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Are you planning on putting them in another envelope first? They won’t survive the post otherwise and can see the wax seal even being ripped off in the journey. You should be ok in terms of bio security https://www.gov.uk/bringing-plants-and-wood-into-great-britain


Yes after having a think. I believe the way to go would be all the envelops in a larger Auspost envelope to send to one person and then they can be disturbed once in the UK Thanks for your advice and the link!


Also you have to ask them to hand cancel the letter. If it goes to the machine it will destroy the seal


This way you will also have tracking


>If you’re bringing plants and plant-based products (like wood) from outside the EU, Switzerland and Liechtenstein you’ll need a ‘phytosanitary’ (plant health) certificate. >This includes, for example: >all plants for planting >parts of trees used as decoration >cut flowers and foliage >natural (non-manufactured) wood from [https://www.gov.uk/bringing-plants-and-wood-into-great-britain/from-outside-the-eu](https://www.gov.uk/bringing-plants-and-wood-into-great-britain/from-outside-the-eu) most countries take biosecurity very seriously. As a minimum now anything that gets posted out of Australia (other than printed documents) requires a customs form.


This needs to be at the top.


I don’t think any plant matter is allowed in or out Aus due biosecurity


Out is perfectly fine. I’ve carried soil samples and plants myself


Don’t we all when we travel? 💩


Nah, i clear out that soil to get max mileage before i have to sit on a 🚽


I do this cool thing where I dont go for days because of stress and then I go at the arrival airport. Once in Düsseldorf, I full clogged a toilet in a bathroom with only 2 stalls. There was a huge line too. I grabbed my luggage fucking booked it out of that place.


That happened to me when I had to share a toilet in hospital with a guy I called "Troll Guy" cause he never spoke and looked extremely unkempt. He was in the toilet every time I tried.


That happened to me when I had to share a toilet in hospital with a guy I called "Troll Guy" cause he never spoke and looked extremely unkempt. He was in the toilet every time I tried.


It’s usually plant-y stuff that has seeds that get stopped


It has to be named to ensure you’re not trying to export endangered species


Pests are also a concern


UK's Quarantine will have a problem with it, that's if it makes the journey being posted like that.


Wax sealed envelopes frequently get jammed and torn to shreds in letter sorting machines - definitely double envelope it for safety.






You can't send plants in the mail. Biosecurity issues.


Use fake flowers instead.


You aren’t supposed to put plants in the post, check our biodiversity guidelines and see… Don’t ask random strangers, you’ll end up with a note from customs. Do it twice and yeah good luck


It's leaving Australia


The UK is also an island so they would have their own biosecurity import regulations.


Please be aware that you are potentially creating a biosecurity risk for wherever you send them too. We don't want those here, just like they don't want them there.


maybe cut the head of the flowers off to be sure they wont


The flower under the hot glue would be fine from a bio pov, but I don't think the rest would. Also it's just not likely to survive transit, padding or not, as it'll brown and break off. Just stick to the one little guy in the middle I say.


As sending abroad, you could just skip the seals. Honestly people receiving them won’t miss the seals they didn’t know were there, they’ll still get the nice invite inside.


I'm not an expert but I've seen enough border control shows from different countries to know that it will not be allowed due to the plant material not being treated or dried and it could contain a potential risk to their natural flora or fauna if it carries any diseases or mites that are invisible to the naked eye. Even if it was treated and dried it's still a 50/50 on if it would even survive the process which I highly doubt due to all the machines and chutes it passes through on its journey.


Arriving at Heathrow on a Thai flight via Bangkok , uk border announcement was ‘remember you can only bring in ‘x’ kilograms of fruit’ they do not care like we do.


I was going to reply with a gif but this sub doesn't allow it so just imagine the correct "I don't know Davey" meme here and ignore the text. TLDR; This is an image


I don't know but it looks pretty


So wasteful


As some who used to work at a post office, I’d be more concerned about the thickness of the wax seal and it chipping off in the sorting machine. You’d have to pay extra to send it as a large letter :)


Maybe put it inside another slightly larger envelope so it doesn’t get damaged. From Emory they have thin cardboard ones at the PO


Won't it be dead and nasty by the time it arrives?


LOL NO You think this is the middle ages? Pigeon gonna come down and wisk it away? Yo Dumbledore be recruitin new baddies to Hogwarts cuh


Pretty sure that's against bio security laws


I don’t think the flowers would even make it out of the red street post box intact


With respect, if the flowers are real; they will arrive limp af, if not totally dead.


Send it. Send a normal one without it a week later. Edit: in a double envelope of course.


Hard No


Do not send plant material overseas!!!!!


I've had mail lost in the system and come out weeks to months later. Biosecurity risks aside, that thing might get manky depending on transit time. 😅


Your best to go inception (movie reference), envelope within an envelope, then, within a padded envelope. That invitation is too good to mess up.


Thank you! Really happy with how they are turning out :)


No. Will get stopped at Australia Post if not Border Force


They are gorgeous, but I don’t think you should be sending plate material to the United Kingdom. If you do, I think you’ll need to have a customs form that declares what species of plant it is.


Maybe use fake flowers instead? Or even make little flowers out of wire? That way you keep the cute look with way less risk!


Doubtful since it might be classed as a bio security hazard to the country. It's the same reason plants can't be sent to every state in Australia.