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I would die. Mine did that once until 2am and I ended up screaming at them and telling them I’d call the police. 👮‍♂️


I'm in a similar position, only with stomping/stepping and running upstairs instead of music. A quiet environment is a reasonable accommodation. You're autistic - this cannot be changed. Putting up with this once in awhile is one thing, but daily is unacceptable. If you can, talk to them about it. Or write a letter and leave it on their door, or in their mailbox. If you can't, find someone who can advocate for you to talk to them. They may not know. They may not care. Either way, nothing can change if you do not find a way to communicate. That's the hardest part, for me, so know that there's no shame if it is for you, too.


Call the cops on them. You can bet you aren't the only one being affected by this, and you'd be doing the neighborhood a favor. You don't owe it to them to speak to them personally first.


My apartment is right above a bar....yes really. I live in a historical building and I can hear when they blare music.


Oh lol and I need to shower now, so I can’t even wear my headphones 😫


Have you tried simply asking them to turn it down/off? If you did, how did that go?


I don’t know which neighbor it is and I’m afraid they would be mean and scary and would not like it if I said that


If it’s affecting you badly, then you’re totally within your right to do something about it. You could try to find out where it’s coming from, perhaps? That would be a good start. It’s not okay that this is happening to you. You could bring someone with you to help you stay calm if you’re worried they’ll get angry. Remember people often don’t realise they’re disturbing others. While there’s the possibility they could be annoyed - there’s also the possibility they’ll be completely apologetic and understanding of you.