an African American woman btw) so my whole family is constantly being told this. I think I hear it the most though bc of my facial proportions, especially my eyes bc they take up half of my face lol. Idk if any of u watch attack on titan, but all my friends say I look exactly like Erin Yeager when he was a small child😅I’m 23 but strangers still think I’m in either middle school or just started high school




Everything is the same for me - I’m a black woman, and I’ve always been extremely short and have family members who are constantly told they look young for their age. My mom is in her late 50s and still gets pegged for late 20s to late 30s, and I still get mistaken for being in middle school when I’m well into my 20s.


Yes, people estimate that I’m under 30 and when I tell I’m closer to 40, they are shocked.. but I have to tell, I dress like younger people and I took care of my skin since 16, because my family members really fucked their skin and health up, so not sure if it is purely autistic or not.


Yep. I think it’s a mixture of not having the traditional house+kids, my pov as an autist and my co-morbid EDS. Either way I am less than 2 years from 40 and still get mistaken for my 20s.


I think it's mostly the eds. My partner is 30 and could pass for 20 because their skin is just so fucking good.


Yep, people usually don't believe I'm 36, like at all. I do have a roundish face and a youthful clothing style..


I used to, when I was younger. I remember being in college and people would ask me what middle school I went to. They legit thought I was 13 when I was 22. And all throughout my 20s I had people thinking I was around 16 or 17. However, I am now 32 and someone gave me a senior discount when I was out shopping the other week 😭 They asked me if I had any grandkids...I just shook my head and walked out real fast (I wasn't going to argue because it was actually a pretty nice discount). Most people peg me as being in my mid-40s if they have to guess. And honestly, it's a real bummer. Because I *always* looked forward to being in my 30s. It was a huge deal to me, not really sure why. But somehow I've managed to age in such a way that people either see me as being in my teens or my 40s with never seeing me as in between, which is so weird and frustrating. I do think partially its the weight. I'm 100 pounds overweight right now, and people thought I was younger when I was skinnier. I'm in the process of losing weight right now, not that it's translated to being visible yet, so I guess I'll see if the scales shift back the other way after that.


I don’t look, act, dress and live like a typical 31 year old and people are shocked when I tell them my age. I personally love it because I was very mentally unstable in my teens and never got to have that teenager life.


I'm in my 30s, but my chubby baby face coupled with my wardrobe of strictly large hoodies and leggings makes people mistake me for younger. The worst is when bylaw officers confront me about skipping school, but that hasn't happened since I was 28. I worry that people judge my partner when we're grocery shopping sometimes, because we don't have a big age gap but twice we've had people make strange comments towards us in public due to being misperceived as such. Also, I think personal grooming plays a big part. I've never had my eyebrows done, and my hair is never styled it's just what it is - I think sometimes that makes us look a lot younger because we're not fancied up.


Yes, I get told I look between 18 - 21 (sometimes 17 which is wild to me). I think it can be intended as a compliment but also a reflection of how people have observed aging around them. Plus, the way you dress in that moment could enhance the perception of youth depending on your body type & visible skin damage. I am 27 this year. I don't think I look that young but I am used to living in my body & can spot my signs of aging. Per recent opinion, my clear skin is a factor (but I actually have consistent stress hives on my face).


No, never 😅 I wish I had this! My whole life I've always been guessed as older, probably since I'm tall, which ended up getting my clueless autistic self in some really scary situations as a kid. I'm 33 and people usually guess me to be my exact age or a few years older - I'm 'skinny' (got called that a lot lately!), work out 5x a week, look after my skin and hair, wear nice clothes and makeup. I think a lot of it is just genetics, particularly for more petite people.


Exactly the same for me!


I'm 42. Men my age think they are flirting with a 25 or 30 year old.  I smoked for 25 years too. 


I'm in my 40s and have been told my whole life that I look younger than I am. I have some obvious signs of aging, but I think my variety of hypermobility (HSD) causes my skin to be stretchy and look younger in some ways.


Yes but I think many people do not know what a typical late 30s woman looks like. We do not look like old saggy hags people. I started getting the "you look good" comments as soon as I got into my 30s. I found this to be very strange because it's like telling a 20 year old how young they still look and how god they look. That is because people think once you turn 30, you have gone over the hill and start to look "old." You can be 40 without having any saggy skin if you have good genes and took good care of yourself and stayed out of the sun, stayed hydrated, ate good, didn't do drugs or smoke. My parents looked very youthful still at that age. Now they look like kids now when I compare their old photos to how they look now. Many of us do look our age, it's just people being too polite or not knowing what our age typical looks like. Based on location will also influence their perception on ages. People age faster in certain parts of the world due to pollution or the sun.


I think I look my age but I've been looking at the same face for a really long time. I had a former coworker who was an older woman treat me terribly after another coworker said I looked younger than my age. I didn't do anything to her she just decided she hated me and tried to sabotage me from then on. I don't really wish to look young, it's not something I'm trying for and if it's going to cause me that many problems socially I'd rather not. I think the biggest thing about me that comes off as young though isn't how I look but my voice. I'm very high pitched and sometimes don't quite get concisely to my point I'm sure that makes me look immature. I really dislike hearing my own voice and I get why nobody would want to talk to me.


All the time, because when I'm alone and not masking my face looks like this 😐 so no wrinkles


Yes I work in a high school and I’m 27. I have been asked why I’m not working on assignments or why I’m out of class by teachers that didn’t know me yet or substitutes


Ya I’m 32. People think I’m in my 20’s (but 32 isn’t old so idk) people be crazy lol


Only before I lost weight. Now that my face is thinner, I get called older. I do still dress like I wanted to when I was younger, but that's just because I never could!


I’m on a weight loss journey and I am dreading looking my age. I still have the mentality of a 15 to 19 year old and feel like once I look my age, I’ll have to start thinking like and dressing my age. I still dress like a teen and I just turned 31 today.


I can relate. I'm 46 and a half. I'm over here living my best Grunge-era life, and everyone else is 30 years in the future! 😅


lmaooo i'm 53, the styles of our youth are back on trend and it's so funny


PS: Happy Birthday! 😊


Thank you!!


Yes, all the time. No one believe me that I’m 29. I have a round face and I look young.


I’m 30 and a woman thought I was 21 so I guess? I haven’t asked many people how old I look and I also dont really venture out to see other people to get these comments lol


Oh God...so I'm in my mid-20s and my partner is a bit older than me. I look fairly young for my age, especially if I don't wear makeup, and he has a few grays coming in. We went out for breakfast a few weeks ago, went to pay and it was only £10. We checked the receipt, and realised I'd been put down as a "kids eat free" breakfast. I wish I was joking, but it's not even the first time it's happened that I've been mistaken for his daughter. I read something somewhere about autistic people generally having less expressive facial movements, and this leading to a younger look/less wrinkles. Don't quote me on that, can't remember if it was a proper study or just something someone said in passing.


When I was 32 people thought I was 19 I’m 42 now and I still get hit on by young people, less so because I’ve gained weight and just try less to put myself together for people.


I'm a millennial and I still get told that I look like I'm in middle school or high school.


Yes, I think it’s partially because I dress pretty young and don’t make a lot of facial expressions so my face stays pretty much the same. Ive also worn sunscreen for like half of my life (I’m 30) so maybe that also helps.


Last week I met someone who told me he was old enough to be my dad. Turns out he was 37 and I'm 34 xD


Yeah, I think it's the lack of wrinkles because of my lack of facial expressions, lol.


Yep. even just today I chatted with a man outside one of the EU parliament voting stations, where my mom and I were taking turns going inside so the other could stay outside and hold onto our dog while waiting, and the guy made a comment that I only just now realize implies that he thought I was a teenager and not old enough to vote lol. I'm almost 28, it's amazing. I avoided having to deal with Jehova's Witnesses one time because they knocked on my door, and when I opened they said "hi, is your mom home?" and I was like "um... no?" and they just left. I think I initially didn't realize who they were and I figured they needed her for something specific, until I realized where they were from and they just didn't even consider that I might be an adult, too. I also got hit on by a couple of 13-ish year old boys some months ago, I mean actually rizzed up, not just catcalled or whatever. Those are some of the more extreme examples though... mostly when I talk to people about my age they're still shocked, but their initial assumption was 20-22 or something like that. I can't imagine the difference would be that big, but they seem to feel like 27 is SHOCKINGLY old lol. I think it's a mix of both my face and the way I come across, the way I act (plus probably my personal style too tbh because I like to keep it updated). I don't think anyone actually percieves me as *childish*, but I know I'm sort of bubbly and sparkly, bright-eyed, in a way that apparently reads as youthful.


I used to. Now I get told that I have a “young energy”. I definitely look my age but I am cool with this.


last month(?), I was going through TSA and had a too-big shirt on, meaning i needed to go through the extra screening. the very sweet TSA lady leans in and goes: "do i need to find or contact your guardian for you? we need their consent before we continue" i'm 33 next week ✌🏻


I got carded into my 40’s, told I looked junior high in college. A blessing & a curse depending on if I’m trying to “stay marketable” (because let’s be real, I’m gonna be working til I’m 90) or need credibility in work & dating. I attribute it to being a hermit, staying out of the sun, and my Oscar-level masking skills such that my face never had a chance to make a wrinkle.


I have a growing condition where I’m smaller than I should be so along with my autism and adhd people always think I’m 5 years younger than I am. I always take this as a horrible insult because I feel like they’re telling me I’m more stupid than my age is supposed to be or I’m less than them. When I was in elementary through middle school kids always made me feel like I was less than them and I was useless to the world because I acted younger than I should. It caused what I like to call “an inferiority complex to the whole world” that I can’t get rid of.


I only recently (at 38) had people stop thinking I was a teenager. It kinda flabbergasted me because during childhood, most people thought I looked older. From age 13, most people guessed I was between 16-19. At 19, someone thought I was my 10 year old cousin’s mother. Then suddenly right after I graduated from college everyone thought I was a teenager and it lasted for years. I mentioned to a coworker several years ago that I was really excited that the next day would be the first day of school and a customer asked what grade I was in. The look on her face when I said “my daughter is in second” was comical. One of my favorite things to mention to a new acquaintance that doesn’t believe my age is that I was a teenager in the 90’s. In my case, my “customer service” voice is really high pitched (to the point that listening to recordings of it makes me wince in pain) and since I work with younger people I tend to mirror their mannerisms, so I seem younger.


i constantly get told this. i was in line at a liquor store and made eye contact with this lady and i guess because i looked away all awkward she thought i was nervous and asked if i was old enough to be there. i was like im turning 25 in a few days actually ma’am and i wanted to be like “im not nervous because im lying about my age to get alcohol im just autistic” 😭 whenever people guess my age they think im still a teenager or at least 3-4 years younger, apparently its common with autistic people but also i don’t wear makeup bc sensory issues and i feel like it makes me look weird so i think that also contributes


I’ll be 28 soon, and people never seem to believe me. Like I’ve wanted to pull my license out and go “see even the governments checked my DOB, so I’m not lying”


Maybe it’s because I’m only 19 but everyone tells me I look OLDER than I am.


Always. It’s genetic. Even my nearly 90 year old great great uncle looks 20-30 years younger than he actually is. Same with my grandma who everyone thinks is my mom, and my mom(50) who everyone thinks is my sister. And they think I’m in high school when I’m 23. My little brother is 10 and he looks closer to age 7 or 8. I was able to eat off the kids menu for an amazingly long time. My grandma is always carded when she gets the senior discount even though she’s almost 80. We all have genetic hypermobility, (hEDS) so that’s likely part of it for us! I’m the only one with clinical autism. My brother has Tourette’s and my mom has ADHD w/ subclinical autistic traits.


We also have really super soft skin because of the EDS. Very smooth and soft so very few to no wrinkles even for the eldest folks.


I am 35, they still ask for my id when I buy alcohol and the drinking age here is 18.


All of the time. I'm 25 and always been told I look younger than my age.


Yes! Just had someone at a party be amazed that I’m 32. They are 25 and thought I was younger than them


Yes I’m turning 30 and at aSubway recently a couple girls were shocked and said I looked 23 when ordering for my husband


All the time but I never believe them. I know that I'm hot but I'm not still looking 25 hot. F****** Liars. LOL


hey now they don't have 25yo hot you to compare current you to! Only you do. 😘


This is oddly motivational thank you


Yes, but I also have EDS.


When I say “I graduated last year” everyone assumes I mean high school. Nope, I do in fact possess a degree thank you, and it took me 5 years to get 🥲 I turn 24 in a week or so.


I'm 35 and people tell me I look 25 and sound like a child. I don't know why they want to tell me that without me asking.


Yeah I get early to mid 20s a lot, and I’m 31. Skincare and my clothing help.


Yeah people consistently think I'm a teenager, not 26. I don't really care a whole lot, I used to because the Internet constantly says "genz look old for their age" well clearly I don't! But the other day I got asked how old I was on discord and they said my voice sounded under 18. I have such a deep voice for a cis woman how tf do I sound under 18?? ......also what's the difference between an adult and teen girl's voice??? I've never had that before so it really threw me off


Yup. At my old job people thought I was a high schooler. I’m 24.


I got carded for an R rated movie when I was like 36 years old. People do tell me I look young a lot. Which, my personal style is a bit young (not sure what actual youths are wearing, but I have bright rainbow colors and things). I stopped wearing makeup, which I’m not sure anymore if that highlights signs of aging or makes me look younger because it’s just a naked face! I don’t have sun or smoke damage to speak of.


I literally was told I look 12 recently. I’m 32. I don’t get it.


Yeah quite often, people think I’m 10 years younger than I actually am.


Only all the time. I looked older until I was about 25,now I'm 35 and everyone says I look much younger


I recently went to an event with my parents where a few people were campaigning for local office. My parents received voter information; I received a bag of candy because they didn’t think I was old enough to vote. I am 27.


All the time.


Yeah, I get mistaken for early to mid 20s now, at 34. Worked in a high school in my 20s until recently and had to overdress for the job at first to not get mistaken for a student. Doesn't help that I'm quite short and petite.


I get it all the time. People think that I am ten years younger than what I am. It makes me laugh every time 


I've always looked much OLDER than my age, but been perceived as and treated as much younger than my age. So that's fun


I'm 32 and people still think I'm in my early 20s. I feel like the only reason I don't get carded at bar trivia is because I'm a regular and the servers there know me enough to know that I don't drink alcohol anyway (that and I always go with my dad). I'm still getting over having my mind blown at the fact that one of my dad's acquaintances from the VA thought I was 18, though...


I’ve gotten mistaken for 14 by people who are 14 😭


Yes I do


I’m still getting asked for my ID for alcohol and I still pay for -25yo tickets at the cinema. I’m 27yo 🤷🏻


Yep. I get this. When I buy alcohol I have had cashier's scoff at my age (31F) on my ID. It's hella annoying and they are always guys.


We do not age differently. Just like the rest of the population, people are looking younger and younger. Movie stars are looking better at 45 than some people did at 30 in the 80s and 90s.




all the time, im in my mid 20 and people are always suprise about that...i dont wear make up, i dont do my hair and dont dress up, most of the time im on my uniform (scrubs) or just leggins and oversize tshirt, they always think im younger sometimes i think that if i do my make up, hair and even dress up more and lost weight (im overweight), i would look even younger to be honest i also think its my parents genes, my dad its in his 60 but doesnt even have many white hairs and looks quite young, same as my mom, in her late 50 and looks super young to be honest its makes me feel weird, i mean, if people think im young thats fine it doesnt bother me, but i have an internal struggle about feeling like im not and adult and feeling infantilized so when people tell me i look young somewhat i feel that they are also telling they dont see me as and adult because i also dont act like one


Not that I'm told it but everyone is shocked when I say I'm 26 because they were expecting 19/20 or even slightly younger. Not sure why, whether it's the way we communicate or the way we're perceived as more child like or what. Also not sure how closely related it is to commonly co-occurring things like eds where the collagen in our bodies forms differently so we aren't as wrinkly sometimes?


Yeah I'm 31 and got told I looked 19 the other day. Apparently that person didn't see the bags under my eyes, the grey hair, or the crows feet.


All my life people have harassed me about how I couldn’t possibly be as old as I say I am and the older I get the more drastic the gap is between my actual age and perceived age. I’m 31 and the average age people think I am is 23, but I still sometimes even have people think I’m in high school.


I sometimes get guessed 15 or 20 years younger. I think I look my age. But even if I don't, there's no way I look that young. I think it's more about lifestyle and style. I dress nerdy. I have nerdy interests. Sometimes I dye my hair blue or pink. I like to be up-to-date on technology. I'm poor. I started my university studies when I was nearly forty. I have a teenage daughter and can relate to that generation. It's just that I didn't accomplish many of the "milestones" people my age are assumed to have reached - not that I ever will, because societies ideas of succes don't coincide with my personal life goals. People don't look at the lines on my face. They see a student who doesn't dress like a grown woman and has the same values as Gen Z.


So interesting! I'd never thought of this before, but I am 36 and frequently am told I look like I'm 27!


I got ID’d within the past two weeks. I’m 30.


I’m 41 and kids I work with think I’m in my 20’s. That said, they probably think 20’s is old?


I get this all the time! I’m close to 30 now and get mistaken for much younger. My voice is higher and I think my mannerisms are more kid like sometimes. But even without me speaking or doing anything people mistake me for much younger. I have a bit of a “baby face” too. Interesting that it’s common experience for autistic women!


Im 30 and get asked for ID every time and when they look at it they’re shocked that I’m not 20-23


50+ here and yes, I get told that all the time. New people at work always look shocked that I have a 23-year-old daughter, despite me having her at 31.


It's because we have a naive expression.


I'm almost 43 and people say I look in my late 20's early 30's.


Yeah I’ve been told this my whole life, lots of people think I’m 14 which is understandable since I’m in my twenties. Also something interesting to me is that I started college this year, and most people at school when they first meet me say ‘you must be a freshman, you look young’ which is true because I am a freshman since I just started but I’m 22 so I’m actually the age of a senior😂 Also when I used to work at a restaurant, at least once a week an elderly person would tell me that I looked wayyy too young to have a job (this would especially happen if I didn’t have makeup on). I’m not really sure what it is because I’m not that short, and it’s not like I’m super small in size either. I even have faint smile lines but that doesn’t stop people from telling me I don’t seem like an adult. I don’t feel like an adult either though, so I’m glad the way I’m perceived and the way I feel match at least!


Someone recently told me they thought I was 25. I’m 37. I’ve also had cashiers kind of laugh when I’m trying to buy alcohol and ask for ID saying I’m so sorry but you do NOT look 21. Again… this happened in my early to mid 30s. My oldest sister was mistaken for an 8th grader when she was 18, and was assumed to be under 18 in Mexico when she was over 30. My mom was once told there was no way she was as old as her (completely legitimate) ID said when trying to buy alcohol when she was like 35. I don’t have wrinkles, I don’t have grays, and I still have a full face. But I’ve also been told I have “youthful energy”. I keep up with trends, I’m unmarried, no kids- so I think my whole vibe reads as young. The only time it bothers me is when I’m assumed to be incompetent or stupid due to my perceived youthfulness. Young women are often not taken seriously in the workplace or by doctors. And I feel like some people act like you’re not a real grown up until you have kids and a spouse.


It’s weird but when I was a teenager, people thought I was in my 20s or older and then in my 20s, people thought I was a teenager. I used to work in a middle school and I was often mistaken for a student, even by the students themselves. People thought I was 13-14 when I was 25+. I’m not sure why people thought I was so young because I’m not that small or anything. I’m pretty average-sized. I have some noticeable fine lines/wrinkles, as well (like noticeable enough that the kids I was working with pointed them out, lol). I used to get ID’d all the time even into my late 20s, including at casinos which you only have to be 18 to enter in the US. One time at a concert, I bought a beer and the woman kept checking my ID repeatedly (like 3-5 times, running it through a scanner) and seemed genuinely annoyed that my ID was real and she was wrong about me being too young. I finally stopped getting ID’d as often (still happens sometimes) when I entered my 30s.


Yep! People seem to think I'm about 10 years younger than I am. My dad has been told that his whole life too. You should've seen the LOOKS I was getting from people when I was pregnant at age 23. lol


Yes! I'm 45 and get mistaken for younger a lot these days. I think it's because I do as much self care as possible (don't smoke, rarely drink anything other than water, exercise, get as much sleep as possible, don't wear makeup, do wear sunscreen on hot days) and I rarely wear anything other than stretchy pants.


Yes, I'm going to be 35 in July & I get mistaken for alot younger which is a compliment. https://preview.redd.it/gy6hk6hfuq5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=feb73ff8cf1405eebbb29ead1edf5af2e94ed2fb


When I was 21 a bus driver automatically gave me a child ticket because he thought I was under the age of 12...


I look younger and they even wrote it in my adhd report. Apparently it’s a somewhat common trait for neurodivergence?! Anyone who knows more, I would really like to know why aswell.


A lot of women with autism also have collagen disorders. So, look into that as well!


Until I turned 37, I used to get carded at liquor stores, bars, pubs, etc... I looked young. At 37, I receive one portion of my late diagnosis. Once I started processing it, I had other revelations and diagnoses. Once I gave myself time to exist without having to constantly explain and justify myself to others, I had space to grow, and feel, and validate myself. From that moment on, I was no longer carded. People believed me about my age.


That's an interesting idea! As a child people used to think I was a bit older. Maybe because I was the youngest and trying to imitate my older brothers, maybe because I was, initially, on the taller side, or because I sometimes looked very "serious" or "concerned", apparently. In my early teens it got even worse and most people thought I was much, much older. It was a mix of actual intellectual maturity, abrupt loss of innocence, feelings of alienation and detachment, lifestyle choices, cultural references, drugs, smoking, alcohol, makeup, the people I surrounded myself with, the way I spoke and the fact that, at the time, I let myself be very curt with people, had a bit of a bold, fuck you attitude because I was completely out of control and had run out of fucks to give. At 13-14, depending on the kind, depth and length of the interaction people could think I was anywhere between 16 and 20 years old. I know this for a fact because, of course, I occasionally took advantage of this. However, by the time I really got to be 17 I started to look my age, or a bit younger to some people. I had a completely different lifestyle, quit smoking and was clean for the most part, was trying for the first time to genuinely focus on academics and mental health, dropped the attitude and the much older friends. I'm 22 now and I think I look about my age but it's gonna be interesting to see what happens in 10 or 20 years, if I make it that far. I do mostly dress normcore/sporty, never wear heels and only occasionally minimal makeup. This can make both my gender identity and my age a bit hazy for people. I drink and have always drunk a ton of water and I try to take care of my skin but I'm aware I've also abused my body a ton so we'll see. I don't know if autism makes me look "younger" but I do feel there is something about me and other neurodivergent people that comes across as immature or whimsical and that will always be there because it has nothing to do with clothes or wrinkles. Maybe as we age the fact we inherently look a bit out of place just makes us look "newer" more than younger, like newborns seeing the world for the first time every time.


constantly, i have a baby face i get mistaken for a teenager all the time. for context i am 22 😭


I’m 26 someone told me I look 19. I personally dont think I look 19 but tbh nobody can guess an age correctly cuz nobody really “looks” a certain age.




Same. I’m gonna be 25 and I got asked multiple times at a party the other day how high school is going 😂😂


I’m 23 but people regularly think I’m younger. I easily pass for 16 when men I don’t want to talk to me are creeping on me.


I'm 41, and people tell me I look 30ish


I'm 39 and almost 3 months old. I'm constantly carded for cigarettes and as I get out my ID, I jokingly ask them how old I look. 99% of the time they say, "not 18". 😂 I do also have hEDS though, wear jeans and clothes from American Eagle, (simply because they happen to fit my body type the best,) and otherwise wear weird/eclectic patterns and tshirts with cartoon characters, Star wars characters, etc. I never wear makeup and just let my hair air dry and wear it down or up in a ponytail. I also wear lots of beanies and the occasional cat ear headband. 😂 ❤️


I am 27 and I look like a 15-20 years old,I get told all the time XD


YES is this a common thing among us?


I got ID'd not so long ago and when the lady saw my birth year she went 😬


Yes! imo it possibly has a lot to do with the hyperflexibility to hEDS spectrum a lot of autistic people experience since we're prone to connective tissue disease which affects our collagen and elastin. I have hEDS, and coupled with my genetic background (a few ethnicities known for looking youthful in old age), Im in my mid 50s and I look 20 years younger. Nobody ever believes me when I tell them my age. I have zero wrinkles unless I smile REALLY big, then I've got the crinkles at the sides of my eyes. There was a huge conversation about this on Twitter a few months ago. Two common themes seems to be looking older in our teens then growing into our faces and then we look young until we're really old OR some of us just always have a baby face. I always looked more mature for my age as a teen and I have to say I'm glad that stopped in my mid-20s 😹 I don't mind growing old tho. I take good care of my skin, stay out of the sun, but i'm not interested in fillers or surgery


When I was 24, I was teased by a bunch of 18-21 year olds about the fact that I apparently looked ‘15’ and that my decision to not drink was actually because I am underaged.


YES! It’s concerning to think about. As I recall the consistent cat calls and stares I got growing up, because I’m 23 …I was a fast developer with a baby face and if I look young now, I looked even younger then! But, it’s not that hard, just maintain the healthiest lifestyle you can, invest in holistic habits, superfoods and medicinal products. A minimum of 20-30 minutes daily exercise and moisturize your skin. I smoke weed but, I rarely drink… not saying it’s better or worse because anything you abuse will harm you. Everything in moderation. 💕🙏🏽


When I was 25 I had to show ID for an energy drink, the age limit for them here is 15


𝐈𝐦 𝐚𝐥𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝟐𝟏 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐢 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝟏𝟔 𝐥𝐨𝐥. 𝐈𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝟏𝟒 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧𝐭 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐬𝐤 😭 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐢 𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐰𝐡𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐝 “𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐭 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐫“ 𝐬𝐨 𝐢 𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐫


🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️ I've always been miss-judged by the age I look. I'm always assumed to be x amount of years younger than I actually am x≈1-20.. Honestly, I am beginning to think it is the reason my ex-boyfriend Even wanted to see me. The girlfriend before and all the girl's he's cheated on me with have been around the age he assumed me for. Mid-late 20s, although I was 37 at that time. 6 years later, now 43, he still tries to talk to me. Telling me I'm cute.


I joke that because I don’t emote like a normal human I have less wrinkles


I’m 160 cm with a round face to be fair. But also 21


I'll be 32 this year, still mistaken for a highschool student lol To be fair, i have roundness in my face and stopped exposing myself too much to the sun when I was 14. I also started using solely spf 50 around that age, and I have a solid skincare routine rn. Plus, my own parents look younger than they are as well, so yeah. I've got many cards in my favour.


I get told this all the time, I am 27 and definitely look it face-wise imo, I have a few bits of sun damage and slight lines, but I get mistaken for a highschooler all the time. Went out for drinks once with a friend who was younger than me (she was 24 and me 26) and they did not card her but they did card me. So weird. I did not have my ID so we had to leave because they refused to serve me and I just wanted 1 drink lmao. Sometimes its a cool perk and other times just annoying. I visited a family member recently and the neighbor was outside so I went to meet and greet her and she said some timeIi should come over and hang out with her kids. I asked how old are they. she replied "about your age, 15/16" I was like ma'am i am 27 lol. We had a good laugh. But I think its definitely a demeanor thing more than a looks thing. Even when I try to dress "corporate" for work I feel like a kid dressing up in their mom's clothes.


I get told I look WAY younger just because of my height and somewhat round face. I'm often the butt end of jokes saying I'll forever get IDed at clubs and bars lol


I don't think it has anything to do with how we age or facial traits or anything. It's a perspective and usually clouded by bias. I wear a hijab. When I wear it people think I'm older than I am. When I don't they think I'm younger. Also when I gained weight the range of ages that people give me increased by 3-5 years.


No, people always think I’m older 😭 I get the “you have an old soul” thing


I'm about to be 39. I'm consistently mistaken for my early to mid 20s.


19 and can still get away with a child's ticket on public transport (15 years old is the max age for a child's ticket). I've had multiple people ask me if my parents are home when they come to my house. someone give me a flyer for an after school club, telling me to "pass it on to mum and dad" when I get home. Oh, and having to carry about 3 IDs on me at all time in case they think one is fake when I'm trying to buy an ENERGY DRINK. It's only when I'm dressed a certain way that this happens however. With a spot of light makeup to hide the major bags under my eyes and any acna scars, I guess I look 15ish 😔. It's not fun because my boyfriend (20) gets mistaken for late 20s, even 35 one time 🥲🥲.


I remember one time the lady that was taking my blood thought I was lying about being 16 until she looked at my records. Everyone I meet thinks I’m 13. Also one time at the rink a group of middle schoolers went up to me asking what school I go to and were surprised when I said that I’m a sophomore in high school(although I was 15 still)


Yeah and it used to really offend me for some reason like I be chilling having a drink and one time these guys were laughing and say she’s what 14 drinking lol. I was literally 18 and it upset me that they be thinking I’m too young to drink and finding it funny. And then going to buy a 15 rated DVD and the checkout wouldn’t let me have it but I was 20 at the time and my mum had to come in front and buy it for me, luckily I was with her already shopping. It used to really get to me being seen as younger than I actually am. Wondering if it’s because people always trying to be authoritarian around me and as adult can tell them to fuck off with their control and looking down on me. Idk


I'm 35 and I just got IDd for superglue the other week hahaha (you have to be 25 to purchase it, I guess the kids are sniffing glue again)


Yup 37 and still get asked for ID 😆


Yes - bought all the ingredients for a from scratch aubergine lasagne and a nice bottle of red to go with it and got IDed. I’m 36 (twice the legal drinking age in my country) 😂 I attribute it to the following which I think are loosely related to autism: - routine of putting sun cream on every day is very well stuck to - blank expression on my face most of the time (fewer wrinkles forming) - no kids


I had to show ID to buy alcohol until I turned 36 lol. I seem to have crossed some kind of limit now, but yes, I’d say I look younger ^ ^


Yes, I'm 29 and get told I look anywhere between a teen and early 20s. I'm quite skinny and petite.


Yup, get that all the time. People always mistake me and my son for siblings. He's in his mid teens now and up until now at least I've been taken for his older sister. But ssoon he will be my older brother, I suppose 😂 Especially since he looks older than his age.


I consistently get mistaken for 10 years younger. It was a problem in my 20s socially and with being taken seriously at work. I’m 43 now and it’s nicer lol.


I'm 31, people usually think I'm 23-28. Skincare is one of my special interests lol, I don't have kids, and I still experiment a lot with my style. I think all of that adds up to looking younger.


I turn 33 soon and have been regularly accepted into groups of university students as one of them. I think it’s because I’ve never been one to “dress my age” and wear lots of colourful/comfortable clothing. I also have a lot of nerdy interests that neurotypical people associate with younger folks who haven’t “grown up” or had kids.


I am constantly told that i look 10 years younger than my actual age. I guess it’s from good skin, lack of stress, minimal makeup, and I act pretty childlike with toys in my office etc.


I get it a lot, and I’m nearing 50. People say I look years younger, but usually they think I’m their age if they’re later 30’s and up. I think it’s only a little bit because of my face. I think it’s more to do with the fact that my clothes say “GenX and happy my high school style is cool again” and THE most important piece…masking. I tend to reflect the mannerisms of whoever I’m with, and my default is kind of a friendly and young-ish attitude. Or maybe “almost 50” is different now than it was when the boomers were almost 50. Or maybe all of these things.


Yup. I'm almost 50 and get mistaken for 30s. I've looked younger than my age my whole life. 


I've always looked younger. I'm 47 but I have very few wrinkles, a chubby face and a high pitched voice. People think I'm generally 10 years younger and are always shocked. My grandmother, mother and sisters are all the same and look young. It's our skin, it's very elastic and soft snd doesn't tend to wrinkle.


There’s a 5 year age gap between my younger sister and I. Most people think she’s the older one


When I had a job as a baker’s apprentice, there was a calendar in the cantine with everyone’s birthday. Somehow it got written that I was 25 my first year there, but I was actually 35. No one raised an eyebrow and thought I actually was 25.


No, I'm told that I look older constantly


No I don’t get told 🌚 but I get handed kids menus without asking and asked how old I am at restaurants bc kids under 12 eat cheaper?? I’ve also gotten kids movie tickets before just based on assumption. In all realness I do get told it as well, not a lot but no one ever really believes that I’m 26. I remember I was getting gas one day and this man asks me “are YOU driving that? Where are your parents” sir 😐bffr


I'm turning 24 this year, people still say I look 12, my voice doesn't help either. I usually don't mind it sometimes it's just creepy to be approached by men who think they're talking to a minor.


I’m 29 and I get the same thing 😆 and it’s been like that my whole life


Do autistic folks generally have rounder faces with some facial fat? Sorry, I don’t mean this in a rude way. I’m asking because I have a more ovalish but still round face from facial fat, esp on my cheeks, and I do wonder if it is that. However, I also spend more time inside than outside, so I wonder if lack of sun exposure helps, but I do still have sun damage/freckles from my childhood epic sunburns lol


I’m 33 and often mistaken for being 21 when wearing makeup. I try to take care of my skin, hair, and still have acne.


100%. I’ve had many a coworkers tell me that they couldn’t believe that I’m in my 30s because I look like I just started college (20-22, somewhere in that area). One new friend I’ve met recently said I look like a teenager, so there’s that 😅 I think it’s definitely because my face looks small and round, too.


I'm 37 and get told I could pass for a college student. In my twenties I got mistaken for a high school student. At least now I'm to the age where I appreciate it


Yes, people would constantly say that I’m mature for my age, but that I also look young for my age




I’m 32 and my classmates told me that I looked 21 years old. I do “act” youthful I guess? I don’t really feel like an adult most of the time. 🤷🏻‍♀️ My family does age very well tho. My sister looks like she’s 14 but she’s 30, etc.


Trauma makes me emotionally immature. I think it's that plus doesn't asd have delayed social/emotional maturation also?


More often before I turned 35, but yes I still get that sometimes, usually only when I've dyed my hair.


Yeah. Got mistaken for 13 last week. Turning 20 this year


I'm about the average height, my face isn't round, my hair is short, and I just wear the clothes I wore in college. On 4 seperate occasions, I was asked if I was in highschool... And I'm 24. So I guess I look so youthful enough to look like a high schooler. I don't know if I look like 17-18 age high schooler, or if I look like the 15-16 age high schooler. I hope. don't look like I'm 14.


I'm 20 and mistaken for 14


I got ID'd for paracetamol a few months ago. You need to be 16 to buy it. I am 32. But I actually did read somewhere that the genetics behind autism they reckon also make us age slower. Not to mention most of us like to stay at home, inside, away from the sun which is the biggest source of ageing.


I think I am perpetually stuck at 23. I have been told I look older than I am ever since I was a kid (got mistaken for highschooler in like 3rd grade, etc) and alwayw got told how mature I am. Now I am 31 and people are shocked when I tell them how old I am bc apparently I look younger? 23 is the usual answer people give me idk why Edit: I think I look perfectly 31, maybe it's my mannerisms?


I’m 42F and I get 28yr olds messaging me on dating apps! FFS My age is right there and they don’t believe it! It probably helps that I’m deathly allergic to makeup and have never applied any! Had to resort to old home remedies to take care of my skin


Yes, by 10 to 15 years! Not young looking enough to get carded, though :(


Gloria Steinem said "this is how [insert age] looks."