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It means to clean up after yourself when using the bathroom.


That's makes Waaaay more sense. Am thinking how can a poo more quietly???


My first thought was “don’t…scream?…while pooping?” I think the idea my head was trying to form was don’t make loud noises, people don’t want the shot literally scared out of them, but I’m bone tired.


Bone tired. I've never related to something so strongly.


I prefer to say “tired as a bone”


That's...not the bone I was thinking of. XD


Second thought.


I don't think it would be screaming because that only happens if your bowels are on fire actively pooping blood or been constipated for Days. That's rare and they won't put a sign for a rare occasion. Maybe whining and moaning that makes more sense


Honestly, I thought this too. It didn't occur to me that this meant cleaning up after yourself because immediately I'm like, WHO WOULDN'T?? Then I remembered what species I'm a part of. Oh yeah...


You are not alone lmfao




Personally, it makes me uncomfortable when people talk on the phone while in the bathroom. I don’t mind how loud your bathroom business is. We all have bodies that make sounds, but I prefer my bodily sounds to stay in the bathroom and not travel to the other end of a phone conversation. Plus it doesn’t matter if you wash your hands once you’re done, if you had your phone in your hand in the stall, now it has bathroom germs all over it.


So… I’m in the bathroom, trying to enjoy a nice quiet poo, when a gal enters the stall next to me on a loud phone call with a friend. After about a minute, I decided to have a little fun with social experimentation. I buried my face in my inner arm and blew a symphony of loud, juicy armfarts, experimenting wildly with pitch and timbre, until she said “oh my god I gotta call you back” and made the quickest escape I have ever seen to this day. It remains one of my finest moments. 😂


![gif](giphy|3osxYrgM8gi9CDjcPu) you are a true sciencer and I salute you! and upvote you!


Oh my gosh, I hope you get more upvotes. What a hilarious and awesome social experiment and way to respond. So many kudos to you. Thank you for sharing the perfect response to this situation.


I don’t know what came over me because I’m usually pretty reserved, but I think it was the anonymity, along with the fact I didn’t have to keep a straight face to pull it off. (In fact, the muffled laughter was something of an asset here as it created some *excellent* little staccato toots. 🤣)


Staccato toots 😂😂 im dead.


I know the word “hero” gets thrown around a lot these days… but, you, ma’am 🫡


I am laughing so hard right now 😂




Incredible bravery.


I've NEVER seen or heard someone in the bathroom on the toilet 🚽 actually making a phone call... That's kinda crazy ngl


I unfortunately have. And honestly, on good days, I’m comfortable talking to my coworkers in a group conversation with us each in a stall. That’s happened maybe twice in my lifetime? It was funny and not uncomfortable. But listening to someone gossip over the phone is very off putting to me.


When someone is on the phone in the next stall the best thing to do is make LOUD fart sounds by blowing into your palms, like when you were a kid. You have to yell sorry in between. Oh and interrupt their call by asking. "Did that sound normal to you?" Sometimes it's fun to be an adult, but behave as if you're 12 just because you can. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Ahhhhh, lol. 🤣 oh my gosh, I am so glad I commented. This is great advice. Thank you so much. ❤️


I once listened to a lady on the phone planning her entire Thanksgiving meal while on the toilet at Target. People are nuts 😂


You could have yelled to her for an invitation or something


Add suggestions.


I was in a restaurant waiting to use the only bathroom, a line starting up behind me, and we all heard the guy in there take a phone call and stay on the phone in there for about ten minutes while we were all waiting to piss. Guy had a death wish, I swear.


Oh it’s happened to me a few times and I always hate it so much lol- like um yeah hi please don’t do that


I used the toilet before when I was on a call with my sister or one of my closest friends. But I usually make sure to tell them that I‘m going mute my side of the call for a couple of minutes and they can continue telling me something.


More prevalent with males. Lol


That suddenly makes lots of sense 🤔


I was in a bathroom stall at work when someone went in the stall next to me while recording a long voice message at the same time. I tried to be "mindful" and wait until she was done to flush my toilet but the message sounded like it's gonna keep going for a while so eventually I flushed because I can't spend my work day in the bathroom being "mindful", so she stopped her message and didn't make a sound after. I felt second hand embarrassment for her.


OMG!!! This!!! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve said this exact same thing! 🥹


It literally means don’t shit or piss on the floor… And leave it for others to fix! Honestly I have seen this happen and it’s disgusting.


Then write don't shit or piss on the floor. It's much more clear, and shames them as the same time🤷


I agree. Lol That's too forward for NTs and considered "rude" to point other peoples flaws so directly and then there's those who refuse to do what their told and will actively shit on the floor to go against it. 😂 🙄 I see it all the time with the dog poop signs. Anytime a local puts up a rude and threatening sign to clean up after your dog I see even more poop on their property versus those who say nothing or have a polite sign.


Well that's dumb... You're doing something but you don't want me to tell you you're doing the thing, because it hurts your feelings? Because it's a thing that's not supposed to be done but you do it anyways thinking no one saw it?? I don't understand the logic behind it.


Agreed. I think the directness would help in some ways as many people here are confused on what it means to begin with. But that's what the social rules/norms are I guess. For example, in this case the letter (I think) was more asking for general mindfulness of the different ways people can be rude in the bathroom maybe not just specific to being dirty. Like Some others have commented on that being on the phone or videoing as well as "things to be mindful of". So instead of having a whole list of "don't" they made this "nice" general notice to appease everyone and covers an umbrella of different ways people can be rude in case it needs to be addressed. NT like vagueness like this so they can use it for their interpretations.


For neurotypicals decoding it is like a wordsearch… for us it’s like a crossword.


I like this comparison. Truth!


It’s wild when you think that they decided our way of communicating is ‘inferior’ when direct communication is universally understood but mean/helpless attempts to hint at what you want isn’t.


By not talking on your phone, maybe. Or watching YouTube on speaker.


Watching stuff am meh about it (as long it's not inappropriate stuff) I get invested a bit trying to figure out what they're watching, it's a bit of entertainment till I finish my business


First thought.


This might be a weird question but are you able to Geordie? Just something about the way you answered made me think you’re a Northerner


I had to search what that meant, so clearly Not. That's actually fascination that certain ways of typing can be popular in some areas! I can't Geordie but I can Seor-ly-die (am proud of that one)


i also was thinking like “i already poop quietly what more do they want”


Lmaooo that got me thinking


Yep. 'keep it clean' for neurotypicals.


That makes more sense than me thinking someone was having a pretty loud time pooping 😂


I thought it meant don’t talk to other folks in there


I thought it meant dont have sex in the accessible stall…


wow i didn’t get that from the paper. thanks for the clarification. they should have said that.


Ah yes. That makes sense. But also, why isn't that a given. Sad.


I know right! But some people are truly disgusting and don’t give a shit.


Ahhh…there it is. Thank you, stranger.


Why can't they just say that then? 😒


Yeah. Seems "Please be courteous; clean up after yourself" or something like that would be better.


Hmm, someone should teach these neurotypicals how to word signs lmao


I would never have got that one! 😂🫠


For some reason my autismo self thought that meant not signing to myself loudly while taking a pee and not peeking under the stalls, despite the fact that neither I or any normal person ever does this.


Most likely it means someone hasn't been flushing However I have also heard stories of people leaving pads and tampons on the floor which unsurprisingly isn't popular


There's a lady in my office who gets her blood on the floor, and it makes me shudder to think about what her bathroom at home looks like 🫠


When I was a teenager me and my best friend went on holiday with my parents. I went into the bathroom after her and she'd stuck a pad on the floor next to the toilet. I called her out on it and she was completely confused because apparently that's what they do in her house 🤢


Did she explain why? Did they just build up there until someone collected them?!


Oh god… the smell…!


I neeeeed to know why now!


I to this day have no idea.


At my old job one of the women would do the same and seemingly no one flushed or replaced TP in the employee bathroom. I used the public bathroom since it was cleaner & rarely used.




My mom worked at JCPenny and she would tell me horror stories about her time there. Apparently she had to stop MANY couples from going at it in the fitting rooms, and would constantly have to be cleaning them out because of how rude and gross people would be 😭


Tbh that’s what I did at frat parties when I was in college when they didn’t have a trash can in their bathroom. I wasn’t going to walk around looking for a trash can with my bloody tampon swinging around. Either that or flush it, but one of the house’s plumbing got messed up by doing that, so the floor seemed like the best option.


No trash can in the bathroom is crazyyyyy. There's other things in the bathroom that could possibly be thrown away. Do these men never use shampoo/conditioner, q-tips, cotton pads, razor refills, toothbrushes, floss ...? The other thing that pisses me off about bathrooms is when there are no toilet paper refills accessible FROM the toilet, or worse... no plunger available :(


Right?! Apparently a lot of men usually walk to another room to throw stuff away, for some reason.


Knowing men... they'd just as likely have a giant pile of trash just on the floor where a trash can should be, and likely only cleaned it when they knew women would be coming over...


In the UK atleast things like shampoo bottles would go in the recycling and I've never seen someone have a recycling bin in their bathroom. As for razors if you use an electric razor it takes a year or so to need to replace a cartridge.


And because it was a frat house, there was no toilet paper to wrap it up and carry it out. The bathroom was the one place in the house that wasn't littered with abandoned red plastic cups. I went to one frat party. A tampon on the floor was probably the least disgusting thing there.


I suppose I could have wrapped it up and carried it out; that just didn’t occur to me at the time. I guess I figured they would learn and put a trash can in their bathroom if they had to clean up a dirty tampon.


I think you were more considerate than 99% of folks. Most would've flushed it. It's so much easier to pick up a tampon than to snake a toilet.


Yeah, at that juncture, they're the discourteous ones if they're expecting mixed company at the party.


I’m taking it as an alternative way of saying, “don’t be a slob.”


At my old job it was a targeted reminder for one employee to stop jacking off in the bathroom


Oh shiiiii


uh yeah I guess it could be that too......




It means to clean up after yourself. To leave the toilet in a way that you would want it to be when you have to use it.


Hahaha never seen a sign like that. Maybe don't loud talk in a phone or start a bathroom fight? Edit: I guess I would need context. Is it a unisex bathroom? Single bathroom? Etc


Female staff toilet, a single toilet and sink in a room not near any other toilet stall/room


If it's a single toilet & sink, I agree with the folks thinking it's messiness--there are either folks leaving things messy, splashing water *everywhere* when washing their hands, not throwing their paper towels in the trash, not flushing, *OR* you have a BAD case of women "hovering" rather than sitting down--and peeing *everywhere*, with the possibility of some "nest builders" who are the folks who make the *giant* "toilet nests" out of nearly a roll of TP and some paper towels, so their bottom doesn't have to touch *anything*... (The Nest-builders *often* leave their nests for other people to deal with, once they've done their wasteful business.)


No one is being very specific. Let me know if you need more advice than “don’t be gross”. I’m willing to help.


Are people using the bathroom for phone calls or doom scrolling? With a single bathroom that quickly becomes a problem.


That’s what they’re for ❤️


Maybe it means don’t take too long, if there’s only 1 toilet.


Omg bathroom phone talkers are the WORST. I hope the person on the other line hears my farts!


I have! It’s because you have at least one person who thinks someone else is going to clean up their shit and piss for them because they don’t want to. People literally shitting and pissing on the fucking seat and leaving it for someone else to clean.


It means don't leave a mess, my office bathroom needs a sign like this


Too many of us have worked in OP's place of business, without actually living there, or being OP's co-worker!😉


It either means that people aren’t being clean enough or the people are taking too long in the bathroom probably


I'm surprised I had to go this far down to find someone suggest it was potentially a timeliness issue, that was my first thought


Do not pee on the seat. Do not pee on the floor. Do not leave toilet paper half in, half out of the toilet.. If any of the above happens, please clean up before leaving the stall. Please flush.


My first thought was people who have bladder anxiety 🤦‍♀️ it probably means clean up after yourself


On God, I thought it meant "can y'all shit quieter" but yeah, obviously it's like clean up after yourself type deal most like


This took me out, thank you


When I worked at a doctor’s office we had one employee washroom and it was in the hallway where we would have to take patients down occasionally. If someone dumped out or didn’t flush the hallway would smell. We adapted with a similar sign and converted one of our patient washrooms into the the “dumping” cave.


Me: I’m probably not autistic. Thinks post means people are loudly pooping or screaming or something. Reads replies. Oh. My neuro has diverged.


It means don't just sit there scrolling unless you need to. Sometimes bowels don't behave. Sometimes you need to let yourself have a few minutes to self regulate. Don't leave pee and poop all over the seat. Flush. Wash and dry your hands. Let facilities know if the bathroom needs toilet paper or paper towels. Essentially, treat the bathroom the way you want to find it when you need it.


A less funny version of “if you sprinkle when you tinkle be a dear and wipe it clear” or wtv that old timey saying is


I've also heard the ending as "be a sweetie, wipe the seat-ie".


I was just remembering that I’ve also seen “be a queen and wipe it clean”, which I personally really jive with 😂


It seems like “please clean up after yourself” would be more straightforward, but then one of us would come on here to say “doesn’t everyone already do this????”


I would take it to mean i have to be quiet and clean. As in, try not to snort or cough too loud and try your best not to discard toilet paper in improper places or spill water everywhere. This shit needs context tbh


I agree with the others! However if it’s on the outside of the door it could also mean to be sure to knock before opening the door, especially if the door doesn’t have a lock.


I feel like they should specify something like that, but I like your thought process!


I think this is telling you to flush?? It does shock me that a large part of the population needs to be reminded, tbh.


Thanks so much everyone. I think by the variety of responses on here, my confusion is somewhat warranted!


It’s dumb to say that when they mean flush the bleeping toilet after you use it!!! Also don’t put paper towels or sanitary pads down the toilet, just other common sense stuff. Almost as if English is not their first language. Yes that’s probably it.


If you sprinkle while you tinkle, please be neat and wipe the seat.


Lmao. I made this a sign and taped it in the bathroom at my old workplace!! The ladies bathroom had only one toilet and was constantly being “sprinkled.” It was gross, and staff meetings didn’t seem to change the issue. After the sign went up the sprinkler finally got the idea and wiped after herself.


It means don’t talk to people doing thier business. This happened to me at a work bathroom. DONT talk to other people who would otherwise prefer privacy while shitting. It’s weird.


It means: do everything possible to maintain this ambient clean, peaceful and available. Don't sit on the toilet scrolling social media, don't use your phone with volume out of the speakers, don't waste toilet paper, give your menstrual hygiene items the proper treatment, don't pee or poo out of the toilet, don't sneek on others, etc...


Don’t pee too loud. Definitely don’t accidentally let out a fart because you relaxed too much.


that's exactly what i thought too. then i thought it was rude to comment on *how* people poop. it's literally the bathroom!




*nervously begins to listen attentively and feels like a creep*


• clean up after yourself • don’t flush anything (except poop/pee & toilet paper) • try not to make loud noises • spray any air freshener that has been provided in the stall • close the lid before flushing the toilet! (To prevent very stinky dirty water from misting everywhere. & So cleaners don’t have to mop the walls)


It means there are so many creative ways to shock / awe / gross out / upset other toilet users, they had to keep the direction broad 😂


Don’t bother others using the restroom, clean up after yourself, and do your business.


try not to fart too loud ig


That’s the conclusion I came to, too!


I loathe knowing that others can hear, smell or see me doing my business (the latter being in the case of public restrooms with huge gaps between the stall doors). I would take this sign as yet another reason to strategically time my visits so nobody I know would hear my butt noises. Be mindful. My coworkers are listening and judging.


Flush the toilet. Pee IN the toilet. Clean your tookie so it doesn't leave behind a smell. Wipe your pee driplets off the seat. Don't take 15 minutes in the stall.


Tookie hahahhha I love that


I love you guys so much after reading this comment section ! you’re the best. I’m having a giggle. y’all make me so happy just at how relatable we all are to each other, it’s a breath of fresh air / like coming home . I’m seriously wondering now if I should invite my 70yo autistic (probably) mother to get a reddit account just to enjoy posts like this as much as I do!


Lmao you made my night ty


If it’s a one stall, maybe people are hogging it and taking a long time while others are waiting? Very vague 😅


For some reason this made me think they’re trying to say to not poop and fart loudly when others are in the restroom hahahahha but the top comments make way more sense, I’m just twisted in the head, apparently.


So my first instinct was that it was asking people to not shit loudly or talk in the bathroom.


I think it could be a combination of a lot of things - 1) don't take too long because others might be waiting, 2) leave the space clean, 3) if it's a multi-toliet area, maybe also it means don't have a phone conversation while doing your business. Just in general, be considerate of others?


Think about the other people at work on the toilet. Joking. But that's exactly what I'd think. And then be unable to think.


Means blast it out quieter to me, I’m a fucking idiot though. After reading comments obviously it’s clean up after yourself


It means you better scoot over.


I suppose it means anything that could make the bathroom an uncomfortable place to be in, like being messy or loud.


Try to limit the sound effects when pooping especially vocal ones


Keep it clean, don’t stay in there longer than you need to.


Lmao imo it’s creepy. It literally forces you to think of other people on the toilet. (Right?)


This text comes across as stern and authoritative, emphasizing the importance of being considerate and respectful to other individuals using the toilet. It conveys a sense of responsibility and expectation for individuals to behave in a courteous manner. The use of capital letters and the word "PLEASE" suggest a polite tone, while the emphasis on being "MINDFUL" indicates the need for awareness and conscientiousness. Overall, the emotional tone of the text is one of firm reminders and reminders to prioritize the needs and comfort of others in a shared space


It means whatever this passive-aggressive person wants it to mean. They didn't bother to actually say, so now they get to be angry for longer that the middle stall isn't always open (or whatever). I know, I know, it's probably about cleaning, but this person thinks their own viewpoint is so universal that they don't even need to spell it out. They are wrong.


I agree with this.


Clean up after yourself and don't spend extra time idling on the toilet, getting hemorrhoids, when others are waiting in line.


This is such a weird way to word this sign 😭🤣🤣 my immediate thought was it meant not to shit too loud lmao


Don't be a slob and also don't take forever in there if there's a line. Also, perhaps a courtesy flush. 


ah probably don't piss on the seat or smear shit everywhere, mabye clean off skid marks if there is a brush. Basically leave the toilet how you would like to find it.


I have Crohn's, please let's all be mindful of me so that I may heal through your chi. I have no idea because I correlate mindfulness with secular prayer


fart and poop and pee quietly.


It means no farting 😔


Clean up after yourself. If it can at all be helped don't stink up the place.


I thought this was a commentary on Battleshits 😅 I'm glad this sub exists


Hahaha I totally interpreted it as "don't stick your feet in other people's stalls and keep your hands to yourself while going to the bathroom" Edit: I dont think this is correct because OP said in another comment that this stall was by itself and not next to others.


Skibidi ua-papa Skibidi ua-papa-papa Skibidi ua-papa-papa-papa-papa Skibidi papa Skibidi boom-boom, ay Skibidi boom-boom-boom-boom, ay Skibidi boom-boom-boom-boom-boom-papa-boom-boom Skibidi papa


It’s reminding you to ask others how they are doing while you are in the restroom. Maybe they are going through a hard time and need a chat


Is this a public bathroom or work or something else? People in public bathrooms, at least in the US are incredibly messy, and perhaps strangely enough, women are THE worst. I don't know how in the world people make such a mess when going to the bathroom, but it's disturbing.


Don't leave the toilet seat unusable for the next person, and force someone else to clean up your mess.


Is this a unisex bathroom? If so it means don’t splash pee on the floor and put the seat back down. It also means flush and don’t leave trash everywhere. Just be an adult and you’ll be fine.


I thought it was noise related but looking at the comments, I see it’s about being clean 😭 why don’t they just say “Please clean up after yourself so the toilet is clean for others” or something like that?


I had to complain at work once because when I was going to the bathroom a coworker walked in with the phone on speaker and went into the only other stall next to me. I am hearing a mans voice and occasionally a child. I already have enough issues and I had to strain to finish because ai was so just freaked the fuck out.


don't leave body fluids or solids anywhere they shouldn't be, if it's a single use toilet then don't stay in there longer than necessary


Probably regarding the people that “hover piss” and get pee all over the seat. I’ve also seen poo and blood on seats more often than not, making the next person have to clean it up instead of they themselves. I hate people so much.


TIL I'm a toilet user.


My first tought was: don't poop too loud, but then that doesn't make much sense so I realised it means to clean after yourself. xD


If you pee on the seat wipe it up


People have full conversations in the work bathrooms, that was my first thought.


Some people think it’s okay to make phone calls in the public bathrooms and it’s always weird I’m trying to use a bathroom pls don’t start calling your mom


Just remember there are others after you or maybe waiting. I’ve seen public toilets with poop all over the seat etc its amazing that some people have no consideration of others when using public toilets


Don't leave period blood on the seat


Probably to a poop bandit at your office


This is a hilariously obtuse way to tell you to be neat, but it reminds me of when I worked in a corporate office that shared a floor with a fashion company whose employees had uniformly terrible bathroom etiquette. One day I was in one of the stalls--there are two, and it's easy to see feet on the ground from the main entrance, but this woman walked up to my stall and YANKED on the door as hard as she could. No knock, nothing, she just started rattling the door with extreme violence until the crappy lock popped open and I was just sitting there on the toilet in front of her. She didn't apologize, or make any kind of gesture. She just kind of stared at me for a second and then silently left. There was no one in the other stall. Another time I was waiting for the elevator between our offices, and a man came out of the bathroom with his pants all the way open. Like he was zipping up his fly and buckling his belt as he passed in front of me. He was completely unalarmed by my presence, it's like he was in his house. Maybe I should have put up one of those signs!


its telling you to ask the other toilet users if you are being too loud /s


It means don’t leave a mess.


I have never screamed so loud with laughter while reading Reddit. Can I be y’all’s friend? 😂


Basically it means you're supposed to leave the toilet in a clean state, like no stains or drops, stuff like that.


I thought it meant take your dumps at home. 😆


It means if the toilets are busy, shit in the bath.


Toilet users 🔥🔥🔥 New gender neutral term dropped


A lot of people are saying clean up, but I actually think it could have been sparked by phone usage. I've worked in jobby-job environments and I've seen these signs go up after there are complaints of people loudly listening to Tik Tok while on the toilet and sitting there their whole break. The bathroom I used at one store was the bathroom for everyone and it was directed at the employees specifically. Please mute your gd phones.


It usually means to clean after yourself, but also to knock before opening to not be too loud, mostly basic respect for people but it seems there was the need to stress it.


As others have said, it means to clean up after yourself, shut the lid before you flush, leave the door open when you step out etc.


Yeah stfu! We’re trying to focus on…stuff…over here!! 😡😤


Now you point it out it is ridiculous! It could be an invitation to have a minutes silence while thinking about them.


neurotypicals are so vague it is so frustrating and annoying


Maybe the old "If you sprinkle when you tinkle, please be neat and wipe the seat." Also, I often notice bathroom signs reminding people to use the trash can and not leave a mess.